Publishing Queries to KM Folders

Hello Experts
I've search SDN for this answer, but I continually see posts of white papers talking about general information, I really I have just 1 simple question, When you publish or Broadcast a BEx Query to a Knowledge Management Folder (KM), do you retain all the BEx functionality: Such as drill down, sorting, swapping etc? 

Sorry about that.  When you Broadcast a query from the Information Broadcaster, it goes into Portals, into a Knowledge Management Folder.   Once it's there, do you retain the same functionality as you would, if your simply ran the query from the BEx Analyzer?

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    Hi Doniv,
    Prakash has very nice blogs covering the publishing strategies with EP.
    Part 1: /people/prakash.darji/blog/2006/09/04/sap-netweaver-2004s-bi--define-your-publishing-strategy-part-1
    Part 2: /people/prakash.darji/blog/2006/11/19/sap-netweaver-2004s-bi--define-your-publishing-strategy-part-2
    Hope it answers your questions
    Regards, Uday
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    And I believe that's the best practice.
    Create a role just to publish the queries/workbooks only (just for the Menu).
    Create another role for the authorization objects.
    Both roles should be assigned to the user but manage independently.

  • Publishing Queries to Roles

    Hello Gurus,
    I would like your take on the practice of publishing BW queries to roles? For an example there are 10 sets of queries and these 10 are published into a role for each company that exists. So in essence if there were 20 company codes we will have 20 roles containing 10 queries hardcoded with a company code. I spoke to our BW developer to get an idea as to why this is being done instead of restricting access through S_RS_COMP. Response was that this was done due to performance reasons (something to do with the queries linking directly to the infoprovider containing the information rather than going through all of the infoproviders). So,  Rather than leaving the query open and the user entering the parameter themselves it was decided that the queries were to be hardcoded to cut down the time it takes for systems to display the results.
    Anyone experience this issue before? My goal is to setup a derived role where the child roles are restricted by S_RS_AUTH for the company codes and query access through S_RS_COMP instead of being published to a single role. Before I do this I would like to figure out a way to move away from this practice without affect performance for end users.
    By the way our users access these queries through the Bex Analyzer. 

            Using derived roles in BW or S_RS_AUTH may not be the best design as field for S_RS_AUTH does not appear as org level. So you are not really going to have any advantage by going with derived role concept in terms of maintainence effort.
            With 10 queries  - 20 Company Codes - you will not need 20 roles  because of Company Code, just update the queries with appropriate authorization variable for company code and restrict users on company code. Just 20 company codes should not cause any performance issues
            Also with hardcoding the queries for each single company code - how are you resolving the scenario when user has access to more than one company code/ or global access. 

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    Ashish Gupta wrote:
    Should i move the data model in the Reports Folder only, under Shared Folders?
    just wanted to know the best practise as to how data model and reports are stored under Shared folders as in separate folders or everything in the same folder.Yes the best practice is to create a folder called BIP Reports(shared folder) -> under which you can create 2 folders as Data Model and Data Template
    Also how do i make sure that these Reports under Shared Folders are pointing to the Data Model in the Shared Folders and not to the Data Model of My Folders?
    AshishTo make sure the data template/report is pointed to data model in shared folder go to the corresponding report and from right pane under the report you see options as open schedule jobs job history edit more
    select edit -> opens a new window -> from top you see a magnifier icon click on that opens a new window now select the datamodel from shared folder for the corresponding report thats it.
    hope it helps

  • Publishing queries in the Portal

    Hi experts
    I have a requirement for having queries publishe din the portal
    I know I can do it by creating web template, but it time consuming
    I've tried the following:
    1) on query designer I published query to the portal. Issue is that selection criteria of my query will only pop up on the portal if there is some mandatory value. Do you know any workarround for this
    2) I also see that by default all my reports are in the portal.. But I have the same issue stated above... no selection criteria will pop up when exectuting those, except if there is any mandatory criteria~
    Can anyone help with this portal issue? Any tip is highly appreciated
    Many Thanks

    If you dont want variable screen then you need set the Web template parameter "Display Variable Screen" to "Turn OFF".
    Then varibale screen should not appear while opening up the web template.
    I will explain How variable screen will work:
    1. If a query has no variables, no variable screen will be shown in web.
    It is not at all possible to see variable screen in this case.
    2. If a query has variables (only optional variables but no mandatory
    variables ) then variable screen will not be shown.
    3. If a query has mandatory variable but if it is prefilled, then
    variable screen will not be shown.
    you can enforce to see variable screen only in case 2 and 3 by using the
    parameter '&VARIABLE_SCREEN=X' to the end of context url as shown in
    example below:
    The variable screen wont be shown if there are no mandatory variables
    in the query.  You can force it with the following methods,
    1) Append the parameter '&VARIABLE_SCREEN=X' to the links in your menu.
    2) Change the parameter in the web template used   > template property
       'Force variable screen' in the Web Application Designer, per
       default it is not checked.
    3) In case, no template is specified, the standard web template is
       used   > transaction SPRO. In case, no web template is maintained as
       standard web template in transaction SPRO the standard web template
       delivered by SAP is used. It is recommended not to change
       the original SAP template but to create a copy, apply changes and
       maintain it as new standard web template in transaction SPRO. Please
       review note 643464 for further informations."
    Only when there is a mandatory variable which is not filled and has
    to be filled only by user via F4 help, then variable screen will
    be shown automatically.

  • Uploaded BW Roles and Iviews launch

    Hello Gurus,
    My goal is to replace the BEx Browser with the Portal.
    I am experiment different things but so far it seams that the best way would be to Upload SAP_BW Roles to the portal with the following settings:
    Upload user mapping:               YES
    Upload user mapping:           YES
    Upload included services:           YES
    Select first folder level as entry point:      YES
    Convert roles to worksets:          NO
    Role name only
    I am facing a couple of problems though:
    1) Once I added an uploaded role to a Portal User, I am accessing the portal with it:
    Folders contained into the roles now are shown as tabs, which is actually fine.
    Web queries, contained into the role, are shown as sub-tabs which doesn’t thrills me but I don’t see any problem with it.
    The first web query (Iview) contained into the folder starts by itself even though I am not clicking it and this is not alright!
    I was imagining something different like what we have accessing the portal with role “”
    A folder which contains clickable links leading to the web queries (iViews).
    Do you know a way to have the same thing with uploaded roles?
    If it is not possible can you please tell me how to avoid the automatic start of the first query (Iview)?
    2) I am not able to find within the KM, web queries (iviews) imported with the tool… can you please tell where they have been stored?
    If you believe there is a better strategy to replace the BEx Browser with the portal please let me know it !
    Thank you very much!
    Matteo Mariniello

    Hi Matteo,
    If you are using NW 2004s, i would recommend going with the BI- Java Usage type which would provide you with Business Explorer and Business Planning Roles. This contains a Bex Web Analyzer through which you can run your queries and reports through portal. This also provides acces to Bex Portfolio where you can publish Queries to KM Folders.
    You can install BI as a usage type while installing NW 2004s.
    Check out the following links.
    BI Suite
    Integrating BI with Portal

  • Transaction for overview of Queries published in Roles via Query designer

    Hi Guru's,
    in Query designer I have the possibility to publish Queries in roles.
    I have the problem that some Queries have been published twice or more in different folders, so I want to clean it. But I don't know how to delete the Queries via BEx Analyzer as they are there again as soon as I log in again.
    Isn't there any transaction in Backend that I can use to structure my Queries in roles?
    Thanks in advance!

    One way to delete unneeded duplicates....
    Go to Query designer, in development
    Instead of loading the query you want to delete, find it in the folder/role
    Click on the "Trash Can" icon
    Then we have 2 more options to consider....
    - Delete object ...will TOTALLY delete it in the development system.... caution with this one, unless you really do want it to permanently go-away.
    - Delete only the object reference from the Role/Favorites... will delete the one instance in the folder, but leaves it everywhere else, useful when deleting a duplicate report in the folder
    After choosing one of the 2 options above, then click on the 'continue' button.
    "Refresh" to check what was done in development = Menu / Refresh
    When done... transport the role to Q and Production.
    Similar process if the query is located inside of web template and there are multiple instances of the same web template in the roles/folders that need to be cleaned up in the web application designer.

  • Queries Published to Workbook Roles

    Hello Gurus,
    I need some advice on this particular situation.
    I currently have users in our BI systems (BI 7.0) that are assigned to roles specifically for workbooks to use with the BEX analyzer. In this case there are users who can publish queries to workbooks for anyone to use (as long as they're assigned to the workbook role).
    Note:  To be specific, our business users do not create queries in production, but simply create a view of an existing query and make changes based on their specific need, which then can be saved to a workbook.   
    In the past we had workbook roles transported (in error) to production from development, which overwritten the queries published to the workbook in production. Updates to the workbook roles were only being made in production, so when the roles came over from DEV it wiped the queries that were created by the end users.  Iu2019m currently in the process on re-structuring the role authorization concept in our BI system and would like to incorporate workbook authorization to one role (role based security) instead of having multiple on-off roles for workbooks. Having one role means Iu2019ll need to work in DEV and push the changes to production, however with the workbook situation if any queries have been published to the one role it will be wiped every time a transport goes into production.
    I would like to the following:
    1. Is there an alternative method to running queries without utilizing workbooks?
    2. What would be the best scenario or best practice when publishing queries to workbook roles?

    User cannot see favorites of another user in BEx Analyzer.
    Instead of saving a workbook to the role and risk having it overwritten the next time the role is transported, your users could save their changes as a view ('save view global' option).  They will not be prompted to save as a favorite or in a role - it inherits whatever role the query is in and will not be overwritten if that role is transported.
    Keep in mind that things like query properties set in the view are not retained like they are with a workbook, however.  The view stores the navigation state, variable values, etc.
    Hope this helps...

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    Select them , then Publish using the big button at the bottom of the left hand panel.

  • Role to Organise/Group queries

      I got 80 Finance Queries/Reports with are grouped into 12 Areas.
      My requirment is to develop roles which will
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    If a user who is authorized to view only Profit center accounting reports then he/she supposed to view all the  queries in Profit center area.
    'Finance Reports'
    How can i acheieve this

    you need to talk to security person for this
    the person who manages sap security should help you
    he/she  will help you create folders for that purpose
    for e.g. in order to create folder finance, create folder profit center
    then u need to publish the reports in this areas
    you can publish same report inmultiple folders
    then u need to assign authorization group object to users for this folders
    security person will create authorization object for each folders seperately
    then he can add those objects in the user id of ur users
    this way ur users will get the acess to the folders only and vice versa to the queries publish in their

  • Publishing reports using BEx to the Portal

    We have a folder called Store_Data (under Public Documents in KM) that has 500 store folders for reports.  They are sorted by store number.  When publishing reports to those folders from BEx Broadcaster the folders are sorted by creation date which makes it difficult to find the store folders.
    Is there a way to have them sorted the same as the portal?

    It is sorting fine in the portal but when you access the folder through BEx is not sorted.

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    An error occurred while publishing file “/private/var/folders/qg/qg-Qwo-82RWdDU+8ZNhusU+++TI/TemporaryItems/ Web_9121_TEMP_344183369_3/sites/Site/Grand_Canyon_11_Slideshow_part_1_2_files/or iginal_2.jpg”. Try publishing again later.
    Is there a problem with my photos or other content (I've added some songs to play in the slideshow)
    Dan H.

    First see if you can publish your site to a folder on your hard drive.  You can select the folder by clicking on the site's folder in iWeb and using the Publish To: menu.
    If that's successful try the following:
    delete the iWeb preference files, and, that resides in your Home() /Library/Preferences folder.
    go to your Home()/Library/Caches/ folder and delete its contents.
    Click to view full size
    launch iWeb and try again.

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