Problem in creating an Scheduler agent as a Windows Service

I tryed to create an scheduler agent as a Service Windows in using Agentservice.bat .
In my dev environment it works well.
But when I try in my Prod one I have the following error message :
FATAL | wrapper | The argument 'Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_13\bin\java.exe' is not a
valid property name-value pair.
The command I pass is the following :
cd C:\sunopsis\oracledi\bin
agentservice -i -s AGENT_SCHEDULER 20910
The Agent has been created in the Topology.
And when I launch it as a simple agent with the agentscheduler.bat it works fine
(agentscheduler "-port=20910" "-name=AGENT_SCHEDULER" "-v=5")
I don't understand....
If someone have an idea.
Thanks in advance

Arrrgh When I change the OdiParams putting quote.
I cannot execute anymore my scen...
I have try with quote and double quote and it's still the same result...
I will try to change the localisation of the JVM, but I would like to know where I will have to change the Path ???
In OdiParams.
In the definition of the Environment Variable in Windows ??
anywhere else ???

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    Hi ,
    I am able to create the agentscheduler to schedule the scenario also with the below command
    agentscheduler.bat "-PORT=20910" "-NAME=LocalAgent"
    when i am trying to make it as a window service i am getting the below message
    C:\OraHome_1\oracledi\bin>agentservice.bat -i -s LocalAgent 20910
    A JDK is required to execute Web Services with OracleDI. You are currently using
    a JRE.
    (c) Copyright Oracle. All rights reserved.
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    C:\OraHome_1\oracledi\bin>agentservice.bat -i -s LocalAgent 20910
    A JDK is required to execute Web Services with OracleDI. You are currently using
    a JRE.
    (c) Copyright Oracle. All rights reserved.
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    what will be the issue...

    Hi ,
    the issues is sloved....
    tools folder is missed in my box...i opened other thread for this..
    Dev given the correct reply for that...
    Re: Issue with Agent as a window service..

  • Problem in Creating and Scheduling an ODI Scenario

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    What shall I do?
    please tell me.And in addition please tell me the use of the Oracle DI Agent and why should we stop its service before creating the schedule??

    Please also look into this link
    First of all did you got any Error why creating Agent Server else the agent service should be visible.
    Else please try this step.
    Update Odiparams
    agentservice -i -s <agent_name>
    Go and look for Services starting with Oracledi_Agent_<agentNAME> and start it  Finally test the agent and you should be able to schedule.
    you dont need to stop the Agent for every new Schedule, but you will need to right click on Agent and click on Update Scheduling -
    If you are getting an error please provide us the error info and step at which you got the error.

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    What account is the service running under? It may be that the service does not have access to the folders it needs, or does not have the right java CLASSPATH set.
    Can you try running the service under the exact same account that successfully runs via the command line?

  • Problem in creating a java proxy for PHP web service

    This is a problem in generating a java proxy for a PHP webservice.
    I have a PHP service running on Wamp Server and also a PHP client which is able to call the service.
    The WSDL for the PHP web service is also generated .
    I am trying to create a java proxy using the jdev ( from the wsdl file.
    The wsdl generated by the php program is
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    <definitions xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:si="" xmlns:tns="urn:hellowsdl" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="urn:hellowsdl">
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="urn:hellowsdl">
      <xsd:import namespace="" />
      <xsd:import namespace="" />
    <message name="helloRequest">
      <part name="name" type="xsd:string" />
    <message name="helloResponse">
      <part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
    <portType name="hellowsdlPortType">
    <operation name="hello">
      <documentation>Says hello to the caller</documentation>
      <input message="tns:helloRequest" />
      <output message="tns:helloResponse" />
    <binding name="hellowsdlBinding" type="tns:hellowsdlPortType">
      <soap:binding style="rpc" transport="" />
    <operation name="hello">
      <soap:operation soapAction="urn:hellowsdl#hello" style="rpc" />
      <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:hellowsdl" encodingStyle="" />
      <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:hellowsdl" encodingStyle="" />
    <service name="hellowsdl">
    <port name="hellowsdlPort" binding="tns:hellowsdlBinding">
      <soap:address location="http://localhost/mywork/myphp.php" />
      </definitions>After making following changes to the wsdl program, I tried to generate java proxy.
    <definitions name="hellowsdl"
    xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=""
    xmlns:si="" xmlns:tns="http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl.wsdl" xmlns:soap=""
    xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="http://localhost/mywork/myphpwsdl.wsdll">
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl.wsdl">
      <xsd:import namespace="" />
      <xsd:import namespace="" />
    <message name="helloRequest">
      <part name="name" type="xsd:string" />
    <message name="helloResponse">
      <part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
    <portType name="hellowsdlPortType">
    <operation name="hello">
      <documentation>Says hello to the caller</documentation>
      <input message="tns:helloRequest" />
      <output message="tns:helloResponse" />
    <binding name="hellowsdlBinding" type="tns:hellowsdlPortType">
      <soap:binding style="rpc" transport="" />
    <operation name="hello">
      <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc" />
      <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl" encodingStyle="" />
      <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl" encodingStyle="" />
    <service name="hellowsdl">
    <port name="hellowsdlPort" binding="tns:hellowsdlBinding">
      <soap:address location="http://localhost/mywork/myphp.php" />
      </definitions>This is how the java stub file looks like:
    public class HellowsdlBinding_Stub
        implements demo.mypackage.HellowsdlPortType {
         *  public constructor
        public HellowsdlBinding_Stub(HandlerChain handlerChain) {
            _setProperty(ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl.php");
            setServiceName( new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl","hellowsdl"));
            setPortName( new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl","hellowsdlPort"));
         *  implementation of hello
        public java.lang.String hello(java.lang.String name)
            throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
            StreamingSenderState _state = null;
            try {
                _state = _start(_handlerChain);
                if (_getProperty(ClientConstants.DIME_ENCODE_MESSAGES_WITH_ATTACHMENTS) != null) {
                InternalSOAPMessage _request = _state.getRequest();
                _state.getMessageContext().setProperty("",new QName("","hello"));
                demo.mypackage.runtime.HellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS _myHellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS = new demo.mypackage.runtime.HellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS();
            SOAPBlockInfo _bodyBlock = new SOAPBlockInfo(ns1_hello_hello_QNAME);
            _state.getMessageContext().setProperty("http.soap.action", "http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl");
            _send((String) _getProperty(ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY), _state);
            demo.mypackage.runtime.HellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS _myHellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS = null;
            Object _responseObj = _state.getResponse().getBody().getValue();
            if (_responseObj instanceof SOAPDeserializationState) {
                _myHellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS =
            } else {
                _myHellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS =
            return _myHellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS.get_return();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            // let this one through unchanged
            throw e;
        } catch (JAXRPCException e) {
            throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException)e;
            } else {
                throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage(), e);
    *  this method deserializes the request/response structure in the body
    protected void _readFirstBodyElement(XMLReader bodyReader, SOAPDeserializationContext deserializationContext, StreamingSenderState  state) throws Exception {
        int opcode = state.getRequest().getOperationCode();
        switch (opcode) {
            case hello_OPCODE:
                _deserialize_hello(bodyReader, deserializationContext, state);
                throw new SenderException("sender.response.unrecognizedOperation", Integer.toString(opcode));
    * This method deserializes the body of the hello operation.
    private void _deserialize_hello(XMLReader bodyReader, SOAPDeserializationContext deserializationContext, StreamingSenderState state) throws Exception {
        try {
            Object myHellowsdlBinding_hello_RespSObj =
                    bodyReader, deserializationContext);
            SOAPBlockInfo bodyBlock = new SOAPBlockInfo(ns1_hello_helloResponse_QNAME);
        } catch (DeserializationException e) {
            if (e.getSoapFaultSubCodeType() == JAXRPCExceptionBase.FAULT_CODE_NONE && e.getSoapFaultCodeType() != JAXRPCExceptionBase.FAULT_CODE_DATA_ENCODING_UNKNOWN) {
            throw e;
    public String _getEncodingStyle() {
        return SOAPEncodingConstants.getSOAPEncodingConstants(soapVersion).getURIEncoding();
    public void _setEncodingStyle(String encodingStyle) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot set encoding style");
    public ClientTransport getClientTransport() {
        return super._getTransport();
    * This method returns an array containing (prefix, nsURI) pairs.
    protected String[] _getNamespaceDeclarations() {
        return myNamespace_declarations;
    * This method returns an array containing the names of the headers we understand.
    public QName[] _getUnderstoodHeaders() {
        return understoodHeaderNames;
    * This method handles the case of an empty SOAP body.
    protected void _handleEmptyBody(XMLReader reader, SOAPDeserializationContext deserializationContext, StreamingSenderState state) throws Exception {
    public void _initialize(InternalTypeMappingRegistry registry) throws Exception {
        myns1_hello__HellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS_SOAPSerializer = (CombinedSerializer)registry.getSerializer(SOAPEncodingConstants.getSOAPEncodingConstants(soapVersion).getURIEncoding(), demo.mypackage.runtime.HellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS.class, ns1_hello_TYPE_QNAME);
        myns1_helloResponse__HellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS_SOAPSerializer = (CombinedSerializer)registry.getSerializer(SOAPEncodingConstants.getSOAPEncodingConstants(soapVersion).getURIEncoding(), demo.mypackage.runtime.HellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS.class, ns1_helloResponse_TYPE_QNAME);
    private static final QName _portName = new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl", "hellowsdlPort");
    private static final int hello_OPCODE = 0;
    private static final QName ns1_hello_hello_QNAME = new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl", "hello");
    private static final QName ns1_hello_TYPE_QNAME = new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl", "hello");
    private CombinedSerializer myns1_hello__HellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS_SOAPSerializer;
    private static final QName ns1_hello_helloResponse_QNAME = new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl", "helloResponse");
    private static final QName ns1_helloResponse_TYPE_QNAME = new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl", "helloResponse");
    private CombinedSerializer myns1_helloResponse__HellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS_SOAPSerializer;
    private static final String[] myNamespace_declarations =
                                        new String[] {
                                            "ns0", "http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl"
    private static final QName[] understoodHeaderNames = new QName[] {  };
    }The errors that are produced are-
    java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Bad response: 404 Not Found; nested exception is:
         HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Bad response: 404 Not Found
    Kindly help to resolve this.

    This is a problem in generating a java proxy for a PHP webservice.
    I have a PHP service running on Wamp Server and also a PHP client which is able to call the service.
    The WSDL for the PHP web service is also generated .
    I am trying to create a java proxy using the jdev ( from the wsdl file.
    The wsdl generated by the php program is
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    <definitions xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:si="" xmlns:tns="urn:hellowsdl" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="urn:hellowsdl">
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="urn:hellowsdl">
      <xsd:import namespace="" />
      <xsd:import namespace="" />
    <message name="helloRequest">
      <part name="name" type="xsd:string" />
    <message name="helloResponse">
      <part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
    <portType name="hellowsdlPortType">
    <operation name="hello">
      <documentation>Says hello to the caller</documentation>
      <input message="tns:helloRequest" />
      <output message="tns:helloResponse" />
    <binding name="hellowsdlBinding" type="tns:hellowsdlPortType">
      <soap:binding style="rpc" transport="" />
    <operation name="hello">
      <soap:operation soapAction="urn:hellowsdl#hello" style="rpc" />
      <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:hellowsdl" encodingStyle="" />
      <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:hellowsdl" encodingStyle="" />
    <service name="hellowsdl">
    <port name="hellowsdlPort" binding="tns:hellowsdlBinding">
      <soap:address location="http://localhost/mywork/myphp.php" />
      </definitions>After making following changes to the wsdl program, I tried to generate java proxy.
    <definitions name="hellowsdl"
    xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=""
    xmlns:si="" xmlns:tns="http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl.wsdl" xmlns:soap=""
    xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="http://localhost/mywork/myphpwsdl.wsdll">
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl.wsdl">
      <xsd:import namespace="" />
      <xsd:import namespace="" />
    <message name="helloRequest">
      <part name="name" type="xsd:string" />
    <message name="helloResponse">
      <part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
    <portType name="hellowsdlPortType">
    <operation name="hello">
      <documentation>Says hello to the caller</documentation>
      <input message="tns:helloRequest" />
      <output message="tns:helloResponse" />
    <binding name="hellowsdlBinding" type="tns:hellowsdlPortType">
      <soap:binding style="rpc" transport="" />
    <operation name="hello">
      <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc" />
      <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl" encodingStyle="" />
      <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl" encodingStyle="" />
    <service name="hellowsdl">
    <port name="hellowsdlPort" binding="tns:hellowsdlBinding">
      <soap:address location="http://localhost/mywork/myphp.php" />
      </definitions>This is how the java stub file looks like:
    public class HellowsdlBinding_Stub
        implements demo.mypackage.HellowsdlPortType {
         *  public constructor
        public HellowsdlBinding_Stub(HandlerChain handlerChain) {
            _setProperty(ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl.php");
            setServiceName( new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl","hellowsdl"));
            setPortName( new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl","hellowsdlPort"));
         *  implementation of hello
        public java.lang.String hello(java.lang.String name)
            throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
            StreamingSenderState _state = null;
            try {
                _state = _start(_handlerChain);
                if (_getProperty(ClientConstants.DIME_ENCODE_MESSAGES_WITH_ATTACHMENTS) != null) {
                InternalSOAPMessage _request = _state.getRequest();
                _state.getMessageContext().setProperty("",new QName("","hello"));
                demo.mypackage.runtime.HellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS _myHellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS = new demo.mypackage.runtime.HellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS();
            SOAPBlockInfo _bodyBlock = new SOAPBlockInfo(ns1_hello_hello_QNAME);
            _state.getMessageContext().setProperty("http.soap.action", "http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl");
            _send((String) _getProperty(ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY), _state);
            demo.mypackage.runtime.HellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS _myHellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS = null;
            Object _responseObj = _state.getResponse().getBody().getValue();
            if (_responseObj instanceof SOAPDeserializationState) {
                _myHellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS =
            } else {
                _myHellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS =
            return _myHellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS.get_return();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            // let this one through unchanged
            throw e;
        } catch (JAXRPCException e) {
            throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException)e;
            } else {
                throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage(), e);
    *  this method deserializes the request/response structure in the body
    protected void _readFirstBodyElement(XMLReader bodyReader, SOAPDeserializationContext deserializationContext, StreamingSenderState  state) throws Exception {
        int opcode = state.getRequest().getOperationCode();
        switch (opcode) {
            case hello_OPCODE:
                _deserialize_hello(bodyReader, deserializationContext, state);
                throw new SenderException("sender.response.unrecognizedOperation", Integer.toString(opcode));
    * This method deserializes the body of the hello operation.
    private void _deserialize_hello(XMLReader bodyReader, SOAPDeserializationContext deserializationContext, StreamingSenderState state) throws Exception {
        try {
            Object myHellowsdlBinding_hello_RespSObj =
                    bodyReader, deserializationContext);
            SOAPBlockInfo bodyBlock = new SOAPBlockInfo(ns1_hello_helloResponse_QNAME);
        } catch (DeserializationException e) {
            if (e.getSoapFaultSubCodeType() == JAXRPCExceptionBase.FAULT_CODE_NONE && e.getSoapFaultCodeType() != JAXRPCExceptionBase.FAULT_CODE_DATA_ENCODING_UNKNOWN) {
            throw e;
    public String _getEncodingStyle() {
        return SOAPEncodingConstants.getSOAPEncodingConstants(soapVersion).getURIEncoding();
    public void _setEncodingStyle(String encodingStyle) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot set encoding style");
    public ClientTransport getClientTransport() {
        return super._getTransport();
    * This method returns an array containing (prefix, nsURI) pairs.
    protected String[] _getNamespaceDeclarations() {
        return myNamespace_declarations;
    * This method returns an array containing the names of the headers we understand.
    public QName[] _getUnderstoodHeaders() {
        return understoodHeaderNames;
    * This method handles the case of an empty SOAP body.
    protected void _handleEmptyBody(XMLReader reader, SOAPDeserializationContext deserializationContext, StreamingSenderState state) throws Exception {
    public void _initialize(InternalTypeMappingRegistry registry) throws Exception {
        myns1_hello__HellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS_SOAPSerializer = (CombinedSerializer)registry.getSerializer(SOAPEncodingConstants.getSOAPEncodingConstants(soapVersion).getURIEncoding(), demo.mypackage.runtime.HellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS.class, ns1_hello_TYPE_QNAME);
        myns1_helloResponse__HellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS_SOAPSerializer = (CombinedSerializer)registry.getSerializer(SOAPEncodingConstants.getSOAPEncodingConstants(soapVersion).getURIEncoding(), demo.mypackage.runtime.HellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS.class, ns1_helloResponse_TYPE_QNAME);
    private static final QName _portName = new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl", "hellowsdlPort");
    private static final int hello_OPCODE = 0;
    private static final QName ns1_hello_hello_QNAME = new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl", "hello");
    private static final QName ns1_hello_TYPE_QNAME = new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl", "hello");
    private CombinedSerializer myns1_hello__HellowsdlBinding_hello_ReqS_SOAPSerializer;
    private static final QName ns1_hello_helloResponse_QNAME = new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl", "helloResponse");
    private static final QName ns1_helloResponse_TYPE_QNAME = new QName("http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl", "helloResponse");
    private CombinedSerializer myns1_helloResponse__HellowsdlBinding_hello_RespS_SOAPSerializer;
    private static final String[] myNamespace_declarations =
                                        new String[] {
                                            "ns0", "http://localhost/mywork/hellowsdl"
    private static final QName[] understoodHeaderNames = new QName[] {  };
    }The errors that are produced are-
    java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Bad response: 404 Not Found; nested exception is:
         HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Bad response: 404 Not Found
    Kindly help to resolve this.

  • Problems with creating a USB boot device for Windows 8.1

    My iMac (late 2012) running OSX Mavericks is encountering problems creating a Windows 8.1 install disk via a USB thumbdrive. The drive has 8gb of space available, which is enough to fit windows. But when I choose my ISO image and select the drive I recieve an error message. The error is 'Bootcamp only supports 64-bit Windows installation on this platform. Please use a ISO file for 64-bit Windows installation.
    I'm certain this ISO definately contains 64-bit, so I'm slightly confused.
    I've followed instructions found in other discussions talking about adding an extra line of information to 'info.plist' found inside the Package Contents for bootcamp, but that has also not worked. If I try that, Bootcamp crashes upon being clicked every time.
    Any help is appreciated

    First up: a question. How did you fix the crashing Bootcamp Utility? It would help out this guy:
    Next up: A possible solution (also posted here:
    It's possible you have a Windows ISO for both 32- and 64-bit. In this case it's probably detecting the presence of the 32-bit installer and forgets to look for another 64-bit version.
    A way to work around this is to not use the Bootcamp Assistant utility by following the listed steps:
    The way installing Windows should work either way using the Legacy BIOS mode:
    - Get a Windows ISO or DVD and copy the contents over to a freshly fat32 formatted USB stick of at least 4GB.
    - Download the Apple Bootcamp Support Software (4.x or 5.x, 5.x only supports 64-bit, get that if you are going 64-bit);
    - Copy the content of the Support Software folder over the the same USB stick from the first step. It should fit just right (it did on my 4GB stick with 2MB te spare!);
    - Use disk utility to partition your disk. Make sure the partition for Windows is Fat32 and at least 30GB;
    - Reboot your machine while holding Option/Alt at the chime;
    - You should be able to select either your OSX HDD or your USB stick labeled "Windows" -> Select Windows and press enter or click the arrow;
    - The Windows installer should now load, format the previously made Windows partition to NTFS;
    - Continue on your way.
    Can you try what I typed above? If it doesn't work, can you let me know at what step things go differently than described?
    Edit: This is based on the logical conclusion that any Mac that was shipped without ODD should be able to boot from USB.
    One other note is that Mac's have trouble booting from USB when multiple USB storage devices are attached. So make sure you connect only one storage device.
    Best of luck to you!

  • Problem on Creating Unix Termial in java like windows command prompt

    hi all,
    i created an unix terminal using java swing(to connect unix server and executing commands). here i redirect the console output to textarea. The problem is i can't read the input from the textarea. and another problem is how to disable the editable option in the textarea before to the command read line. The terminal is like a putty. Any One Please give a suggestion for this problem.

    sabre150 wrote:
    georgemc wrote:
    LinaGsp wrote:
    5)then I run this command "jar cvfm MyJar.jar .class"If this is exactly what you did, and not a typo, that's probably your problem. Do you have a file called .class?It is more likely that the forum markup is getting in the way.Of course it is! D'oh! I seem to have a blind spot to that, I never take it into consideration...
    OP, listen to these guys, ignore this blind old fool :-(

  • Problem with creating a new Siebel account using Web Service and ADF

    Problem solved.
    Edited by: noah.fang on Mar 15, 2011 3:45 PM

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by phil housley ([email protected]):
    sorry this is first time I tried to reply on this group
    The USER is SYSTEM and there is no real password when first installed. However you do need to type something in the password field . This can be anything if you have not added a password.

  • Scheduler Agent Installed as Service Encrypted Password Change

    We have a Scheduler Agent installed as a service in Windows Server 2003, SP2. We want to change the password of the Master Repository. When I change the ODI_SECU_ENCODED_PASS in the odiparams.bat file it doesn't reflect this change in the service. I tried looking around in the snpsagent.conf wrapper file to see if the password is stored anywhere but dont' see it. I see it references a file called snpparams.bat, unfortunately I cannot find this file on our machine. If anyone knows how to get the new password to take effect without having to drop the agent and recreate it, thus losing all schedules that we've created, I would greatly appreciate the help.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Josh,
    the snpparamens.bat is exactly the same of odiparameter.bat. It had this name when the software was Sunopsis (SNP). Probably you saw the reference at some old document...
    If you drop the service nothing will be loose, just recreate it to get the new parameters. The scheduling list is stored, as everything in the ODI, at the repository, it means that all scheduling orders are at tables. Because of that you need to made a "update scheduler" when create a new scheduling.
    If you are still afraid, just create a new agent at another port (as service) and change the logical agent to it. Update the scheduller list an take a look if everthing is OK.
    After that you can drop the old service.
    Does it make any sense to you?

  • Creatting RFC  Server as a windows service

    How to create RFC server as a windows service using connector.Please send me the sample code.

    hi, I don't know which problem do you meet.
    As I know, there is a console RFC server sample in the SAP dotnet connector install directory, you can have a reference.
    And I thinks as a dotnet developer, it is not a problem to convert a console application to a windows service.
    Especially using, it is single to develop a windows service. You can search a sample in MSDN.
    Hope it is useful

  • Itunes and windows 8 compatability Hi just bought a new toshiba laptop installed itunes it worked at first now wont play music or movies.  ran troubleshooter said its a compatabilty problem suggested turning off itunes compatability or selecting windows 7

    itunes and windows 8 compatability
    just bought a new toshiba laptop installed itunes it worked at first now wont play music or movies.
    ran troubleshooter said its a compatabilty problem suggested turning off itunes compatability or selecting windows service pack 3 tried both no help
    please assist

    itunes and windows 8 compatability
    just bought a new toshiba laptop installed itunes it worked at first now wont play music or movies.
    ran troubleshooter said its a compatabilty problem suggested turning off itunes compatability or selecting windows service pack 3 tried both no help
    please assist

  • Need to create a PDF Portfolio programatically using the Adobe SDK in C# from a Windows Service.

    What classes/methods should I be using?
    We need to create a PDF portolio from a windows service written in C#.
    We need to merge several PDF documents into a single PDF portfolio from our windows service (programatically).
    I have seen documentation in the Adobe help on how to do it using the Adobe UI, but we need to do this step programatically from our windows servie.

    You can't access Acrobat from a service - since we won't run in Service mode...only in standard Application mode.  In addition, we don't run on a server.
    But if you were doing this from a standard application - then you'll want to read the JavaScript documentation in the SDK as well as the documents about the .NET/JS bridge.

  • Problem with  WebLgoic running as a Windows Service

    If you know the answer, plase send me an email at [email protected]
    I'm running a weblogic startup class that starts a Thread. I need to
    run a batch program that should be running as long as WebLogic is
    running (to process new orders).
    It works fine when I run WebLogic (5.1 SP8) from a script, but causes
    problem when I'm running it as a Windows Service. It calls the
    startup class, however, the startup class never spawns the Thread
    Following is excerpts from different components:
    *** ***
    *** ***
    public class WebLogicStartupPdfCreator implements T3StartupDef {
    public String startup(String name, Hashtable args) throws
    Exception {
    Thread t = new ProductionPdfBatchRunner();
    return "success";
    *** ***
    public class ProductionPdfBatchRunner extends Thread {
    public void run() {
    try {
    //work being done here
    catch (InterruptedException ie) {               
    catch(Exception e) {
    Thanks for any help

    You can add extra path information by using the -extrapath option in your
    installNTservice.cmd script.
    martin wang wrote:
    When I installed a weblogic server as a windows service using installNTservice.cmd,
    I found that the system path was not appended to the java.library.path. Here is
    the detail:
    step 1: went to ...\config\mydomain, run installNTservice.cmd, and the weblogic
    server "myServer" was installed as a NT service.
    step 2: went to Control Panel -> administrative tools -> services and started
    up the service "myserver".
    step 3: went to ...\config\mydomain\logs, open Weblogic.log and found that:
    java.library.path = C:\bea\wlserver6.0\bin;.;C:\WINNT\System32;C:\WINNT
    usually java.library.path should be the above paths plus the system path(which
    can be changed in control panel -> system ->advanced -> environment variables
    Does any one know why?--
    Michael Young
    Developer Relations Engineer
    BEA Support

  • Problem in creating a Windows Service Scheduler Agent

    I have different Listener agent created as NT Services which work fine, but for my new scheduling need I have tryed to transform them into Scheduler Agent NT Services but I'm facing error.
    In the agentservice.log I obtain the following error code:
    STATUS | wrapper | 2008/04/17 16:49:00 | OracleDI Agent Scheduler Agent_Gensapp12 installed.
    STATUS | wrapper | 2008/04/17 16:49:19 | --> Wrapper Started as Service
    STATUS | wrapper | 2008/04/17 16:49:19 | Launching a JVM...
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:19 | Wrapper (Version 3.1.0)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:19 |
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | Starting Oracle Data Integrator Agent...
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | Version : - 30/10/2007
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | java.sql.SQLException: [GENSAPP12]Invalid object name 'SNP_CONNECT'.
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.sunopsis.dwg.cmd.n.a(
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.sunopsis.dwg.cmd.i.y(
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: [GENSAPP12]Invalid object name 'SNP_CONNECT'.
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.inet.tds.a.a(Unknown Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.inet.tds.g.if(Unknown Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.inet.tds.g.a(Unknown Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.inet.tds.g.for(Unknown Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.inet.tds.c.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.sunopsis.sql.SnpsQuery.executeQuery(
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.sunopsis.dwg.DwgObject.refresh(
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.sunopsis.dwg.cmd.e.h(
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | ... 5 more
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | Caused by:
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | java.sql.SQLException: [GENSAPP12]Invalid object name 'SNP_CONNECT'.
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.inet.tds.a.a(Unknown Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.inet.tds.g.if(Unknown Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.inet.tds.g.a(Unknown Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.inet.tds.g.for(Unknown Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.inet.tds.c.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.sunopsis.sql.SnpsQuery.executeQuery(
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.sunopsis.dwg.DwgObject.refresh(
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.sunopsis.dwg.cmd.e.h(
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.sunopsis.dwg.cmd.n.a(
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at com.sunopsis.dwg.cmd.i.y(
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at
    INFO | jvm 1 | 2008/04/17 16:49:20 | at Source)
    It seems to be a connexion error but I have regenerate all the repository connexion information for OdiParams.bat and nothing change.
    If you have an idea I really need it.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Micropole,
    It may have something to do with
    SNP_SECU_USER & SNP_SECU_ENCODED_PASS pointing to something other than the Master Repository schema.
    Can you please double check?

  • Problem in creating part time work schedules

    Hello All,
    I have to create some part time work schedules rules for part time employees
    Work: Tuesdays to Fridays
    a)Tues-Thurs 6.5 hours per day   i.e. 9.30 to 5
      9:30 u2013 14:30 work
      14:30 u2013 15:30 - 1hr lunch break
       3:30 u2013 17:00
    b) Friday - 7 hours (9:30 to 14:30)
    Total hours per week are= 26.5
    1) I created one fixed break schedule 14:30 u2013 15:30 (unpaid)
    2) I created 2 Daily work schedules
    Tuesday to Thursday u2013 NOR & (created variant A)
    Only Friday u2013 NOR1
    3) I created one Period work schedule u2013
    P/Time u2013 Mon is FREE, Tue to Thursday as NOR , Fridayas NOR1 & Sat, Sun as FREE
    4) When I try to create Work schedule rule I got stuck in between:
    I configured weekly working hours as 26.5
    I configured monthly & annually working hours.
    But  I had problem to put daily working hours???
    because Tue u2013 Thurs are 19.5 hours (6.5 into 3) & Friday (7Hrs) =26.5
    Hence how to I club both the working patterns in one Work schedule rule???
    Please help me out in same

    actually i dont have SAP Login here
    in the Table V_T508A
    u define the annul working hours , Monthly working hours  right
    Can u tell wht are the other feilds there
    26.5 hrs is the Combination of two Periodic Work Schedule right ..........if yes
    26.5/31  31 is ur working days
    Edited by: Sikindar on Apr 6, 2009 10:10 AM

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