Problema illustrator

salve ieri creato un account perchè volevo provare  adobe cc.
Ho istallato dreamweaver e illustrator,il primo funziona ma il secondo  dice che è scaduto.
come mai visto che dovrei avere 30 giorni di prova gratuiti?

Adobe trial software expired early

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  • Problema Illustrator CS4 con Wacom Bamboo Fun

    Hola. Tengo una tableta Wacom Bamboo Fun que hasta el momento funcionaba perfectamente con el Illustrator CS. Hasta que hace unos dias instale el Illustrator CS4 y no reconoce ningun tipo de sensibilidad de presión en los pinceles. He configurado la tabla, actualizado los drivers y nada. No se si tiene que estar activa la opción de aerografo y si es asi, no la encuentro en el nuevo CS4.
    Por favor, ¿alguien puede ayudarme?

    GRACIAS por responder de inmediato, hize lo que me aconsejaste, bajé el ultimo driver de la página para el modelo de wacom que tengo, instalé reinicié, y probe en photoshop cs3 y la primera ves me fue bien lueog cambie de número de pincel y se volvio duro. Me preocupa... ojala me puedas seguir ayudando
    Rocio Santos
    T:  992483442
    Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 06:07:33 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Problema Illustrator CS4 con Wacom Bamboo Fun
    Hola Chiox,
    Te aconsejo leas detalladamente las instrucciones de tu tableta y cómo configurarla correctamente, al perecer funciona, si has logrado que detecte y aplique varias características una vez con los pinceles de Photoshop CS3, dudo que esté defectuosa.
    No hay ninguna incompatibilidad entre las tabletas Wacom y Adobe Photoshop CS3.
    Tienes que instalar un driver que en su última version estará en la web de Wacom, y que instala un panel con opciones que tienes que configurar.
    Luego en Photoshop tendrás que utilizar el panel de Pinceles (F5) y las opciones disponibles, puedes guardar ajustes (presets) para utilizarlas de nuevo posteriormente.
    Photoshop CS4 no es más compatible ni amplia las funciones y posibilidades de uso de los pinceles de Photoshop CS3.
    Lo de instalar el CS4 querría suponer que te refieres a adquirir una licencia legal. En ese caso te aconsejo esperes a ver el anuncio e información que Adobe ofrecerá el próximo 12 de Abril sobre la nueva versión CS5.

  • Gradient with stroke problem Illustrator CS3

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    It's a memory issue. If you scale your artwork down (say, to 50%), then save, it should work (it can be scaled up in the page layout software). If you're using raster effects you'll have to make sure they scale as well and that your raster effects resolution is appropriate for the final output size.

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    2nd PC: Windows 7 SP1 (64bit), Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64bit), the driver Generic 50C-2SeriesPS v3.0.16.0 (64bit).
    Printer: Develop Ineo+ 451 (PostScript).
    Drivers are available for download on the site
    (to choose Product Ineo + 452, for download tested version of the printer driver).
    Because after using the new version of the driver, the print quality was not satisfactory, then for the correctness of the comparison experiment, already used driver version 50C-2SeriesPS v3.0.16.0 has been selected.
    When you print from the program Adobe Illustrator CS6, a printer PostScript, you can see fuzziness and blurring edges of vector objects, small text becomes fuzzy and difficult to read. If you print from a program Adobe Illustrator CS3 (using the same version of the driver), there are not such problems and the print quality is quite satisfactory.
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    (1) -
    (2) -
    P.s. Sorry for my English, use and the help of friends

    What's the explanation for the following sequence?
    1. Paste as Smart Object, at moment after pasting and before clicking the commit icon (no transform was made) in options bar. The object is rendered pixel-perfect.
    2. After the commit. The object is poorly rendered with gray pixels which should be white.
    3. Press Cmd+T for transform mode. The object is rendered pixel-perfect again.
    4. After canceling transform mode, the object is poorly rendered again.

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    My computer got a quad-core processor with more then 6 gb installed RAM.
    Of no relevance whatsoever. As a mostly single-threaded 32bit app, AI doesn't care for any such things. assuming, bloat features would not get in the way, you could probably run it on a 10 year old machine and get the same performance. Anyway, CS3 is not safe on Win 7, even more so the 64bit version, so this is probably all that needs saying. You can toy around with compatibility modes and all that, but whether this will help you in any way, is anybody's guess. so at the risk of sounding like big red A's marketing department, giving the CS4 trial a spin and then upgrading might be worth your time and money...

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    if you're using adobe application manager and triggering that error, download and install:
    otherwise, directly update:

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    Code de sortie: 34 S'il vous plaît voir des erreurs spécifiques ci-dessous pour le dépannage. Par exemple, ERROR:   -------------------------------------- Résumé ----------- ---------------------------  - 1 erreur fatale (s), 0 erreur (s)    FATAL: Charge de Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) {9C4AA28F-AC6B-11E0-8997-00215AEA26C9} 'informations ne se trouve pas dans Media_d

    Nobody can tell you anything without proper system info or other technical details like what version of AI plus a better explanation of what you actually mean. Your post is quite confusing...

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    I gotta be missing something when exporting to pdf... 'cause if I export to Jpeg everything comes out right. No more line weight problems! The question is: what the hell am I doing wrong???
    Please, somebody help me out.

    1. How are you printing?
    I'm using one of the Adobe PDF Export Presets: High Quality Print.
    2. What are you using to determine the line weight?
    What do you mean? I talking about the stroke size.
    3. Have you tried opening the PDF in Illustrator to see what the reported line weight is?
    I've tried it now and it looks just fine! Just like it was supposed to! All the line weights are correct.
    4. This might just be a limitation of your printer or printer driver.
    I don't think so. I have never had this problem up until now!
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    beim update von CS6 Illustrator kommt immer wieder dieser fehlmeldung
    Adobe Illustrator CS6-Aktualisierung (Version 16.0.3)
    Installation fehlgeschlagen Fehlercode: U44M1P7
    danke für hilfe

    fwiw I just did a fresh install of my OS (Windows 7 x64) and Apps including the CS6 Master Suite and have exactly the same issue and U44M1P7 error message . This is with the Illustrator16.0.3_x64 update which is the most recent for the PC version.
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    The Application Manager shortcut links to the app manager app which is PDapp.exe and checking its details shows that it's v7.7.7.233.
    My next step will be to uninstall and then reinstall the Illustrator CS6 component of the CS6 Master Suite and reinstall.

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    I believe this may solve it:
    Open System Preferences and go to Accessibility. Next, select Display from the source list along the left, then check the box labelled Reduce transparency.
    It was first presented in this post #15 by TheUlser:
    It has been described on this Adobe page:
    It may also depend on the monitor, as it appears from post #29 by Loncar in the same thread.
    Obviously, this also influences some other things so there may be a downside to it.

  • Problemas Illustrator

    Hola, espero que alguien me pueda ayudar. Hasta hace 3 dias mi illustrator trabajaba de maravilla. a partir de un force de cierre al apagar mi PC no funciona el programa...... si abre la aplicacion pero instantaneamente se cierra, alguien sabe que es lo q

    We can't know. You have not provided any system info or other details. Beyond recommending to reinstall nobody can tell you anything. just saying that it doesn't work is simply not good enough.

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    Hi  NBenoit,
    Will it be possible for you to join the connect session: ?
    I want to have a look at the issue.
    Thanks Jacob for forwarding this. I really appreciate the help which you are providing to the Illustrator team. Thanks Buddy
    With Best Regards,
    Raghuveer Singh

  • Export problem Illustrator CS4 - help

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    Turn off OpenGL in Photoshop's prefs. Sounds like you are seeing the hardware-accelerated texture smoothing that kicks in when zooming.

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Maybe you are looking for

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