Quark doc to InDesign doc

I'm fairly new to InDesign (CS3), and I need to change a Quark (v7.3) doc to a ID doc.
I must be looking for the wrong terminology in ID's help file, but I can't figure out how this is done. I'm pretty sure it's possible, even if there's a lot of realignment work to be done.
Any pointing in the right direction will be most appreciated.

You'll need to buy Q2ID to open that file. Buy it, install it and after
that just use the file open command.
ID can only open Quark 4.x and 3.x files natively.

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    Reinstalling won't necessarily fix the kinds of problems you are having since they may have nothing to do with the application itself. I woud uninstall first, whenever possible, and immediately run any updates. Changing the preferences would be more productive as a first step though. Prefs are not automatically replaced on a new installation, either -- it depends on what option you chose during the uninstall.
    For your questions:
    1) When a file is opened, ID write a file with the extension .idlk in the same directory. This file tells any instance of ID that the file is already open and in use and prevents multiple users form having simultaneous access. It may or may not be deleted (usually not) during a crash scenario.
    2) Generally speaking it is not possible for mere mortals to recover a corrupt ID file. Tommy Donovan at Adobe is collecting them for study, but makes no promise of recovery. The folks at Markzware say they have some luck using their ID2Q plugin for Quark Xpress to open and save as a Quark file, then going back the other way using Q2ID to convert back. They might do a on-off for a small fee.
    3) Go to the link in the previous response, and scroll down to the part about repalcing preferences. Editing the prefs in the edit menu is not the same as replcing them with a new set. The files that need to be replaced are InDesign Defaults and InDesign SavedData.
    4) If there is something wrong on User 1's system that is corrupting the file, it would show up when User 2 opens it. Export the file to Interchange format (.inx), then open that file and save as a new .indd file. That can often clean up minor problems (i.e. those not serious enough to keep the file from opening at all).

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    Windows or MacOS?
    Because in Windows you can circumvent this by using the Explorer. I used to drag 'n drop images (ID CS6) and other files all the time - nothing like your problem so far.

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    Hi Yulia,
    Not sure but try this:

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    How are you determining the size of the PDF?

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    Do you have a crash report? If so, please post it on pastebin.com and put a link here.
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    Hi there,
    To me InDesign’s after/beforeOpen events are at the very least useless, since they are triggered before the document’s layout window is opened. This is why you can do nothing useful with the document.
    The workaround is to use APID Toolkit’s docLoaded event instead, which works perfectly. If you are interested, here is an example of using it: check out source code for Check profile plug-in.
    P.S. This was the case with CS3, may be with CS4 things took a turn for the better — I can't check it right now.

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    @Vamitul – you still forgot a dot and a paranthesis…
    And it will not only work with Group objects, but will fail on anchored objects, too.
    A better approch will be to duplicate the objects to new layers. But also with that method there is a risk: the position of duplicated anchored objects will change and to single out objects out of groups means getting into trouble, too:
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    var pi=doc.allPageItems, l=pi.length;
    while (l--) {pi[l].duplicate(doc.layers.add())};
    alert("Done!\nYou can go outside an play now!");
    Before script (TextFrame with anchored object on the "blue" layer):
    After script (TextFrame without anchored object on the green layer, the now duplicated un-anchored object on the "red" layer):
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    So you have to single out groups of your pageItems.
    You see it's getting complicated here…
    Maybe it's worth thinking about NOT using "allPageItems" but the simple "pageItems". Then "Groups" will stay "Groups" and anchored objects will remain anchored:
    var doc=app.activeDocument;
    var pi=doc.pageItems, l=pi.length;
    while (l--) {pi[l].move(doc.layers.add())};
    alert("Done!\nYou can go outside an play now!");

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