QTSS publisher problem - audio disappear

I setup a play list of QuickTime H.264 streaming video with sequential looped, The sound will disappear after few hours, any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

The initial play list do not contain the audio until end user manually pause-play to reconnect to the streaming server.

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    Would appreciate any assistance.
    I am trialing DW CS3 on new desktop using Vista Business. My
    ISP has provided al the remote info and connection is working and
    my site has been properly defined.
    My problem begins just seconds after i upload. It does not
    matter if i upload one page or an entire site. Within seconds of
    the upload arriving at the remote server the entire content
    disappears leaving just the file name with no size, ie index.html
    0kb. Images also become 0kb within seconds of arriving at the
    remote site.
    I am certain it is a vista problem as i have an older slower
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    suggestion- try enabling Passive FTP in this site definition.
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

  • Background audio disappears when an interaction slide appears

    I have a (Captivate 6 produced) project which includes approx 40 slides and it looks to be running smoothly when published.
    However, I have imported a background music audio track which I want to play (and then loop) during the course of the whole course - however, whenever it reaches a slide which has an interaction on it, the music disappears and then returns when a non-interaction-based slide is reached.  Disappears again when the next slide is reached that contains an interaction, etc.
    I am unable to test in earlier versions of Captivate and so I am wondering whether this is an issue with this version of the program i.e. background audio disappears when an interaction slide is shown?

    We don't have the 6.1 update yet, but I did find a workaround for this (although it's not perfect).  With Captivate 6 there is now a "Play Audio" action that you can assign to the Slide Properties "On Enter" action.  When I did this, the narration continues to play even after the Flash interaction appears in the timeline.  So for any narrated slides that have Flash interactions, you need to:
    1) remove the Audio narration that is imported to the Slide (Audio > Remove > Slide from the menu bar)
    2) On the Slide Properties - On Enter action, select Play Audio, then select the appropriate narration file for that slide.
    This seemed to work -- the only problem is that if you use the "Play/Pause" button in the Adobe playback navigation bar, the button seems to get confused and changes to the Play state while the audio is still playing (instead of staying in the Pause state until the audio finishes as it does when the audio is imported to the Slide itself as narration).  Not sure how to fix that issue except to remove the Pause/Play button from the playbar and just use the Next/Back buttons.  And if you use navigation buttons instead of the Adobe playbar, you don't need to worry about this.
    Hope this helps!

  • I open a file - playback - the audio is there - doesn't appear in timeline, but I hear it, after 1 edit, the audio disappears.  I have to reboot to get it back then it happens again.  All suggeswtions welcome.  Thank you, Randy

    I open a file - playback - the audio is there - doesn't appear in timeline, but I hear it, after 1 edit, the audio disappears.  I have to reboot to get it back then it happens again.  All suggeswtions welcome.  Thank you, Randy

    Is your Premiere Elements 12/12.1 running on a Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit computer or a Mac computer?
    What is the brand/model/settings of the camera recording your video?
    Windows 7 64 bit PC 
    Footage taken from DVD through Adobe Premiere Elements
    Are you sure about the Frame Width and Frame Height that you gave 720 x 484? Did you mean 720 x 480?
    Yes, my err.  720X480
    For the Frame Rate, was it really 29.97 frames per second and you rounded it off to 29 frames per second? Or,
    is the frame rate really 29 frames per second?
    If the properties that you just posted are representative of your source file, what project preset did you or the
    project set for the project preset? If you are not sure, please tell us the readings for Editing Mode, Timebase, Frame Size,
    and Pixel Aspect Ratio under Edit Menu/Project Settings/General.
    Still having problems - haven't been able to edit project. 
    Thank you for your help.
    Randy Klein

  • Darwin Streaming Server and QTSS Publisher

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    I must admit I haven't tried it in awhile, but didn't think it had changed that much. If you can actually get the delay down to 0.1 seconds, there's a lot of Keynote users that will be VERY happy to try that out

  • Published with audio files, AAC Okay, MP3 'No Go'

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    I've put a couple of music, excerpts on my iWeb website; I discovered something after I published, one audio file is AAC and it loads properly on Safari on all my 3 macs (iMac at home, Office G5 via office intranet and MacBook in office with cable modem), but the audio file with MP3 has just the 'QuickTime' logo on it, you can't even play the music.
    Which is "funny" because I thought with Safari and QuickTime, should be able to play all formats of music? At least AAC and MP3? The music files are all encoded or re-encoded respectively via iTunes.
    I decided to use MP3 instead is I am afraid some browsers or computers (older maybe?) will not be able to play AAC files?
    Thanks and cheers

    iWeb writes page code to use the QuickTime browser plug-in so it wouldn't matter what audio format was used (as long as QuickTime supports it).
    The trouble is a "Fast Start" problem with your .mp3 files.
    Most exports from iTunes uses the newer .m4v or .m4a file extension and they should fast start (play as the file continues to download). You should consider exporting your .mp3 files to AAC (using the same settings currently used in them).
    Your page visitors would need to have QuickTime installed no matter what format you used so trying to "help" them by using .mp3 files is lost in the iWeb page coding.
    You'll also realize a file size savings on most of your AAC conversions versus using MPEG-1 Layer 3 format. These smaller file sizes help speed up your download.

  • QTSS Publisher Doesn't Like Symbolic Link

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    Solved the problem on my own.

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    The iMovie forum is here
    That's where the knowledgeable ones on that issue hang out. Be sure to include the version of iMovie that you're using too.

  • Where is QTSS Publisher in 10.5 Server?

    From the Streaming Server FAQ:http://www.apple.com/quicktime/streamingserver/faq.html
    "QTSS Publisher comes installed on Mac OS X Server in the /Applications/Server directory. The application can be installed on other Mac OS X computers by simply copying it to those machines; no installer is required. QTSS Publisher is also available on the Mac OS X Server v10.4 Admin Tools CD."
    No such application exists in the /Applications/Server/ directory in v10.5...and it's not on the Admin Tools CD, either. Does Publisher not exist anymore after v10.4, or has it moved to where I can't find it?

    The program was REMOVED from Mac OS 10.5 Server.
    But the functionality still remains in an HTML WEB INTERFACE.
    First turn on web admin access in the Server Admin app, then you need to ascertain the network address of your Streaming Server, then launch Safari and enter it:
    with ":1220" at the end, like so:
    Then you can log in with the web admin password you set in Server Admin, setup Playlists and everything else.
    It's weird that they just killed this with no word, but it's okay. QTSS Publisher was buggy never worked well to begin with. The web interface is good at catching problems and alerting you instead of just immediately crashing.
    Good luck.

  • Captivate 3 to 4 Conversion Problem - audio

    First off, I love Captivate. Have since it was known as
    Recently upgraded to Captivate 4.
    When the conversion process from Captivate 3 to 4 completed,
    the audio disappeared.
    All I see is a black bar where there used to be audio - on
    the layers.
    I tried importing the mp3 audio back into the new file and
    the error received states:
    "Unable to decode and import the selected wav/mp3 file"
    Please say there is a fix for this. Thanks!!!

    Originally posted by:
    Hi Urs Humbel,
    As you are facing the issue only on Vista, please try the
    below steps:
    1. Close Captivate 4
    2. Run command prompt (cmd) in admin mode.
    3. Go to the directory where Adobe Captivate 4 has been
    4. Run 'regsvr32 NSAudio.dll'
    5. You should get a message 'registration of dll successful'
    6. Now launch Adobe Captivate 4 in admin mode. (i.e. on the
    Captivate menu item in program files > right click > run as
    7. Now check if audio files are playing.
    Hope it helps.
    FWIW, I'm testing C4 and text to speech on a 64 bit machine.
    I didn't want to install it right onto my Vista installation
    because I have C3 installed there so I installed it on a 64 bit XP
    virtual machine. I encountered the same error and the 7 steps
    aboved fixed the problem for me.

  • All audio disappears - but with arguments!

    Yeah, exactly that.
    I'm playing a tune and all of a sudden all the audio disappears, no error messages, no nuthin! All I get is the fader meter in my external mixer at full blast but no sound!
    But if I stop the tune I can play audio from any instrument track fine, but when I press play I get no sound.
    There is a problem here somewhere.
    It happens after about 30 minutes of firing up Logic and sorts itself out when I restart Logic.
    Thing is, I'm using the optical out from my G5 which handles all the audio, no soundcard except for the internal Apple one, and the question is:
    Is it up to the job?

    Ok, over here, some plugs which require high CPU will do this at smaller buffers. It can be triggered more easily if demand is high. It looks like everything is working but... no sound. Then bypass the plug or remove it and the sound returns... very weird.

  • Audio disappears half way through slideshow

    Made a DVD with 11 slideshows (~1000 images total) spread over 3 menus. All slideshows were built in iDVD 5.0.1 using a media browser (from iPhoto). Travel 1 theme. No transitions. All slideshows set to loop. For audio, added a different single track to each slideshow. Used "Save as Image" option and then checked the resulting disk image in Apple DVD Player.
    What happens: audio gets cut off (and never comes back) some way into a slideshow. For some slideshows it is close to 5 min. from the beginning, yet for other this happens only 2.5 min. after the slideshow starts.
    What I tried: encoding settings "best performance" or "best quality"; reverting to QuickTime 7.0.1 from 7.0.3. This did not make any difference.
    Any suggestions? Thanks.

    Just a sad update. After extensive testing I did not find any solution to the problem. What I tested:
    1. 10.4.3 or 10.4.2 (archive and install from 10.4.3) or 10.3.9 (fresh install).
    2. QuickTime 7.0.1 or 7.0.3.
    3. iTunes 4.9 or 5.0.1 or 6.0.
    4. Different audio tracks for the slideshow in which audio disappears half-way.
    5. Different formats of audio tracks - AIFF or AAC.
    6. Tried increasing the length of the track to make it much longer than the length of the slideshow. I did this in GarageBand by creating 5 tracks using the same AAC file and then exporting the result back to iTunes.
    7. iDVD encoding settings "Best Quality" or "Best Performance".
    8. Creating PAL or NTSC DVD disk.
    THE RESULT: The same as before. For some slideshows audio disappears during transition from slide 32 to 33, for others - from 51 to 52, yet for others - from slide 70 to 71.
    What is odd: Redoing the DVD project in the same software setup gives different results - fewer or more slideshows may be affected than before. Therefore, the success rate is random and unpredictable.
    WHAT I DID FIND: Out of 7 slideshows (of the total 11) that had problems with sound (during all my futile attempts) 6 contained images that were recently added to iPhoto - since the last time I was able to successfully make a perfect slideshow DVD (this was back in mid-August).
    MY GUESS: This problem relates to the length of the DVD. If I make two DVDs under the same software setup, one with 11 slideshows, another with just 5, then the second will have only 1 or 2 slideshows with disappearing sound, while the first one may have up to 7.
    For me this is a dead end. And I'll be waiting for iLife'06.

  • Audio disappears mid-project

    I've created a project using Final Cut Express. I use FCE to create a QuickTime movie of the project. I import the QuickTime movie into iDVD, and use iDVD's "Picture in Picture" theme to create the DVD. I've been creating disc images of the project for several months during the development process, and everything has been working okay until last week. Now, the audio disappears about 50 minutes into the disc image. The audio is there in FCE, it's there in Quicktime, and it's there in iDVD using its dvd player/simulator. I have about 30G of free disk space when I start to create the QuickTime movie, and have about 14G free after the QuickTime movie is created. The disc image is 4G, and I end up with about 14 G of free space after the image is created. The audio disappears mid scene ... not at an audio edit point.
    I rebuilt the iDVD project from scratch yesterday (at least I think I did), and the result is the same.
    Any suggestions on what to check / do?

    I too am having this same problem. Created a 45 minute video from FCE, exported it as a Quicktime movie, created the DVD project and have had no luck creating a workable DVD using iDVD. When I burn a disc, the audio cuts out for the rest of the disc at a random location. Never in the same place twice. I was able to play the FCE project with no problems, the quicktime movie and from the DVD previewer. I was able to create a disc image using iDVD with no problems. After researching and talking to MAC experts, they recommended that I first get some high quality discs. I was using Memorex before and was told that that had the most problems. I am now using Sony DVD+R discs and still having the same problems.

  • Audio disappears completely

    I have had problems with all audio disappearing when running VLC. Today, I was listening to iTunes and started VLC, which killed all the audio. The error message from VLC is "audio-device var does not exist. Device probe failed."
    If I try to open the sound system preference, sound preferences crash. If I try iTunes, it gives no error message, but the progress bar does not move and nothing happens. The audio output is connected to an audio amplifier by optical cable. Rebooting fixes the problem.
    Does anyone have an idea if this could be a hardware problem?
    Mac Mini Mac OS X (10.4.5)
    PowerMac G5 Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    PowerMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Many thanks, DaddyPaycheck. No, I had not seen it. I assume I will need to reboot for it to take effect, but, since I can't do that right now, I'll have to wait and hope that it works. Thanks again.
    PowerMac G5 Mac OS X (10.4.8)

  • Audio disappears during Facetime calls

    I frequently talk to a friend using Facetime, but occasionally my friend's audio disappears. When that happens, our only recourse is to switch to Skype. Can anyone suggest what the problem might be? My friend's Mac is a fairly recent iMac running Lion 10.7.5. My iMac is running Mountain Lion 10.8.2.

    Dear Apple,
    I have been a loyal customer since 1991. I have enjoyed nearly every product. I love - LOVE Facetime.
    But the audio dropout problem STINKS. PLEASE FIX IT.
    Seriously, there should be an easy software fix to prevent the auto-volume control from dropping one party's sound so low that it is inaudible. You can do SIRI for crying out loud, surely you can FIX THIS.
    Thank you!
    And yes, I'm going to post this message on every darn thread related til this. Everyone else should do the same. Make some noise people! Let's get this thing fixed.

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