Problem installing Photoshop

I am using a PC.  I have downoaded Creative Cloud.  I tried to download PHotoshop and received the following error message:
Installation completed though some optimal components failed to install correctly (6).  I also downloaded Bridge and Lightroom with no problems.  When I open Creative Cloud I see Bridge and Lightroom, but not Photoshop.  Any suggestions?

Run the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool and try again.

Similar Messages

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    Check the start page of this forum or the PS forum. There used to be special threads listed in teh yellow info boxes with info on how to resolve these issues.

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    Googling only comes up with a couple things where someone was trying to
    install a cracked version they downloaded, so it could be a corruption
    If this is a downloaded installer, then redownload it and try installing,
    If you are inserting a DVD and autoplay is starting up and you get this
    message, you can shut down the installer process as you've done then instead
    of double-clicking the DVD, use right-click Explore to view the files
    directly on the DVD without running AutoPlay, then find the setup.exe or
    something.MSI with EN in it's name to run the installer, directly, without
    goint through autoplay.  This would only make a difference if the autoplay
    is corrupted somehow but everything else is ok.  Since your error message
    talks about autoplay then maybe that is the case.
    If you are calling Adobe for support, it can take hours, depending on when
    you call.
    This "open letter to Adobe customers" was posted within the last few days
    and basically apologizes for poor support, recently, while they change from
    support-provider to another:

  • Creative Cloud: Problems installing Photoshop CS6

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    I tried to follow the advice. I removed all Creative Cloud programs. I
    then cleaned twice using the cleaning options 3: Creative Cloud and
    then 7: CS6. Then re-installed Adobe Application Manager and then
    re-installed Photoshop CS6. Still same problem.
    I have NOT yet tried to un-installed my old CS 5.5 Design Standard
    package.I have also not un-installed my Lightroom 4. Is it necessary
    also to remove those programs?
    Kind regards

  • Problem installing photoshop cs6 from download.

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    Any help would be appreciated.

    I do not understand how the image you are showing relates to your problem of having a better version of the software than what you say you purchased.  You will have to contact Adobe Support to see if they can work out whatever the problem is, but I don't think they will consider it a problem if you are getting more than what you paid for.
    I do not understand why you mention Photshop Elements... CS6 could not have been purchased as an upgrade to Photoshop Elements... it was never in the upgrade path as far as I know.
    For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC) ( )

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    I have been on the phone with Adobe Customer Support, and after extended waits during which the tech evidently consulted his superiors, I was given the address of this forum and told to enter the word 'Unable to install Photoshop 7.0'. That led me to a thread relating to the problem, but not to mine.
    This is of course, an issue of permissions so there may be no solution. But I'm hoping someone out there will be able to help.
    Peyton Todd
    P.S. My main PC is Win 7, for which I'd have buy a brand new Photoshop - totally too expensive financially given my limited use of the product (albeit extremely useful when I need it).

    This is of course, an issue of permissions so there may be no solution.
    Absolutely not. Don't jump to false premature conclusions. As Noel said, it solely depends on detecting a previous install/ verifying the install media. Since the latter is out of the question, the first would be way to go, the point being that it merely looks for the respective registry keys in HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Adobe. Lucky for you, back then nobody cared to encrypt such stuff so it could be hacked in manually. Off hand I'm just not aware of the specific structure for the keys, though, but a little digging might turn up that info. In fact it would be almost identical to the ones for PS 7, which might already linger there just lacking the proper vlaues...

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    It gets through about 45% of the download (always the same percentage, roughly), and then gives up and says "Installation failed--learn more."
    When I click on the learn more link, I get a web page saying exactly:
    Exit Code: 34
    Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR:
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer_8.3_AdobeCameraRawProfile8.0All {3E2A282C-3E78-44F4-AB5F-021300B2CEE0}' information not found in Media_db.
    It's always this same error.
    I've had this error since the pre-release, and I suspect it has to do with being part of the pre-release program. (We're an Adobe plug-in developer, a Silver Partner--been developing plugins since before InDesign 1.0 shipped.)
    Yes, I've uninstalled the Creative Cloud and re-installed a couple of times, from scratch. I've also tried the Cleaner, which hasn't helped.
    I'm now officially stumped.
    Can someone from Adobe help fix this?

    I do not work for Adobe... you need to contact Adobe... try the chat link I posted
    >do this to 300 Macs
    Are you using the enterprise installer?
    Team Installer ent
    And, some Mac links that may help
    next link says After Effects, but check YOUR permissions !!!
    - ml
    -Mac 10.9.4 and OpenCL issue
    -Mac 10.9.3 workaround
    -more Mac 10.9.3

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    they're not compatible:

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    Hi yungys,
    As suggested by Michael CS4 is not tested with Windows 8. Please find the system requirements to install CS4: Photoshop_CS4_system_requirements .
    Romit Sinha

  • Problems Installing Photoshop CS6

    I downloaded and installed CS6 on my Computer (Windows Vista). Strangely I can only find Adobe Bridge CS6, Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS6 and Adobe Extension Manager CS6 but I can't find Adobe Photoshop CS6 anywhere.
    There where some errors and I don't know if that's why Photoshop couldn't be installed. I hope you can help me. : )
    that's what it said:
    Exit Code: 6 Please see specific errors and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR: DS003, DW050 ... WARNING: DW024 ...   -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------  - 1 fatal error(s), 2 error(s), 1 warning(s)    WARNING: DW024: The payload: {D6EB6A94-D753-4C22-AD43-4ACB04D4B7B8} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core requires a UI parent with following specification: Family: Photoshop ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core_x64 This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.  ----------- Payload: {D6EB6A94-D753-4C22-AD43-4ACB04D4B7B8} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core -----------  FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Owner\Downloads\photoshopcs6_p1_win_032112\payloads\AdobePhotoshop13-Core\' to 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{D6EB6A94-D753-4C22-AD43-4ACB04D4B7B8}'. Error: Error 2 The system cannot find the file specified.    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Photoshop CS6 English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop13-en_US: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    thanks a lot for any help, SelvaFantasies91

    The build is not extracted properly.
    Please download the build again, extract it and try installing Photoshop.

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    This forum is for suite specific issues. Please post in the Photoshop forum.

  • Problem installing Photoshop Elements 10

    I am trying to install Photoshop Elements 10 on my Macbook air using remote disc and every time I get to the point where I put in the serial number and sign in I get the following error code; "Your installation encountered errors" and below that, "Inconsistency in the installer database. Please restart your computer and install again." Thanks, I would appreciate any suggestion on how to solve this issue.

    Photoshop Elements

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    You might have to check "Show processes from all users" on your task manager before you could see the exes running.
    Alternatively, you could use tasklist command on your commad list to get the list of commands (if you're using vista or a higher version of OS, please run/launch command prompt using admin rights)
    tasklist > \myFolder\myTasksList.txt would redirect the output to a txt file inside <myFolder>
    Hope this helps.

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    When I try to download photoshop 9, it states: "the wizard was interrupted before Photoshop elements 9 could be completely installed"
    Please help.
    Thank you

    Which operating system are you using?  Were you able to install Photoshop Elements 9 previously?  What have you tried so far to resolve your difficulties?

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    Personally I prefer the disks that come in a box. 
    Perhaps you could download a copy of Chrome and use that if IE10 is acting up.

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    It's the only CC product that won't install.  I've tried over many days, several reboots.
    All other CC products have installed and upgraded without trouble.
    I've previously had the Master Collections, with only AE CS6, Premiere Pro CS6, and Photoshop CS6 still currently installed from the CS6 Master Collection.

    Could you please provide me with following log files to investigate:
    Photoshop installer log file at
    For Mac:
    For Win:
    Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers
    Please send them to [email protected]

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