Problem when export ALV.

I have a problem with the function REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY.
When click to the button Local File... (CrtlShiftF9) my report give me a run timer error.
Runtime Errors         GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED                                                         
Date and Time          16.03.2009 11:43:34                                                                               
Short text                                                                               
Field symbol has not yet been assigned.                                                                               
What happened?                                                                               
Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                                               
The current ABAP program "SAPLKKBL" had to be terminated because it has                      
     come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                                                                               
Error analysis                                                                               
You attempted to access an unassigned field symbol                                           
     (data segment 75).                                                                               
This error may occur if                                                                      
     - You address a typed field symbol before it has been set with                               
- You address a field symbol that pointed to the line of an                                  
       internal table that was deleted                                                            
     - You address a field symbol that was previously reset using                                 
       UNASSIGN or that pointed to a local field that no                                          
       longer exists                                                                               
- You address a global function interface, although the                                      
       respective function module is not active - that is, is                                     
       not in the list of active calls. The list of active calls                                  
       can be taken from this short dump.                                                                               
Trigger Location of Runtime Error                                                                
     Program                                 SAPLKKBL                                             
     Include                                 LKKBLF99                                             
     Row                                     3.840                                                
     Module type                             (FORM)                                               
     Module Name                             GEN_FIELD_OUT2                                                                               
Source Code Extract                                                                               
Line  SourceCde                                                                               
3810       format hotspot on.                                                                   
  3811     elseif gs_fc-hotspot = 'V'                                                             
  3812        and gs_out_flags-hotline is initial and not <field> is initial                      
  3813        and gt_stack-is_layout-no_hotspot is initial.                                       
  3814       format hotspot on.                                                                   
  3815     endif.                                                                               
3816 *>>> new API                                                                               
3817     perform salv_set_cell_hotspot using l_celltype.                                        
  3818 *<<< new API                                                                               
3819     if gs_fc-input = 'X' and                                                               
  3820        gt_stack-is_layout-no_input is initial and                                          
  3821        gs_fc-checkbox is initial.                                                          
  3822       format input on.                                                                     
  3823       format intensified off.                                                              
  3824     endif.                                                                               
3825     if not gs_fc-emphasize is initial and gs_out-info is initial.                          
  3826       perform field_color_normal using gs_fc                                               
  3827 *                                      gt_stack-is_layout                                  
  3828                                        gs_out-info.                                        
  3829     endif.                                                                               
3831 *   complex logic with internal table for color description                                
  3832     data: lr_tabledescr  type ref to cl_abap_tabledescr,                                   
  3833           ls_lvc_color   type lvc_s_scol,                                                  
  3834           lt_kkbl_color  type kkblo_t_specialcol,                                          
  3835           ls_kkbl_color  type kkblo_specialcol.                                            
3837     if gs_out_flags-mcoltab = 'X' and gs_out_flags-slave ne 'X' and                        
  3838        gs_out_flags-sum ne 'X'.                                                            
  3839       lr_tabledescr ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'LVC_T_SCOL' ).                
>>>>>       if lr_tabledescr->applies_to_data( <coltab_any> ) eq 'X'.                            
  3841         loop at <coltab_lvc> into ls_lvc_color.                                            
  3842           move-corresponding ls_lvc_color to ls_kkbl_color.                                
  3843           ls_kkbl_color-fieldname = ls_lvc_color-fname.                                    
  3844           append ls_kkbl_color to lt_kkbl_color.                                           
  3845         endloop.                                                                           
  3846         assign lt_kkbl_color to <coltab>.                                                  
  3847       endif.                                                                               
3848       perform field_color_complex using <coltab>                                           
  3849                                         gs_fc                                              
  3850                                         gs_out_flags-color                                 
  3851                                         gs_out_flags-intensified                           
  3852                                         gs_out_flags-inverse.                              
  3853     elseif gs_out_flags-scoltab = 'X' and gs_out_flags-slave = 'X' and                     
  3854            gs_out_flags-sum ne 'X'.                                                        
  3855       lr_tabledescr ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'LVC_T_SCOL' ).                
  3856       if lr_tabledescr->applies_to_data( <coltab_any_slave> ) eq 'X'.                      
  3857         loop at <coltab_lvc_slave> into ls_lvc_color.                                      
  3858           move-corresponding ls_lvc_color to ls_kkbl_color.                                
  3859           ls_kkbl_color-fieldname = ls_lvc_color-fname.                                     
I verify the internal table it has 315 values export to excel.
How can i solve this problem?

I try to download the output from SYSTEM>LIST>SAVE LOCAL FILE, but it was disable.
here is the report code:
REPORT zfir0021.
TABLES: bsid, yypcl_fiboleto.
TYPES: BEGIN OF tp_bsid,
bukrs     TYPE bukrs,
kunnr     TYPE kunnr,
umsks     TYPE umsks,
umskz     TYPE umskz,
augdt     TYPE augdt,
augbl     TYPE augbl,
zuonr     TYPE dzuonr,
gjahr     TYPE gjahr,
belnr     TYPE belnr_d,
buzei     TYPE buzei,
END OF tp_bsid.
TYPES: BEGIN OF tp_dd03l,
fieldname TYPE dd03l-fieldname,
position  TYPE dd03l-position,
keyflag   TYPE dd03l-keyflag,
rollname  TYPE dd03l-rollname,
datatype  TYPE dd03l-datatype,
END OF tp_dd03l.
*** Variáveis
DATA w_catalogo TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
DATA w_layout   TYPE slis_layout_alv.
DATA t_catalogo TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
DATA: v_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv,
t_yypcl_fiboleto TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF yypcl_fiboleto WITH HEADER LINE,
t_reg_err TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF yypcl_fiboleto3 WITH HEADER LINE.
*** Parâmetros de seleção
SELECT-OPTIONS: s_blart FOR bsid-blart,
s_situa FOR yypcl_fiboleto-situacao,
s_data  FOR bsid-budat.
* Execução do Programa
PERFORM seleciona_dados.
PERFORM imprime_resultado.
PERFORM catalogo.
PERFORM gerar_alv.
*&      Form  seleciona_dados
+*       text+
+*  -->  p1        text+
+*  <--  p2        text+
+FORM seleciona_dados .+
+*  DATA lr_situacao TYPE RANGE OF yypcl_fiboleto-situacao WITH HEADER LINE.+
*  lr_situacao-sign = 'I'.
*  lr_situacao-option = 'EQ'.
*  lr_situacao-low = '1'.
*  APPEND lr_situacao.
*  lr_situacao-low = '4'.
*  APPEND lr_situacao.
FROM bsid
WHERE bukrs EQ '0050'
AND blart IN s_blart
AND budat IN s_data
AND anfbn <> ''.
INTO TABLE t_yypcl_fiboleto
FROM yypcl_fiboleto
WHERE empresa   EQ '0050'
AND dtemissao IN s_data
AND situacao  IN s_situa
AND tpdoc     IN s_blart.
ENDFORM.                    " seleciona_dados
*&      Form  imprime_resultado
+*       text+
+*  -->  p1        text+
+*  <--  p2        text+
FORM imprime_resultado.
SORT t_bsid BY bukrs kunnr gjahr belnr buzei.
SORT t_yypcl_fiboleto BY empresa cdcliente gjahr nudoc_cont itdoc_cont.
LOOP AT t_bsid.
READ TABLE t_yypcl_fiboleto WITH KEY empresa = t_bsid-bukrs
cdcliente = t_bsid-kunnr
gjahr = t_bsid-gjahr
nudoc_cont = t_bsid-belnr
itdoc_cont = t_bsid-buzei
t_bsid_aux = t_bsid.
APPEND t_bsid_aux.
ENDFORM.                    " imprime_resultado
*&      Form  catalogo
+*       text+
+*  -->  p1        text+
+*  <--  p2        text+
FORM catalogo.
DATA l_cont TYPE i.
SELECT fieldname position keyflag rollname datatype
INTO TABLE t_dd03l
FROM dd03l
WHERE tabname = 'BSID'
AND rollname <> '.INCLUDE' AND
rollname <> 'MANDT' .
SORT t_dd03l BY position.
LOOP AT t_dd03l.
ADD 1 TO l_cont.
PERFORM insert_catalogo USING:
ENDFORM.                    " catalogo
FORM insert_catalogo USING f_campo
CLEAR w_catalogo.
w_catalogo-col_pos = f_pos.
w_catalogo-fieldname = f_campo.
w_catalogo-key = ' '.
w_catalogo-outputlen = f_tamanho.
w_catalogo-seltext_s = f_texto.      " descrição curta
w_catalogo-seltext_m = f_texto.      " descrição média
w_catalogo-seltext_l = f_texto.      " descrição longa
w_catalogo-just = f_alinhamento.
w_catalogo-do_sum = f_somatorio.     " totalizar coluna
w_catalogo-datatype = f_tipo.
w_catalogo-decimals_out = f_decimais.
w_catalogo-checkbox = f_checkbox.    " exibir como checkbox
w_catalogo-input = f_input.          " modificação permitida
w_catalogo-hotspot = f_hotspot.      " chama form USER_COMMAND
w_catalogo-no_out = f_no_out.        " Ocultar campo inicialmente
IF w_catalogo-datatype <> 'CHAR'.
w_catalogo-no_zero = 'X'.
w_catalogo-emphasize = f_cor.
APPEND w_catalogo TO t_catalogo.
ENDFORM.                               " INSERT_CATALOGO
*&      Form  gerar_alv
+*       Gera o ALV com as informações da T_YYPCL_FIBOLETO_AUX+
FORM gerar_alv.
v_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.  " Largura melhor possível da coluna
v_layout-no_input = 'X'.
v_layout-info_fieldname = 'COLOR_LINE'.
v_layout-coltab_fieldname = 'CELL_COLOUR'.
v_layout-zebra = 'X'.
i_callback_program      = sy-repid
i_structure_name        = 'BSID'
*      i_callback_user_command = 'Z_USER_COMMAND'
is_layout               = v_layout
it_fieldcat             = t_catalogo
i_save                  = 'A'
t_outtab                = t_bsid_aux
program_error           = 1
OTHERS                  = 2.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
ENDFORM.                    " gerar_alv

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    Hi Brian
    Please visit the following URLs that talk about the issue.
    You can also download the CR XI R2 Service Pack 4 by using the following URL and check for the results.
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    Thanks for your help both, I called Apple tech support and spoke to a really helpful chap called Andrea who helped me out. Now got my Master file sorted and am trying Vimeo upload again.
    Just to clarify points for people out there with the same issue:
    First steps
    - Ensure background rendering is turned off in preferences
    - Delete project and events render files
    - If upgraded to Mavericks then go to FCPX in finder under applications hit buttons 'CMD' and 'I' together and tick the 'prevent App Nap' box.
    Next Steps
    I had already done all of this when Apple Tech spoke to me so we discussed the message 'Quicktime -50' and what it meant. It wasnt a purely generic error message but was not detailed enough to point to one specific issue. This problem had occurred in previous years (so Mavericks not wholly to blame) and patches were issued over the years by Apple to help resolve some of the problems.
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    Now am trying the export to Vimeo - hope this helps some of you out there. Worst case pick up the phone to Apple and speak to the Final Cut Pro guys they can help.
    best wishes,
    Louis B

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    Here's my suggestion: Install and ask SAP to deliver good integration with
    Alternative suggestion: re-install SAP Gui on the PC where the integration is not working. If that does not help, re-install Microsoft Office as well.
    Here's my comment: I think you should ask this question in a different forum, e.g. in the Duet forum. That may not be the correct forum either, but as it is a Microsoft/SAP integration technology forum, someone there may know the solution.

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    Kindly assist.

    I have the same problem with you, when user export to excel. I fixed it by using
    w_layo-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. <<<<<<<<<<<<This
    perform generate_fcat_reftab
        using 'PRUEFLOS' 'T_INPUT' '' '' 'Inspection Lot' 0.
    form generate_fcat_reftab  using    p_fieldname
      clear w_fcat.
      w_fcat-fieldname = p_fieldname.
      w_fcat-tabname   = p_tabname.
      w_fcat-ref_fieldname = p_ref_fieldname.
      w_fcat-ref_tabname = p_ref_tabname.
      w_fcat-seltext_s = p_output_text.
      w_fcat-seltext_m = p_output_text.
      w_fcat-seltext_l = p_output_text.
      w_fcat-outputlen = p_output_lenght.
      w_fcat-ddictxt = 'L'. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<This
      append w_fcat to t_fcat.

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    Has there ever been a similar problem to anyone else?
    Many thanks in advance for your feedback!

    Hi ,
    This problem looks very weired. Just try running that FM from SE37 from the same system and see that what is happening there.... if the problem is similar then it is not the problem of your report and some patch may be missing in that system.

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    You may have encountered a problem that does not have a solution. I’m afraid you’ll have to use other software to generate large JPEG files.
    See this technote:
    ------- quote ------
    Large files are giving out of memory errors when trying to export the files from FreeHand MX. For example, when exporting a file as JPEG with the settings of Resolution: 300 DPI, Anti aliasing: 2, Include Alpha: selected and Quality: 100% the program will generate an error: "Not enough memory to complete command."
    No workaround has been found for this issue. It has been reported to the engineering team._

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    font size default to 12 when it's blank line; page number are not re-start for multi sections; table properties not holding, header, footer and edge margin are not holding, etc...... Is there any way to fix these. I tried to create a word macro to fix some of the format problems, but the macro have to run manually instead of initialized form a text field option on exit. Any idea on how to fix or work around would be appreciated.

    im2famous4u wrote:
    Do you know if and when Pages will provide support for tables in rtf format? (My school requires that I send all assignments rtf format.)
    As Yvan points out, no one here can write what they know about it, and the vast majority of us know nothing about it.
    You cannot take any decision based on the assumption that Pages will one day support tables in RTFs, because it may never happen. If you need both RTF and tables, the only option is another tool (like NeoOffice, TextEdit, MS Office and so on).

  • Multi line hyperlinks problem when exporting to PDF

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    Is this a known problem and is there a fix or a workaround?
    We are using fully pached InCopy CS5 and Acrobat 9.

    Is there are a real hyperlink there or are you counting on Acrobat to convert it for you?

  • Cross Tab Formatting Problem when exported to excel

    Hi There,
    I got a problem with cross tab when exported to excel, Call_id field is occupying 4 cells. Below is the structure
    can anyone help? How to restrict call_id to fit in single cell?
    Edited by: Jyothi Yepuri on Sep 16, 2009 7:50 AM

    Yeah.. crystal has giving  some issues while exporting reports without SPs, especialy previous versions.
    So  Better to install latest SP or patches for CR 10.0. I think SP 6 is the updated one for CR10.0.
    For More info Go through this link,

  • Report Header problem when exporting as Editable RTF

    Hey i was advised to post my query to this forum. My query is this Thread My report Header shows underneath my Page Header in Crystal reports 2008 can someone help me please?

    hi Demeleo,
    i was going through old forum posts and saw this one...did this get resolved?
    I created reports in Visual Studio 2008 with crystal reports basic, i then upgraded to Crystal reports 2008 so i could be able to export them as EditableRTF. My first problem was i could not open my reports in VS 2008 anymore, but i do open them in The CR 2008 IDE. My problem now is when i export my reports my report header appears underneath my page header and my page number stays one. I noticed this happens when i export a report as EditableRTF.How can i Export my report to be editable without having this problems?
    using cr 2008 v1 (for cr server) i was not able to reproduce this issue when exporting to RTF.
    when exporting to Word, Editable, i can see this issue. mostly because the word export has the cr page header info going into the word page header.
    as the word export is essentially an RTF export anyway, i would recommend getting the latest patches / service pack for your cr and the RTF export should be what you're looking for.

  • Layout Problems When Exporting to ePub

    When exporting my document to ePub, I always receive the following errors:
    Export Warning - Some style settings, including multiple columns, table styles, and character formatting, aren’t supported. Your document might look different.
    Export Warning - Headers and footers aren’t supported and were removed.
    First of all, how can I see these on the document? When I look at pages, the layout seems perfect.  Please note that I used Baskerville as the font everywhere, didnt use any multiple columns or tables. There are no footers but only some headers.
    The main problem I have is with the layout. Some chapters need to start on a new page but instead iBooks puts it at the end of the last page. Please check the picture below as what I mean.
    There also is a blank page on the ibooks which I dont know why. It is a single page and it is blank. There are no blank pages on my pages doc...
    Also on TOC, I dont see anything like ''Title Page'' on pages but when I export it to ibooks, on top there is this ''title page'' thing. My book will not be in English so is there any way to delete it from TOC?
    Thank you
    Note: I use Pages v4.3

    Most of us that usually answer questions in this forum don't create ePubs and will have problem helping you. If you don't get an answer here try this forum Creating ePubs. I hope it will help.

  • Problem when exporting movie, video stops after 2 minutes

    I set up a Project containing both images and videos. They were all shot using a digital camera (Canon SD400).
    When I export the 5 minute movie, around 2 minutes the video freezes, but the music (from an mp3 file) keeps playing. At 2 minutes one of the videos start to play and the video has a little yellow button showing on it in the timeline. None of the other videos have this little yellow button, although I am not convinced that this is the one causing the problem. Here is an image of it:
    Any ideas why the video playback would stop when I export it? It plays fine in iMovie when I preview the project, but when exporting, the video playback stops.

    I have this very same problem. All 640x480 clips shot with a Canon SD550. iMovie 5 will play back everything fine in iMovie, but once I export the file using H.264 or MPEG-4, the video stops after about 30 seconds (of the 3 and half minutes of the video). The music still plays, but the video has not exported properly (and it shows in the file size).
    What WILL work is if you export it to web, but I can't use that. I need it exported at its full quality. (Also will not work, by the way.) But, again, it plays in iMovie just fine. I even tried exporting from the timeline file (with the reference media files) in the iMovie file package—but I get the exact same results.
    Quite frustrating considering it works in iMovie just fine. Any other ideas, folks?
    System/Software: MacBook Pro 2.0GHz, 1 GB, 256 X1600. Latest Tiger, latest QuickTime, latest iMovie HD.

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