Put new tabs on new line

i have a question on tabs. i have a lot of tabs within my application. htmldb displays them all on one line so my app stretches to the right. is it possible to display couple of tabs on one line and then break to a new line to display more tabs? i know i could use the 2 level tab feature but that's really grouping tabs together and none of my tabs has anything to do with each other. thanks

This will be possible with some configuration of templates and CSS.
I presume when you say that the 2 level tabs "is really grouping tabs together" you are saying that they have different styles?
If so, I'd possibly use a 2 level tab layout and change the styles for the 2nd level of tabs. This would be slightly less work.

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    Hi All!
    I have a problem with drilldown character in "Columns".
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    In "Rows": a number of characteristics. New line consist of these characteristics.
    In "Columns": wi have Key Figure (available for planning) in Strucrure AND character 0FISCPER.
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    The first solution is:
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    Hi Harjan,
    No, it is not possible to extend, but If you are using Excel (BEx Analyzer), you should be able to just enter new rows at the bottom of the Analysis Grid, and refresh to re-sort the rows.

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    Here is a simple udf for adding a new line between two fields. Similarly you can extend it.
    Create a "Value" UDF as name "input" and add two arguments 'a' and 'b'.
    Add this code:
    String lines;
    lines = "";
    lines = lines.concat(a + '\n' + b + '\n' );
    return lines;
    Also while testing in test tab if you dont see the new line in the ouptut then view the source of the output. There you can see the new line.

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    Best regards,

    Are you sure, that the nl characters are deleted?
    They are usually not shown in the XML display.
    You can also use an adapter module instead of a Java mapping. So you can do a split in mapping, but the conversion to the flat file in the adapter module. If you have already a Java mapping for this purpose, you can easily create an adapter module based on that Java code.

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    scriptElement = document.createTextNode(script);
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    by default, all white spaces collapse: http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice7.html#white-space-collapse
    you can use xml:space="preserve" in your XML elements (tags) or
    you can use <fo:block white-space-collapse="false" linefeed-treatment="preserve"> in XSL if you use XSL to format the XML.

  • Format bold text in field and putting some text on new line - Help!

    I am lost.  I found the rich text formating item to click.  But after that, I don't know what to do next.  I want to bold some characters and I want some reponses on separate lines as I asked previously.  As to spans and the commands - I have no programming experience.  I have just been using what George has given me.  It has worked well, but I just need the bold text in some of the field text to be printed and I need some items to be on separate lines.  But I have no idea where to put the information you are saying about spans and I do not know the script to use to bold text or to start text on new line.  Am I to insert it in the calculation box of the text box?  Sorry to be so lame, but I am void in programming skills.  Help!
    For example, here is the script.  In aISOreq{0], if I want to bold "Patter#1 Check:", where do I put the span and what script do I use to say to bold it.   Could you give me an example, please.  Also, if I want to put "a. Medications on weekend?" on one line and "b. Activities on weekends? Types of activities? Supervision? With who?" on the next line, where do I put the span and what script do I use to say to put on separate lines?  Could you give me an example for this also, please.  I have literally just used the scripts George has given me and they work great - but that is all I know how to do.  Thanks.
    (function () {
        // Set up an array to hold the individual paragraphs of text
        var aISOfreq= [];
        // Populate the array with paragraph text
       aISOfreq[0] = "Pattern #1: Multiple Isolations on Mon & Tues decreasing to Fri.  Pattern # 1 Check: a. Medications on weekend?  b. Activities on weekend? Types of activities? Supervision? With who?";
       aISOfreq[1] = "Pattern #2: Multiple Isolations on specific days.  Note days.  Pattern #2 Check:  a.  Different schedule on these days? Different adult? Block schedule? May need consistent schedule w/same adult.  b.  Are accommodations/modifications occurring? More group v. individual instruction? Does the student need warm-up drills or a specific job?  Does student need a specific lesson routine? c.  Previous night's activities?  Need calming activities before bed?  Need earlier bedtime? Need additional evening structure?";
       aISOfreq[2] = "Pattern #3: Isolations are grouped in intervals.  Note interval.  Pattern #3 Check:  a.  Cyclic behavior?  Review assessment.  Need Mental Health referral for meds and/or therapy intervention?  b.  Medication: supervision? Self-medicating? Taking consistently? Need medication check with physician?  Share concerns with physician?  c.  History of legal/illegal drug abuse?  Share cyclic pattern with physician.  On probation?  Share concerns with PO?";
      aISOfreq[3] = "Patterns #1 & #2: Multiple Isolations on Mondays & Tuesdays decreasing to Fridays AND Multiple Isolations on specific days.  Note days.  Pattern #1 Check:  a. Medications on weekend?  b. Activities on weekend? Types of activities? Supervision? With whom?  Pattern #2 Check:  a. Different schedule on specific days? Different Adult? Block schedule? May need consistent schedule with same adult.  b. Accommodations/modifications occurring? More group v. individual instruction? Need warm-up drills or specific job?  Need a specific lesson routine?  c. Previous night's activities? Need calming activities before bed? Need earlier bedtime? Need additional evening structure? ";
       aISOfreq[4] = "Patterns #1 & #3: Multiple Isolations on Mondays & Tuesdays decreasing to Fridays AND Isolations grouped in intervals.  Note intervals.  Pattern #1 Check:  a. Medications on weekend?  b. Activities on weekend? Types of activities?  Supervision? With whom?   Pattern #3 Check:  a. Cyclic behavior?  Review assessment.  Need Mental Health referral for meds and/or therapy intervention?  b.  Medication supervision? Self-medicating? Taking consistently? Need med check with physician?  Share concerns with physician?  c.  History of legal/illegal drug abuse?  Share cyclic pattern with physician.  On probation?  Share concerns w/PO?"
      aISOfreq[5] = "Patterns #2 & #3: Multiple Isolations on a specific day AND Isolations grouped in intervals.  Note days & intervals.  Pattern #2 Check:  a.  Different schedule? Different Adult? Block schedule? May need consistent schedule w/same adult.  b.  Accommodations/Modifications occurring? More group v. individual instruction? Need warm-up drills or a specific job?  Need a specific lesson routine? c.  Previous night's activities?  Need calming activities before bed?  Need earlier bedtime? Need additional evening structure?  Pattern #3 Check:  a. Cyclic behavior? Review assessment.  Need Mental Health referral for medication and/or therapy intervention?  b.  Medication supervision? Self-medicating? Taking consistently? Need medication check with physician?  Share concerns with physician?  c. History of legal/illegal drug abuse?  Share cyclic pattern with physician.  On probation?  Share concerns w/PO?";
       aISOfreq[6] = "Patterns #1, #2 & #3: Multiple Isolations on Mondays & Tuesdays decreasing to Friday, Multiple Isolations on specific days AND Isolations grouped in intervals.  Note days and intervals.  Pattern #1 Check: a. Medications on weekend?  b. Activities on weekend? Types of activities? Supervision? With whom?   Pattern #2 Check:  a. Different schedule? Adult?  Block schedule?  May need consistent schedule w/same adult.  b.  Accommodations/Modifications occurring? More group v. individual instruction? Need warm-up drills or a specific job?  Need a specific lesson routine? c.  Previous night's activities?  Need calming activities before bed?  Need earlier bedtime? Need additional evening structure?  Pattern #3 Check:  a. Cyclic behavior? Review assessment.  Need Mental Health referral for medication and/or therapy intervention?  b.  Medication supervision? Self-medicating? Taking consistently? Need medication check with physician?  Share concerns with physician?  h.  History of legal/illegal drug abuse?  Share cyclic pattern with physician.  On probation?  Share concerns w/PO?";
       aISOfreq[7] = "No Pattern";
         // Get the selected item, which is the export value of the selected combo box item
        var item = getField("ISO Frequency Pattern").value;
        // Display the text corresponding to the selected item in the text field
        event.value = aISOfreq[item];

    Look at the reference of the richValue property of the Field object. It contains a couple of examples of how it should be done. Also read the reference of the Span object.

  • How do I open a new tab from address line?

    How do I open a new tab from address line?

    You Will have to hold down the Alt key and press Enter to make the link open in a new tab without using an extension.
    By default links always open in the same tab.
    You can search the Add-ons website for an extension if you want to change this default behavior.

  • Tab going to a new line when end of line is reached

    In most text editors, when you hold the tab key down, the cursor goes from tab stop to tab stop across the line. When end of the line is reached, the cursor goes to the next line, again goes from tab stop to tab stop on the new line, and so on. You end up with multiple lines.
    In TLF, with tabStops set, holding the tab key down, the cursor goes from tab stop to tab stop across the line. But when the cursor reaches the end of the line, it doesn't go to the next line. The cursor stays at the end of the line while more tab characters are inserted into the text flow. There is always only one line.
    Is there a way for TLF to have the tab key go to the next line when the cursor reaches the end of the line?
    Thanks for the info.

    Thank you very much for the update.
    We also discovered that, any line which has the previous line ending in a tab, any leading tabs will not show. For example (all in the same <p>):
    Line one ...<tab/>
    <tab/>Line two
    The leading tab on line two will not display. If the previous line does not end with <tab/>, then the leading tab on the following line shows. Is this related?
    Also, will the fix come in a 2.x update? Any time frame?
    Thanks again for the info.

  • Dreamweaver CS4 adds a tab when we move to new line.

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    for example,
    Dreamweaver CS3
    Dreamweaver CS4
    Thanks in advance

    If you're referring to the way that Dreamweaver formats CSS, you can change the options in Preferences (open from the Edit menu on Windows, Dreamweaver menu on the Mac). Select the Code Format category, and click the CSS button at the bottom of the panel. You can set your preferences there.
    The way that Dreamweaver handles curly braces is to indent the next line automatically when you press Enter after the opening curly brace. Type your style rules, and press Enter after the last one. When you type a closing curly brace, Dreamweaver CS4 automatically moves it one tab space to the left after you press Enter again.

  • Button Display, putting buttons on new line?

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    Buttons can be displayed by position (above or below), but this will not let you stack them. You can display buttons in "template positions". So you can control #EDIT#, #CREATE# positions in region templates, and you can assign buttons to display in the the template positions. Thus with the template you can get exact control.

  • How do I add a new line to an already open but exhausted PO?

    I am looking for way(s) I can add a new line to an already open  PO, (whose funds are exhausted) to accomodate unplanned expenses related to the same project/vendor.  Is adding a new line to the original purshase requisition the right way to go?
    Thank you
    Edited by: Fatima Imraan on Jul 4, 2008 8:05 PM

    Hi Fatima,
    For unplanned expenses we actually do not need additional line item.
    In case the invoice from vendor shows other expenses then in MIRO there is a TAB for Unplanned Expenses and we can put such expenses there. These expenses should be with in the tolerances limits set. Now if the expenses cross the limit, depending on the settings you have made, the invoice is posted but blocked for payment. Then some one in the approval list should approve the same and the payment can be made.
    This whole process also gets recorded as PO history and hence is very well documented as well
    Normally once a PO is signed it is binding on both parties. So as a Business Process we should not try to add a line item when the PO is exsausted.
    In such case i think it would be a good idea to either create a new PO.
    Some times companies aslo use OPEN PO if it is a year round activity.
    Hope my explanation is useful. assign points if yes.

  • Add new line in VA01

    I want to add a new line in va01 when a condition is requested. So for example i put 3 line and when a condition is ok i want to create so insert in vbap a new line in the order. I try with  the badi BADI_SD_SALES_ITEM and ITEM_PREPARE but it's not work . Any idea ??

    The badi BADI_SD_SALES_ITEM is the purpose of SAP Internal use (Check the Checkbox in Attributes Tab)so u can't implement the BADI.
    try to keep the code even in USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT/USEREXIT_CHECK_VBAP in MV45AFZB.check the theard
    Re: add a new tab in transaction ME51N
    Kiran Sure
    Edited by: Kiran Sure(skk) on May 20, 2008 5:19 PM

  • What is happening with my new line install?

    I don't normally post on anything like this, but feel I am being left no alternative, other than cancelling my order.
    I am a new customer to BT and on the 14th of May I placed a order for a broadband and phone package, which was to include a new line installation on the 5th June between 8am and 1pm.
    I also ordered a new phone system and dual wifi dongle which all turned up as expected.
    On the 5th June I took a day off work and waited until just after 2:30pm for the engineer not to turn up.
    I received no call, text or email telling me that the appointment had been cancelled, it took me to call BT and finally manage to get to speak to somebody human to find out that it had apparently been delayed.
    First I was speaking to somebody from the UK the next I was put through to order management in India, which started to infuriate me more as the line was really bad and I was calling from my mobile for then to have them hang up on me.
    I called back a further 3 times after being passed from pillar to post to eventually get put back in touch with a order management lady in India again.
    She told me that the problem was with openreach as they reckoned they had tried calling me on the 14th May (when I placed the order) to which I replied I had not received any phone call from them.
    They wanted to know if it was a first or second line installation, I replied 5 times with it is a separate line that needs to be installed and I still don't think she understood after that.
    I was then told I would get an update on the 12th June between 8am and 8pm as to when the line was going to get installed, to which I did and again was a bad line as the call came from India just to be told there is another delay which will be the 19th June.
    At this point I'm beginning to lose my patience, I had waited nearly a month for the line installation to happen to be told that there was another delay which would take another 7 days before somebody updated me again.
    After I put the phone down I received a text from BT sms saying they had tried to contact me but we're unable to do so but not to worry they will be back in contact on the 22nd June?
    Very strange seen as I had just spoken to somebody and was told the 19th June.
    I rang back through to BT and got put through to India yet again where the signal was poor and asked that somebody call me from the UK as nothing seems to be getting sorted.
    Within 10 mins I got a call back and was put through to BT in Dundee, I explained the whole situation over again and was told they would be looking into the problem and would get back to me later on the same day the 12th June.
    It is now the 17th June and I still have no answer as to when the line installation is taking place, so I can start using the equipment I have paid for.
    if I knew in the first place that this was going to be a problem I would have used a different provider other than BT, as a new customer I find their lack of communication and generally not seeming to give a **bleep** about customers poor, with my only choice then being if I don't get the answers I want on the 19th June I will cancel the order and send everything back for a full refund and would advise others not to use BT in the future.
    Sorry for the rant and this being my first post but I am beginning to lose my patience any help would be appreciated.

    Hi lda1979, 
    Welcome to the forum and thanks for your post. 
    I am so sorry that your order has been delayed and you are not getting any information on this. 
    Can you send me in your details using the "Contact The Mods" link found in my profile and I will find out what is happening. 
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry that we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • 500k profile after disruption and new line install...

    I have an open fault logged with BT;  
    Phone line ok but broadband speed low, profile appears stuck at 500k.
    History: sporadic BBand connection and noisy phone line followed by outright failure of both.
    Engineers visited and confirmed line between street and master socket probably corroded - they put it on leg+leg to get it working while we waited for a new physical line to be installed.
    Pavement was dug up, new armoured cable run from street to house, and a proper master socket fitted (NT5 ? but no inbuilt ADSL filter).
    In effort to ensure low noise, ALL other sockets in the property disconnected.
    Digital phone (3 handsets off a single powered base) are run off the master socket using a filter.
    Router is business hub - 2700hgv; f/w ,  h/w 2701-100589-005 .
    Hub is connected to same master socket as phone (as it's the only socket now connected to the new line).
    New line was installed approx 18 days ago.
    Speed tests (speedtest.net) repeatedly show download of 480kbps, upload around 620kbps.
    No change since new line was installed and all but the master socket decomissioned.
    I use wireless to the router but also repeated tests with a Cat6 copper RJ45 cable and got same results.
    Have taken all wireless devices offline and removed electrical items near phone line power supply and cable path to reduce potential noise and repeated tests.
    I left the router on for two weeks and no increase in broadband speed.
    I rebooted it twice this weekend to see whether it picked up a different profile - but no change.
    BT speedtester repeatedly indicates a profile of 500k (full results further down).
    Last year I had speeds about 512k on a DrayTek router before switching to the 2700HGV. The change to the BT hub upped the download speed to around 1Mbps, which made a huge difference.
    I know I am "a long way from the exchange" but I've had 1Mbps last year and now have a new line into my property, so not much left that I can do to improve the situation.
    I'd like to know what can be done to get me at least 1Mb download again.
    I have an engineer visit due tomorrow but I believe that will be purely to finish putting paving slabs back over the armoured cable that's been installed (i.e. OpenReach dig team rather than line engineers).
    After those slabs are done, I expect the fault will be closed but I'll still have a 500k profile and will need to raise a new fault all over again - that fault was opened 5 weeks ago.
    Results of speedtester.bt.com run just now (1pm Sun 13th March 2011):
    Download speed achieved during the test was - 363 Kbps
     For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 100-500 Kbps.
     Additional Information:
     Your DSL Connection Rate :576 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 777 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
     IP Profile for your line is - 500 Kbps
    The throughput of Best Efforts (BE) classes achieved during the test is - 2.46:14.86:82.95 (SBE:NBEBE)
    Upload speed achieved during the test was - 638 Kbps
     Additional Information:
     Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 777 Kbps
    Router web interface shows:
    576 kbs
    778 kbs
    Max Rate:
    2621 kbs
    784 kbs
    Noise Margin:
    16.7 dB
    7.0 dB
    62.8 dB
    35.8 dB
    Output Power:
    16.1 dBm
    12.4 dBm
    G.DMT2 Annex A
    DSLAM Vendor Information
    Country: {46336} Vendor: {IFTN} Specific: {48753 }
    ATM PVC:
    Rate Cap:
    2621 kbs
    Attenuation @ 300kHz:
    62.8 dB
    Uncanceled Echo:
    -14.8 dB
    VCXO Frequency Offset:
    -2.0 ppm
    Final Receive Gain:
    34.5 dB
    Impulse Noise Comp. Tones:
    Excessive Impulse Noise:
    I hope that's the information that someone might need to help me at least get 1Mbps back on my line.

    Hi Bk1
    Welcome to the Community.
    Send me an email to the link in the about me section of my profile.
    I can have this looked into for you further.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry that we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

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