Problems uploading a text file with line feed characters from Windows

I am using the FM GUI_UPLOAD to load a text file in which at the end of each line there is a line feed character. When I upload the file, the FM interprets the entire file as ONE record; it does not recognize the line feed character at the end of each file line. I am using the parameter in the FM "HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR" and it does not do anything to remidiate this issue.
The funny thing is that  WS_upload works like a charm and it separates every line in the text file according to the line feed character at the end of each file line.
Why a FM that is obsolete would work better and with  less effort than the new one? We are on 4.6c and will go to ECC6.0 May 2009.
Can anybody recommenced a way to process this type of file using GUI_upload?
The file to process is downloaded from a bank Website into a Windows PC. Sending the file to Unix first is not an option.
Pierre Martinez
Edited by: Pierre Martinez on Aug 15, 2008 1:09 AM

I have done that and Notepad does NOT interpret the line feed character. The file looks all messed up. Notepad does NOT split the data into records. The Hex character at the end of each file line is 0A.
The user will download the file into a Windows desktop from the bank's website and from there an ABAP  program needs to read it and parse it. But the ABAP  program can not even catch the entire file with gui_upload. WS_upload can catch it with no issues.
I tried catching the file into an internal table of data type string using GUI_upload, but it only catches two bytes of the file and nothing else.
I will try catching the file in some other type of data type for the internal table in gui_upload.
Once I catch it, I can split the file by the line feed character. I need to catch it  first, but "my glove" is not big enough. Defining the internal table for the gui_upload as character is a guessing game since I really do not know how big the text file is since GUI_upload will put it in a one record.

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    Hi ,
    i have a flat file with around  10,000 record's.
    each material number  followed by  different  lengths & unknown number of text's separated by delimiter '$',
    that need to be saved using save_text function module.
    the file is as follows, 
    record 1 :     material1$text1$text2$text3
    record 2 :     material2$text1$text2$text3$text4$text5$text6$.....
    record 3 :     material3$text1$text2$text3$text4$text5
    record 4:      material3$text1
    - - - - - - - - - - - -  so on ....
    i created the following  structure ,  to split and save each text separated by '$'  , to save in TLINE  of save_text function module.
    types : begin of ty_file,
                  matnr type mara-matnr,
                  text1 type string,
                  text2 type string,
                  text3 type string,
                  text4 type string,
                  text20 type string,
               end of ty_file.
    i have uploaded the file and saved in table  it_file type ty_file.
    loop it_file into wa_file.
       split wa_file at '$' in to matnr text1 text2 text3 text4 ....... so on.
    please, suggest me an alternate way to reduce the code, instead of creating a structure like above, so that each splitted text
    stores in a single variable and is passed to TLINE of corresponding material, in save_text function module

    The flat file contains , material No. followed by it's text , each text sepearted by '$' symbol.
    For each material  i have to get all lines of text, and passed to tables paramter of save_text.
    The Number of text' for each material is varying.
    Please kindly suggest me , how many variables i need to create to hold each splitted text and store it in Tline
    I wrote the below program assuming that the material number has  maximum of 20 texts, it's working fine. But, what if the number of texts exceeds 20.
    file :
    4907507$ Druckrolle$ Durchmesser: 218 mm$ Länge: 750 mm$ Rollenwerkstoff: 1.4301/1.4541$ Oberfläche: gummiert$ Stärke Gummierung: 10 mm$ Näscher    E 71224$$$$$$$$$$$$$$                              
    1149598$ Tragrolle$ mit Stützringen$ Norm: ähnlich DIN 22112$ Durchmesser: 89 mm$ Mantellänge: 800 mm$ Form der Achsenden: A2$ Achsdurchmesser: 25 mm$ Achsanflachung: SW 18$ Einlegelänge: 808 mm$ Achslänge: 834 mm$ Lagerbezeichnung: 6305$ Anzahl Stützringe Form A: 6$ Anzahl Stützringe Form B: 4$ Anordnung links: 4$ Anordnung mittig: 6$ Anordnung rechts: 4$ Qualität Stützringe: N$ Durchmesser Stützringe: 159 mm$ Anzahl Zwischenhülsen: 7$ Anzahl Schlussscheiben: 2$ Erbö   3111.800.05.68                                                                      
    file upload
          static    = 'X'
          file_name = p_infile.
          FILENAME            = gd_file
          FILETYPE            = 'ASC'
         HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR = '$'
          DATA_TAB            = It_data.
      loop at it_data into wa_data.
        split wa_data-line at seperator into matnr_txt text1 text2 text3 text4 text5
                                                   text6 text7 text8 text9 text10 text11
                                                   text11 text12 text13 text14 text15
                                                   text16 text17 text18 text19 text20.
        move matnr_txt to wa_material-matnr.
        move text1 to wa_material-text1.
        move text2 to wa_material-text2.
        move text20 to wa_material-text20.
        append wa_material to it_material.
        clear wa_material.
      loop at it_material into wa_material.
        WA_LINE-TDFORMAT = '*'.
        WA_line-TDLINE = wa_material-text1.
        WA_LINE-TDFORMAT = '*'.
        WA_line-TDLINE = wa_material-text2.
        WA_LINE-TDFORMAT = '*'.
        WA_line-TDLINE = wa_material-text20.
        G_THEAD-TDNAME   = wa_material-matnr. " material number
        G_THEAD-TDID     = pa_id.                           "  'GRUN',
        G_THEAD-TDSPRAS  = pa_langu.                "  EN
        G_THEAD-TDOBJECT = pa_obj.                   "  MATERIAL
            CLIENT                           = SY-MANDT
            HEADER                        = G_THEAD
            SAVEMODE_DIRECT     = 'X'
            LINES           = IT_LINE
          clear : wa_line, g_matnr.
          refresh it_line.
    Edited by: jvsvijay on Jul 28, 2011 12:51 PM
    Edited by: jvsvijay on Jul 28, 2011 12:53 PM
    Edited by: jvsvijay on Jul 28, 2011 12:55 PM

  • Upload text files with non-english characters

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    What could be the problem? Are characters lost when files are stored in wwv_flow_files or when i do the conversion?
    Some other info:
    * I see wwv_flow_files.DAD_CHARSET is set to "ascii", wwv_flow_files.FILE_CHARSET is null.
    * Trying utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2( utl_raw.cast_to_raw('àòèù') ) returns 'àòèù' correctly;
    * NLS_CHARACTERSET parameter is AL32UTF8 (not just english ASCII)

    Have a look at csv upload -- suggestion needed with non-English character in csv file it might help you.

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    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim FileRdr As StreamReader = New StreamReader "m:\test\charReplace.txt", System.Text.Encoding.UTF7)
    Dim ReplaceWrtr As StreamWriter ReplaceWrtr = System.IO.File.CreateText("M:\test\CharReplaceOut.txt")
    Do While FileRdr.Peek() >= 0
    Dim currentRec As String = FileRdr.ReadLine
    End Sub
    'Replace foreign language characters with English characters
    Function removeAccent(ByVal myString As String)
    Dim A As String = "--"
    Dim B As String = "--"
    Const AccChars As String = "ŠŽšžŸÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöùúûüýÿ"
    Const RegChars As String = "SZszYAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnooooouuuuyy"
    For i As Integer = 1 To Len(AccChars)
    A = Mid(AccChars, i, 1)
    B = Mid(RegChars, i, 1)
    myString = Replace(myString, A, B)
    removeAccent = myString
    End Function
    I know that removing the accent changes the meaning of the word, but this is what the user wants so it's what I need to do. 
    Any help is greatly appreciated!! :)

    Finally got it to work.  I had to remove the first 5 characters from the replacement string (ŠŽšžŸ), couldn't find encoding that would handle these, and to be honest, I didn't really need them.  The important ones are still there, was probably
    just overkill on my part.
    UTF7 worked for the rest...
    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim FileRdr As StreamReader = New StreamReader("m:\test\charReplace.txt", System.Text.Encoding.UTF7)
    Dim ReplaceWrtr As StreamWriter
    ReplaceWrtr = System.IO.File.CreateText("M:\test\CharReplaceOut.txt")
    Do While FileRdr.Peek() >= 0
    Dim currentRec As String = FileRdr.ReadLine
    End Sub
    'Replace foreign language characters with english characters
    Function removeAccent(ByRef myString As String)
    Dim A As String = "--"
    Dim B As String = "--"
    Const AccChars As String = "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöùúûüýÿ"
    Const RegChars As String = "AAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnooooouuuuyy"
    For i As Integer = 1 To Len(AccChars)
    A = Mid(AccChars, i, 1)
    B = Mid(RegChars, i, 1)
    myString = Replace(myString, A, B)
    removeAccent = myString
    End Function
    Thanks for all your help!  Greatly appreciated :)

  • Problem uploading a text file

    Hi All,
       I'm trying to upload data from a file in the application server. The file that I read is a 'dat' file and the length for each field is preserved meaning if the currency key field is of length 5 and the file has 'USD' it is filled with spaces for the remaining 2.
    I have an internal table t_data which has all the records from the file. I loop through t_data into wa_data. Then I move the contents of my wa_data to the structure work area wa_struct1 which has all my table fields(same length as the fields in the file and all the fields are standard SAP fields).
    However the structure wa_struct1 always gets some junk values in fields like exchange rate and amount field (simply it doesn't like any packed number). Because of this all the other fields that come after these fields have the data messed up.
    Also I thought maybe it's because of the character to Packed conversion, but then I use a MOVE statement and I'm pretty sure a conversion exists between these two data types. Also the SAP document for conversion between two data types say the source fields can be blank when converting from character to packed and in my case it is sometimes blank and sometimes filled with value. In both cases I always get a junk value like 2020.2020222. Please give me some suggestions. Thanks in advance.

    Probably you need to move field by field:
    Probably some value has to be converted before moving to SAP structure.

  • Upload a text file of values when run a query

    In SAP BW 3.x BEx Analyzer, we can import a text file with list of values for each variable.
    For example, you want to run a report for certain product numbers, but say the prod no list is of 3000 no's long, it'll take the user forever to select and enter them in the report entry variable, so instead you upload a text file, with all this list of 3000 prod no's and run the report.
    Does this option still exist anywhere for version 7.0? BI Analyzer is different than Bex Analyzer. Can anyone explain it? Thanks!

    Hi Qingbo,
    Not using any standard solution (i don't know any in 3.5) you can use an variable of type exit. Inside the variable value calculation, you can use a flat file stored in the application server to read the values of the variable.
    Another option is to store those values in a cube (mantained using flat file upload or a BPS layout) and use a replacement path variable using a query over this cube to run the query you need.
    Hope this helps.

  • How copy just line in text file with cat? (SOLVED)

    How i make to copy just only line in text file with cat?
    For example:
    bgcolor=# 0 0 0
    I want copy just "/home/Arch/./.wallpaper.png" part.
    Actually i want create a shortcut for last wallpaper set from Nitroget, then i put this in SLim background.
    Recently i use hsetroot for wallpaper (~/.wallpaper.png) and i create a shortcut in /usr/share/slim/theme/MYTHEME whith ln -s ~/.wallpaper.png /usr/share/slim/theme/MYTHEME/background.png.
    I want make a same with Nitrogen.
    I now this looks like crazy, but...
    Sorry my English.
    Last edited by kramerxiita (2008-06-04 16:50:48)

    moljac024 wrote:
    kramerxiita wrote:
    moljac024 wrote:How can you make SliM change the background ? You link the theme background to another file ?
    Yes. In theme directory i put background.png shortcut for my wallpaper. So, when a change wallpaper, slim background change too.
    ln -s mywallpaper.png /usr/share/slim/themes/default/background.png
    So, Slim background always is my wallpaper.
    So the wallpaper has to be a *.png ?
    No, jpg is possible. But when you create a symbolic link, remember put the extension too. If change png to jpg, change a symbolic link extension.
    But, remember if slim theme directory have background.png and background.jpg, Slim always choice .png. So, put only one this.

  • Loading text file with flash lite 3.0 problem

    I recently ran into a problem with loading a plain text file with Flash Lite 3.0.
    I know there is a way to load name/value pairs using LoadVars class or XML file using XML class. Both methods work great, but these classes parse the data loaded and I need to load just a plain text - no pairs or xml structure. (its because Im loading specific file format, so I can't make any changes to it)
    There is a simple way how to achieve this in Flash using Actionscript 2 by extending the LoadVars class and overriding the onData() method. I used it plenty of times and it works fine.
    There is an example of implementation:
    // the file
    class PlainData extends LoadVars {
        function onData(str) {
    // now in the main file
    var my_data:PlainData = new PlainData();
    This code traces unchanged content of my3dmodel.obj file.
    The problem comes when I try to run this code using Flash Lite 3.0. The code stops working just by changing player version in publish settings to Flash Lite 3.0. It doesnt display any error, but also doesnt trace any content.
    Is there a reason why you cant override onData method in LoadVars class in lite version of flash or am I doing something wrong?
    (also overriding onLoad() method works fine in Flash Lite)

    Thanks Man
    But i m very unhappy !!! :-(
    1M data to transfer my mp3 files is very small !!! hehehe
    Thanks a lot
    See ya
    Carlos Eduardo Burko - Curitiba - Brazil - Macromedia
    Certified Professional
    "biskero" <[email protected]> escreveu na
    news:e98nrb$a6e$[email protected]..
    > Ciao Carlos,
    > yes you can load mp3. The only issue is that the FL2
    will need to load the
    > entire mp3 in memory which mean you are limited to the
    avalable memory and
    > also
    > there is a limitation of 1M data transfer.
    > Try to create a sample application to test it. You need
    to use the
    > loadSound
    > API.
    > Alessandro

  • Reading dilimited input from a text file with tokenizer

    i am trying to read in a text file with the following structure: 2 integers on each line with comma as the delimitor.
    i am using the BufferedReader stream and Tokenizer to detect ",".
    try {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
    //read in the data file
    while ((s = in.readLine())!= null) {
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    t = new StringTokenizer(s,",");
    A1 = Integer.parseInt(t.nextToken());
    catch (IOException e) {System.err.println(e);}
    When i print out A1[i], it only reads the last line of the text file. Please tell me what's wrong.
    Also i'd really like A1[i] to store the integer before the comma and another array A2[i] to store the integer after the comma. Please help.
    p.s. A1 and A2 are arrays...when i previewd message in Netscape 7 it left out the brackets and the index....

    What is the for i loop for? If it is to read the next line from the file, then the while loop has taken care of it. Other than this there should be no problem with the rest of the code.
    Just add another line to store the next token into A2.

  • How can I upload and download files with uiXML?

    I want to implement upload and download files with uiXML. In some previouse topic I got answare to look in AbstractPageBroker class in JavaDOC. I did it but this is a very-very little resolution description for this problem. I think for developers YOU (UIX Team) must in very quick time to put some examples on the NET because this is a nice technology but with adecvate samplase and developers guide it will be dead very soon. I digging this forum for information. I see many many people have same problems about this technology. They like it and want to use and try but documentation is very very poor.
    WE WANT EXAMPLES and separate forum for UIX. I think it deserve this.
    If You have any more detailed documentation would be nice to put on the net. I have file but this is in very early fase of development. I downloaded it before fwe months. And now I can't find it anymore on youre site. What happend?

    Attila -
    I went back and re-read the JavaDoc for AbstractPageBroker and MultipartFormItem and put together the following sample PageBroker based on the description from the JavaDoc:
    import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
    import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
    import oracle.cabo.servlet.BajaContext;
    import oracle.cabo.servlet.Page;
    import oracle.cabo.share.util.MultipartFormItem;
    import oracle.cabo.servlet.xml.UIXPageBroker;
    * An extension of UIXPageBroker which stores all uploaded
    * files in the temporary directory.
    public class UploadingPageBroker extends UIXPageBroker
    * Override of AbstractPageBroker.doUploadFile() which saves
    * all files to the temporary directory.
    protected String doUploadFile(
    BajaContext context,
    Page page,
    MultipartFormItem item) throws IOException
    // Get the location of the file to create in the temp directory.
    // Of course a real application probably wouldn't upload files to
    // the temp directory - just using this contrived example to
    // demonstrate basic uploading support.
    File file = _getFile(context, item);
    if (file != null)
    // Create a FileOutputStream. Of course, a real application would
    // probably want to buffer the output
    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
    // Write out the file
    // Close up the output stream
    // We can return a value here to add to the PageEvent
    // if so desired.
    return null;
    // Gets the File for the item that we are uploading
    private File _getFile(
    BajaContext context,
    MultipartFormItem item
    // Get the file name
    String name = item.getFilename();
    // If we don't have a file, bail...
    if (name == null)
    return null;
    // Get the path to the temporary directory
    File dir = _getTempDir();
    // Return the File object
    return new File(dir, name);
    // Returns the path to the temprary directory
    private File _getTempDir()
    // Get the temporary directory from the ServletContext
    ServletConfig sConfig = getServlet().getServletConfig();
    ServletContext sContext = sConfig.getServletContext();
    return (File)sContext.getAttribute("javax.servlet.context.tempdir");
    In this sample, each uploaded file is simply saved in the temporary directory. You'll want to replace the code that creates the FileOutputStream for the uploaded file to use whatever OutputStream makes sense for your application.
    BTW - I used the following UIX page to test this out:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <page xmlns="">
    <pageLayout xmlns="">
    <form name="uploadForm" usesUpload="true">
    <fileUpload name="uploadedFile"/>
    <submitButton name="upload" text="Upload"/>
    Hope this sample helps with the uploading part of your question. I'll see if I can provide a download sample in a later post.

  • Importing text file (with file names) into Automator.. is it possible?

    Hello all,
    I have been working with Windows Batch files for my line of work. I have a couple of file names in a text file (a column), which I want to copy from one folder of one hdd to another folder on a different hdd. I have been trying to do this kind of work with a Mac. I already know how you copy and rename files in automator (which isn't difficult, of course) but you have to 'select' the files in the finder first (with get specified items).
    But the only way i see that you can specify items is by selecting them... is there a way to import a text file with all the file names instead of selecting all the file names manually?
    or is there an AppleScript alternative which I can use to import the text file (or just copy into applescript) and run before the query's of copying and renaming the files? I am kind of new to Apple programming.
    The text file looks like this:
    so there has to be a command to: 'goto' a specific folder as well.
    Thanks in advance!

    You can import text files, but if they are just names you will need an additional action to add the source folder path. A *Run AppleScript* action can be used, for example:
    Tested workflow:
    1) *Ask for Finder Items* {Type: files } -- choose the text file containing the names
    2) *Combine Text Files* -- this gets the text file contents
    3) *Filter Paragraphs* { return paragraphs that are not empty } -- skip blank lines
    4) *Run AppleScript* -- copy and paste the following script:
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-weight: normal;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 680; height: 340px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFEE80;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into an Automator 'Run AppleScript' action">
    on run {input, parameters} -- add folder path
    add the specified folder path to a list of file names
    input: a list of text items (the file names)
    output: a list of file paths (aliases)
    set output to {}
    set SkippedItems to {} -- this will be a list of skipped items (errors)
    set SourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the folder containing the file names") as text -- this is the folder containing the names
    repeat with AnItem in the input -- step through each name in the input
    set AnItem to SourceFolder & AnItem -- add the prefix
    set the end of the output to (AnItem as alias) -- test
    on error number ErrorNumber -- oops
    set ErrorNumber to ("  (" & ErrorNumber as text) & ")" -- add the specific error number
    set the end of SkippedItems to (AnItem as text) & ErrorNumber
    end try
    end repeat
    ShowSkippedAlert for SkippedItems
    return the output -- pass the result(s) to the next action
    end run
    to ShowSkippedAlert for SkippedItems
    show an alert dialog for any items skipped, with the option to cancel the workflow
    parameters - SkippedItems [list]: the items skipped
    returns nothing
    if SkippedItems is not {} then
    set {AlertText, TheCount} to {"Error with AppleScript action", count SkippedItems}
    if TheCount is greater than 1 then
    set theMessage to (TheCount as text) & space & " items were skipped:"
    set theMessage to "1 " & " item was skipped:"
    end if
    set {TempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
    set {SkippedItems, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {SkippedItems as text, TempTID}
    if button returned of (display alert AlertText message (theMessage & return & SkippedItems) ¬
    alternate button "Cancel" default button "OK") is "Cancel" then error number -128
    end if
    end ShowSkippedAlert
    5) *Copy Finder Items* { To: _your external drive_ }

  • 'No Upload Authorization' While Uploading a Text File from Multiple Select

    Hi all,
       The User is trying to upload a text file from Multiple Selection screen of a Query in BEx and it gives the error message of 'No Upload Authorization' (Error DB886).
       In 'Logon data' tab of Tcode SU01, it has 'User' for 'User Group for Authorization check' for this User.
       I could upload a text file from Multiple Selection screen with my User Id.
       An idea about this error, PLEASE ?

    Hi Ron,
       This User does not have the access to Tcode ST01.
       The user executed Tcode SU53 immediately following the authorization failure to see the authorization objects. The 'Authorization obj' is blank and under the Description it has 'The last Authorization check was successful' with green tick mark.
      Any further suggestions, PLEASE.

  • Problems loading a text-file from a shared NT network order

    Hi @ all,
    I try to upload a text file in MII that is destinated in a shared order in the NT file network.
    I used text_loader with URL FILE://SERVERNAME/SHARE/input.txt and I get the error message "connection refused" even if I use credentials with an authorised user.
    Do you have any idea why it does not work?
    Thanks in advance!

    For this you need to use FTP Input Action. Put all the files(you want to upload to MII) are in shared network into your FTP server.
    Then use the FTP related actions in transaction. This is the best way.
    Also see the similar [Thread|Re: Saving a file to an external system from MII server] and [Help|]
    Hope this helps you.

  • Uploading a text file to FTP Loc

    Please guide me in the following query:
    While uploading a text file to FTP Loc by using FM 'FTP_R3_TO_CLIENT', all the data is coming in one line. Please guide me how can i insert the new line character after the end of each line.
    Please guide.
    Thanks and Regards

    When i make the character_mode = 'X', then no data is getting uploaded to FTP Loc, only a blank file is being created. Please guide.
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: MP Vashishth on Jan 12, 2010 10:34 AM

  • Text element with line item content and include text

    Hi All,
    How to write in smartform in single text element with line item content and include text.I am using this text element in table . Pls help me out. i am writing the include command in text element ,but this command is not enough for single line of text editor.
    thanks ,
    Rakesh singh

    I have been pulling my hair out for a few days trying to find
    this solution. This fixed my problems as well.
    I was getting ready to scrap the Report Builder altogether
    and move to SQL Server Reporting Services over this issue.
    I'm running 7.0.2 also, that version alone fixed many small
    issues like creating borders and such.

Maybe you are looking for