Programmable choose Matlab ActiveX DLL

We are using Labview with Matlab ActiveX DLL. Everything work fine. But, every one we recompile the Matlab DLL, I need to re link the static reference to the new Matlab DLL. It's possible to get the link dynamic?
So, if we recompile the dll (keeping the same input, output, functionName, version), I don't need to re link my reference, only : 
1) regsvr32 -u test.dll,
2) remplace the C:\Y_Code\test.dll with the new one
3) regsvr32 test.dll
I include the basic VI, the 3 different Matlab DLL (can be rename).
Test_1_0_1.dll = Add m+n+1.1
Test_1_0_2.dll = Add m+n+2.2
Test_1_0_3.dll = Add m+n+3.3
Off course, you will need the Matlab Runtime MCR7.10 (if need, I can send you the runtime, but 152Meg...)
Go to Solution.
Attachments: ‏706 KB

smercurio_fc wrote:
Your question is not specific to Matlab, as it applies to any ActiveX. It has also been asked before. What you are asking for is not possible in LabVIEW.  You would need to create some form of wrapper DLL that will actually interface to the ActiveX component.
How I can make a wrapper? I don't really understant what is a wrapper

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    The mxArray datatype is a special datatype which is actually a structure. It's complicated. Your best bet is to create a C DLL that acts as an intermediary between the Matlab DLL and LabVIEW. If you are able to, you can, instead, simply call the Matlab code directly using the Matlab script node.

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    hi !
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    We could not registry activex dll with clickonce directly, but here is a workaround below.
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    2. Package that MSI to CAB file.
    #1,#2 for detailed steps, please refer to the following blog.
    How to develop and deploy ActiveX control in C#
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    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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    .DataSource = MEASURED
    .Wavelength = 657.43
    End With
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    Many thsnks.
    Attachments: ‏166 KB

    if you have a complete source code including EM_nkd_DataPoint class module, take a look inside in order to see data types for Amplitude, DataPointType, DataSource and Wavelength (probably for Amplitude and Wavelength is SINGLE). If this code is not available, maybe the author mentioned a type for T_SUB and MEASURED even if they are constants.

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    Hi Drewdafis,
    Refer to this link for example code on calling a LabVIEW DLL from Visual Basic.
    Hope this helps!
    Best Regards,
    Jonathan N.
    National Instruments

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    I recommend having a wrapper created around the matlab dll that converts the datatypes for you. There is a lot of fooling around with pointers involved which is very difficult in LabVIEW. btw, this got much more complicated after Matlab 7. Essentially, you need to convert your inputs into mxArrays, and then add those mxArrays to an mxArray list that you pass by pointer into the matlab dll. You also need to create a mxArray list for the outputs from the dll which you will need to extract your data out of before converting it back into a LabVIEW supported datatype. It's a big hassle. We do this pretty often, but we have created a c library that handles all the conversions, so it is feasible for us. Unfortunately, I can't share the library, but hopefully this information will help you get where you want to be.
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    Hi Naveen,
    I apologize that I did not post sooner. I have determined that this is not directly possible. I am actually currently looking for a workaround. This workaround should be possible but may not be all that straightforward to implement. I will post back as soon as I find something.
    Best regards,

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    I don't know you ActiveX DLL but if there are any changings in the ActiveX DLL like changings of parameters or properties then you have to create the property or invoke node new. I know this from the ActiveX changings of Excel 97 and Excel 2003 which you can read in this KBs.
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    Hi, I don't have any experience in calling DLLs, but you may want to give this a try.
    report zrich_0001.
    data: path type string.
    path = 'C:WINDOWS<the_file_Name>.dll'.
    call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>execute
         application            = path
        cntl_error             = 1
        error_no_gui           = 2
        bad_parameter          = 3
        file_not_found         = 4
        path_not_found         = 5
        file_extension_unknown = 6
        error_execute_failed   = 7
        others                 = 8.
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    error 3005Occurred at automation open: Object specified is
    not creatable in a ActiveX Dll with
    Some ideas?
    Thank you.

    I am not sure why you are getting the error. I downloaded the zip file re-built the dll and then registered it. I originally had LabVIEW open, so I closed and re-opened it so that it would see the new object. I then pointed the ActiveX refnum to the Project1 class. I still had a few broken wires so I hit ctrl-shift-Run Arrow to force a recompile.
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    Thanks for helping.

    The Variant really isn't going to slow down the transfer. LV arrays are not the same as VB arrays (which through COM are passed as SafeArrays). Thus to make the call, we need to create an instance of a SafeArray and copy the LV array into it (and back out if the parameter is marked in/out or out). If the array size is very large, this can get expensive. Unfortunately, if you want to access the array data in both languages, then there isn't any other solution - the data types are just different and thus require the copy.
    Brian Tyler

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    Thanks in advance for any input.

    OK. Those are OLE/ActiveX/COM/WhateverTheyCallIt getters and setters, that VB makes look like object 'properties'.
    If you are familiar a bit with C#, they also have 'properties', which are getters and setters hidden behind a syntax that makes them look like member variables.
    I am affraid my help has to stop here, as I don't remember COM anymore.
    But, unless you find someone who really knows COM, you will have to investigate by yourself.
    One suggestion though: open a C++ project in VisualStudio 2005 or 2008 (not Express, it seems not to support what I describe).
    Go to something like References or Add Reference and you will see a tabbed dialog box with a COM tab (I describe all this from memory).
    Add your DLL. After this do View->Object Browser or alike. It should show your COM object. You will be able to examine its methods and properties.
    I think Visual Studio canl generate code for invoking them. This is the C code that somehow you should take from there and place in your JNI code.
    Edited by: baftos on May 9, 2010 11:22 AM
    Correction: VS2008 Express also supports this, but to get there, you do View->Object Browser->Click the "..." button->COM tab.
    VS2008 Express is free.
    Edited by: baftos on May 9, 2010 11:25 AM

  • Missing ActiveX DLLs

    Good morning.
    After deploying Adobe Reader 11.0.08 within my environment, I have received multiple reports of users being unable to launch PDFs in the browser.  Upon further research, the following files are missing on the reported computers.
    Location:     C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\
    Files:            AcroIEHelper.dll; AcroIEHelperShim.dll; AcroPDF.dll; pdfshell.dll
    The users are able to open PDFs in the full Reader application, but not within Internet Explorer.  After running a repair or re-install of the application, the ActiveX components appear and the user is able to function normally again.  Looking into the logs, the application exists successfully with a code of 0.
    I am unable to reproduce the error myself, but have received more than 20 reports of the issue now.

    Good morning.
    How did you deploy Reader (SCCM, GPO, AIP)? What command line did you use.This was deployed with SCCM.  After building the MST to be silent, I am running the setup.exe in the package, like I have done all previous versions.
    Were there any customizations via MST?Yes.
    Accept EULA, Remove all versions of Reader, Run silent, Suppress Reboot.
    Remove desktop icon, Prevent WebMail profile, disable product updates and all online features.
    Is it a fresh install or you just deployed the patch?This is a full install, not just applying the patch, as I had issues with workstations failing the patch upgrade.
    What was the version on users machine before deploying the patch?90% of the workstations were on 11.0.06.
    Is the the whole ActiveX folder deleted or just the files inside it?For the most part, I believe it was just the DLLs that were removed, not the whole directory.
    I do not have any logs at the moment.  The technicians are simply running a repair on any workstation that has the issue and it resolves it.  I have asked them to let me know of any new issues so that I can grab a log.

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