ProRez 422 coming in only as audio

I've got some .mov Apple ProRezz 422 footage that is only coming in as audio.
What do to?
I've had other .mov play fine in Premiere Pro CC. I have Quicktime installed.

Hi Semoff,
Not having tracks patched properly is usually the reason. See this FAQ: Re: FAQ: Why does audio not go to the track where I drop it?

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    My specs. Preferred editing codec: ProRes 422
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    Thanks again.

    Go to the Project Panel, select all clips and rightclick/modify/audio channels.
    Set it to 2 tack and mono.
    When you drop the clip onto the timeline the stereo will come in on two tracks.
    You can also set this to default in the Preferences under Audio (before importing the clips) (Stereo set to mono).

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    Just got the solution.
    I contacted the customer service at Aunsoft and they offered me the workaround. Here shares the information so that people with similar issue could have a reference.
    From Aunsoft:
    Why Canon C300/XF100/XF300 MXF files converted with no sound?
    If your MXF files from Canon C300/XF100/XF300, etc are converted with no sound, or your MXF files previewed in Aunsoft program with only video, please do not worry. It is because Canon MXF contains two audio tracks, one with sound but the other with no sound. Aunsoft TransMXF or Video Converter happens to pick the track without sound by default. This is the reason why the converted output will has no sound but only video.  
    No worries, here’s the solution for this issue:
    On the main interface of your Aunsoft program, click the "Show selected task properties" button on top of the Format box and then select in the Audio Stream ID box a different audio track.
    Then, you can play Canon C300/XF100/XF300 MXF files in the preview window with both audio and video.Meanwhile, the files converted will also be with sound.

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    Hi CheshireSmile24,
    This article should help you:

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    That single speaker icon is telling you that it is a 1-channel Track, so a 2-channel, or 6-channel (5.1) Clip will not go there - only a 1-channel Clip.
    One can set up their Default Sequence with any number of each type of Audio Track, and any number of Video Tracks. My guess is that your Default Sequence is set for 4 1-channel Audio Tracks.
    For more background on Audio Tracks and channel-count, see this article: [Note: some of the illustrations are from older versions of PrPro, but the basics are all the same.]
    Note: PrPro CS 6 changed how Audio Tracks and channel-count are handled, but PrPro CS 5.5 still used the old method.
    Good luck,

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    This is what the AVCHD structure needs to be if you want FCPX to import from a "Camera Archive". The thumbnail folder is optional, but the BDMV folder as shown needs to exist in the AVCHD package.
    If thats all in order, then the import function (See button below) should work...

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    Thanks very much,

    Ah, I see. I just used 'Pan' and set it from -1 to 0. Cool.
    This can be deleted or left for reference, I don't care.

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    What is the frame rate of the ProRes footage?
    What is the sample rate of the audio?
    What are your sequence settings inside Premiere?
    What export settings you did you use (Frame rate, Sample rate etc)
    Have you watched it inside something other than Quicktime to check the lip sync?
    Why are you converting the file?
    Please provide all the media information for both your exported file and your original files, then we can try to provide with more accurate help.

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    I think Pancenter is trying to get you to read and understand the "Working in Low Latency" section of the manual as the results or problems with working in Low Latency mode are variable.
    This section, for instance:
    Note: The sound may change in Low Latency mode. Depending on the plug-ins in use, the changes can be anything from subtle to dramatic. If plug-ins being used do not exceed the total latency limit, there will be no audible difference.
    If it was me posting about this issue I would now come back with what exactly is inserted/bussed on the tracks because it could be an accumulative problem based on what plug-ins you have active and if they are on audio tracks (stereo or mono), instrument tracks etc. Lots of variables. The section of the manual quoted above won't give specific instances as any user could be using any combination of any amount of plug-ins.
    So more information is needed before anyone can help you any further.

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    I'm not having trouble with any other formats.
    Just the ProRes.  And I must have the necessary Quicktime ProRes plug-in installed, as the individual clips open and play fine.
    Anyone have any ideas what might be happening?

    I'm actually surprised that you can playback ProRes files in Windows Media Player, which normally exploits neither QuickTime components, nor reverse-engineered decoders from ffmpeg library... So as to be able to successfully import ProRes media into Adobe products you have to get QuickTime 7 installed (the latest version is 7.7.4). If your files are not corrupted and you didn't somehow install something like K-Lite codec pack on your machine, you should be good to go.

  • Can't make a workable custom codec with ProRes 422 (HQ)

    I've only just now found that there is a Support Community for Compressor.  Wish I'd known sooner.
    I see my version of Compressor is 3.5.3.
    I've been on a little saga.
    I started out with the challenge of converting some MP4 files from a Blackberry Playbook into ProRes 422 (HQ) for editing in Final Cut. I used Compressor and the task looked fairly straight forward. I used the ProRes setting in the Compressor, converted my files and imported them into Final Cut. Video was fine but I soon found out that the audio needed rendering every time I put a clip into the Timeline. I went on-line to various chat rooms with this problem. Pretty soon a fellow was telling me that the ProRes 422 (HQ) setting in Compressor had "Audio Pass-through" as default and that this was the cause of my problem. Change it, he said, to "Linear PCM".
    It took me a fair while to figure out that the ProRes setting in Compressor did not allow itself to be modified and that I'd have to create a custom preset if I was to make these changes. I set about to do that. I was able to select "QuickTime Movie" and then in "Video/Settings" choose "ProRes 422 (HQ)", in "Audio", "Linear PCM". This did solve the audio problem. Now files imported into Final Cut did not need rendering. But another problem became evident.
    Whereas the ProRes 422 setting that came with Compressor in its summary page listed: "Width" and "Height" as "(100% of source)", the custom ProRes 422 (HQ) setting I'd just created has "Width" and "Height" as "320" and "240". In short the 19:9 aspect ratio of the original footage was lost. What I got both in the conversion and in Final Cut was a squished SD image.
    I've played like heck with Compressor trying to see if there was some place I could get this custom version of ProRes to correspond to the aspect ratio seen in the Audio Pass-through version that came loaded in Compressor. No luck. All very mysterious.
    My next step was to look to create another custom codec that would have the proper 1280 X 720 ratio. Turns out  "HDV 720p 30fps" does, so now I've been converting to that. Looks fine in Final Cut - proper picture and sound.
    I've been playing around a bit more and see now that I can create a custom setting using "Apple Intermediate Codec". I've tried it and it works too.
    So after all this, my question: Should I be using that codec instead? Or does it really matter what codec I use for editing? Is the only real issue what codec I decide to use to output?
    And while I'm at it: Does anybody have ideas why trying to create a custom setting with ProRes 422 (HQ) does not work - for my purposes at least.
    I must admit this converting codecs is pretty new to me. Hopefully with time this experience will get easier and clearer.

    Setting a Compressor ProRes Custom Setting:
    1) Pick Apple ProRes 422...
    2) Drag the PreRes 422 setting to the Bach Window. You can only make a custom setting from the Batch Window...
    3) Select enable for the audio. Click on setting to make sure it is set right. Uncheck Allow Job Segmenting... Make sure Streaming is set to none*....
    4) Select the Geomenty tab... Pick Custom (16:9):
    5) Click Save As and name your custom setting...
    6) You new custom setting will show up in the Custum folder for later use:
    Another thing you can do is make Droplet of this custom setting. Menu... File... Create Droplet... Save the Droplet into a folder somewhere on your computer.
    A Droplet will start the transcoding automatically. Drag the Droplet onto a video icon and let it do it's job.
    * ProRes doesn't need the Fast Start setting. If this is set it will take almost twice as long to do the encoding. Same with Allow Job Segmenting using Qmaster.
    I did the above on the fly and hope everything is clear for you to understand.

  • Prorez 422 vs DVCPro HD for capture

    I am producing a television show and need to decide on a capture codec. Does it make a difference in capturing between Prorez 422 or DVCPro HD? I will be doing a lot of keying and intense colors as the show is for children. Also some CGI for backgrounds. I know you can convert the codec but is there an advantage in capturing in one or the other. I am shooting with Panasonic HVX200 output from the uncompressed HD component out.
    David Perry

    I like ProRes. It is nice, but you may find certain 10bit rendering errors with FCP that don't show up in 8bit CODECs. Alpha channels from still graphics seem to be the worse problems. Also some of the transparency modes don't really work right in 10bit. This isn't really the fault of the ProRes CODEC, but appears to be a problem with FCP 6 and all 10 color spaces.
    If you don't plan many transparent graphics, ProRES is awesome and I would recommend you use if if you have an uncompressed feed coming from the camera.
    I would only recommend ProRes if you have AJA Kona hardware. Only the top Kona cards seem to support it fully. My LHe card supports it but most io devices don't.
    The color space of the ProRes is very very nice. I've pushed a scene from a Varicam (captured via SDI into the Kona) by about 3 stops recently and was able to recover it without anybody knowing. It was slightly more grainy, but still very usable. DVCPro would not have taken this kind of abuse.

  • Apple ProRes 422 HQ needs rendering, but it shouldn't.

    Sequence Settings (hereafter called the master sequence) are:
    Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) 1920 X 1080 24p 48khz preset.
    Frame Size: 1920 X 1080 (HDTV 1080i 16:9)
    Pixel Aspect: Square
    Editing Timebase: 23.98fps
    Compressor: Apple ProRes 422 HQ
    Audio: 48khz/16-bit
    Footage is:
    Apple ProRes 422 (HQ)
    Frame Size: 1920 X 1080
    Pixel Aspect: Square
    Editing Timebase: 23.98fps
    Compressor: Apple ProRes 422 HQ
    Audio: 48khz/16-bit
    Data Rate: 19.5 MB/sec
    I need to put a timecode window burn on the entire movie for a web clip. So I exported a ProRes master as a QuickTime movie using the sequence settings. I then imported that clip and slipped it into a new sequence with identical settings (hereafter called TimeCode burn sequence) and was surprised to see the red render bar across the entire sequence.
    As an experiment, I exported a brief (one minute) clip from the same master sequence. I then slipped that clip into my TimeCode burn sequence and it does not need rendering (it shouldn't).
    I shouldn't have to render the Master clip first, only to have to re-render it once I but the window burn on. The movie is 30 min. long and the file size is 34GB. Is there a file size limit on ProRes HQ clips that don't need rendering? Why don't the shorter clips from the same sequence need rendering. I don't understand this. Very time consuming.
    EDIT: I will probably end up using the Timecode Generator option in Compressor, so please don't suggest this, as I am aware of it. I want to figure out this mystery.
    Message was edited by: Mr. Landers
    Message was edited by: Mr. Landers

    No, you're absolutely correct to use HQ. Just checking.
    The Red footage is has 4:4:4 subsampling, so HQ's the way to go.
    If you generally use Recompress All Frames on Export then you probably know that it's pointless to render your timeline before an Export, since your Render files won't be accessed. Unless you need to work in that same sequence with the timecode - but, you could just use your exported master for that.
    I know the recompress all frames option is probably overkill for a sequence with only one effect, but I'm also thinking about drive space. With those huge Red files, your render files have to be eating up quite a lot of it.
    So, I'm suggesting that you don't need to render this sequence before exporting. Just export the unrendered sequence with Recompress All Frames. That saves you the space the render files would be taking up.

  • Problems editing ProRes 422 in FCPX– ? Frame rate issue?

    I cannot edit video I import into FCPX except by using the Proxy media option in preferences.
    I'm recording video from my HCX920 camcorder to Apple ProRes 422 format with Wirecast as the recording app during simultaneous live broadcasting.
    The Wirecast encoding settings are set at:  ProRes 422;  1920x1080;  29.97 fps for video and the audio is encoded as 24-bit integer; 48kHZ; 16-bit sample rate.
    The video feed from the camera is 1080i at 59.94 fps.
    The raw video file is identified as "Apple ProRes 422, Linear PCM" in Get Info.  In QT 7 the FPS is listed as "29.81"  Playing fps with the movie playing ranges from 28-30fps.
    After I've imported the video to FCPX the "Project Properties" shows the video to be "1920x1080 | 59.94p".  It seems that FCPX is importing the video recorded at 29.97 as if it were recorded at 59.97fps.  Is FCPX transcoding my video to a higher frame rate?
    I am unable to play the movie once it is placed into the timeline.  It immediately stutters and shows the dropped frame warning.  I am running FCPX on a Quad-Core Mac Pro with 20GB of RAM.  The only way I can play the clip is by creating proxy media and choosing this in preferences.
    What am I doing wrong?  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    No, I was never able to get this problem worked out.  It caused me to pull my hair out.  When I compared the video quality of the ProRes output from Wirecast with the video recorded in AVHCD format on my camera's SDHC card the difference was dramatic.  So I've stopped simultaneous ProRes recording in Wirecast and I now import the AVHCD material into FCPX from my camcorder's card.
    I do, however, record the audio from my Wirecast broadcast and synch it with the video from the camera.  The audio captured by the camera's built in mechanism is abysmally poor.  This causes me more work but the final output is far superior to what I was getting from my Wirecast recordings regardless of format.
    I wish I could help or offer more encouragement.

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