Problems saving individual slices

Hi all. I've searched this forum for answers but I haven't found my specific question(s). If there is a thread that already exists, feel free to point me to it.
Qualifier: I'm new to web design and using Photoshop to generate web graphics. I am, however, an experienced designer, not new to PS, but primarily use it for image manipulation and color correction of photos for print. The point is, being a newbie to this aspect of using PS, I may be asking it to do something it can't. I'd be interested in reading about best practices.
I'm using Photoshop CS3, v.10.0.1.
Background info: I have created a simple graphic for a splash page with a large logo in the middle, some text, and some navigation. The navigation has 1 rollover state. I have sliced the entire image, with the nav words being their own individual slices. Each nav word has a drop shadow and a color overlay effect applied to it. I saved the entire graphic's slices (with the nav words effects hidden) via the Save for Web & Devices dialog, choosing save HTML and images. Open the HTML file in DW, all is grand.
So, now I have gone back into my PS file and shown the effects for the nav words. I want to save only those slices, with different names (i.e. _over appended to the name).
So, two things:
1: when saving, it creates a new folder every time, called Images, inside the Images folder that I've already pointed it to. Needless to say, it's creating massive confusion for my newbie brain. If I'm not mistaken, I want to have only one Images folder per web site. I guess there's some preference somewhere that I've failed to address. Please advise.
2: When trying to save an individual slice, via the Save for Web and Devices dialog, even though I have only one slice selected, it still wants to save all the slices (I think). (Nothing is grayed out when that one slice is selected, as others have noted in other posts.) And, even though I rename the slice in the save dialog box, it still gives me a message that it's going to overwrite the original slice, which makes me think that it's ignoring my instructions to save it as a new name...
I am gasping in frustration here. Any advice will be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Buko--thank you! Jeez, I thought I was losing it with all the nested Images folders. So I assume if I uncheck that box on the Saving Files dialog that says to save it in a specific folder, it will let me assign where to save it. What about naming conventions? Should I change the default in the Slices dialog, or the Saving Files dialog?
JMaloney: Hmmm. I will try that, although I don't see how it's different from what I have been doing... What is the difference between All Slices and Selected Slices? (besides the obvious) If I have one slice selected, and save All Slices, doesn't it still save all the slices in the image, as opposed to just All the Selected Slices? (jeez, I have forgotten what it's like when you don't know jack.)
Thank you both!

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    Yes you can create an art board for each slice you can pull them apart with the direct select tool.
    You can the export them as individual files in a variety of ways.
    However this is the kind of thing you can do straight from Illustrator by releasing the art to a layers to a sequence and exporting as a swf and bring that into flash. You can also choose the option to save the Illustrator layers as flash symbols and simply import that file to the Flash Library.

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    Have you put in a support ticket for this? I recommend doing so since its occurring in your production environment. You should also attach your log files as well.

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    package com.project.CSSE4;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.ImageFilter;
    import java.awt.image.CropImageFilter;
    import java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class CanvasOnly extends JPanel
           implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
       public static final int line = 1;
       public static final int freehand = 2;
       public static final int text = 3;
       public static final int mode_paint = 0;
       public static final int mode_xor = 1;
       public Color drawColor;
       public int drawThickness = 1;
       public int drawType = 0;
       public boolean fill = false;
       private boolean dragging = false;
       public int oldx = 0;
       public int oldy = 0;
       private int rectangleWidth;
       private int rectangleHeight;
       private tempLine draftLine;
       private tempText draftText;
       public Canvas pad;
       public static final Font defaultFont =
         new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 14);
       protected boolean floatingText = false;
       boolean showingPicture;
       protected Image offScreen;
       public JTextArea coor;
       public JButton writeIn;
       Connection connection;
       String codeLine;
       int x = 0;
       int y = 0;
       public CanvasOnly()
           }catch( Exception e)
                 System.err.println("Unable to find and load driver");
            pad = new Canvas();
            pad.setSize(400, 400);
           coor = new JTextArea(15, 15);
           writeIn = new JButton("load TExt");
           writeIn.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event1)
                   Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
                   ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM submit WHERE file_name = ''");
                   String one1 = rs.getString("student_id");
                   //System.out.println("one1 :" + one1);
                   String two1 = rs.getString("file_name");
                   //System.out.println("two1 : " + two1);
                    InputStream textStream = rs.getAsciiStream("file");
                    BufferedReader textReader = new BufferedReader(
                                     new InputStreamReader(textStream));
                    codeLine = textReader.readLine();
                    x = 0;
                    y = -12;
                    while(codeLine != null)
                        y = y + 12;
                        //fileText.append( line + "\n");
                        //canvasPad.drawTheString(line, x, y);
                        drawText(, x, y, codeLine, mode_paint);
                        codeLine = textReader.readLine();
                    pad.setSize(400, y);
                    Timestamp three1 = rs.getTimestamp("ts");
              }catch (SQLException e)
              catch(IOException ioX)
            drawColor =;
         offScreen = null;
       public Image getContents()
         // Returns the contents of the canvas as an Image.  Only returns
         // the portion which is actually showing on the screen
         // If the thing showing on the canvas is a picture, just send back
         // the picture
         if (showingPicture)
             return (offScreen);
         ImageFilter filter =
             new CropImageFilter(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
         Image newImage =
             createImage(new FilteredImageSource(offScreen.getSource(),
        public void setImage(Image theImage)
         // Fit it to the canvas
         offScreen = theImage;
         showingPicture = true;
        synchronized public void paint(Graphics g)
         int width = 0;
         int height = 0;
         //The images are stored on an off screen buffer.
            //offScreen is the image declared at top
         if (offScreen != null)
                  //intislise the widt and heigth depending on if showingpicture is true
              if (!showingPicture)
                       width = offScreen.getWidth(this);
                       height = offScreen.getHeight(this);
                   //width = getWidth(this);
                   //height = getHeight(this);  //offScreen
                   //width = pad.getSize().width;
                   //height = getSize().height;
                   width = pad.getWidth();
                   //width = getSize().width;
                   height = pad.getHeight();
                   //height = getSize().height;
                    //Draws as much of the specified image as has already
                    //been scaled to fit inside the specified rectangle
                    //The "this" is An asynchronous update interface for receiving
                    //notifications about Image information as the Image is constructed
    //This is causing problems
              g.drawImage(offScreen, 0, 0, width, height, pad);
         //clear the canvas with this method
        synchronized public void clear()
         // The maximum size of the usable drawing canvas, for now, will be
         // 1024x768
         offScreen = createImage(1024, 768);
         //Creates an off-screen drawable image to be used for double buffering
         //Set the showingPicture to false for paint method
         showingPicture = false;
         synchronized public void drawLine(Color color, int startx, int starty,
                              int endx, int endy, int thickness,
                              int mode)
         int dx, dy;
         Graphics g1 = pad.getGraphics();
         Graphics g2;
         //if image is not intialised to null
         //the getGraphics is used for freehand drawing
         //Image.getGraphics() is often used for double buffering by rendering
            //into an offscreen buffer.
         if (offScreen != null)
             g2 = offScreen.getGraphics();
             g2 = g1;
            //mode is put into the method and XOR is final and equal to 1
         if (mode == this.mode_xor)
                  //calls the setXOR mode for g1 and g2
                  //Sets the paint mode of this graphics context to alternate
                    //between this graphics context's current color and the
                    //new specified color.
              g1.setXORMode(Color.white);//This will
                  //Sets this graphics context's current color to the
                    //specified color
         if (endx > startx)
             dx = (endx - startx);
             dx = (startx - endx);
         if (endy > starty)
             dy = (endy - starty);
             dy = (starty - endy);
         if (dx >= dy)
              starty -= (thickness / 2);
              endy -= (thickness / 2);
              startx -= (thickness / 2);
              endx -= (thickness / 2);
         for (int count = 0; count < thickness; count ++)
              g1.drawLine(startx, starty, endx, endy);
              g2.drawLine(startx, starty, endx, endy);
              if (dx >= dy)
                  { starty++; endy++; }
                  { startx++; endx++; }
            //Disposes of this graphics context and releases any system
            //resources that it is using.
         //This method is not causing trouble
         synchronized public void drawText(Color color, int x, int y,
                String text, int mode)
         Graphics g1 = pad.getGraphics();
         Graphics g2;
         if (offScreen != null)
             g2 = offScreen.getGraphics();
             g2 = g1;
         if (mode == this.mode_xor)
         g1.setFont(new Font("Times Roman", Font.PLAIN, 10));
         g2.setFont(new Font("Times Roman", Font.PLAIN, 10));
         g1.drawString(text, x, y);
         g2.drawString(text, x, y);
          //connect to database
      public void connectToDB()
           connection = DriverManager.getConnection(
                     //may have to load in a username and password
                                                     //code "?user=spider&password=spider"
        }catch(SQLException connectException)
           System.out.println("Unable to connect to db");
      //use this method to instatiate connectToDB method
      public void init()
        protected void floatText(String text)
         draftText = new tempText(this.drawColor,
         this.floatingText = true;
        //nothing happens when the mouse is clicked
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
        //When the mouse cursor enters the canvas make it the two
        //straigth lines type
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
         pad.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR));
        //When mouse exits canvas set to default type
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent E)
         pad.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
        //used for creating the shapes and positioning thetext
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
             // Save the coordinates of the mouse being pressed
         oldx = e.getX();
         oldy = e.getY();
         // If we are doing lines, rectangles, or ovals, we will show
         // draft lines to suggest the final shape of the object
         //Draw type is a publc int which can be changed
         if (drawType == this.line)
            draftLine = new tempLine(drawColor, oldx, oldy, oldx,
                                 oldy, drawThickness);
            // Set the draw mode to XOR and draw it.
            drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx,
            draftLine.starty, draftLine.endx,
            draftLine.endy, drawThickness, this.mode_xor);
        //mouse listener for when the mouse button is released
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
             if (drawType == this.line)
              // Erase the draft line
              drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx, draftLine.starty,
                    draftLine.endx, draftLine.endy, drawThickness,
              // Add the real line to the canvas
              //When the imput changes to "mode_paint" it is drawen
              //on the canvas
              drawLine(drawColor, oldx, oldy, e.getX(), e.getY(),
                    drawThickness, this.mode_paint);
              dragging = false;
         else if (drawType == this.text)
              if (floatingText)
                   // The user wants to place the text (s)he created.
                   // Erase the old draft text
                   drawText(drawColor, draftText.x, draftText.y,
                                            draftText.text, this.mode_xor);
                       String str = Integer.toString(e.getX());
                       String str1  = Integer.toString(e.getY());
                       coor.append(str + " " + str1 + "\n");
                   // Set the new coordinates
                   draftText.x = e.getX();
                   draftText.y = e.getY();
                   // Draw the permanent text
                   drawText(drawColor, draftText.x, draftText.y,
                         draftText.text, this.mode_paint);
                   floatingText = false;
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            if (drawType == this.freehand)
              drawLine(drawColor, oldx, oldy, e.getX(), e.getY(),
                    drawThickness, this.mode_paint);
              oldx = e.getX();
              oldy = e.getY();
             dragging = true;
         if (drawType == this.line)
            // Erase the old draft line
            drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx, draftLine.starty,
              draftLine.endx, draftLine.endy, drawThickness,
            // Draw the new draft line
            draftLine.endx = e.getX();
            draftLine.endy = e.getY();
            drawLine(draftLine.color, draftLine.startx, draftLine.starty,
              draftLine.endx, draftLine.endy, drawThickness,
         public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
             if (floatingText)
              // When the user has entered some text to place on the
              // canvas, it remains sticky with the cursor until another
              // click is entered to place it.
              // Erase the old draft text
              drawText(drawColor, draftText.x, draftText.y,
                                draftText.text, this.mode_xor);
              // Set the new coordinates
              draftText.x = e.getX();
              draftText.y = e.getY();
              // Draw the new floating text
              drawText(drawColor, draftText.x, draftText.y,
                        draftText.text, this.mode_xor);
         //declare  a class for the line shown before the is as wanted
        class tempLine
         public Color color;
         public int startx;
         public int starty;
         public int endx;
         public int endy;
         public int thickness;
         public tempLine(Color mycolor, int mystartx, int mystarty,
                      int myendx, int myendy, int mythickness)
             color = mycolor;
             startx = mystartx;
             starty = mystarty;
             endx = myendx;
             endy = myendy;
             thickness = mythickness;
        class tempText
         public Color color;
         public int x;
         public int y;
         public String text;
         public tempText(Color mycolor, int myx, int myy, String mytext)
             color = mycolor;
             x = myx;
             y = myy;
             text = mytext;

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    I'm currently having a problem saving a Pages document as another format, such as a Word document or PDF file.  I've never had this problem before with Pages.  Please help me!  I need to have this completed a.s.a.p.

    To save as a PDF, you do that from Print
    To save as Wrod format, you export

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    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

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    After years of no problems I am suddenly having a problem saving files.  This started with CS4 a few months ago, and has continued with CS5.
    When I attempt to Save As... I get an error message:
         Could not save as "{location & filename}" because the file is already in use or was left open by another application.
    The only place the file could be considered "in use" or "left open" would be due to Bridge.
    I get this error message whether saving as jpg, psd or any other file type.  If I retry saving the file then it will usually save properly after several attempts.  But if I close Bridge then it will save the first time every time.  I get the same error whether saving as the original file name or with a new name.
    I have been using Bridge to preview and select the images I want to edit for a very long time.  But this problem didn't start showing up until a short time ago, so I wonder about a problem introduced with an update??    Those who use Bridge know that it remains running in the background while the image is processed through Camera RAW and PS.  There has never been a reason to close Bridge when working in PS and it is not very convenient to do so just to save a file.
    If anyone has a solution to this I would like to hear about it.

    Hi Jimcarke,
    My problem is very similar. Just Upgraded to CS5 from CS4.
    Graphic files, no problem.  I can save 80Mb and 30 layered mixed graphic files, even after editing.
    No JPEG's in the stack though. Perhaps I'll have a look at that!
    With simple JPEG's at 1.9mb, after editing, then as soon as I enter 'Save As,' Bingo the great blank screen'
    Problem seems worse if I get as far as rotating the image, then everything disappears instantly.
    Customer services have suggested all the usual remedies and now I can't open a file or edit anything
    I'm back to the insufficient RAM issue.
    I've just 'given up' and back to CS4 again and will try to get some work done for the morning.
    All good fun and an interesting way to spend a very sunny Sunday afternoon. (GB)

  • There was a problem saving your PowerPivot Document

    Version Information:
    Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013
    Microsoft Office PowerPivot for Excel 2013
    The Problem:
    When I save my PowerPivot Excel document, I receive this error.  Eventually the document saves and closes.  When I open the document and make a change - I save again, and get the error back.  If I make no changes, and save, I don't get the
    Any ideas will help.
    Error Message:
    "There was a problem saving your PopwerPivot deocument.  Some of your work may  not have saved properly.  Please try saving again."
    Error Message:
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Call Stack:
       at Microsoft.Office.PowerPivot.ExcelAddIn.GeminiPivotManager.SaveGeminiPivot(Workbook wb)
       at Microsoft.Office.PowerPivot.ExcelAddIn.AddIn.Application_WorkbookBeforeSave(Workbook Wb, Boolean SaveAsUI, Boolean& Cancel)

    I am getting the same error while saving PowerPivot in excel 2013. I tried to create a new model from scratch but its strange that I am getting the same error message.
    The error appears as soon as I import data from SQL into PowerPivot.

  • Intermittent problem saving a pdf form

    I have created a 17 page PDF form in LiveCycle Es with many dynamic features, such as adding or subtracting more lines to a table.  The whole document is about 700KB ( 800 after being partially filled in) in size.  I put fillable password protection on it and ran it thru Adobe Extension, checking Basic Fill-in and Final. 
    Most users are happy with it except two people are having problems saving it to their computer.  Both downloaded it from Firefox to their computers, then opened it and began typing.  Sometimes they are able to save their work and other times not.  One was able to do a Save As and rename it, but that didn't even work for the other.  One was getting an error message saying to the effect that the volume for the file was externally altered and cannot be saved.
    They are both using Reader 8 or 9 and one has Vista while the other has XP.  I have downloaded the form at work and at home and cannot duplicate their problem so I suspect the problem is at their end.
    Any ideas of what could be causing this?

    I think have a similar question as you answered here.  But I want to just make sure I am understanding your response.
    I have created a PDF form in LiveCycle and saved it as an Adobe Static PDF form.  When I supply this form to my users.  The only way they can fill it out and save it is they must have Adode ACROBAT.   The free Adobe Reader will not allow a user to fill out the form and then save it electronically.    They can only fill out the form in Reader and then print it out. Is this correct?
    So any one I want to fill out the form and save it electronically will need to have Adobe Acrobat and at least the Standard addition...which costs money.

  • Problem saving attachments with longish filenames

    We're having a problem saving attachments from Mail that are 25+ characters in length. ie. If we click on the "Save" attachment button in Mail, we get an alert that the file can't be saved because it's too long. We can drag the file to the desktop, but then can't move it without getting the "name is too long" alert. We have to change the name, deleting a bunch of characters. Using HFS+. Anyone have a solution?

    When you drag the attachment to the desktop you should be able to click on the file's name then edit it so it's less then 25 characters. Try saving it again after deleting some characters.
    We just switched from OS 9.4 to OS 10.4 (Intel) and found that Photoshop did not recognize any of the pics in our folders because we haven't been saving them with the file extension (i.e. jpeg, eps, etc.) We had to open all our pic files then add the extension. Apparently our old Macs could recognize a photo file but our new ones need the extension to be able to read the file. So if your file name is too long it's probably cutting off the extension - your computer won't let you save it until you make room for the file extension at the end.
    Hope this helps.
    Intel Mac Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

  • HT5678 I have problems saving pdf files in the web when I use Safari. I don't have this problem with firefox

    I have problems saving pdf files in the web when I use Safari.  I don't have this problem with firefox.

    do they save ok if Safari - Preferences - Security - Allow all other plug-ins is unchecked ?
    If so, likely an adobe or other pdf plugin
    Re-check the setting above & quit any browsers,
    Look in this folder by triple-clicking the line below, then ctrl-clicking it & choosing Services - Open
    /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/
    remove anything with pdf in the filename & test again
    Sometimes, plug-ins can be in the User Library folder :
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/

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    When I hit save, nothing happends.... have also tried "save as" - nothing is saved
    No error message is shown.
    Is Oracle DB PIVOT not supported by OBIEE?
    The SQL that is causing the problem is this one:
    SELECT field_name as field,
    WHEN col_1 = 'A' THEN 'Name 1'
    WHEN col_1 like 'B_%' THEN 'Name 2'
    as gastype,
    FROM table_1
    WHERE code = 'K'
    AND trunc(DAYTIME,'YYYY') = trunc(to_date('2012-01-01 00:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 'YYYY')
    AND (col_1 in ('A') or col_1 like 'B_%')
    PIVOT (sum(energy) for (gastype) in ('Name 1' as Name1, 'Name 2' as Name2))
    order by field
    We are using OBIEE (Win 2008R2) against Oracle DB

    Just a wild guess .. Have you done dbsetup after installing IAS and said you are going to said databases ?

  • Problems saving files in Snow Leopard

    I've just upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard (I know I'm a dinosaur...) and am now having major problems saving Appleworks files. 
    When I'm doing corrections, I sometimes need to save a file over 10 times and my helpful "Do you want to replace this file?" box has gone and instead it's saving as a new file and adding another 'full stop' at the end of the file name.  It's driving me nuts!
    Is there any way to get back to just over-writing the file?
    Any help gratefully received...
    Take care

    This is turning out to be really crazy. I haven't added any third party application at all.
    Last night I tried Roger's 'command-S' and it worked on a different document I opened.  I tried the same document, changed it, 'Saved As' and it asked me if I wanted to over-write the file. 
    I then opened the original document I was having trouble with, hit 'Save As' and the same thing happened; it just made multiple copies of the file.  It seems to be a problem with this particular client and all his files; unfortunately, he's the client I do the most work for.
    Now I don't know why it's happening on some documents and not on others.
    Any further ideas?  Can I do something to this client's files, re-save them or whatever, so I don't have this problem?
    Thanks again...

  • Problem saving information about your mailboxes

    My Mail account freezes when a message comes up saying 'There is a problem saving information about your mailboxes' .. it just scrolls saying 'it may take a while to determine the problem, .. should I just leave it to do this or is there anything else I can do to fix the problem?

    Let the thing run in SBBOD paralysis mode for 3 hours. Up pops a message "kill Mail, will re-import all your messages on restart". Had to force quit to kill. Relaunch - by George it did so. Took forever. Fixed itself. Weird.

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