Pyzor Not Running Question

I am thinking this could be a permission issue.
I have installed the pyzor files as listed at-
There were no issues with the install but when I run spamassassin -D --lint I see the following
[7661] dbg: pyzor: pyzor is not available: no pyzor executable found
[7661] dbg: pyzor: no pyzor found, disabling Pyzor
Again during the test it found the gdbm. The only thing I can think of is a permission issue. Not sure if anyone else has run across this.
Oh and here is the entire log from the spamassassin -D --lint
xserve1:~ tope$ sudo su clamav -c "spamassassin -D --lint"
[7661] dbg: logger: adding facilities: all
[7661] dbg: logger: logging level is DBG
[7661] dbg: generic: SpamAssassin version 3.1.5
[7661] dbg: config: score set 0 chosen.
[7661] dbg: util: running in taint mode? yes
[7661] dbg: util: taint mode: deleting unsafe environment variables, resetting PATH
[7661] dbg: util: PATH included '/opt/local/bin', keeping
[7661] dbg: util: PATH included '/opt/local/sbin', keeping
[7661] dbg: util: PATH included '/bin', keeping
[7661] dbg: util: PATH included '/sbin', keeping
[7661] dbg: util: PATH included '/usr/bin', keeping
[7661] dbg: util: PATH included '/usr/sbin', keeping
[7661] dbg: util: final PATH set to: /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
[7661] dbg: message: ---- MIME PARSER START ----
[7661] dbg: message: main message type: text/plain
[7661] dbg: message: parsing normal part
[7661] dbg: message: added part, type: text/plain
[7661] dbg: message: ---- MIME PARSER END ----
[7661] dbg: dns: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
[7661] dbg: dns: Net::DNS version: 0.59
[7661] dbg: diag: perl platform: 5.008006 darwin
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: Digest::SHA1, version 2.10
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: DB_File, version 1.814
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: HTML::Parser, version 3.36
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: MIME::Base64, version 3.05
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::DNS, version 0.59
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::SMTP, version 2.29
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: Mail::SPF::Query, version 1.999001
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: IP::Country::Fast, version 604.001
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: Razor2::Client::Agent, version 2.82
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::Ident, version 1.20
[7661] dbg: diag: module not installed: IO::Socket::INET6 ('require' failed)
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: IO::Socket::SSL, version 1.0
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: Time::HiRes, version 1.68
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: DBI, version 1.52
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: Getopt::Long, version 2.34
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: LWP::UserAgent, version 2.033
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: HTTP::Date, version 1.47
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: Archive::Tar, version 1.30
[7661] dbg: diag: module installed: IO::Zlib, version 1.04
[7661] dbg: ignore: using a test message to lint rules
[7661] dbg: config: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin" for site rules pre files
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/v312.pre
[7661] dbg: config: using "/usr/local/share/spamassassin" for sys rules pre files
[7661] dbg: config: using "/usr/local/share/spamassassin" for default rules dir
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/20_****.cf
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /usr/local/share/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin" for site rules dir
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: config: using "/var/clamav/.spamassassin/user_prefs" for user prefs file
[7661] dbg: config: read file /var/clamav/.spamassassin/user_prefs
[7661] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL from @INC
[7661] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x1e0803c)
[7661] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash from @INC
[7661] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash=HASH(0x1c7ac1c)
[7661] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF from @INC
[7661] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x1c843a8)
[7661] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor from @INC
[7661] dbg: pyzor: network tests on, attempting Pyzor
[7661] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor=HASH(0x1de8604)
[7661] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2 from @INC
[7661] dbg: razor2: razor2 is available, version 2.82
[7661] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2=HASH(0x466a74)
[7661] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop from @INC
[7661] dbg: reporter: network tests on, attempting SpamCop
[7661] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop=HASH(0x468b2c)
[7661] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL from @INC
[7661] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL=HASH(0x1c73978)
[7661] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearnThreshold from @INC
[7661] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearnThreshold=HASH(0x1c595a8)
[7661] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WhiteListSubject from @INC
[7661] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WhiteListSubject=HASH(0x1c5c088)
[7661] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader from @INC
[7661] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader=HASH(0x1c863d8)
[7661] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags from @INC
[7661] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags=HASH(0x1c8ad08)
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: /^http:\/\/chkpt\.zdnet\.com\/chkpt\/\w+\/(.*)$/i
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: /^http:\/\/www(?:\d+)?\.nate\.com\/r\/\w+\/(.*)$/i
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: /^http:\/\/.+\.gov\/(?:.*\/)?externalLink\.jhtml\?.*url=(.*?)(?:&.*)?$/i
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: /^http:\/\/redir\.internet\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/(.*)$/i
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: /^http:\/\/(?:.*?\.)?adtech\.de\/.*(?:;|\|)link=(.*?)(?:;|$)/i
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^http.*?/redirect\.php\?.*(?<=[?&])goto=(.*?)(?:$|[&\#])'i
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^https?:/*(?:[^/]+\.)?emf\d\.com/r\.cfm.*?&r=(.*)'i
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'/(?:index.php)?\?.*(?<=[?&])URL=(.*?)(?:$|[&\#])'i
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^http:/*(?:\w+\.)?google(?:\.\w{2,3}){1,2}/url\?.*?(?<=[?&])q=(.*?)(?:$|[&\#] )'i
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^http:/*(?:\w+\.)?google(?:\.\w{2,3}){1,2}/search\?.*?(?<=[?&])q=[^&]*?(?<=%2 0|..[=+\s])site:(.*?)(?:$|%20|[\s+&\#])'i
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^http:/*(?:\w+\.)?google(?:\.\w{2,3}){1,2}/search\?.*?(?<=[?&])q=[^&]*?(?<=%2 0|..[=+\s])(?:"|%22)(.*?)(?:$|%22|["\s+&\#])'i
[7661] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^http:/*(?:\w+\.)?google(?:\.\w{2,3}){1,2}/translate\?.*?(?<=[?&])u=(.*?)(?:$ |[&\#])'i
[7661] dbg: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags=HASH(0x1c8ad08) implements 'finish_parsing_end'
[7661] dbg: replacetags: replacing tags
[7661] dbg: replacetags: done replacing tags
[7661] dbg: bayes: tie-ing to DB file R/O /var/clamav/.spamassassin/bayes_toks
[7661] dbg: bayes: tie-ing to DB file R/O /var/clamav/.spamassassin/bayes_seen
[7661] dbg: bayes: found bayes db version 3
[7661] dbg: bayes: DB journal sync: last sync: 1159452604
[7661] dbg: config: score set 3 chosen.
[7661] dbg: message: ---- MIME PARSER START ----
[7661] dbg: message: main message type: text/plain
[7661] dbg: message: parsing normal part
[7661] dbg: message: added part, type: text/plain
[7661] dbg: message: ---- MIME PARSER END ----
[7661] dbg: dns: name server:, family: 2, ipv6: 0
[7661] dbg: dns: testing resolver nameservers:,
[7661] dbg: dns: trying (3)
[7661] dbg: dns: looking up NS for ''
[7661] dbg: dns: NS lookup of using succeeded => DNS available (set dns_available to override)
[7661] dbg: dns: is DNS available? 1
[7661] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Trusted:
[7661] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted:
[7661] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Internal:
[7661] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-External:
[7661] dbg: message: no encoding detected
[7661] dbg: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x1e0803c) implements 'parsed_metadata'
[7661] dbg: uridnsbl: domains to query:
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set sblxbl-lastexternal
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set habeas-firsttrusted
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set sblxbl
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set bsp-untrusted
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set njabl-lastexternal
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set njabl
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set whois
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set dsbl-lastexternal
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set spamcop
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set bsp-firsttrusted
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set whois-lastexternal
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set sorbs-lastexternal
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set sorbs
[7661] dbg: dns: checking RBL, set iadb-firsttrusted
[7661] dbg: check: running tests for priority: 0
[7661] dbg: rules: running header regexp tests; score so far=0
[7661] dbg: rules: ran header rule __HAS_MSGID ======> got hit: "<"@lint_rules>"
[7661] dbg: rules: ran header rule NO_REAL_NAME ======> got hit: "[email protected]
[7661] dbg: rules: "
[7661] dbg: rules: ran header rule __MSGID_OK_DIGITS ======> got hit: "1159453076"
[7661] dbg: spf: no suitable relay for spf use found, skipping SPF-helo check
[7661] dbg: eval: all '*From' addrs: [email protected]
[7661] dbg: eval: all '*To' addrs:
[7661] dbg: spf: no suitable relay for spf use found, skipping SPF check
[7661] dbg: rules: ran eval rule NO_RELAYS ======> got hit
[7661] dbg: spf: cannot get Envelope-From, cannot use SPF
[7661] dbg: spf: def_spf_whitelist_from: could not find useable envelope sender
[7661] dbg: rules: ran eval rule __UNUSABLE_MSGID ======> got hit
[7661] dbg: spf: spf_whitelist_from: could not find useable envelope sender
[7661] dbg: rules: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=0.96
[7661] dbg: rules: ran body rule __NONEMPTY_BODY ======> got hit: "I"
[7661] dbg: uri: running uri tests; score so far=0.96
[7661] dbg: bayes: DB journal sync: last sync: 1159452604
[7661] dbg: bayes: corpus size: nspam = 4348, nham = 68816
[7661] dbg: bayes: score = 0.451072137096852
[7661] dbg: bayes: DB journal sync: last sync: 1159452604
[7661] dbg: bayes: untie-ing
[7661] dbg: bayes: untie-ing db_toks
[7661] dbg: bayes: untie-ing db_seen
[7661] dbg: rules: ran eval rule BAYES_50 ======> got hit
[7661] dbg: rules: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=0.961
[7661] dbg: rules: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=0.961
[7661] dbg: info: entering helper-app run mode
[7661] dbg: info: leaving helper-app run mode
[7661] dbg: razor2: part=0 engine=4 contested=0 confidence=0
[7661] dbg: razor2: results: spam? 0
[7661] dbg: razor2: results: engine 8, highest cf score: 0
[7661] dbg: razor2: results: engine 4, highest cf score: 0
[7661] dbg: util: current PATH is: /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
[7661] dbg: pyzor: pyzor is not available: no pyzor executable found
[7661] dbg: pyzor: no pyzor found, disabling Pyzor
[7661] dbg: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x1e0803c) implements 'check_tick'
[7661] dbg: check: running tests for priority: 500
[7661] dbg: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x1e0803c) implements 'check_post_dnsbl'
[7661] dbg: rules: running meta tests; score so far=0.961
[7661] info: rules: meta test DIGEST_MULTIPLE has undefined dependency 'DCC_CHECK'
[7661] info: rules: meta test SARE_OBFU_CIALIS has undefined dependency 'SARE_OBFU_CIALIS2'
[7661] info: rules: meta test FP_MIXED_****3 has undefined dependency 'FP_PENETRATION'
[7661] dbg: rules: running header regexp tests; score so far=2.907
[7661] dbg: rules: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=2.907
[7661] dbg: uri: running uri tests; score so far=2.907
[7661] dbg: rules: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=2.907
[7661] dbg: rules: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=2.907
[7661] dbg: check: running tests for priority: 1000
[7661] dbg: rules: running meta tests; score so far=2.907
[7661] dbg: rules: running header regexp tests; score so far=2.907
[7661] dbg: config: using "/var/clamav/.spamassassin" for user state dir
[7661] dbg: locker: safe_lock: created /var/clamav/.spamassassin/
[7661] dbg: locker: safe_lock: trying to get lock on /var/clamav/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist with 0 retries
[7661] dbg: locker: safe_lock: link to /var/clamav/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock: link ok
[7661] dbg: auto-whitelist: tie-ing to DB file of type DB_File R/W in /var/clamav/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist
[7661] dbg: auto-whitelist: db-based [email protected]|ip=none scores 0/0
[7661] dbg: auto-whitelist: AWL active, pre-score: 2.907, autolearn score: 2.907, mean: undef, IP: undef
[7661] dbg: auto-whitelist: DB addr list: untie-ing and unlocking
[7661] dbg: auto-whitelist: DB addr list: file locked, breaking lock
[7661] dbg: locker: safe_unlock: unlink /var/clamav/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock
[7661] dbg: auto-whitelist: post auto-whitelist score: 2.907
[7661] dbg: rules: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=2.907
[7661] dbg: uri: running uri tests; score so far=2.907
[7661] dbg: rules: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=2.907
[7661] dbg: rules: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=2.907
[7661] dbg: check: is spam? score=2.907 required=2
Any ideas and help is greatly appreciated.

As you  mentioned that your computer shows activated successfully in Properties of computer but the error message still appeared to notify you.
If the messages you see come and go, you have what's called a 'race condition' where the Software Protection Service and another process fight over resources - if the SPPSVC doesn't win the race in a given time, it will throw the notification until it manages
to re-test.
Please try to restore your system back to the point when it work fine. If the issue persists, please try to scan your system to see if there is any malwares or virus.
Also, let try this fix to check Software Protection service:
This computer is not running genuine windows 0x8004fe21
For further help, please upload the event log for research:
Collect event log:
Hope these could be helpful.
Kate Li
TechNet Community Support

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    In the past two or three months, I started to get a number of error messages on my desktop indicating there was something wrong with Solution Center. The issue steadily worsened to the point where Solution Center would not run at all (unable to detect device seemed to be the most recurrent message) and I was unable to run the scanner.
    I was able to maintain printer fnctionality by deleting and then adding the printer through Windows, although I seemed to be forced to do this every few days.
    I went on the forum and decided the best course of action to restore full functionality was to uninstall all HP software and then download/install the software suite. I downloaded the Vista 32 bit version  (100_228_PS_AIO_02_Full_Net_enu_NB.exe) andI tried installation several times with no luck - the installation always seemed to get stuck immediately after extracting files.
    I went back on the forum and found out how to do a level 4 uninstall from a temp folder beginning with 7z... . I did that and tried again (after checking that my Adobe Flash was up to date).  The install went a little further this time but eventually stopped again. File not found.  I ran the installation .exe from the temp file and went a little further but stopped again. An error log was created and a 'fix' was placed on my desk top. I followed the instructions but the 'fix' did nothing (it was just a text file - nothing to run that I could decypher). Just to make sure I was doing it right, I repeated the entire uninstall/download/reinstall process two more times with the same result. 
    The above process was beginning to remind me of Einstein's defiition of insanity (do ing the same thing over and over and expecting different resuts) so I gave up and successfully downloaded and installed the printer drivers to restore print functionality.
    How do I get my scan functionality back?
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    May you have McAfee Antivirus on your PC?
    If so try following the steps belwo and let me know if that may help:
    1. Open Mcafee software, from the Virus and Spyware Protection section click on Schedule and run scans. Click on Real time scanning and then on Turn Off. select Never and confirm by clicking the Turn Off button.
    2. Open the run dialog by clicking both the Windows key and the R key on your keyboard. Type %windir% and click on OK.
    3. Type hpoins*.dat into the top search bar, if there are any results rename the extention into old instead of dat. (e.g. hpoins1.old)
    4. Type hpwins*.dat into the top search bar, if there are any results rename the extention into old instead of dat. (e.g. hpwins1.old)
    5. Launch the Run dialog by clicking both the Windows key and the R key on your keyboard. Type MSIEXEC /UNREGISTER into the Run dialog and click on OK.
    6. Launch the Run dialog by clicking both the Windows key and the R key on your keyboard. Type MSIEXEC /REGSERVER into the Run dialog and click on OK.
    7. Reboot your PC
    8. Run the installation file and check for any difference.
    9. Once you are done, be sure to open McAfee and re-activate Real Time Scanning.
    If the issue persists, please clarify what security software you are using,
    As well open the device manager and expend the Processors category - what processor you have on your PC?
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • I uninstalled Firefox once, reinstalled it and it ran. I had a problem so I did it again. Now it will not run and I get an error message saying that firefox is running and you can only run one at a time. I can't figure out what is running.

    Because of a problem, I uninstalled Firefox once, reinstalled it and it ran. I had a problem so I uninstalled/reinstalled it again. Now it will not run. I get an error message saying that firefox is running and you can only run one at a time. I have uninstalled multiple times and can't figure out what is running. The is only one Firefox installed and it is not open. What does this mean and how do I fix it?

    If you use ZoneAlarm Extreme Security then try to disable Virtualization.
    See also:

  • I use labview 8.0 and i can not run daqmx driver for pcmcia 6062e daq card

    i use labview 8.0 on window xp .when i installed a PCMCIA daq card 6062E, i could not run daqmx driver.It is fine to see that the traditional version is working well.When i install daq card sometimes it is working well with traditional driver  but mostly i see error on reading an analog input from PCMCIA daq device.An error called 'base adress' occures .I use last version of driver that is daqmx 8.0.1. and i have installed this correctly but again i could not  see any signal on the test panel for daq-mx driver.I don't know what is the problem.Also when i install PCMCIA daq card Please reply this message.I need your helps.

    Thanks for your reply.I will try to answer your questions.
    I have checked the Device Mananger and I have seen that the device is detected by Windows  XP.  For another question the card shows up under both NI-DAQmx Devices and Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) Devices consistently in the Measurement & Automation Explorer.I use a way that I reset the driver for traditional NI-DAQ in MAX,and then i reset the device for NI-DAQmx driver in MAX and again i tried to run the test panel of DAQmx driver but again i saw a wrong signal or noise signal on the test panel i could not see the sinusoidal signal that i connected. i do get the test panels to run with the card using the DAQmx driver,  But could not run the DAQ diagnostic utility.The error was as i specified below.
    03.05.2006 09:49:35
    Results saved to:  C:\Documents and Settings\serkan\Desktop\Diagnostic Results.txt
    Selected Device: Dev1
    Device Type: DAQCard-6062E
    Serial Number: 107509E
    Device Support: (PASS)
    NI-DAQmx Version: 8.0 (PASS)
    Device Reset: (FAIL)
    Error -50002 occurred at an unidentified location
    Possible reason(s):
    The specified device is not a valid device. The operation could not be completed as specified.
    And for your last question i can say that i have used the DAQ card on other laptops.But the results were the same.İ hope to see your reply
    Serkan Buhan
    Electrical-Elecronics Engineer

  • Real-Time Decision Server is not running

    In the Admin guide for RTD Center, during Initializing the Oracle RTD Database Using SDDBTool, one of the step mentioned is "To check, Real-Time Decision Server is not running" but nothing has been mentioned if this is a Service or we have to check in Weblogic or service panel.
    So the question is, How do I check if my Real-Time Decision Server is running or not? Do I have shut down OBIEE instance for the same?

    try it like this.
    note: bi services should be up.

  • BB Desktop Software 6.1 will not run on Windows 7 64-Bit

    I wrote to the forum of my problem, and a nice person here told me that I may be having the same problem as others and to repost my question to this link
    I went there and cannot find a button to tick to post to that page, so I went one back and posted my problem in hopes of finding help. BB4matt even told me what my laptop is.  A Genuine Windows 7 home Premium 64 bit Operating System, and that Desktop 6.1 will not run on this system, to copy my problen to the above link, (which I couldn't figure out how to do) or start a new one under the heading I used, that I MIGHT attract a guru of sorts, BB Tech Advisor, ViciousFerret. MR FERRET, please help!
    Thank you all so much in advance once again! (Below is my original plea for help.)
    I have read in these forums and am still lost.  I know my answer should be in hre somewhere, but if it is I am unable to understand it, so be patient as I may be reasking an already answered question.
    I try to be a good lil girl and follow forum rules, but am lost here.
    I bought a new laptop, a Dell 17R  It runs Win 7 I think. Lots of ROM/RAM.  I dowloaded the desktop program from bb dot com and cannot get it to work.  First it asked me to trouble shoot, and reconfigured the DT prog for Win XP.
    It then acknowledged my Torch and dld my photos.  Then it decided I didn't have space and undid whatever it did.
    NOW I cannot get the program, once it opens to recognise my phone at all! ACK!!
    I need someone who understands this gobbltygook to explain to me what to do.  I need to unload my photos, as I use my phone to take pix more than I would have thought.
    I am a photog, and it's better than my first digital this Torch 9800 is, and video quality, OMG, but the vids are too big to upload from the phone..........(IDK why cuz it did at Christmas?)
    Anyway, please help me here, as I can use a computer, e-mail, Facebook, Picassa, other than that, IDK too much about them.  (It took my YEARS to spring for this laptop)
    Thank you in advance for your patience.

    I have the same issue.  It gets to a desktop manager picture and just freezes.

  • Program runs in win 7-64 Pro BUT will not run in win 7 home or vista.

    Program runs in win 7-64 Pro BUT will not run in win 7 home or vista.
    I'm testing 32bit software that will run in 7-64 Pro but will not in win 7 home premium or vista.
    The 7-64 Pro machine is NOT running the program in XP mode although is is being run as admin. The 7 home premium and vista beta testers have tried every work around/mode, admin mode, and anti-virus exception. I've run process explorer & WinMerge to evaluate
    the differences between os operations & dlls loaded but am unable to find the OS issue.
    Currently 2-win7-64 machines, 1 vista machine and 1 win 7 machine had no issues with the program as it started up and ran immediately.
    After 3 beta's 30 hours of testing & 50 of my own, I believe I've narrowed the issue down to the win 7 home premium and vista os's.
    Can anyone here suggest other ways to further narrow it down so as to provide functionality on all 3 os's?

    You must provide the exact name and version of the software for anyone to attempt to answer your question.  Primarily the functionality of any software is entirely dependent on what platforms the publisher intended the software to run on.
    If you are the programmer you need to go to the Microsoft Developer Network forums for assistance:
    This is an End Users' Peer-to-Peer forum that does not address programming from any perspective.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

  • Since installing Yosemite my Quarkxpress 10 is not running correctly. Too slow or crashes. How do I uninstall Os X Yosemite without losing all of my designs?

    Since installing Yosemite my Quarkxpress 10 is not running correctly. Too slow or crashes. How do I uninstall Os X Yosemite without losing all of my designs?

    Thank you Thomas
    First, for changing my question to the right forum. I am new on this and wasn't aware I was in the wrong forum.
    Secondly, even though my initial question is not answered as in: I just want to remove Classic, what you say is right. I think now, after writing my long question and seeing your answers, that I should start from scratch.
    To answer your question, I bought the new drive to be able to store and back up into DVDs and CDs all the photographs and movies that are still in the computer. I also need to make CDs of my portfolio since I am trying to find a new job and buying a new Mac at this point is out of the question. To upgrade the computer: I just do not have use for OS 9 anymore; I cannot upgrade to the latest Java, Safari or have issues with Flash or other programs; the programs that I have and need will still run perfectly fine or better in Leopard. And even if I could buy another computer I would still like to hang onto this computer for a while.

  • Photoshop CS5 will not run

    I have Photoshop CS5 as part of the complete CS5 Design Premium but installed only Photoshop and Illustrator.  There did not seem to be any problems on installation but Photoshop will not run.  It installs many Plug-ins untill is stops at ScriptingSupport.8li.  Any suggestion?
    Details: I am installing on a 2 year old Dell Laptop, Inspiron 1720 with Windows XP.  The file in question exists in the same place as it does on my Workstation where Photoshop works fine.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and the behavior is the same.  I even got instructions from the Adobe site on making sure all remnants of Photoshop are removed and followed those before the second installation.  I can't think of any other steps to take.  Suggesions welcome.

    Make sure you've updated to 12.0.1.
    A workaround to get you running right away (though certainly not a fix) can be to disable scripting support by finding ScriptingSupport.8li under the Photoshop installation folder and renaming it to ~ScriptingSupport.8li (adding a tilde in front of the name).  After this, Photoshop won't try to load it, and this has been reported by some folks to get Photoshop working while they continue to look for a real fix.
    Hope this helps.

  • Amavisd not running, mails not delivered when spam filter is enabled

    Hey everyone,
    So I've got a slight problem here with a 10.4.11 server. Our spam filter was set to be too tolerant of spam, allowing a threshold 22.0 before bouncing it, so through the command line I edited /etc/amavisd.conf to $sa_kill_level_deflt = 6.0; tag2 is set to 3.0. Then I bounced amavisd via:
    sudo /bin/launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.amavis.amavisd.plist
    sudo /bin/launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.amavis.amavisd.plist
    Well that caused all sorts of whacky issues with the queue. The server couldn't connect to itself and wouldn't deliver any mail, only queue it up. So I went back in to amavisd.conf and changed the parameters back to default, then bounced amavisd again. To no avail. Then I restored from a backup file I had created and bounced amavisd again to no avail.
    Finally I removed the junkmail and virus filters via SA, saved, then reenabled them to no avail. Then I just disabled them and mail is flowing again, but I still have 187 messages in my queue that wont get delivered no matter how many times I flush it.
    After more research, I issued a ps -U clamav to see if amavisd is running, below are the only results I get:
    1291 ?? Ss 0:00.01 freshclam -d -D -c 1
    I would assume it is NOT running...? I next issued amavisd to see if it throws any errors, and get the following:
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/amavisd line 139.
    So my next question is how do I repair amavisd so I can get it to run so I can reenable the content filter. Here are the results of postconf in case you need them:
    2bounce_notice_recipient = postmaster
    access_map_reject_code = 554
    address_verify_default_transport = $default_transport
    address_verify_local_transport = $local_transport
    address_verify_map =
    address_verify_negative_cache = yes
    address_verify_negative_expire_time = 3d
    address_verify_negative_refresh_time = 3h
    address_verify_poll_count = 3
    address_verify_poll_delay = 3s
    address_verify_positive_expire_time = 31d
    address_verify_positive_refresh_time = 7d
    address_verify_relay_transport = $relay_transport
    address_verify_relayhost = $relayhost
    address_verify_sender = postmaster
    address_verify_service_name = verify
    address_verify_transport_maps = $transport_maps
    address_verify_virtual_transport = $virtual_transport
    alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
    alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
    allow_mail_to_commands = alias, forward
    allow_mail_to_files = alias, forward
    allow_min_user = no
    allow_percent_hack = yes
    allow_untrusted_routing = no
    alternate_config_directories =
    always_bcc =
    append_at_myorigin = yes
    append_dot_mydomain = yes
    application_event_drain_time = 100s
    backwards_bounce_logfile_compatibility = yes
    berkeley_db_create_buffer_size = 16777216
    berkeley_db_read_buffer_size = 131072
    best_mx_transport =
    biff = yes
    body_checks =
    body_checks_size_limit = 51200
    bounce_notice_recipient = postmaster
    bounce_queue_lifetime = 5d
    bounce_service_name = bounce
    bounce_size_limit = 50000
    broken_sasl_auth_clients = no
    canonical_maps =
    cleanup_service_name = cleanup
    command_directory = /usr/sbin
    command_expansion_filter = 1234567890!@%-_=+:,./abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
    command_time_limit = 1000s
    config_directory = /etc/postfix
    content_filter =
    daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
    daemon_timeout = 18000s
    debug_peer_level = 2
    debug_peer_list =
    default_database_type = hash
    default_delivery_slot_cost = 5
    default_delivery_slot_discount = 50
    default_delivery_slot_loan = 3
    default_destination_concurrency_limit = 20
    default_destination_recipient_limit = 50
    default_extra_recipient_limit = 1000
    default_minimum_delivery_slots = 3
    default_privs = nobody
    default_process_limit = 100
    default_rbl_reply = $rbl_code Service unavailable; $rbl_class [$rbl_what] blocked using $rbl_domain${rbl_reason?; $rbl_reason}
    default_recipient_limit = 10000
    default_transport = smtp
    default_verp_delimiters = +=
    defer_code = 450
    defer_service_name = defer
    defer_transports =
    delay_notice_recipient = postmaster
    delay_warning_time = 0h
    deliver_lock_attempts = 20
    deliver_lock_delay = 1s
    disable_dns_lookups = no
    disable_mime_input_processing = no
    disable_mime_output_conversion = no
    disable_verp_bounces = no
    disable_vrfy_command = no
    dont_remove = 0
    double_bounce_sender = double-bounce
    duplicate_filter_limit = 1000
    empty_address_recipient = MAILER-DAEMON
    enable_errors_to = no
    enable_original_recipient = yes
    enable_server_options = yes
    error_notice_recipient = postmaster
    error_service_name = error
    expand_owner_alias = no
    export_environment = TZ MAIL_CONFIG
    fallback_relay =
    fallback_transport =
    fast_flush_domains = $relay_domains
    fast_flush_purge_time = 7d
    fast_flush_refresh_time = 12h
    fault_injection_code = 0
    flush_service_name = flush
    fork_attempts = 5
    fork_delay = 1s
    forward_expansion_filter = 1234567890!@%-_=+:,./abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
    forward_path = $home/.forward${recipient_delimiter}${extension}, $home/.forward
    hash_queue_depth = 1
    hash_queue_names = incoming, active, deferred, bounce, defer, flush, hold, trace
    header_address_token_limit = 10240
    header_checks =
    header_size_limit = 102400
    helpful_warnings = yes
    home_mailbox =
    hopcount_limit = 50
    html_directory = no
    ignore_mx_lookup_error = no
    in_flow_delay = 1s
    inet_interfaces = all
    initial_destination_concurrency = 5
    invalid_hostname_reject_code = 501
    ipc_idle = 100s
    ipc_timeout = 3600s
    ipc_ttl = 1000s
    line_length_limit = 2048
    lmtp_cache_connection = yes
    lmtp_connect_timeout = 0s
    lmtp_data_done_timeout = 600s
    lmtp_data_init_timeout = 120s
    lmtp_data_xfer_timeout = 180s
    lmtp_destination_concurrency_limit = $default_destination_concurrency_limit
    lmtp_destination_recipient_limit = $default_destination_recipient_limit
    lmtp_lhlo_timeout = 300s
    lmtp_mail_timeout = 300s
    lmtp_quit_timeout = 300s
    lmtp_rcpt_timeout = 300s
    lmtp_rset_timeout = 120s
    lmtp_sasl_auth_enable = no
    lmtp_sasl_password_maps =
    lmtp_sasl_security_options = noplaintext, noanonymous
    lmtp_send_xforward_command = no
    lmtp_skip_quit_response = no
    lmtp_tcp_port = 24
    lmtp_xforward_timeout = 300s
    local_command_shell =
    local_destination_concurrency_limit = 2
    local_destination_recipient_limit = 1
    local_recipient_maps =
    local_transport = local:$myhostname
    luser_relay = undeliverable
    mail_name = Postfix
    mail_owner = postfix
    mail_release_date = 20040915
    mail_spool_directory = /var/mail
    mail_version = 2.1.5
    mailbox_command =
    mailbox_command_maps =
    mailbox_delivery_lock = flock
    mailbox_size_limit = 0
    mailbox_transport = cyrus
    mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq
    manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
    maps_rbl_domains =
    maps_rbl_reject_code = 554
    masquerade_classes = envelope_sender, header_sender, header_recipient
    masquerade_domains =
    masquerade_exceptions =
    max_idle = 100s
    max_use = 100
    maximal_backoff_time = 4000s
    maximal_queue_lifetime = 5d
    message_size_limit = 0
    mime_boundary_length_limit = 2048
    mime_header_checks = $header_checks
    mime_nesting_limit = 100
    minimal_backoff_time = 1000s
    multi_recipient_bounce_reject_code = 550
    mydestination = $myhostname,localhost.$mydomain,localhost,,$mydomain,youthchannel.o rg,
    mydomain =
    mydomain_fallback = localhost
    myhostname =
    mynetworks =,,
    mynetworks_style = host
    myorigin = $myhostname
    nested_header_checks = $header_checks
    newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases
    non_fqdn_reject_code = 504
    notify_classes = resource, software
    owner_request_special = yes
    parent_domain_matches_subdomains = debug_peer_list,fast_flush_domains,mynetworks,permit_mx_backup_networks,qmqpd_a uthorized_clients,relay_domains,smtpd_access_maps
    permit_mx_backup_networks =
    pickup_service_name = pickup
    prepend_delivered_header = command, file, forward
    process_id_directory = pid
    propagate_unmatched_extensions = canonical, virtual
    proxy_interfaces =
    proxy_read_maps = $local_recipient_maps $mydestination $virtual_alias_maps $virtual_alias_domains $virtual_mailbox_maps $virtual_mailbox_domains $relay_recipient_maps $relay_domains $canonical_maps $sender_canonical_maps $recipient_canonical_maps $relocated_maps $transport_maps $mynetworks
    qmgr_clog_warn_time = 300s
    qmgr_fudge_factor = 100
    qmgr_message_active_limit = 20000
    qmgr_message_recipient_limit = 20000
    qmgr_message_recipient_minimum = 10
    qmqpd_authorized_clients =
    qmqpd_error_delay = 1s
    qmqpd_timeout = 300s
    queue_directory = /private/var/spool/postfix
    queue_file_attribute_count_limit = 100
    queue_minfree = 0
    queue_run_delay = 1000s
    queue_service_name = qmgr
    rbl_reply_maps =
    readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
    receive_override_options =
    recipient_bcc_maps =
    recipient_canonical_maps =
    recipient_delimiter =
    reject_code = 554
    relay_clientcerts =
    relay_destination_concurrency_limit = $default_destination_concurrency_limit
    relay_destination_recipient_limit = $default_destination_recipient_limit
    relay_domains = $mydestination
    relay_domains_reject_code = 554
    relay_recipient_maps =
    relay_transport = relay
    relayhost =
    relocated_maps =
    require_home_directory = no
    resolve_dequoted_address = yes
    resolve_null_domain = no
    rewrite_service_name = rewrite
    sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/examples
    sender_based_routing = no
    sender_bcc_maps =
    sender_canonical_maps =
    sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail
    service_throttle_time = 60s
    setgid_group = postdrop
    show_user_unknown_table_name = yes
    showq_service_name = showq
    smtp_always_send_ehlo = yes
    smtp_bind_address =
    smtp_connect_timeout = 30s
    smtp_data_done_timeout = 600s
    smtp_data_init_timeout = 120s
    smtp_data_xfer_timeout = 180s
    smtp_defer_if_no_mx_address_found = no
    smtp_destination_concurrency_limit = $default_destination_concurrency_limit
    smtp_destination_recipient_limit = $default_destination_recipient_limit
    smtp_enforce_tls = no
    smtp_helo_name = $myhostname
    smtp_helo_timeout = 300s
    smtp_host_lookup = dns
    smtp_line_length_limit = 990
    smtp_mail_timeout = 300s
    smtp_mx_address_limit = 0
    smtp_mx_session_limit = 2
    smtp_never_send_ehlo = no
    smtp_pix_workaround_delay_time = 10s
    smtp_pix_workaround_threshold_time = 500s
    smtp_quit_timeout = 300s
    smtp_quote_rfc821_envelope = yes
    smtp_randomize_addresses = yes
    smtp_rcpt_timeout = 300s
    smtp_rset_timeout = 120s
    smtp_sasl_auth_enable = no
    smtp_sasl_password_maps =
    smtp_sasl_security_options = noplaintext, noanonymous
    smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = $var_smtp_sasl_opts
    smtp_sasl_tls_verified_security_options = $var_smtp_sasl_tls_opts
    smtp_send_xforward_command = no
    smtp_skip_5xx_greeting = yes
    smtp_skip_quit_response = yes
    smtp_starttls_timeout = 300s
    smtp_tls_CAfile =
    smtp_tls_CApath =
    smtp_tls_cert_file =
    smtp_tls_cipherlist =
    smtp_tls_dcert_file =
    smtp_tls_dkey_file = $smtp_tls_dcert_file
    smtp_tls_enforce_peername = yes
    smtp_tls_key_file = $smtp_tls_cert_file
    smtp_tls_loglevel = 0
    smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = no
    smtp_tls_per_site =
    smtp_tls_scert_verifydepth = 5
    smtp_tls_session_cache_database =
    smtp_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s
    smtp_use_tls = no
    smtp_xforward_timeout = 300s
    smtpd_authorized_verp_clients = $authorized_verp_clients
    smtpd_authorized_xclient_hosts =
    smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts =
    smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name
    smtpd_client_connection_count_limit = 50
    smtpd_client_connection_limit_exceptions = $mynetworks
    smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit = 0
    smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks reject_rbl_client reject_rbl_client permit
    smtpd_data_restrictions =
    smtpd_delay_reject = yes
    smtpd_enforce_tls = no
    smtpd_error_sleep_time = 1s
    smtpd_etrn_restrictions =
    smtpd_expansion_filter = \t\40!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
    smtpd_hard_error_limit = 20
    smtpd_helo_required = no
    smtpd_helo_restrictions =
    smtpd_history_flush_threshold = 100
    smtpd_junk_command_limit = 100
    smtpd_noop_commands =
    smtpd_null_access_lookup_key =
    smtpd_policy_service_max_idle = 300s
    smtpd_policy_service_max_ttl = 1000s
    smtpd_policy_service_timeout = 100s
    smtpd_proxy_ehlo = $myhostname
    smtpd_proxy_filter =
    smtpd_proxy_timeout = 100s
    smtpd_pw_server_security_options = gssapi,cram-md5,login,plain
    smtpd_recipient_limit = 1000
    smtpd_recipient_overshoot_limit = 1000
    smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination,permit
    smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient = yes
    smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender = no
    smtpd_restriction_classes =
    smtpd_sasl_application_name = smtpd
    smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
    smtpd_sasl_exceptions_networks =
    smtpd_sasl_local_domain =
    smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
    smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options = $smtpd_sasl_security_options
    smtpd_sender_login_maps =
    smtpd_sender_restrictions =
    smtpd_soft_error_limit = 10
    smtpd_starttls_timeout = 300s
    smtpd_timeout = 300s
    smtpd_tls_CAfile =
    smtpd_tls_CApath =
    smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = no
    smtpd_tls_auth_only = no
    smtpd_tls_ccert_verifydepth = 5
    smtpd_tls_cert_file =
    smtpd_tls_cipherlist =
    smtpd_tls_dcert_file =
    smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file =
    smtpd_tls_dh512_param_file =
    smtpd_tls_dkey_file = $smtpd_tls_dcert_file
    smtpd_tls_key_file =
    smtpd_tls_loglevel = 0
    smtpd_tls_received_header = no
    smtpd_tls_req_ccert = no
    smtpd_tls_session_cache_database =
    smtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s
    smtpd_tls_wrappermode = no
    smtpd_use_pw_server = yes
    smtpd_use_tls = no
    soft_bounce = no
    stale_lock_time = 500s
    strict_7bit_headers = no
    strict_8bitmime = no
    strict_8bitmime_body = no
    strict_mime_encoding_domain = no
    strict_rfc821_envelopes = no
    sun_mailtool_compatibility = no
    swap_bangpath = yes
    syslog_facility = mail
    syslog_name = postfix
    tls_daemon_random_bytes = 32
    tls_daemon_random_source =
    tls_random_bytes = 32
    tls_random_exchange_name = ${config_directory}/prng_exch
    tls_random_prng_update_period = 60s
    tls_random_reseed_period = 3600s
    tls_random_source =
    trace_service_name = trace
    transport_maps =
    transport_retry_time = 60s
    trigger_timeout = 10s
    undisclosed_recipients_header = To: undisclosed-recipients:;
    unknown_address_reject_code = 450
    unknown_client_reject_code = 450
    unknown_hostname_reject_code = 450
    unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
    unknown_relay_recipient_reject_code = 550
    unknown_virtual_alias_reject_code = 550
    unknown_virtual_mailbox_reject_code = 550
    unverified_recipient_reject_code = 450
    unverified_sender_reject_code = 450
    verp_delimiter_filter = -=+
    virtual_alias_domains = $virtual_alias_maps
    virtual_alias_expansion_limit = 1000
    virtual_alias_maps = $virtual_maps
    virtual_alias_recursion_limit = 1000
    virtual_destination_concurrency_limit = $default_destination_concurrency_limit
    virtual_destination_recipient_limit = $default_destination_recipient_limit
    virtual_gid_maps =
    virtual_mailbox_base =
    virtual_mailbox_domains = $virtual_mailbox_maps
    virtual_mailbox_limit = 51200000
    virtual_mailbox_lock = fcntl
    virtual_mailbox_maps =
    virtual_minimum_uid = 100
    virtual_transport = virtual
    virtual_uid_maps =
    TIA for an help!

    To get the queue going, issue:
    sudo postsuper -r ALL
    That said, I would think you initially introduced a typo in amavisd.conf. Next you probably restored amavisd and amavisd.conf files which were incompatible with each other and/or amavis incompatible with the updated perl modules of the latest security update.
    To fix things, I would re-apply the latest combo updater and security updates (assuming you are running stock versions and have not installed your own versions of amavisd, etc).
    If things still do not work, please post the output of:
    amavisd -V

  • Flash swf not running properly in captivate

    I'm not sure if this is a flash question or a captivate question so I'm posting it to both forums. I have numerous flash cs5 built swfs inserted into a captivate 5 project. All of them are running fine apart from this one. It runs perfectly outside of captivate but within the captivate swf it goes haywire. It's a very simple fla. The only actionscript involved is a stop action. There is a movie clip that uses a number of classic tweens and then there is a layer containing textual explanations for what's happening in the movie clip. When I run my captivate project the swf does one or other of the following:
    a) it runs but the movie clip starts earlier than the text and so they are out of synch
    b) the text runs as normal but the movie clip does not run at all
    c) it only shows the final frame of the swf and nothing else happens.
    As I say, it is a very simple fla and I'm at my wits end trying to figure out what's wrong. I don't seem to be able to attach the fla here, so if anybody thinks they may be able to help please pm me with your email address and I will email you the fla file.
    Just to note some of the things I have already considered: the text is all set to classic rather than TLF. The captivate project and the fla both publish as3 at 12fps for flash player 9.
    yours hopefully!

    See I am having the same problem and this may help you out.

  • Error Service Component Container for Java Mailer is not running

    I installed Oracle Workflow 2.6.3 (Standalone) in Oracle Database 10g Release 1.
    Actually there was no problem during the installation.
    I have done the Setting Up from step 1 to 8.
    I'm going to do the step 9 (Implementing Notification Mailer).
    The problem is the Workflow Agent Listener WFALSNRSVC is not running
    and I cannot run it using the Oracle Workflow Manager.
    In the Oracle Workflow Manager there was 4 rows which related to the Container : WFALSNRSVC
    1. Workflow Deferred Agent Listener
    2. Workflow Deferred Notification Agent Listener
    3. Workflow Error Agent Listener
    4. Workflow Inbound Notification Agent Listener
    The status is : Stopped.
    I cannot run any of them.
    Although the Startup Mode is Automatic, but none of them is running.
    When I tried to push the Go button to Actions: Start, it showed this message
    An error has occured
    The Service Component Container is not running.
    And after I tried to configure the Workflow Notification Mailer using the wizard
    I didn't receive any e-mail after I push the Test Send Mail button.
    I read in another post in this forum.
    It states that when going to the Workflow Configuration Assistant (WFCA)
    we must give the right entry in the LDAP paramaters and Java Mailer parameters,
    otherwise those WFALSNRSVC and WFMLRSVC would never run eventhough we enter them in a later time.
    Actually I didn't provide the paramaters (both of them) since they are optional.
    My questions are:
    1. Is there another way to run those service (servlet)?
    I really need the Java Notification Mailer to send email.
    2. Should I uninstall and reinstall my Oracle Workflow and provide those paramaters?
    Do I have to uninstall and reinstall the Oracle Workflow Middle Tier too?
    3. Is it okay if I drop and cascade the OWF_MGR user (my Workflow Manager schema)
    and then I use the Workflow Configuration Assistant again and choose Install option
    to create the OWF_MGR schema?
    3. Are the LDAP and OID required before we use the Java Notification Mailer?
    Actually I didn't understand the use of LDAP and OID which required in the LDAP paramaters?
    Any help would be grateful.

    In the service components page click on any container, select stop all from the LOV and Go. Once all the containers Workflow Agent Listener Service,
    Workflow Document Web Services Service and Workflow Mailer Service are Deactivated then StartAll. After all the containers are started then check the components status.
    Still if they are running bounce the apache.

  • JFXPanel: Attempt to call defer when toolkit not running

    Occaisionally receiving exception -
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempt to call defer when toolkit not running
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Using JFXPanel with a WebView under JavaFX 2.1 and Java 1.6.0_29. Application works fine most of the time.
    I believe the problem is that we have to move application panels around inside our application and I believe this is sometimes causing the JavaFX platform to believe it is shutting down when it shouldn't.
    Quote from JavaFX application life-cycle definition -
    "•Waits for the application to finish, which happens either when the last window has been closed, or the application calls Platform.exit()
    So, the question is - is there anyway to control when JavaFX deems "the last window has been closed" ? I'm going to try the dummy application route but thought I would post here in case someone has a better/cleaner way.

    I get a similar problem with a JFXPanel+WebView inside a ToolWindow of the MyDoggy docking framework (cf
    Hiding/showing the ToolWindow eventually leads to this exception:
    Exception while removing reference: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempt to call defer when toolkit not running
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempt to call defer when toolkit not running
         at com.sun.webpane.platform.Disposer$DisposerRunnable.enqueue(
         at com.sun.webpane.platform.Disposer$DisposerRunnable.access$100(
    Tested on OS X+JavaFX 2.2b18.
    Should we open a bug for that?
    Edited by: 940268 on 24 juil. 2012 14:53

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