i have changed the exchange rate in PO at header level,
where i can see the exchange rate in migo.

exchange rate is not available in migo check in MIRO

Similar Messages

  • Error in BAPI

    Hello ,
    While using the BAPI 'BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA', to extend material from one plant to another my code is throwing an error 'Currency initial v,current amount 6,000.0000 in MOVING_PR was transferred without a currency'
    Enter a material number'
    I have incorporated mbew-peinh, even then its throwing the same error.
    I snd copy of my code.
    report  zmm_r018 .
    *& Prog to copy n create the existing material using bapi .
    tables: t001l, "Storage Locations
            mara,  "General Material Data
            makt,  "Material Descriptions
            mbew,  "Material Valuation
            marc,  "Plant Data for Material
            mltx.  "Purchase Order Descriptions
    **parameters : new_mat like mara-matnr,
                desc like makt-maktx,
    *data:         ref_mat like mara-matnr.
    *data: xmara type mara.
    **data: wamatnr like mara-matnr.
    data: potext type string."Purchase Order Desc
    data : ihead_data type bapimathead,
           iclient_data type bapi_mara,                    "Client Data
           iclient_datax type bapi_marax,
          imakt like bapi_makt,                           "Mat Description
           iplant_data    like bapi_marc,                  "Plant View
           iplant_datax   like bapi_marcx,
           iltxt type table of bapi_mltx with header line, "Pur Order Text
           istoragelocationdata type bapi_mard,            "Storage Location
           istoragelocationdatax type bapi_mardx,
           iaccounting_data  like bapi_mbew,               "Accounting View
           iaccounting_datax  like bapi_mbewx,
           bapiret like bapiret2,
           returnm type table of bapi_matreturn2 with header line.
    **Internal Table to hold the records in the text file
    types:begin of it,
    matnr(18),  " Material number
    mbrsh(1),   " Industry sector
    mtart(4),   " Material type
    werks(4),   " Plant
    lgort_d(4),  "Storage Location
    maktx(40),  " Material description
    meins(3),   " Base unit of measure
    matkl(9) ,  " Material group
    bismt(18),  " Old Material number
    spart(2),   " Division
    gewei(3),   " Weight Unit
    text1(30),  " Purchasr Order Text
    dzeinr(22), " Document
    ekgrp(3),   " Purchasing group
    ekwsl(4),   " Purchase Value Key
    webaz(3),   " Goods receipt processing time in days
    dismm(2),   " MRP Type
    minbe(13),  "Reorder point
    dispo(3),   " MRP Controller
    disls(2),   "Lot size (materials planning)
    mabst(13),  "Maximum stock level
    plifz(3),   " Planned delivery time in days
    webaz1(3),  " Goods receipt processing time in days
    fhori(3),   "Scheduling Margin Key for Floats
    eisbe(13),  "Safety stock
    mtvfp(2),   "Checking Group for Availability Check
    lgpbe(10),  "Storage Bin
    qmatauth(6),"Material Authorization Group for Activities in QM
    qmpur(1),   " QM in Procurement is Active
    qsspur(8),  "Control Key for Quality Management in Procurement
    bklas(4),   " Valuation Class
    bwtty_d(1), "Valuation Category
    vprsv(1),   " Price control indicator
    verpr_bapi(23), "Moving average price/periodic unit price
    peinh(5),     "Price Unit
    end of it.
    data: it_data type table of it,
          wa_data like line  of it_data.
    *Decalraing flag
    data: v_flag value ''.
    data: bapi_head like bapimathead,
          bapi_clientdata like bapi_mara,
          bapi_clientdatax like bapi_marax,
          bapi_plantdata like bapi_marc,
          bapi_plantdatax like  bapi_marcx,
          bapi_storagelocationdata like bapi_mard,
          bapi_storagelocationdatax like bapi_mardx,
          bapi_salesdata like bapi_mvke,
          bapi_salesdatax like bapi_mvkex,
          bapi_makt like bapi_makt,
          bapi_return like bapiret2.
    data: begin of it_makt occurs 0.
    include structure bapi_makt.
    data end of it_makt.
    data:begin of it_ret occurs 0.
    include structure bapiret2.
    data end of it_ret.
    data: it_excel type alsmex_tabline occurs 0 with header line.
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    parameter: fname type rlgrap-filename  default 'c:\supplies.xls'.
    parameters: p_begcol type i default '1' no-display,
                p_begrow type i default '2' no-display,
                p_endcol type i default '200' no-display,
                p_endrow type i default '2500' no-display.
    *perform f_get_data.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    at selection-screen on value-request for fname.
    perform f_get_file using fname.
    perform f_xls_itab using fname
                       changing it_excel.
    perform f_move_data.
    perform f_get_data.
    perform f_call_bapi.
    *&      Form  F_GET_FILE
         -->P_FNAME  text
         <--P_SY_SUBRC  text
    form f_get_file  using    p_fname like fname.
    call function 'KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4'
       program_name        = syst-repid
       dynpro_number       = syst-dynnr
      FIELD_NAME          = ' '
      STATIC              = ' '
      MASK                = ' '
        file_name           = p_fname
      MASK_TOO_LONG       = 1
      OTHERS              = 2
    if sy-subrc <>  0.
    message e006(zhnc).
    endform.                    " F_GET_FILE
    *&      Form  F_XLS_ITAB
         -->P_FNAME  text
         <--P_IT_EXCEL  text
    form f_xls_itab  using    p_fname
                     changing p_it_excel.
    call function 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE'
        filename                      = 'c:\supplies.xls'
        i_begin_col                   = p_begcol
        i_begin_row                   = p_begrow
        i_end_col                     = p_endcol
        i_end_row                     = p_endrow
        intern                        = it_excel
       inconsistent_parameters       = 1
       upload_ole                    = 2
       others                        = 3.
    if sy-subrc <>  0.
    endform.                    " F_XLS_ITAB
    *&      Form  F_MOVE_DATA
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form f_move_data .
    data : lv_index type i.
    field-symbols <fs>.
    *--- Sorting the internal table
    sort it_excel by row col.
    clear it_excel.
    loop at it_excel.
    move it_excel-col to lv_index.
    *--- Assigning the each record to an internal table row
    assign component lv_index of structure wa_data to <fs>.
    *--- Asigning the field value to a field symbol
    move it_excel-value to <fs>.
    at end of row.
    append wa_data to it_data.
    clear wa_data.
    endform.                    " F_MOVE_DATA
    form f_get_data .
    loop at it_data into wa_data.
    move-corresponding wa_data to ihead_data.
        ihead_data-material       = wa_data-matnr.
        ihead_data-ind_sector     = wa_data-mbrsh.
        ihead_data-matl_type      = wa_data-mtart.
        ihead_data-basic_view     = 'X'.
        ihead_data-purchase_view  = 'X'.
        ihead_data-mrp_view       = 'X'.
        ihead_data-storage_view   = 'X'.
        ihead_data-quality_view   = 'X'.
        ihead_data-account_view   = 'X'.
        move-corresponding wa_data to iclient_data.
    Material Description
        refresh it_makt.
        it_makt-langu              = 'EN'.
        it_makt-matl_desc          =  wa_data-maktx.
        append it_makt.
    Purchase Order Description
    concatenate wa_data-text1 wa_data-text2 wa_data-text3 wa_data-text4
    wa_data-text5 wa_data-text6 into potext
    separated by space.
    iltxt-applobject = 'MATERIAL'.
    iltxt-text_name  =  wa_data-matnr.
    iltxt-text_id    = 'BEST'.
    iltxt-langu      = sy-langu.
    iltxt-langu_iso  = 'EN'.
    iltxt-format_col = space.
    iltxt-text_line  = potext.
    append iltxt.
    Client Data - Basic
        iclient_data-matl_group     = wa_data-matkl.
        iclient_data-old_mat_no     = wa_data-bismt.
        iclient_data-base_uom       = wa_data-meins.
        iclient_data-document       = wa_data-dzeinr.
        iclient_data-unit_of_wt     = wa_data-gewei.
        iclient_data-division       = wa_data-spart.
        iclient_data-qm_procmnt     = wa_data-qmpur.
        iclient_data-pur_valkey     = wa_data-ekwsl.
        iclient_datax-matl_group    = 'X'.
        iclient_datax-old_mat_no    = 'X'.
        iclient_datax-base_uom      = 'X'.
        iclient_datax-po_unit       = 'X'.
        iclient_datax-document      = 'X'.
        iclient_datax-unit_of_wt    = 'X'.
        iclient_datax-division      = 'X'.
        iclient_datax-var_ord_un    = 'X'.
        iclient_data-pur_valkey    = 'X'.
    move-corresponding wa_data to iplant_data.
    Plant - Purchasing
        iplant_data-plant          = wa_data-werks.
        iplant_data-pur_group      = wa_data-ekgrp.
        iplant_data-gr_pr_time     = wa_data-webaz.
        iplant_datax-plant         = wa_data-werks.
        iplant_data-pur_group      = 'X'.
        iplant_datax-gr_pr_time     = 'X'.
    *MRP1 View
        iplant_data-mrp_type       = wa_data-dismm.
        iplant_data-reorder_pt     = wa_data-minbe.
        iplant_data-mrp_ctrler     = wa_data-dispo.
        iplant_data-lotsizekey     = wa_data-disls.
        iplant_data-max_stock      = wa_data-mabst .
        iplant_datax-mrp_type       = 'X'.
        iplant_datax-reorder_pt     = 'X'.
        iplant_datax-mrp_ctrler     = 'X'.
        iplant_datax-lotsizekey     = 'X'.
        iplant_datax-max_stock      = 'X'.
    *MRP2 View
        iplant_data-plnd_delry     = wa_data-plifz.
        iplant_data-sm_key         = wa_data-fhori.
        iplant_data-ctrl_key       = wa_data-qsspur.
        iplant_data-availcheck     = wa_data-mtvfp.
        iplant_datax-plnd_delry     = 'X'.
        iplant_datax-sm_key         = 'X'.
        iplant_data-ctrl_key        = 'X'.
        iplant_datax-availcheck     = 'X'.
    *MRP3 View
       iplant_data-safety_stk     = wa_data-eisbe.
       iplant_data-qm_authgrp     = wa_data-qmatauth.
       iplant_datax-safety_stk     = 'X'.
       iplant_data-qm_authgrp      = 'X'.
    move-corresponding wa_data to istoragelocationdata.
    Storage View
        istoragelocationdata-plant        = wa_data-werks.
        istoragelocationdata-stge_loc     = wa_data-lgort_d.
        istoragelocationdata-stge_bin     = wa_data-lgpbe.
        istoragelocationdatax-plant        = wa_data-werks.
        istoragelocationdatax-stge_loc     = wa_data-lgort_d.
        istoragelocationdatax-stge_bin     = 'X'.
        iaccounting_data-val_area   = wa_data-werks.
        iaccounting_data-price_ctrl = wa_data-vprsv.
        iaccounting_data-moving_pr  = wa_data-verpr_bapi.
        iaccounting_data-price_unit = wa_data-peinh.
        iaccounting_data-val_class  = wa_data-bklas.
        iaccounting_data-val_cat    = wa_data-bwtty_d.
        iaccounting_datax-val_area   = wa_data-werks.
        iaccounting_datax-price_ctrl = 'X'.
        iaccounting_datax-moving_pr  = 'X'.
        iaccounting_datax-price_unit = 'X'.
        iaccounting_datax-val_class  = 'X'.
        iaccounting_datax-val_cat    = 'X'.
    clear it_ret.
    refresh it_ret.
    perform f_call_bapi.
    read table it_ret with key type = 'S'.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    perform f_bapi_commit.
    *message e000(zhnc) with 'ERROR IN CREATING THE MATERIAL'.
    endform.                    " F_GET_DATA
    *&      Form  F_CALL_BAPI
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form f_call_bapi .
    call function 'BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA'
         headdata                   = ihead_data
         clientdata                 = iclient_data
         clientdatax                = iclient_datax
         plantdata                  = iplant_data
         plantdatax                 = iplant_datax
       PLANNINGDATA               =
       PLANNINGDATAX              =
        storagelocationdata        = istoragelocationdata
        storagelocationdatax       = istoragelocationdatax
         valuationdata              = iaccounting_data
         valuationdatax             = iaccounting_datax
       SALESDATA                  =
       SALESDATAX                 =
       STORAGETYPEDATA             = istoragelocationdata
       STORAGETYPEDATAX            = istoragelocationdatax
       FLAG_ONLINE                = ' '
       FLAG_CAD_CALL              = ' '
       NO_DEQUEUE                 = ' '
       NO_ROLLBACK_WORK           = ' '
        return                     = it_ret
        materialdescription        = it_makt
       UNITSOFMEASURE             = it_uom
       UNITSOFMEASUREX            = it_uomx
         materiallongtext          = iltxt
        returnmessages             = returnm.
       PRTDATA                   =
       PRTDATAX                  =
       EXTENSIONIN               =
       EXTENSIONINX              =
    append it_ret.
    write: it_ret-message .
    endform.                    " F_CALL_BAPI
    *&      Form  F_BAPI_COMMIT
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form f_bapi_commit .
    call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'
      WAIT         =
      RETURN        =
    endform.                    " F_BAPI_COMMIT
    Plz suggest some solution.
    Best Regards,

    Insert Material number in the MAKT(Material Description table).
    Also, check if the material number is missing somewhere else...

  • MIGO-GR Open Quantity in Excise Item is not allowing MIRO

    We are facing problem while posting MIRO.
    There is open quantity in Excise Item Tab. This problem is occured as there was difference of 0.036 in Goods Receipt.
    I haved checked my MIGO-GR it is showing 802.00 KG while in J1IS - Part 2 it is showing 801.964 KG there is open quantity.
    Excise Part-2 entry is not completed and it is not allowing us to post MIRO for the Supplier Invoice against the Purchasr Order.
    You are kindly requested to look in to this and suggest solution, how we can solve this problem.
    Edited by: Vishal_Kadiya on Dec 24, 2011 9:27 AM

    In J1iex change and post  the balance qty and value for the same invoice and then do MIRO.

  • GL Account change in OBYC for BSX

    The requirement is to change the Inventory account in OBYC for BSX.
    Can any body explain me what is the impact if we change the Inventory account and
    is there any precautions we need to take before changing the inventory account?
    Points will be assigned for your views/answers/suggestions.

    Hi Murali,
    Thanks for your reply. If I am not wrong we will not assign any GL account in Purchasr Order. The GL Account will be picked from OBYC settings.
    Can you please explain me where we need to change the GL account number?
    And there will be any impact on the old GL Account line items?
    Thanks for your time

  • Purchase Info Record (time independent condition)

    Hi all,
    I am having a Purchaisng Info record for Material X, vendor A, Plant 1000, Pur Org: POR1
    last PO price history is Rs.10/-
    now requirement is:
    created a new Plant 2000, Pur Org:POR2,,
    want to create a manual purchasing info record for Material X, Vendor A, Plant 2000, Pur Org:POR2, wherein i want to insert price as Rs.10/- (time independent condition), so that while creating a new PO, it should capture this value Rs.10/-
    how this can be done?
    thanks & regards,

    I think here you have two solutions here.
    1) Create a new inforecord with the new palnt and purchasig organisation
    Create a new purchase order with the new plant and purchase organisation first time you need enter the net price then save the purchase order
    After saving purchasr order system will create a new time independent info record for the combination of Material, Vendor, Plant, purchasing organisationa and infocategory.
    I hope this would resolve the problem. If it helps award me the points

  • MM - MEPOTEXT Structure

    ME21N - Create Purchasr Order , Head of the Order - the field Header Text and Header Note should be in the MEPOTEXT structure , after to save the order i have to export this fields data by a query. I'd like to know the name of the table and the name of the fields because in a query i can't put in join a structure but only tables.
    thank you everybody . McSgarz

    I have the same problem. Does anybody knows the technical field? Where's the table and where's this data stored in? How can I make a query from this MEPOTEXT?

  • Purchase order with out PR Reference controlling to control

    Dear All
                  I wants to control purchase order creation without PR Reference. i want to control this via standard settings is it possible through standard.
    Purchase order creation Through PR only. if user enter powithout pr reference it should through the error.any standard setting available for this.

    I am giving you step wise details
    Step 1.
    1. Goto SPRO --> Materials Management --> Purchasing --> Purchase Order --> Define Document Types.
    Check the "Field selection Group" of the "Purchase Order Document Type" (optional Step)
    2. Enter T-Code OMET.
    3."Change View "Functional Authorizations: Purchase Order" : Overview Screen comes up
    4. Click on "New Entries"
    5. Give 2-digit "Code (01)" and a "Description" for "Functional Authorization".
    6. Select the Check Box " Ref. to Purchasre Requisition".
    7. Enter the "Field Selection Group from Step 1. in the Field Selction (optional Step)
    8. Save and Back
    9. Enter T-Code SU3
    10. Select "Parameters" TAB
    11. In Parameter ID enter EBF
    12 In Parameter Value enter the 01
    13 Save.
    Now when you try to Create a Purchase Order the System will give and Error "You have no authorization to create without reference to another document"
    Hope this will Solve the Problem

  • Looking for enhancement for the price control of purchasr oder

    I'm Looking for enhancement for the price control of purchasr oder
    I need to develop programs to control the price of purchase orders according to some special rules while purchase order is creating, so,
    can anybody tell me which enhancement is beeter to adopt?
    Thanks and best regards.

    following are there for purchase order...
    AMPL0001            User subscreen for additional data on AMPL
    LMEDR001            Enhancements to print program
    LMELA002            Adopt batch no. from shipping notification when posting a
    LMELA010            Inbound shipping notification: Transfer item data from IDO
    LMEQR001            User exit for source determination
    LMEXF001            Conditions in Purchasing Documents Without Invoice Receipt
    LWSUS001            Customer-Specific Source Determination in Retail
    M06B0001            Role determination for purchase requisition release
    M06B0002            Changes to comm. structure for purchase requisition releas
    M06B0003            Number range and document number
    M06B0004            Number range and document number
    M06B0005            Changes to comm. structure for overall release of requisn.
    M06E0004            Changes to communication structure for release purch. doc.
    M06E0005            Role determination for release of purchasing documents
    ME590001            Grouping of requsitions for PO split in ME59
    MEETA001            Define schedule line type (backlog, immed. req., preview)
    MEFLD004            Determine earliest delivery date f. check w. GR (only PO)
    MELAB001            Gen. forecast delivery schedules: Transfer schedule implem
    MEQUERY1            Enhancement to Document Overview ME21N/ME51N
    MEVME001            WE default quantity calc. and over/ underdelivery toleranc
    MM06E001            User exits for EDI inbound and outbound purchasing documen
    MM06E003            Number range and document number
    MM06E004            Control import data screens in purchase order
    MM06E005            Customer fields in purchasing document
    MM06E007            Change document for requisitions upon conversion into PO
    MM06E008            Monitoring of contr. target value in case of release order
    MM06E009            Relevant texts for "Texts exist" indicator
    MM06E010            Field selection for vendor address
    MM06E011            Activate PReq Block
    MMAL0001            ALE source list distribution: Outbound processing
    MMAL0002            ALE source list distribution: Inbound processing
    MMAL0003            ALE purcasing info record distribution: Outbound processin
    MMAL0004            ALE purchasing info record distribution: Inbound processin
    MMDA0001            Default delivery addresses
    MMFAB001            User exit for generation of release order
    MRFLB001            Control Items for Contract Release Order
    No of Exits:         36
    to search for any enhancement you can use the following prog..
    report  zfinduserexit.
    tables : tstc, tadir, modsapt, modact, trdir, tfdir, enlfdir.
    tables : tstct.
    data : jtab like tadir occurs 0 with header line.
    data : field1(30).
    data : v_devclass like tadir-devclass.
    parameters : p_tcode like tstc-tcode obligatory.
    select single * from tstc where tcode eq p_tcode.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    select single * from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR'
    and object = 'PROG'
    and obj_name = tstc-pgmna.
    move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
    select single * from trdir where name = tstc-pgmna.
    if trdir-subc eq 'F'.
    select single * from tfdir where pname = tstc-pgmna.
    select single * from enlfdir where funcname =
    select single * from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR'
    and object = 'FUGR'
    and obj_name eq enlfdir-area.
    move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
    select * from tadir into table jtab
    where pgmid = 'R3TR'
    and object = 'SMOD'
    and devclass = v_devclass.
    select single * from tstct where sprsl eq sy-langu and
    tcode eq p_tcode.
    format color col_positive intensified off.
    write:/(19) 'Transaction Code - ',
    20(20) p_tcode,
    45(50) tstct-ttext.
    if not jtab[] is initial.
    write:/(95) sy-uline.
    format color col_heading intensified on.
    write:/1 sy-vline,
    2 'Exit Name',
    21 sy-vline ,
    22 'Description',
    95 sy-vline.
    write:/(95) sy-uline.
    loop at jtab.
    select single * from modsapt
    where sprsl = sy-langu and
    name = jtab-obj_name.
    format color col_normal intensified off.
    write:/1 sy-vline,
    2 jtab-obj_name hotspot on,
    21 sy-vline ,
    22 modsapt-modtext,
    95 sy-vline.
    write:/(95) sy-uline.
    describe table jtab.
    format color col_total intensified on.
    write:/ 'No of Exits:' , sy-tfill.
    format color col_negative intensified on.
    write:/(95) 'No User Exit exists'.
    format color col_negative intensified on.
    write:/(95) 'Transaction Code Does Not Exist'.
    at line-selection.
    get cursor field field1.
    check field1(4) eq 'JTAB'.
    set parameter id 'MON' field sy-lisel+1(10).
    execute the report and enter the transaction for which u want to find the enhancement and execute. it would show the available enhancements for that tcode.
    <b>Please do reward if useful</b>

  • Open Sales Orders Backlog Report

    Hi All: I have been asked to create Backlog reports for Open Sales Orders and the revenue amounts for the next 15days, one month, 2 months, 3 months 6 months etc etc. Does anyone know of a standard report that covers that and the business content and cues that go with it?
    Thanks in advance

    I haven't seen any standard content for it, with my client, we actually developed the open order report from Item extractor and status extractor. And compare the created on date to the system data to see how long it has been opened for and put it in different buckets.
    Hopes that help.

  • Open sale order aging report

    Need a report on open order aging.  The open order means not delivered or partially delivered. Further with days range since its open or not fully delievered i.e. > 15 days or 15-30 days and so on.
    The standard transactions Va05 and VL10c can provide the list but dont provide any aging info.
    Kindly help in this.

    Dear Anu
    1. First in VA05 you can use Variants and get the report as desired by you,create one variant and use Filter along with greater then, less then (all are in selection option icon)
    This way you can create three variants.
    But limitation is dates has to be manually changed in variants each time.
    2. Try this Tcodes
    S_ALR_87014387 Display Document Flow
    S_ALR_87014392 Display Document Flow
    This reports will give you document flow run report with ticking checkbox for sales order,delivery and goods isse then after getting the list expand all (Shift+F12)
    you will get the quantities for sales order, and what is delivered and what is issued.
    3. As such if you want exactly the report you can take help of ABAP to create the ALV
    4. Report or create Queries in SQVI , or else create MCSI report

  • Necessary Fields For Creation of Service PO of Order Type Relaese Order.

    Dear Guru,
    I have encountered an issue which i am trying to resolve...
    My this requirment will seem little okward the way i am asking but i have no way...
    The issue is I have to create a Service PO of Order type Release order (RO) using BAPI Function Module .BAPI_PO_CREATE1.
    The service PO should be of multiple Item and services for particular line item should be multiple.
    When I am creating this using ME21 or ME21N i am facing no issue.
    But when i am using BAPI Function Module .BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    i am getting following errors ;; The error which i am getting as below                                                                               
    T ID                   NUM MESSAGE                                                                               
    E BAPI                001 No instance of object type PurchaseOrder has been created. External reference:
    E MEPO              000 Purchase order still contains faulty items                                    
    E SE                   029 Please maintain services or limits                                            
    E SE                   140 Service HIRING OF LCD: please specify unit of measure
    But I am failing to findout in which field services  or limits and unit of measurement have to maintain.
    What are the necessary fields have to pass in Bapi import parameter and the table i am unable to findout.
    Please show some way how to resolve this or give me some guideline to resolve this
    Dear Moderator request your kind intervane to move this qurry into correct forum if i have asked this in wrong forum
    Thanks and regards
    saifur rahaman

    Hi Saifur
    Can you please elaborate how did you resolve the issue we are also facing same problem when we are trying to create the PO for service items through SRM it is throwing same error while creating the PO in SAP.
    Email Id : [email protected]
    Thank you in advance!!

  • How to restrict manual changing of free goods in sales order

    Hi ,
    Goodmorning ,
    We have some requirement : In sales order free goods quantity determination by system  should not be allowed to change manually , where can we do this ?
    Looking for your inputs
    Thanks and regards

    As per SAP Standard, when the main Item quantity is changed, the Free Goods are redetermined. In this case any manual changes to Free Goods Quantities are lost.
    But your requirement is for restricting the Chages of the Quantity of Free Goods Correct?
    I believe there is no SAP standard solution for this. You will have to apply a User Exit, which will check the Item category of each LIne item & if it is free goods (TANN) then changes are not permitted.
    Hope this helps.
    Jignesh Mehta

  • Query help needed for Sales order panel user field query.

    I have a user defined form field on sales order row level called = U_DEPFEEAMT
    1, I would like this field to get the value from a field on this sales order row level multiplied by what is in point 2 below. The details of field in point 1 is :
    Form=139, item=38, pane=1, column=10002117, and row=1
    2. The contents in field 1 should be multiplied  by a value coming from another user field linked to OITM master item.
    The details of user field attached to OITM is :
    Appreciate your help.
    Thank you.

    Try this one:
    SELECT T0.U_DepositFeeON*$[$38.10002117.number\]
    FROM dbo.OITM T0
    WHERE T0.ItemCode = $[$38.1.0\]

  • Order Of Null and Not Null Values while table creation

    We have to create a table with 10 fields .5 of them are Null and Not Null. Now my question what should be the order of fileds??.Means Null Fields will come first or Not Null.

    The only reason I can think of having the NULL columns at the end is storage space.
    To conserve space, a null in a column only stores the column length (zero). Oracle
    does not store data for the null column. Also, for trailing null columns, Oracle does
    not even store the column length.

  • Fields not in Order ..?

    When I display data on the DSO or Cube  the fields are not in order as compared to once in extract checker - datasource.
    Why so?
    On what does the sequence depend?
    It makes Reconcilation really tough.

    I guess... Sequence of the Fields in DSo Contents display will depends on the Sequece of DSO Creation(IO Sequece while creating DSO).
    Nagesh Ganisetti.
    assign points it helps.

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