QUAD G5 Locks up when  idling.

Ok.. I have a new G5. I use it, everything is fine.. So I go to sleep, I wake up in the morning, and the Fans are on full rev, there is a red light emiting from the case, and it's locked up.
The Room tempature is very cool, so I can't figure out why it is doing this.. Does anyone have any idea's, or know something that I don't?

Well Apple says there:
LED 7 will momentarily flash when the power button is pressed during start up. This is normal behavior.
So what you should do is a AppleCare Support Phone Call, describe your problems, ask for help an they will tell a few options:
PRAM & NVRAM Reset, SMU Reset, Hardware Test
PRAM & NVRAM=http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=2238-en
SMU Reset=http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=300341
Hardware Test
You can use Apple Hardware Test to help determine if there is a problem with your
computer’s hardware.
To use Apple Hardware Test:
1. Disconnect all external devices from your computer except the keyboard and mouse.
If you have an Ethernet cable connected, disconnect it.
2. Insert the Mac OS X Install Disc 1 that came with your computer.
3. Restart your computer and hold down the Option key as it starts up.
A list of available startup volumes appears.
4. Click Apple Hardware Test and click the right arrow.
5. Follow the onscreen instructions when the Apple Hardware Test main screen appears
(after about 45 seconds).
6. Make a note of the error code before pursuing support options.
If Apple Hardware Test detects a problem, it displays an error code. If Apple Hardware Test does not detect a hardware failure, the problem may be software-related.
For more information about Apple Hardware Test, see the Apple Hardware Test Read Me file on Mac OS X Install Disc 1.
A suggestion, dont wait to long, you have max. 30 days from purchase date, to give it back as DOA (dead on arrival).

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    We can try to implement by use High performance power plan or GPO to prevent computer from locking down:
    Refer to the solution here:
    Also, you can check if there is any task scheduled for idle:
    Task Conditions
    Hope these could be helpful.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Are there any problem if in the middle of my load (and commits) an user update o query data ?The only problem that I see is that you may run short of undo space (rollback segment space) if your undo space is limited and the user is running a long SELECT query for example: but this problem would only trigger ORA-1555 for the SELECT query or (less likely since you have several COMMIT) ORA-16XX because load transaction would not find enough undo space.
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    Can someone help me on this?

    If it's just that one file and dw works normally on other
    files- then it is
    probably what's IN that file that is causing the problem.
    url address of the uploaded problem file?
    > I have a problem with dreamweaver locking up when I open
    a file. The index
    > file, other files open up fine. I am thinking I need to
    delete the preference
    > files but don't know how to do this. Can someone help me
    on this?

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    But now this one is doing the same thing. Occasional lock-ups when connecting to the MacBook Pro. Doesn't matter which USB port. And doesn't seem to matter if the computer has been on, or if it's a fresh boot.
    What could be going on here? I doubt highly that both Classics I've gotten have the same exact issue with occasional lock-ups when connected to the computer. My MBP otherwise has given me no problems. And no problems with other USB devices, ever.
    Any ideas?

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    You need to contact Apple by:
    1 - Use the Express lane and start here:
    then click More Products and Services>Apple ID>Other Apple ID Topics>Forgotten Apple ID security questions.
    Apple - Support -form iTunes Store - Contact Us
    2 - Call Apple in your country by getting the number from here:
    Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    3 - Use your rescue email address if you set one up
    Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
    For general  information see:
    Apple ID: All about Apple ID security questions

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