Purpose of Skype Wifi

Does anyone actually know what Skype wifi is actually for? Its obvously not for gaining internet access at hot spots. I have yet to find a single hotspot that supported it. And everything about it seems to be a catch 22
And none of the moderators seem to want to admit it. It took this guy 4 pages worth of post for him to finally jump in to say there are no list of locations or coverage maps
and if I ever find a hotspot that supports it I am going to be up a creek anyway
Make sure that your WiFi is turned on and you’re connected to a WiFi network. Then, sign in to Skype."
How the Hell are you suppose to use Skype wifi if I need to be logged in before I can use it? Thats like saying "You need to have internet access before you can have internet access" Is skype wifi a Joke? an april fools prank that never got removed?
From start to finish can someone give a use case senario where Skype Wifi actually works and is not just a joke?
Thanks in Advance
Go to Solution.

I have never tried the App on a phone as of yet. But on my laptop I HAVE to have an active internet connection BEFORE I can log into skype. is that different for the mobile version of skype? but If I understand you properly from the other thread
What Everyone on the skype site means to say is the Provider provides a logon, unrelated to skype, that uses the skype password and username? I understand the difference between wifi and service. What I believe I am misunderstanding is why I would need to pay for service "Which I need to be able to log into skype under normal circumstances" when, if I am able to log into skype I must already have service being provided to me ... does that make sense? If that is the case then I have a valid q. If not Then I am wrong and you are completely right KillerHeelsUK and I am just an idiot who has failed to understand what you are trying to say.
kudos to you by the way for posting to the right thread rather than making a new one btw

Similar Messages

  • Skype WiFi - an access tool only. Do not confuse ...

    What Skype WiFi does is provide a way to pay for access to the internet; rather than typing a credit card number in a public venue.
    You use your Skype credit to pay for the access fee, and only for minutes needed as opposed to having to purchase a day pass or block of time.  
    It is an access tool only. Not a wifi provider like Boingo or Cloud. 
    This is the main purpose of Skype WiFi. 
    Go to Solution.

    You open your browser and see the inital holding page of the hotspot provider.
    If Skype is an option given by the hotspot provider to pay for access at this point you can then follow the prompts and login.  It's an ACCESS tool only at this point -- NOT a contact tool for IM or video chat. That is only enabled once you have the WiFi connection, and Skype loaded to your PC.
    This service used to be called Skype Access. In hindsight it might have been better not to rename it!
    You pay for access by using your Skype credit - instead of your credit card. That's the only thing it offers!
    Once you login and pay using Skype credit, the hotspot is activated by the hotspot provider. You can then surf the web.
    Here's an example. INO_KOL has a hotspot. People who want access can pay him using either their credit card, or....if they prefer not to use a card (don't have one?), they can use Skype credit. So...... they open their browser and see INO_KOL's holding page. This has one of two things, a credit card payment option and a Skype user ID and password option which is only for them to enable the charging of their Skype credit.
    Which ever one they choose enables access to the web. 
    Hope this helps. 

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    I forgot to add, it's a Verizon phone so it's CDMA. It used to be only GSM phones that did this.

  • Why can't I sign in to skype wifi by using Microso...

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    Go to Solution.

    You can sign in to Skype WiFi on your Android device with the latest app update here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skype.android.access&hl=en
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

  • Skype Wifi Does Not Connect

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    Does the iOS device connect to other networks?
    Does the iOS device see the network?
    Any error messages?
    Do other devices now connect?
    Did the iOS device connect before?
    Try the following to rule out a software problem:                 
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on the router
    - Reset network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
    - iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    - Wi-Fi: Unable to connect to an 802.11n Wi-Fi network
    - iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    I thought wherever I am, the subscription control the way it is charged.

    When calling via Skype it matters only where you're calling to.  It doesn't matter where you're calling from.
    You may find Skype WiFi helpful as long as you understand it's to pay for not-for-free public wifi hotspots.   If you have free wifi available you can still use your subscriptions and don't need Skype WiFi.
    Please note: I do not respond to requests for help via Private Message.

  • Arbitary Skype Wifi charges!!!!!

    I went to my loved cafe today. Evertime I connect to the hotspot the skype wifi popup is shown. Normally I close it and connect though the portal that gives you a FREE 1 hour of internet.Today I clicked connect by mistake.
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    Is there any 29:58:00 minimum connection time documented anywhere in the skype wifi site?
    If anybody from skype is reading this forum, I would like to know what is the meaning of "you pay what you use" that is advertised for this service. The correct should be "You pay of what we decide to charge you".
    Go to Solution.

    contact customer service
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • Skype unlimited asking for credit for skype wifi

    I just purchased the new Surface pro 2.  With it I was given a 12 month subscription to skype unlimited world and skype wifi.  I redeemed by code and can see the subscription in my account.  I was in Newark airpoirt corrected to as skype wifi access point but skype wifi was telling me that I could not connect as I did not have any credit, yet according to my scubscription I'm supoosed to get free skype wifi for 12 months.
    Has anyone has this issue before or know how I can fix this issue?  Also is there a contact email address to skype, I can't seem to finsd any way to actually conmtact Skype about this issue.

    Hello Paul,
    First of all, please make sure that your apps get updated automatically on your Surface Pro 2, you can follow these steps: http://windows.microsoft.com/is-is/windows-8/automatic-app-updates-help
    The pre-installed Skype Wifi application via Store needs to to be updated in order to take advantage of the Surface 2 offer.
    Please let us know if it's working after the update.
    If my answer was useful, please click on "Accept as Solution" to help others, thank you
    Si ma réponse vous a aidé merci de cliquer sur "Accepter comme solution"
    Cela pourra surement aider d'autres personnes qui ont le même problème

  • What is skype wifi?

    Does it mean that there are special WIFI network for skype and I can't talk with skype in a regular WIFI network?
    I have an android phone and I intend to make voice calls using WIFI and skype client for WIFI, do I need anything other than skype credit and a regular WIFI network?

    omerko7 wrote:
    1. Does it mean that there are special WIFI network for skype
    2. and I can't talk with skype in a regular WIFI network?
    3. do I need anything other than skype credit and a regular WIFI network?
    1. No. There is no special wifi network for Skype.
    2. You can talk on any wifi network.
    3. No. You don't need anything extra.
    "Skype wifi" is just the section of this Forum where customers using Skype through a wifi network can exchange experiences and request assistance.
    Apologies for the confusion.
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • Skype WiFi for Windows Phone

    How do I download Skype WiFi on my Windows phone, when I tap download Skype Wifi from my Windows phone it goes to https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/skype-wifi/id444529922?mt=8

    2014-08-04. Yesterday i was in great need of Skype WIFI on Heathrow. But no! Microsoft/Skype still don't have Skype wifi for Windows Phone but has it for all competing mobile platforms! How does that make sense? If MS won't support Windows Phone, who will??
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    I don't know, but it was a really well suited gentleman...

  • Skype WiFi for Windows Phone 8

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    There is no Skype WiFi app for WP at the moment.
    Nor sure if/when it comes to this platform.
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  • Sign in problems when trying to use Skype WiFi

    I have a tablet that I am trying to connect to Skype WiFi and keep getting looped around to the sign-in screen.  It tells me "You're already on line", but I can't do anything after that.  I just have the "Learn More" button.  I have unstalled and installed Skype WiFi twice and it still will not open.  None of your instructions or guide are helping me.
    Need Help
    Added the text, "...when trying to use Skype WiFi" to the subject/title for clarity.

    The call to the function 'wwpre_api_util.get_names_table' is not returning any data. so, you are getting an exception. Try adding an exception block for NO_DATA_FOUND and print some message.

  • Where is Skype WiFi for Windows Phone 8

    Wanna get Skype WiFi on windows phone 8

    This is something Skype WiFi team is working on. Stay tuned!
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    Подписки | Цены

  • Error in billing for skype wifi

    we are travelling in Europe.  We stayed at the Avenida Palace in Barcelona where they had free wifi.  I noted that my Skyype credit was automatically added and could not understand why since we made no  phone calls.  I see that I was charged for skype wi fi while at the hotel.  I did not sign up for skype wifi while at the hotel since it was free.  Please make this adjustment.  Hope fully thiis will be accomplished.

    Dear All,
    You will need to  please contact Skype customer service    for assistance; we here in the Community do not have the tools to do so.
    Here is a link to the instruction on how to contact Skype Customer Service via their secure portal: Contact Customer Service
    As you know you intend to contact Customer Service, skip past Step 2 of the instruction where several articles from the FAQ library will appear for you to review, and proceed to Step 3, Continue Support Request (the "button" appears at the lower right corner of the website page). You may also skip past in Step 4 where you will be referred back here to the Community; no need to do this as the Community is where you started.
    Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

  • Skype WIFI no longer free - being charged even tho...

    Purchased SP2 8/256 Dec 2013. Exchanged the Skype premium account voucher that comes with it end of January which gives free 12 months Skype Wifi.
    All working fine till mid May where all of a sudden I start being charged for my Skype Wifi usage which is supposed to be free for 12 months together with the Skype unlimited account. 
    Escalated to Skype support who keep repeating that all is fine and that if I use my SP2 I should not be charged, but as expected I keep being charged.
    So desperate plea to this community - Has anyone noticed this behaviour in the past and if so, how did you resolve ?  And before anyone responds have you updated to latest version- the answer if yes
    Thanks ! 
    Go to Solution.

    The problem you have experienced should be fixed now, please update your Skype WiFi app to the latest version from the Windows Store, it should solve the problem
    If you have been charged for Skype Wifi, I recommend to contact customer service, they will provide you with a voucher to compensate you: https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA1170/how-can-i-​contact-skype-customer-service
    We apologize for the inconvenience
    If my answer was useful, please click on "Accept as Solution" to help others, thank you
    Si ma réponse vous a aidé merci de cliquer sur "Accepter comme solution"
    Cela pourra surement aider d'autres personnes qui ont le même problème

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