Program   SAPLLMOB Screen number   2889

Hi experts,
  In this dynpro there is a field called LOGON_DATA-DEVTY  which is an input/output field I want this  Input : Not Possible  , i was checking the program everything here is standard and i dont want to modify the standard , Do you know how to achive this ?  thank you guys .

Hi José,
if you have an ECC Release, you may use implicit enhancement in FORM able_field in LLMOBF01 (2 places avaliable). Then you can create your own loop, if you are on the right screen, e.g..
IF sy-dynnr = '2889'.
  LOOP AT screen.
     IF screen-name = 'LOGON_DATA-DEVTY '.
       screen-input  = '0'.
       MODIFY screen.
In older releases I see no way to change the input option of this field without modification.

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    I thnk we dont have any such program .Try searching for a SAP Note if its a standard program.
    Can u tell me the program name and screen number which is not available in ur system.

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       The transaction code for screen variants is SHD0.
    Generall screen varaints are used to chnage the screen display i.e. to add a new field/make the fields editable etc...
       In SRM,for screen enhancements genrally some BADI's are provided but if not then screen variants  is the next option to implement the same.Finally if screen varaint is not possible then you can do the changes in the relevant ITS templates.
      The foll screen varaints are available in SRM:
    Determine Screen Variants
    · Item data overview in the invoice without purchase order reference: Screen variant BBP_IV_NON_PO
    · Item data overview in the invoice with purchase order reference: Screen variant BBP_IV
    · Item data overview in the confirmation: Screen variant BBP_CF
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    · Work area in Sourcing: Screen variant BBP_SOCO_GA
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    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Vinay ,
    I think you are implementing the screen exit with the enhancement component 'MM06E005'.
    if thats the case you add your fiels in the screen area provided
    in the screen 'SAPMM06E' 0111 by creating the subscreen in the SE51 with the name space 'SAPLXM06' 0111 with then will be reflected (fields added) in the ME21n transaction .
    You have to write your logic in the EXITS provided in that enhancement component
    You have to write your logic in the exit 'EXIT_SAPMM06E_008'
    as it imports data from screen field which you placed in the tcode.
    Revert back to me for any queries.
    Reward points if useful.
    Thanks ,
    Surya Pydikondala.

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    If you are creating a Tcode for an Executable report, select the second Radiobutton (report Transaction) in SE93 and give the Descripton, Program Name and Selection Screen Number (default 1000 for all executable reports).
    If it is a Module pool program, use the first radiobutton, and the respective screen number and program name to create the transaction.
    reward points if useful

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    field-symbols : <fs>.
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    You cannot specify the screen number in this case. The field symbol will be assigned with the current value in the field (SAPMF05A)RF05A-NEWKO, i.e. the value at runtime when the exit is triggered. Make sure your exit is trigerred when you move from one screen to the next.

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    Looks like, your table settings got changed for the table control on the screen.
    Run your program.
    Now, on the screen you can find out the "Table Settings" in the Top Right corner of the Table control as ICON.
    Press the Icon and it will bring the Table Settings screen.
    In the Current Settings, choose the Basic Settings ... save and close.
    Naimesh Patel

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               I m converting a report program into a t-code using se93.
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      i m confused wit it, i had checked the forum also.
    data: length type i value 0,
           strl type i value 0,
           string(30) type c value 'test string'.
    strl = strlen(string).
    while string NE space.
      write string(1).
      length = sy-index.
      shift string.
    write:/ 'strlen:',strl.
    write:/ 'length of abcd:', length.
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    Advanced thanks....

    here are the steps to create
    Creating transaction code for the table:
    1) Go to SE93 and Create a Tcode.
    2) Click on the u2018Transaction with parametersu2019 radio button and continue.
    3) Enter the Transaction as SM30.
    4) Select u2018Skip initial screenu2019.
    5) Enter VIEWNAME value as Table name (here Z*) and UPDATE value as X in the u2018Name of screen fieldu2019 and save.
    Note : The VIEWNAME,UPDATE and their respective values should be Capital.
    If u want to create table maintenance generator then,
    1) Choose Delivery and Maintainence tab..
    2) Select Delivery class as u2018Cu2019.
    3) Select Data browser/Table view Maint as DISPLAY/MAINTAINENCE ALLOWED.
    4) Create a Function Group from SE80.
    5) Select TABLE MAINTAINENCE GENERATOR from Utilities of menu bar.
    6) Fill the Authorization Group as u2018&NC&u2019 and give the created Function Group.
    7) Give a screen number not used as Maint Screen no (eg: 9999) and click u2018CREATEu2019(F8).

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    Wich type must i create the transaction for this program so this tcode does not ask for any screen ?

    Hi frank,
    1. While creating tcode thru se93,
       choose the radio button (2nd radio button)
       "Program and selection screen (report transaction)"
    2. A new screen will come,
       in which 1000 will be the defalt screen number
       (which is perfectly ok)
    3. Just give your program name, text.
    4. Tick all the check boxes.
    5. Thats all !
    amit m.

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    Where can I see the screen 1011. (mostly custom screen)
    I tried SE51, But it is asking program name as well.
    Please let me know where to see the screen?
    If i have created it as local object, i need to delete it.

    Hi reddy,
    Thanks for your response.
    I know the table generator process, But I want to use 1011, because I have only assigned it to one custom table and saved as local object.
    Even though, i deleted those custom table, SAP not allowing me to use the screen number.
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    I checked in Local objects folder in SE80, But nothing is there(as deleted custom table).
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    I was just wondering if there is a way, in the abap dictionary or otherwise, for me to detect the assigned screen number in the FI Change/Display Document screen (FB02/FB03)?
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    Hope to hear from all of you soon.
    Thank you all and good day.

    Yes you can get by the SHDB transaction
    GO to SHDB. click on the new recording... give the name of the recording as ZFB02.. enter the tcode FI02 and press start recording..
    Put the Document and open all required screens.. you need to put the values in the required fields to be caputred in the recording.
    Come back and save.
    Now, if you are planning to make a BDC to change the FI document than you can use the BAPI BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_CHANGE.
    Naimesh Patel

  • Find screen number for enhancement.

    How to identify screen number for a particular standard SAP transaction for enhancement. Suppose I want to enhance any screen of any transaction how to search/identify customer screen number and enhance them, I want to add some fields or tab or anything else.

    Hi Avirat,
    You can get the screen number for screen enhancement using the following methods:
    1) Googling  on the Tcode or by reading OSS notes .
    2) Go to SPRO transaction . Navigate to the application component and see whether any section on Enhancement exists.
    3) Other ways of finding it are -
        i) CMOD based screen exits -
    Here the 4 digits 0101,0111,0201,0211,0301,0311  are the screen numbers where enhancement can be done .
    In case project is already implemented, get the project name from MODACT table.
    ii) For BADI based screen exit - Do a look up on SXS_SCRN table

  • Adding fiels in XD01 subscreen-program  SAPLV02Z screen no. 0200

    Hi All,
    I need to create custom fields in XD01 (Sales area-Extras-Additional Data) subscreen.
    Program - SAPLV02Z screen no. 0200
    I added fields in structure KNVV using append structure.
    Now how to add these fields in the screen? I did not find any exist to add fields in this screen.
    I think using BADI CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA_CS  I canu2019t add fields in  SAPLV02Z screen no. 0200
    Do I have any option with out using modification?
    What are the options I have to add the fields in that subscreen?
    Any ideas please? I appreciate your help on this.

    Can u give some more how many fields you are trying to add.
    SAP has given 5 fields cutomer grp1 to customer grp5. which we can use anyway.
    you can use these 5 fields and descriptions anyway can be changed using CMOD project implementation
    Tcode : CMOD
    GOTO---Text Enhancements--Data elements----New DE cust desc
    Create a modification and change the description.
    this will work if you need upto 5 fields.
    Edited by: Anil Kumar Palle on Mar 5, 2010 7:50 AM

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             i need to add one custom field in customer master(xd01) screen number 7000. is there any screen exits for that? or how can we add a custom field in screen?. plz tell me the steps for that. The additional field which i have to add is, comes under sales area data Tab - billing document tab - billing document.
    Message was edited by:
            venkata kumar

    with in same condition i m facing the same problem if you already have any sollution plz suggest me.
    waiting for your kind reply

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