Problem in Canceling goods movement?

HI all,
I am creating Goods receipt, when the PGI is posted  using 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE '  as the vendor and customer are in same system.
Also i am canceling the GR when PGI is canceled using 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CANCEL'.
Here in cancelation, i am getting one problem i.e if the stock in Goods receipt is delivered by the customer,  then Goods Receipt has not been canceled where as PGI has been canceled . Which cshowing the wrong stock movement .
So please help me on how to know whether the stock in the respective Goods receipt has been delivered or blocked for a sales order, as i already said both customer and vendor data is in same system?

Can you please explain your scenario & problem bit ellaborately?

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    Good Morning.
    I faced a problem with "schedule line" for an item in a sales order.
    I've an order quantity of about 14.000 pieces.
    I've created a partial outbound delivery for 8.000 pieces, but then for a problem, I made a "reverse goods movement" with VL09 for all 8000 pieces.
    When I came back into item's schedule line, I see in "Delivery quantity" column that is not considered the reverse goods momevent.
    I see that delivery quantity is still 8000.
    Can You give me some suggestion??

    There is no trasfer order in Sales Document Flow.
    Sales Order 10600587 / 10               12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      Completed          
    Delivery  8020600166 / 10                12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      Being rocessed    
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    GD goods issue:delvy 5500004772 / 1        12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      complete           
    RE goods deliv. rev. 5500004773 / 1        12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      complete           
    Delivery quantity is still 14000.

  • Problem regarding to "goods movement(MIGO)"

    hi ,
         i am the biggener of the sap mm .while entering the goods receipt with reffrence to PO and with movement type 101 and while clicking the execution button the following errors were created.those as follows
           AND HAVE TO FACED ONE MORE PROBLEM ALSO THAT IS WHILE ENTERING THE GR to GR blocked stock by using 103 movement type  , in where tab the plant and storage location is asking and after that the above same problems also be comming
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       vinod j

    Hi Dear ,
    Your Period for the posting is closed.So firstly check the period by T-Code >>MMRV>>Fill the Company Code >>see the Previous period there .if it's (01 2010) means  April period is closed and  Current Period (02 2010)  means May is open.
    After Check this if period is not open than open it by MMPV>>Fill the Company Code and Date TAB (Like if you want to open it for MAY ) then enter Date (07.05.2010) and tick on (Check and close period) than Save this .
    Sachin Gupta

  • Error in PARALLEL goods movements involving batch name

    Hello everybody,
    I am facing some problem in goods movement and expect some views in the following scenario.
    Having a problem in PARALLEL goods movements when multiple users perform any of these pair of transactions
    (PGI with GR),
    (GR with GR),
    (GR-PGI-PPorder confirmation)
    The system generates message M3682 'Batch & of material & is already locked by &'.
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    The common factor in all these transactions is the batch name 'OK'.
    Till now the material lock (OMJI) was "EXCLUSIVE LOCK", i had tried to simulate with activating "LATE LOCK" also, but the same error M3682.
    Please spare some time in analysing this scenario. Please let me know if you need more details.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Joy Ghosh

    What is the quantity of one batch?
    How many plants do you have?
    in what portions do you sell this material?
    Answering those questions could actually bring some light, as I usually consider this as an unlikely event, which often happens in training sessions because of unrealistic test cases, but occurs less often in reality.
    I am working in a chemical company and a batch could be for example any quantity between 2 and 100 tons.
    Lets assume we produced 20 tons, and we pack this into 50 drums with 200 kg and 100 drums with 100 kg
    Assuming that each customer orders just 1 drum, then we would have a maximum of 150 activities until the batch is gone.
    if this is distributed through 15 plants, then each plant has just 10 activities.
    In a normal day with 8 hour working time, it is a little more than one activity per hour in average.
    Is a batch really  sold off within one day, or isn't it usual that you may need several days until everything is sold?
    If the users are well trained, which means they know that they shall not use a change transaction to display content, that they shall leave a transaction when they go for lunch (or something else) then such cases that they block each other can happen but much less than some panic stories try tell us.
    Try to search for notes, there are some, but they can certainly not make this locking go away as it is technically needed, like you cannot have 2 trains on single track without collision

  • CO11N-While Goods Movement System Not Allows Column/Field COST CENTER

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    While doing confirmation of PP/PM Order and doing goods movement the system not allows the Column/Field of COST CENTER.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Dear Thyagarajan,
    1.I think the Planner Gruop will be at order level.
    2.If I assigned the different Valuation Categories then I need to assign no.of G/L accounts.
    Plz look for my senerio->I have a single Mnt.Order in which different operations carried out from different departments like civil,electrical,mechanical.Its like one project in PS.Now I assiged different Workkcenter/Cost Centers to respective operations.Now after confirmation,when I look the Cosing Report system shows the activity Cost departmentwise as its linked to workcenter/cost center,but material cost how it will get posted different departments?
    Manually by 261->Order+Costcenter...I can post it but there is problem in Auto Goods Movement
    Plz correct if wrong.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Dependent goods Movement was incorrect

    Hi all
    I am having an error in my COGI whenever I confirm a collective order. Error says that "Dependent goods Movement was incorrect". What does that mean?

    There could be a program error in standard SAP. I would suggest you to search in OSS, I found the following notes and error RU523 will be raised for different settings in IMG due to bug,
    458140      RU523: Incorrect grouping of dependent goods movements      
    793058      RU523: Incorrect summary of dependent goods movements      
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    1453716      SXS library: Missing function modules

  • Problems with goods movements cancelling network confirmations

    Hello experts,
    I'm having some problems with goods movement when cancelling network confirmations.
    I assign a component for a operation in the project builder (CJ20N). Then when I execute a confirmation for that operation in CN25 everything works correctly, I can assign the time for the confirmation and SAP automatically carries the component assigned to the operation. Once I have done the confirmation the goods movements and the hours have a correct account assignment.
    The problem is that if I cancel this confirmation, the hours are correctly cancelled but the component is still there. If I try to cancel the goods movement with MIGO it is no possible because the system says that must be cancelled with the corresponding transaction (CN29) but, as I have said, the system does not cancel it.
    On the other hand, If the goods movement goes to COGI transaction and then I post-process the error, If later I cancel the confirmation, everything works correctly.
    Does anybody know why this could happen?
    Thanks and regards

    I think this question was raised earlier also. The best way is to allot a fixed time slot for your users so as to avoid clash. I suppose i explained that the master data of any material is stored at one place only and if you schedule a background job for this then all your good movement transaction will be in que and performed in orderly manner.
    If automatic posting is not possible then use the time slot method.

  • Value of the goods movement is negative in MIGO GRN doc cancellation

    Dear gurus,
    while doing GRN cancellation in MIGO i m facing the error like
    Value of the goods movement is negative:
         Message no. M7301
    Plz suggest me.

    not sub contracting.may be the value of delivery cost.
    plz suggest how to go further.

  • Can i cancel confirmation without goods movement?

    when i cancel confirmation (co13) it will default auto reverse goods movement 102. but material are not in stock and then COGI will occur.
    does anyone know any T-code to cancel confirmation without goods movement? because i want to cancel just activity.
    thank you all.

    If your are cancelling the operation which is having the the Control Key : PP03 (auto GR) then only system will try to reverse the Goods Movement (Movt Type 102)., And if the material is not in Stock (sloc) then system will through the Goods MOvt failure and same can be seen in COGI and COrrected later, once the stock comes in Sloc.
    There is NO Seperate transaction for just cancelling the Operation (Activity) without reversing the Goods Movement. Even it is not logical to do so as it may show as Negative WIP for the Order.
    Hope this will help you.
    radhak mk

  • Cannot cancel a GR: Goods movement not possible with mvmt type 502

    I was trying to cancel a goods receipt for an inbound delivery. However I ran into trouble with  the following error message.
    Goods movement not possible with mvmt type 502 .
    Is there some configuration that I would be needed to make before I can cancel a goods receipt?

    To expand on the above some,
    check the mvmnt type used for the origanal GR and use the coresponding reversal mvnmt type.
    or confirm for us that the origanal receipt was in fact a 501??
    Edit: or use migo to cancel the GR doc.
    cancelation > material doc
    this will only be possible if the stock is still available (same status as well)

  • BAPI_PRODORDCONF_CREATE_TT (Goods Movement Problem)

    Hello All,
    I have problem with BAPI_PRODORDCONF_CREATE_TT, when i executed the Program, the confirmation is success but the Goods Movement Failed ...and no error ..
    i check COOIS, for List : Items .....  GR Qty 0 ...
    List : Order headers      --> Conf. Qty : 60 
    REPORT  zipp_conftt.
    TABLES : afru.
    DATA: i_raw LIKE zpp_prod_ord OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: i_tt LIKE bapi_pp_timeticket OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: i_gm LIKE bapi2017_gm_item_create OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: i_ret LIKE bapiret1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: i_detret LIKE bapi_coru_return OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: i_msg LIKE bapi_coru_return OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: i_link LIKE bapi_link_conf_goodsmov OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_budat FOR afru-budat.
    *SELECT * INTO TABLE i_raw FROM zfi_balsheet.
    SELECT * INTO TABLE i_raw FROM zpp_prod_ord WHERE create_date IN s_budat.
    LOOP AT i_raw.
      REFRESH : i_ret, i_tt, i_gm, i_detret, i_link.
      i_tt-orderid = i_raw-prodordno.
      i_tt-sequence = i_raw-sequen.
      i_tt-operation = i_raw-oper.
      i_tt-postg_date = i_raw-pk_prod_date.
      i_tt-yield = i_raw-qty_result.
      APPEND i_tt.
      CLEAR i_tt.
      i_gm-batch = i_raw-batch.
      i_gm-move_type = i_raw-mov.
      i_gm-entry_qnt = i_raw-qty_result.
      i_gm-entry_uom = ''.
      i_gm-prod_date = i_raw-pk_prod_date.
      i_gm-quantity = i_raw-qty_result.
      i_gm-PO_PR_QNT = i_raw-qty_result.
      APPEND i_gm.
      CLEAR i_gm.
      i_link-index_confirm = '1'.
      i_link-index_goodsmov = '0'.
      APPEND i_link.
      CLEAR i_link.
        POST_WRONG_ENTRIES       = '0'
        TESTRUN                  =
          return                   = i_ret
          timetickets              = i_tt
          goodsmovements           = i_gm
          link_conf_goodsmov       = i_link
          detail_return            = i_detret
      IF i_ret-type NE 'E'.
        COMMIT WORK.
        READ TABLE i_detret INDEX 1.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_detret TO i_msg.
          APPEND i_msg.
    LOOP AT i_msg.
      WRITE:/ i_msg-type, i_msg-message.
    Can anyone help me with step by step solution, im using ECC6 ?
    is there configuration that have to be implemented regarding this BAPI ?

    Are you using auto GR?
    Have you mentioned production location in production order??
    Are you mentioning batch (If batch managed) while doing CO11N ?
    Because in case of auto GR if confirmation is done GR will automatically takes place you dont need to write any extra code for that.

  • Reversal document type for cancelation of goods movement

    I have one queries, my client requirement is for every reversal document - document type should be YY. I created document type YY and maintain in every document type in FI for reversal document type.
    The document which is posted through FI and if we take the reversal of that perticular document document type is coming YY only.
    But the document which is posted for goods movement document type is coming WA, WE &  WL and if we take the reversal for that document system generating same document type WA, WE &  WL .
    Awaiting for your reply.

    Hi Anjan,
    Pls try tocde OMBA

  • BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CREATE_TT Goods Movement Posting Problem

    When performing a process order confirmation via the BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CREATE_TT, I'm experiencing some difficulties with the goods movements.  Specifically, when attempting to post a goods receipt to the order via a 101 movement along with a goods issue to the order via a 261 movement, the movements are posting as two separate material documents instead of a single material document.  Secondly, the movements post under the transaction code COGI (from the MKPF-TCODE2 field) which seems a little odd to me as I was expecting something specific to the BAPI or at least COR6N.
    For others utilizing this BAPI with goods movements specified, what transaction code do the materials post under and is there some config or setting directly in the BAPI which I'm missing to ensure goods movement postings occur under a single material document?
    Thanks in advance for any/all assistance,
    Randy Lintz
    Foster Farms
    Livingston, California

    Hi Randy,
    Please check with T-Code CORK & also check hte confirmation configuration in OPK4.
    Check the "All Components" under Generally Valid settings Tab.

  • Problem with goods movement during operation confirmation

    While doing the operation confirmation,the goods movement are not posted for the components attached to that operation i.e i am not getting the quantity of the components in the "goods movement" tab while confirming.
    check points done: 1) Final confirmation tick is activated during ope. confirmation.
                                 2) Backflushing is activated for material(componenets that areattached to that operation).
    please let me know what is the reason for not getting the qty displayed in the "Goods Movement" tab
    Thank you.

    Normally if you activated the backflush for the material in the order,the material wont be displayed in the goods movement tab unless you activated the All materials in the parameters for confirmation in the intial screen of IW41
    kindly check

  • Confirmation reversed Using T code CORS, goods movement not posted

    Hollo Everybody
    i am facing a problem pl help me. I have posted a corfimation by TCODE CORK , and subsequently reversed by CORS.
    while forward goods movement posted the reversal did not posted against the Process order. it is not appering in COGI listing.
    I can't close the process order. pl guide me to post the unprocess reversal.

    Dear Debashis,
    Kindly check the  material movements in MB51. Enter the date of confirmation  as well as confirmation cancellation as selection criteria. Please carefully see all the movements .
    Then analyze which movements are not reversed. 
    And in CORT -Display confirmation You can see the "Cancel" indicator ticked or not for the confirmations you need.  If the confirmation reverse is successful then this indicator must be ticked there automatically by the system.

Maybe you are looking for