Putting dividing lines in Reports 6i

Hi everyone,
I created a report in Reports 6i and I would like to know how can I add dividing lines to each column and row so people can read the values better.
Thanks in advance!!
Edited by: user626836 on May 13, 2011 5:12 AM

dividing lines to each column and rowThat is actually a frame around each field.
In the layout editor, click on a field and select a line color in the tool palette.

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    Please check below:
    Table PRPS: Select OBJNR and pass to RPSCO and check if any value exists there. Note down the Value type, Year.
    While in CJI3, please check if any dynamic Selection is active, remove all.
    if mutliple selection shows any exclusions, remove all.
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    Hope it helps!
    Thank you and Regards,
    Varshal Kachole

  • Entry Wise Line Item Report in Finance

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    Hai Sajid,
    You can sort the report based on entry date.  Entry date = document date, hence jus place the cursor on document date  and press CtrlShiftF5. This would sort the entries based on document date.
    If u feel document date would be different than the entry date, then go the respective G/L in FS00, under "control data" tab, select sort key as "025 - CPU Date". This would sort the listing based on the CPU Date which would invariably be the entry date.
    This would definitely solve your problem.
    Assign points if useful.

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    Solved by myself.
    Here is the correction code
    * Tree Calls
          call method cl_salv_tree=>factory
              r_container = g_docking_container_1
              r_salv_tree = grt_tree
              t_table     = i_yatttic.
        catch cx_salv_no_new_data_allowed cx_salv_error.
    *  try.           " By removing this custom  function now ICONS displayed properly
    *      v_text1 = text-b01.
    *      v_text2 = text-b02.
    *      grt_functions->add_function(
    *        name     = 'MYFUNCTION'
    *        icon     = '@42@'
    *        tooltip  = v_text2
    *        position = if_salv_c_function_position=>right_of_salv_functions
    *    catch cx_salv_wrong_call cx_salv_existing.
    *  endtry.
      perform f_build_tree_header.
      perform f_build_tree_info.
      perform f_build_tree_events.
      grt_tree->display( ).
    * Column Calls
      gs_layout-grid_title = text-101.
          call method cl_salv_table=>factory
              r_container  = g_docking_container_2
              r_salv_table = gr_table
              t_table      = i_ylactc1.
        catch cx_salv_msg.
          gr_column ?= gr_columns->get_column( text-103 ).
          gr_column->set_cell_type( if_salv_c_cell_type=>hotspot ).
        catch cx_salv_not_found.
      gr_sorts = gr_table->get_sorts( ).
      gr_sorts->add_sort( columnname = text-103 subtotal = abap_false ).
      gr_layout = gr_table->get_layout( ).
      key-report = sy-repid.
      gr_layout->set_key( key ).
      gr_layout->set_save_restriction( cl_salv_layout=>restrict_none ).
      perform f_build_column_events.
      gr_table->display( ).

  • How to put schedule lines for one year  in a schedule line agreement

    dear all
    thanks for the support till now from the forum
    now i need some seetings by which the scheduling agreement will autoumatically take the schedule line for one year automatically
    in my client we are getting open PO so
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    and as per that it should generate a sales order.i need to put schedule line automatically not mannually one by one for each date.so wat is the settingand how to reffer this scheduling agreement we can produce sales order.
    please help
    Message was edited by:
            subrat panda

    Dear Subrat,
    you cannot create a yearly schedule line in the scheduling agreement. It is not possible due to format restrictions of the date field. But what you can do is the follows (it is the modification, but it should work with the help of user-exits):
    1. You can split the year schedule line to the monthly schedule lines. There are two ways to do it. If you apply the DELINS IDOC, then you can do it already during transfer of the data to the application (itr is the best way). Here you can use, for example, user-exit USEREXIT_ZUORDNEN_IDOCS (include LVED4FZZ) or customer function EXIT_SAPLVED4_002, called from the subroutine USEREXIT_DYNPRO (Include LVED4F0U). Alternatively, you can use the user-exit USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBEP (Include MV45AFZZ) within the call transaction, then it will work also in the dialog case.
    2. After getting the monthly schedule lines, you can create a planning delivery schedule, where you can split mothly schedule lines automatically to daily schedule lines according to the customer factory calender.The settings for generation of planning delivery schedules can be found under:
    Customizing SPRO: Sales and Distribution => Sales => Sales Documents => Scheduling Agreements with Delivery schedules => Maintain Planning Delivery Sched. Instruct./Splitting Rules
    It is the only ways, how you can reach your aim. I hope, this information will help you further.
    Kind Regards,
    Akmal Vakhidov
    Development Support SD, SAP, Walldorf/Germany

  • **URGENT** - Vendor Line Item Reporting

    Dear Gurus,
    Need some “URGENT” help with regards to Vendor Reporting?
    Our business has requested for a Vendor Line Item / header Report, which will display ALL Vendor Items “NET” (before tax).
    At the moment our business it manually taking out Tax in FBL1n (Vendor Line Item Report).
    Please could you kindly let me know if there is ANY report in SAP which displays the Vendor Items NET & GROSS??
    Thanks Very Much
    Edited by: Rick Desilva on Apr 22, 2008 4:00 PM

    Hi  Shridhar,
    All I want is a "net column" - Which will display the vendor invocie amount - BEFORE VAT (Tax).
    So on FBL1N or Another SAP-Vendor Report what I need is a
    Net Amount column and a Gross Amount Column.
    I hope this makes sense and someone can assist....
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: Rick Desilva on Apr 23, 2008 9:36 AM

  • Asset Balances & Cost Line items Report

    I am looking for a Report which would combine Asset (S_ALR_87011963)balance report and Cost line item Report(CJi3) for Projects.

    The flow is like this ( if u r using timesheets for confirmation):
    CAT2 : Timesheet: Enter Times : User enters the time.
    CATS_APPR_LITE  : Approval of timesheet
    CAT5  : Transfer to Projects.
    This will post cost to Projects.
    Another way of getting the Actual cost is Confirmation using CN25 or CN29.

  • WBS Element on AR/AP Line Item Report

    Hi All
    When I run the FBL1n report for a vendor who has a PO which has a WBS element - I dont see the WBS element coming up on the line item report(s).
    Although the field is there on the layout - it is not picking the WBS Element into the report - can anyone please tell me why this is and how I can get this field to fill with values...
    Thank you

    If you had activated Project Cash Management, you can try report CJIA which can substitute the report line item wise list for a particular project or for a Particular Vendor.
    Why the standard system is not showing WBS because, a single Vendor line can be posted against multiple expense so system cannot determine which WBS to be shown in the report so it is left blank in reports, this will be applicable for Purchase order no, Cost Centers, WBS etc.
    As suggested by Suresh you can use the BTE 1650, but it will keep one WBS in the line even you have multiple WBS elements used for the document posting.
    For Ex
    Expense 1 Dr  1000- WBS 1
    Expense 2 Dr  1000- WBS 2
    Expense 3 Dr  1000- WBS 3
    Vendor A Cr    3000
    Against Vendor line item A - it will show WBS 1 alone.As there is no standard solution you can use BTE if your are satisfied with the above example or you have to activate Project Cash management to find the exact reporting but in different reporting structure.
    Thanks and regards

  • AP Line-Item Report for State Auditors

    Dear Members,
    I am preparing one Report named AP Line-Item Report for State Auditors and i need the following fields in my report.
    Check Number                PAYR-CHECT
    Voucher Number             BSEG-BELNR
    Check Date                     PAYR-ZALDT
    Voucher Date                     BKPF-BUDAT
    Vendor Number             LFA1-LIFNR
    Vendor Name                     ADRC-NAME1
    Vendor Street Address     ADRC-STREET
    Vendor City                     ADRC-CITY1
    Vendor State                     ADRC-REGIO
    Vendor Zip Code             ADRC-POST_CODE1
    General Ledger Acct No     BSEG-HKONT
    Purchase Order Number     BSEG-EBELN
    Tax Status Code             BSEG-MWSKZ
    Taxable Amount             BSEG-HWBAS
    Exempt Amount             BSEG-MWSTS
    Tax                                     BSEG-MWSTS
    Tax Accrued                     BSEG-MWSTS
    Total Invoice                      BSEG-DMBTR
    I am new to FI.So I request some one please let me know which datasources contain the above fields and which CUBE is best suited for this.
    Thanks in Advance for help and quick reply is much much appreciated.
    Best Regards

    0VENDOR_ATTR - Vendor Master Data Attributes
    0FI_AP_51 - Check Register Line Items
    0FI_AP_4 - Accounts Payable Line Items
    It should be noted, however, that this won't get you everything that you need, so you may have to create enhance one or more of these DataSources and create User Exit ABAP code to get the required data. Also, the 0FI_AP_51 DataSource isn't available if your source system isn't ECC6 EHP3 or higher. If your source system is less than that, you're going to have to create a generic DataSource for the data from the PAYR table.

  • COPA line item report, Number format  -output type - object list(ALV).

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    But changes are not reflecting in- output type - object list(ALV).
    Please provide help in this.

    What t-code you are using to write this line item report ?

  • Line item report on secondary cost element (cat - 21)

    Hi Gurus,
    Secondary cost element with category 21 is used for internat settlement from order to wbs or wbs to cost center. But can we see line item report on this cost element. Or we cannot see any line item report on this cost element. it is just used for internal settlement purpose.
    Please clear this doubt. thank you

    Hi Mohit,
    I hope you can have line item report @ order and WBS element stright away...
    for orders use: KOB1 transaction code for actual line items, where you have the facility of entering CE or CE group to find the vaues related to particular cost elements in the order. If you are flexible with CEs related to 21, give there otherwise create a CE group specific to 21 category and enter the group and find the results you want.
    same way for WBS elements/projects: we have transaction code CJI3 for actual line items, here also we can enter CE or CE groups
    Not only for actual line items, we have the option of viewing plan line items, budget line items, and commitment line items @ both order and WBS level with different transaction codes other than mentioned above, like KOB2, KOB3, CJI4, CJI2 etc
    I hope it helps a lot if I understand your query right

  • Line item report with Customer number

    Hi all,
    I am facing the following issue:
    I need a line item report to analyze an accrual account by customer.
    Since the customer is not captured on the accrual account itself, but on the recon. account (which is not defined as line item display), I did not find a way to present the customer and the accrual  on the same line.
    I can always go to BSEG and vlookup and match by document number the accrual account and the customers from the customer recon. account, but I thought maybe someone has a better idea.

    If the recon account line items have al lthe info needed I'd suggest using a query (SQ01).
    1. Create an Infoset in SQ02 with logical database "BRM". Choose the fields from BSEG that you need
    2. Create the Query in SQ01 using that Infoset.
    If you want to see individual line items, include the fields you want in the "basic list" of the query. If you want totals by customer, don't include anything in the basic list, but make a "statistics" with customer and amount.
    Selections would habe to be made for account no and period.

  • Create AP/AR line item report for parked items

    Dear all,
    Has anyone been able to create a line item report in AP or AR that includes parked items? I have created an aging report using standard 0SAPDUEAN-01 as a base, using report painter. Now the Finance department want to be able to see the numbers of the parked invoices as well but I am not able to find a way to pull these.
    Does anyone know if this is actually possible?
    many thanks

    by using of TCODE. FBV3 it is displaying parked documents
    based on document type.

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