Publish to folder then to idisk

Can I puclish to mobile me by transferring iweb to folder then moving the folder to idisk.
I want to edit html via textedit but it seems like the folder keeps disappearing from time to time when I try to access it via idisk.

When you publish to a folder you have to type the URL of your domain in the save dialog window.
iWeb use that URL to create the correct RSS feeds and such.
When you copy the folder to iDisk, the URL to that page is either or your personal domainname. Irrespective of the URL you typed in the Save Dialog window.

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    are long file names a problem?
    I don't think long file names are any problem. But you must get rid of spaces in the inspector and republish and reupload. If you do this with the Finder you will break numerous links and your site will most likely be non-functioning.
    If spaces are really important to you, you might switch hosts. I think godaddy accepts spaces, but you should check to be sure before moving. .Mac of course accepts spaces.

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    The folder on iDisk is the published files - the Domain.sites2 has the unpublished data.
    The published files on the iDisk aren't much use to you since you need to republish your site to a new server directly from iWeb or via a local folder and FTP.

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    G5 Dual 2ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1.5gb RAM; 400gb HD

    Hi Scott,
    Have you tried the manual way of exporting to your other iDisk?
    Within iPhoto, share/export your album. Choose how you want them named, export size should be 800 x 600.
    You can choose to export to a folder on the desktop, OR you can navigate to your iDisk/Pictures folder (by clicking on your iDisk in the left column of the Export window, then highlighting the Pictures folder...wait till the files show up.
    Now click the button on the bottom left for "new folder" name the folder to the name of your slideshow. Now click "ok"
    Wait till all your files are uploaded to your idisk Pictures folder.
    If you exported to the desktop, then open up your iDisk folder (mount your iDisk), navigate to the Pictures folder and drag your folder of exported photos into the Pictures folder.
    Go to your .Mac homepage.
    Go to "create a page" and choose the album template you want.
    In the next window your Pictures folder will open up. Highlight the folder you just uploaded, and click the "choose" button
    Now you can finish your editing, titles, etc. and you are good to go.

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    Okay.  When you publish your site from iWeb to a local folder what you will get is one site folder - this site folder will have the same name as you gave your site in iWeb and one separate index.html file.
    Your site folder contains an index.html file as well as the separate index.html file.  You NEED both.
    What you need to do is firstly using Cyberduck or whatever, upload your site folder to your host into whatever folder you need to upload to on the server - could be 'public_html', 'htdocs' or whatever - this is your root folder.
    You then need to upload your separate index.html file to your server too, but this index file needs to sit outside your site folder because it needs to point in towards the index.html file that is in your site folder - this is the first page of your site.
    You don't delete or duplicate any index files - iWeb produces the two index files that you need when you publish to a local folder - one index file in the site folder itself and one separate index file that sits outside the site folder and points into the first page of your site. 
    Also, remember to call the first page of your site something like Home or Welcome, but DO NOT name it index.
    By the looks of things here you have not uploaded your index files correctly.
    What I would suggest that you do is start over - so open Cyberduck and connect to your server and go and delete your site folder and your other index file if it is still there.
    Go back to iWeb and publish to a local folder again and notice that you have both your site folder and separate index.html file.
    Now go and open Cyberduck again and connect to your server and note where you need to upload your files to.
    Now go and upload your Site Folder to your server and once this has finished go back and upload your separate index.html file, but this needs to sit outside your site folder.  If you do this, then your site should display okay - as long as your other index file is pointing into to the first page of your site it should display correctly.

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    I just found the problem: iWeb 2 doesn't like the QTVR object video. There is no problem with the classics QTVR (panoramas).
    To found the source of the problem, look at the last published page. Then, delete it and publish one more time.

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    I'm new here so I apologise sincerely if a similar question has been asked and answered.
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    I'm not sure what is wrong - did I input the wrong CNAME or was I supposed to do something else as well as "Publish to a folder" --> then enter the URL for the site at bottom...?
    Would really appreciate some feedback - so lost right now!!

    Why are you publishing to a folder? You only need to do this if you are uploading directly to the domain webspace and you need an ftp client to do this such as Cyberduck.
    CNAME is only used if you are publishing the site to a MobileMe account and you are forwarding the domain to your MMe account?
    What is it that you are doing?
    If using CNAME, then you need to go to your MMe account and enter the domain name under the personal section, enter personal domain. Then publish your site and then go to your domain name registrar and go to the DNS settings and set the CNAME up to forward to
    If you are using CNAME forwarding, then from within iWeb you need to click on Publish All to MobileMe and NOT TO A FOLDER. The folder option is ONLY if you are uploading directly with ftp to your domain space.

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    Thanks in advance for your help!

    You can't unless you publish your site to either MobileMe or a server. Your students will probably not be able to open the files that you have linked to anyway if you burn your site to a DVD, as if you have published your site to a folder, then all your files will be on your hard drive and not on a server, as is the case if you had published your site.
    With all links to files, if you publish your site to a server, then all the relevant files are uploaded to your server and this is not the case if you publish to a local folder - this is where your files are and the links are created to where your documents are on your computer. If you want the files too, then you need to ensure that you burn those to a DVD.
    Why not publish your site to the web as was intended. Publishing to a folder is only really meant as a way of checking out what your site looks like before publishing or for uploading purposes.

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    Now that I have my site up and running. If I make a change to it do I have to "publish to folder" again and then upload by FTP? Or can I make the change and my FTP program automatically finds the change when it uploads?

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  • FTP Publishing Help to my own domain (publish to folder).

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    Saved the site.
    Clicked "publish to a folder"
    Then I try to FTP the index.html and the saved folder (saved under the name TDG).
    So, what next? Do I need to change the name of one of these folders before I FTP?
    Do I need to save the file as a different name while working in iWeb?
    I can't seem to go to and see my site. I'm going nuts.

    OK, I figured it out (FINALLY). I had to create an htdocs folder first.

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    is it ok to have the file in both downloads and document? it will not be more size?

    If you copy it to another folder, e.g., Documents, and you can see it in the Downloads folder then you now have two copies of the file. If you delete one copy, the other stays intact. If you keep both, there is no harm, although the amount of disk space used is twice as big as when you only keep one copy.

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    If you copy it to another folder, e.g., Documents, and you can see it in the Downloads folder then you now have two copies of the file. If you delete one copy, the other stays intact. If you keep both, there is no harm, although the amount of disk space used is twice as big as when you only keep one copy.

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    $List = $Dir | where {$_.extension -eq ".bak"}
    $List | format-table name
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    As you found out moving Illustrator can cause the program to fail. Putting the app back sshouldhoudl have returned you to normal. The default swatches come from which New Doc Profile you choose
    We need more detail on which swatches you are suggesting, the deafults or color books? If you did not edit your new documetn profiles, then when you create a new document you should have swatches. Check if you have Show all swatches set.

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    Please help. When I click on the download folder then MBP crashes

    I see. Not good.  Does this happen when you click on it in the Dock?  What about in your home folder? What about in the Finder sidebar?
    Standard troubleshooting things to try:
    * Hold command-r while starting up to get into Recovery Mode.  Run DIsk Utility and "Repair Disk".  (This is probably a good idea in any case because of the possible disk errors which could accumulate due to all the freezing.)
    * Hold shift down while starting up to get into Safe Mode. Does the bad behavior persist while in Safe mode?

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