Query broadcasting is failing

Hello All,
I am broadcasting query to the email id of the end users who do not have userid or role in bw system.the broadcast is failing after some minutes.Is query broadcasting works for only the users who are having user id and roles in BW system? Please give me the steps to resolve this issue.

go to scot and ctrl+F12 and check your log over there based on email id.  check your end user email id also whether it is entered properly or not.  It is not necessary to have any user id to broadcast report to any user.

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    Hi, getting Could not save the document to the repository for the following reason: [repo_proxy 30] DocumentFacade::uploadBlob - Query execute has failed : Error occurred while attempting to reconnect to CMS : Not a valid logon token. (FWB 00003) (hr=#0x80042a70) (WIS 30567) amongst lots of other errors when scheduling.
    I was logged in as administrator and attempting to schedule a webi document to my self using the email option.
    thanks in advance

    Hi Trinath,
    Could you please confirm if you could save a new report as well or not; or is it specific to scheduling.
    If you are unable to save a report also then I think this is due to the path of the Input File Repository Server or its temporary directory are not pointing to the same path, and their locations are set to 2 different hard drives
    BOXI3.1 Server must use the same hard drive (local or network share) for the Input File Repository Server and its temporary directory.
    - Shahnawaz

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    Moron wrote:
    Default config. sett. ((what is the job of this))??  ---are these access points---
    **it choosen (Etisalat), but when i click on it i found another ((friend caller, ETISALAT MMS, ETISALAT WEB, ETISALAT Streaming)),,and these etisalat repeated, i mean there is double of them like i found Etisalat mms two times,, and all etisalt also have double....
    Personal, is the one you created. The other ones came with your phone (and got loaded because you inserted a Etisalat SIM). The duplicate might be a configuration send over-the-air which you accepted. Difficult to judge from the distance. Anyway, here you have to select ‘Personal’ now.
    Moron wrote:
    Default in all app. ((what is the job of this))?
    A configuration consists of several accounts, for example ‘My Web’ is an account. ‘My Access Point’ is another account. ‘My Streaming’ is an account. Now, ‘Personal’ is a configuration. This menu-option makes sure all apps use your personal configuration because in some apps, for example in the MMS menu, you are able to select an account from a different configuration.
    Moron wrote:
    preferred access pt.  ((what is the job of this))?? --- if these access points so wahts the above #1!!-
    That is the account ‘My access point’, the base for all other accounts except you override it there. For example, in ‘My web’ you are able to create a different access point, not using the preferred anymore. Because we used the default for all accounts, the preferred access point is the one you use for all of your accounts. In our case, these three menu items (default, default all, and preferred) all do the same, you are right. Please, use ‘My access point‘ here. Stay away from any WAP access point.
    Moron wrote:
    with opera it still cant download and the site cant define my mobile
    Opera Mini does not send the model of your phone in the way, Nokia expects it. Therefore, you have to use the Nokia Xpress browser.

  • Query Broadcasting - Event Process Chain

    Hello BW Gurus and experts...
    I need to broadcast same query to different set of users filtered on company codes. Thought process is to create different broadcast settings for each company code and these would be waiting for event which would be triggered by process chain using "trigger event data change for broadcaster" process type..
    I have done following so far:
    1) Created new setting for query broadcasting. Given email ID's and check marked "Only upon data change" in the setting. Is this the correct setting so report will be broadcasted after event? I have succesfully executed this setting and report is broadcasted directly manually.
    2) Created process chain and included event data trigger process type for broadcaster. I successfully executed this chain. When I saw associated messages for this process type, it said that 0 setting waiting for this trigger for this infoprovider. I have checked infoprovider and it is correct.
    3) I went to RSRD_ADMIN and tried to search for mysetting. It exists but under direct scheduling and not under waiting for data change event.
    I dont want to use ABAP program to trigger reports as I beleive I cannot filter data if I go with this query..(or can I ??)
    Any ideas how to make this setting work. I am on BW 7.0 and it is Query and want to broadcast by email or email burst.
    My thinking is that I have not done correct config while creating setting.
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    I think you can achieve this with the concept of interrupts:
    1) In your meta chain select two interrupt process types one for the first 6 months and the other for the last 6 months.
    2) Now in the maintain mode of interrupt you can define a formula to check the month from sy-datum. Here you have the if else condition, you can use it to trigger the further event or not based on the month condition. ( You have to figure out the formula as i cant help it as i dont have system access presently )
    As per Mansi you can go for ABAP but it wont be a Meta Chain concept:
    1) Create 2 events for botht the PC, put one in each and schedule them periodically as event triggered
    2) Create a simple ABAP program. The logic would be as follows:
              data: month(2) type n.
              month = sy-datum+4(2)
              if month LE '6'.
                  CALL FM 'BP_RAISE_EVENT'
                    to raise event 1 which will trigger forst PC
              elseif month GT '6' and month LE '12'.
                  CALL FM 'BP_RAISE_EVENT'
                    to raise event 2 which will trigger second PC
    3) Schedule this program to run daily in the background.

  • Query Designer, Execute fails with missing iView (Portal Runtime Error)

    I have followed all steps to integrate Sap NetWeaver 2004s BI into EP. Checks done so far indicate that all is well between the EP and BI.  From within the EP, I can execute the Bex Web Analyser iView and from there I can execute a query on the BI backend.  From the BI backend, executing the function module RSWR_RFC_SERVICE_TEST returns the 'BI test service' success message.  SSO is working fine as no user/passwords were prompted for. From the trace file, I can see no errors appear but I do see authentication success messages.  So far, so good
    But, when I execute a query from within the Query Designer, it calls the browser and then errors with the following error:
    <b><i>Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : N/A
    Component Name : N/A
    iView not found: pcd:portal_content/com.sap.pct/platform_add_ons/com.sap.ip.bi/iViews/com.sap.ip.bi.bex.
    Exception id: 10:06_03/03/06_0012_26285450
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file</i></b>
    Looking at the trace file, all it tells me is the same, that this iView is not found.
    If I logon to the portal and have a look at the iViews within the 'platform-add-ons/bi' folder, I can see the following 4 iViews:
    BEx Broadcaster (com.sap.ip.bi.bexbroadcaster)
    BEx Portfolio (com.sap.ip.bi.bexportfolio)
    BEx Web Analyser (com.sap.ip.bi.bexwebanalyzer)
    My Portfolio (com.sap.ip.bi.myportfolio)
    I cannot find the missing iView (com.sap.ip.bi.bex).
    Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Ashish,
    Thanks for the suggestions.  Here is what happened:
    1. I have run the deploy and change template again (BIPostInstall).  Step 10 failed but I am not too concerned as it does appear that SSO is working both directions.  Also, step 13 failed which is the 'Configure Repository Manager'.  The error I got here was USER_AUTH_FAILED: User account for logonid "" not found.  I am not sure where it is getting the blank userid from. 
    2. The 'com.sap.ip.bi.business_explorer_showcase' role suggestion looked very promising.   I found some doco on it and it does mention this role and when assigned, then you see the Business Explorer tab.  I assigned it to all users and to all groups.  When I went back into the portal, sure enough, the Business Explorer tab was visible.  From within there, I could run query which all worked fine.
    BUT, when executing a query from within the BEx Query Designer, I still got the same error:
    <i><b>Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : N/A
    Component Name : N/A
    iView not found: pcd:portal_content/com.sap.pct/platform_add_ons/com.sap.ip.bi/iViews/com.sap.ip.bi.bex.
    Exception id: 11:25_05/03/06_0003_26285450
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file</b></i>
    Do you know if this is an actual iView that should exist in the portal content ?  If you have this working, can you see this iView in the portal?
    3. I had a look at this note (872043) but I could not get the sap download manager to work to get the zip files attached to the note download.  If you have it still, could you email it to me ([email protected]) and I will try that. Did you apply the zip file?
    I can't find any further trace information on why this missing iView error is happening.  I've amended the severity level on the areas which a SAP note detailed but the only information I get is that a missing iView was called.
    Function module RSWR_RFC_SERVICE_TEST still works fine and I can execute a query from the Web BEx Analyser iView.
    I just can't execute a query from the BEx query designer due to the missing iView.
    I don't know whether it is a communication problem even though SSO both directions seem to work OR whether I do have some content missing from my portal. 

  • Select query in MB51 failing only for posting date(BUDAT)02/02/2010

    Hello Experts,
    I am having below select query.
    It is running perfectly fine for all the dates except 02/02/2010.On all other dates it is getting executed with in second.
    For 02/02/2010 it keeps on running for more than 10 minutes and then fails with timeout error.
    Please let me know if anyone know any solution for this.
    select (g_t_fields)
        into corresponding fields of table itab
        from mkpf inner join mseg
        on    mkpfmandt = msegmandt
          and mkpfmblnr = msegmblnr
          and mkpfmjahr = msegmjahr
             and MSEG~BWART in BWART
             and MSEG~CHARG in CHARG
             and MKPF~FRBNR in FRBNR
             and MSEG~KUNNR in KUNNR
             and MSEG~LGORT in LGORT
             and MSEG~LIFNR in LIFNR
             and MSEG~MATNR in MATNR
             and MSEG~SOBKZ in SOBKZ
             and MKPF~USNAM in USNAM
             and MKPF~VGART in VGART
             and MSEG~WERKS in WERKS
             and MKPF~XBLNR in XBLNR
    Moderator message - Please see Please Read before Posting in the Performance and Tuning Forum before posting and please use code tags when posting code - post locked
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Feb 4, 2010 9:02 AM

    Hi Sameer,
    Please check on which date the production order has status as "completed".
    It could be on 01.02.2015.

  • Quicktime broadcaster "connection failed -5420"

    Hi! im going on holydays and i want to leave my isight camera to check home wile im Out.
    I`d been seaching and I have found this soft call Quicktime broadcaster but it seems there is a problem when I click on "broadcast" it appears this message;
    "Quicktime broadcaster says connection failed -5420"
    Can someone help me with this problem?
    Im using a Emac G4 with Leopard.

    Carloselvis wrote: ... contact me By mail? My email is: *********************....
    I long ago lost the SPAM wars, so I don't use email.
    Instead, I will try again today to share the links I could not provide yesterday.  Hopefully, the jive problem has been solved by now.
                 [EDIT] ** The links were accepted today!  **  [END EDIT]
    Take particular note of the beginning of Chapter 5 of this download to be sure you are using the correct software for what you want to do. 
    More broadcasting and streaming info in  this Apple download.
    If you need a streaming server (SS) and want a free one, the open source version of QT SS is available at the Darwin Streaming Server site.
    Finally, here are a narrative tutorial and a video tutorial that may give you some more ideas on how to stream using your Mac over your LAN.
    QT Broadcaster and QTSS are professional apps that are very powerful.  However some users find them less user friendly than commercial video monitoring apps such as EvoCam or Security Spy.  If you have much difficulty with the free QT solutions, consider the commercial alternatives.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.10.1

  • Replace child, then query for uncle fails

    I am using DbXml 2.4.13 through the C++ interface on Ubuntu 8.04.
    Ran across the following scenario that I cannot get to work:
    1. create a transactional node container
    2. place the following document inside the container:
    </config>3. using a 'replace node' query, replace node 'config/a/x' with an empty node named 'x' (in effect, this is a no-change)
    4. query for the node 'config/b' => does not exist
    1. You can make a small modification to the document in order to make the scenario succeed, which is to omit 'config/a/y' when putting the document. I.e., like the following:
    </config>2. Could not reproduce the problem using only the dbxml shell.
    So in the general case, the 'replace node' queries I wrote work. In this specific situation, when replacing a child that has a brother, a subsequent query for the uncle fails.
    Could you please tell me what am I doing wrong?
    Thank you,

    Try the patch in this thread:
    Inconsistent behavior on insert node after
    Also, the forum software uses square brackets for pre and /pre, not angle.

  • Bex Query Broadcasting Problem

    HI ,
                My Enterprise Portal is working fine in sense that it is showing me the accurate result of query
    But when i am trying to broadcast it , it gives me the error saying OPERATION TIME OUT in the browser.
    I also checked the TCP/IP connection but it is working fine.
    please help .

    Hi Suhas,
        You can check this post: BEX query time out in portal
    Venkhadesh said that:
    Please refer to note Note 824554 which will help you in maintaining the ICM time out parameter values.
    824554   ICM and SAP Web Dispatcher Timeout Parameter
    Please refere also to the note:
    1044330 - Java parameterization for BI systems
    1127156 - Safety belt: Result set is too large

  • Broadcasting query-Broadcast type "Broadcast E-Mail (Bursting)" not found.

    Dear All,
    I had been going through a number of posts in SDN all of which speak about the setting which gives the options of sending query output via email to selected users based upon say a cost centre one is associated with.
    But I cannot see this option  "Broadcast E-Mail (Bursting)" in the distribution type.
    I reached the broadcasting screen by Query Designer-> Publish-> BEx Broadcasting.
    Is it that a precalculated server setup is required to get this distribution type ?
    From what I know, a precalculated server is required only for broadcasting Workbooks and not required for query.
    Or am I missing something in getting to this Broadcasting type.

    Hi all,
    I finally found the reason for non dispaly of that distribution type.
    "Make sure that you have administrator authorization for broadcasting. You need authorization object S_RS_ADMWB with field RSADMWBOBJ = BR_SETTING.
    The Broadcast E-Mail, Broadcast to Portal, and Broadcast to Printer distribution types are intended for all users.
    All other distribution types listed below allow users to perform administrative tasks and are, therefore, only available to users with the appropriate authorization"
    I have SAP ALL in my sandbox and all the distribution types are available

  • Broadcasting - Precalculation fails - Automation error

    We are using precalculation service for broadcasting workbooks. We are on Netweaver 2004s (7.0), and SAP GUI 710 (patch 801). We installed the according precalculation service on a different computer (windows XP). The service showed green light in our BI system. I followed notes 929799 to update the HOSTS file. Also followed the how to guide - "https://websmp108.sap-ag.de/~sapidb/012003146900000085752006E/HowtoInformationBroadcasting.pdf" Still I got below error:
    "Registration to gbs/sapgw00 failed. Automation error. The specified module could not be found."
    Any helps on this would be appreciated.

    Would you be able to provide more detail on the issue.
    Were all installation guide steps followed, including the Excel steps?
    Are there any additional log or error messages you can provide?
    Does the server name that is green match the name where precalc service is installed?
    Are there any messages in the precalc front end log?

  • Query Broadcasting Methodology

    I have multiple queries I broadcast. However, three in particular are a concern. Two are weekly. One is monthly. I have variants set for 35 - 45 separate users per query. The variant list is growning. Scheduling and management has become more time consuming. Since the variants are individualized, are there any suggested methods for improvement. General Precalculation tab is set to Determine from Variant for each individual. I stagger my broadcasts at 30sec intervals. With the user list growing, is there an altemnative methodology. Thanks ...... Daniel
    Edited by: Dan Shemanski on May 18, 2011 10:24 PM

    go to scot and ctrl+F12 and check your log over there based on email id.  check your end user email id also whether it is entered properly or not.  It is not necessary to have any user id to broadcast report to any user.

  • BI SAP Query Connector test fails!

    BI SAP Query Connector test is failing in Portal 7.0 SP6
    Scuccessfully tested BI SAP Query connector using the
    URL : http://<myhost>:51200/TSapq/servlet/TestSapq
    But when i try to test from the portal its failing
    The Connection properties are defined both in Connection Connector in Visual admin as well as Portal as follows and user mapping is done as follows.
    Application Server  myhost.xxx.net
    Client  : 010
    Message Server  : myhost.xxx.net
    Query Area  : x
    System Number : 12
    System Name : BWT_SAPQ
    Master Language : en
    User Management
    Logon Method : SAPLOGONTICKET
    User Mapping : Admin, User
    In User Administration i have maped the BWT_SAPQ system and provided user id and password.
    Below is test result
    Test Connection with Connector
    Test Details:
    The test consists of the following steps:
    1. Retrieve the default alias of the system
    2. Check the connection to the backend application using the connector defined in this system object
    Retrieval of default alias successful
    Connection failed. Make sure user mapping is set correctly and all connection properties are correct.
    Would really appreciated your help on this.

    hi Aamod;
    it seems like you already have your BI SAP Query system working properly, if you can use it in the BI Integration Wizard. what's the problem you're seeing in VC?
    systems created with the BI SAP Query Connector are relational systems and therefore expose tables and fields in VC. via the BI Connector, these systems are 'lent' BI functionality and you can use these tables in the BI Integration Wizard, as you've seen. you might therefore call these "relational BI systems" (just like systems created with the BI JDBC Connector are).
    if you have consulted the System Landscape documentation on configuring properties for a BI SAP Query System (<a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04s/helpdata/en/4b/9afe3323d14005a283dee9101c66fc/frameset.htm">here</a>) and you're still having problems connecting with the BI SAP Query Connector, i'd suggest you write up a CSS message.
    hope it helps;

  • "Object Browser" Table Query "Drill Up" Fails with ORA-00942

    I feel I have tested this capability in an earlier release of apex and it worked flawlessly... :)
    but currently it is not. :(
    It seems to be a problem with [ APP_ID=4500 Page=46 ].
    To Duplicate the error...
    Note: This example assumes "Sample Application" is loaded to the workspace.01) Logon as an APEX developer.
    02) Click on "SQL Workshop"...
    03) Click on "Object Browser"...
    04) Click on table "DEMO_ORDERS"...
    05) Click on "Data" [ between "Table" and "Indexes" ]...
    06) Click on "Query" [ below "Table" ]...
    07) Select "Show" in "Drill Up and "Drill Down Links"...
    08) Select "Check All"...
    09) Click the "Query" button...
    10) Once the result is displayed...
    Click on the demo_customers in the first "Drill Up" column.
    ...after the click in "step 10" above...
    the following error will be return.
    Current Table/View: DEMO_CUSTOMERS
    failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    "Drill Up" or "Drill Down" both fail with this message.
    I am currently running apex version and also confirmed that the error occurs in the current apex demo website... which is currently at version
    Thanks in advance... :)

    Jason ORCL wrote:
    I think you misunderstood.
    I call the apps API from custom code.
    It runs the API with no issue. It fails when it tries to access the HR table. So APPS cannot access HR.
    Are you saying I need to modify APPS code?? That is not likely. Are you saying I need to create a public synonym for an HR table for APPS? That seems unlikely also...OK, looks like there is a typo in your first post and the object name is IRC_ASSIGNMENT_STATUSES.
    From eTRM, I see the following:
    So, this indicates that apps user should be able access this table without a prefix.
    SQL> show user
    USER is "APPS"
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_ID                      NOT NULL NUMBER(15)
    ASSIGNMENT_ID                             NOT NULL NUMBER(15)
    STATUS_CHANGE_DATE                        NOT NULL DATE
    STATUS_CHANGE_REASON                               VARCHAR2(240)
    LAST_UPDATE_DATE                          NOT NULL DATE
    LAST_UPDATED_BY                           NOT NULL NUMBER(15)
    LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN                                  NUMBER(15)
    CREATED_BY                                NOT NULL NUMBER(15)
    CREATION_DATE                             NOT NULL DATE
    OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER                     NOT NULL NUMBER(9)Thanks,

  • Scheduling Query Broadcaster

    How can I schedule Broadcaster for Query to fill OLAP Cache?

    This function is not provided with 3.x. In BI 7.0 you can use the BEx Broadcaster to fill up the OLAP Cache. Call the broadcaster from the query designer and from the query menu option choose publish and then BEx Broadcaster.
    Choose create new setting and choose select Distribution Type: Fill OLAP Cache and select the Output Format options: OLAP Cache Content . Select the filter navigation when the query uses variables also a variant has to be maintained otherwise the variable could not be filled in the background job.
    Save and schedule the job. You can either schedule the prefilling of the OLAP Cache to run at predefined times or with each data change in the Info Provider.
    And when the Pre filling of the OLAP Cache is scheduled to run with each data change in the InfoProvider, an event has to be raised in the process chain which loads the data to this InfoProvider and when the Process Chain executes the process i.e Trigger Event Data Change which is for Broadcaster an event is raised to inform the Broadcaster that the query can be filled in the OLAP Cache.
    Save and schedule the job. You can either schedule the prefilling of the OLAP Cache to run at predefined times or with each data change in the Info Provider.
    And when the Pre filling of the OLAP Cache is scheduled to run with each data change in the InfoProvider, an event has to be raised in the process chain which loads the data to this InfoProvider and when the Process Chain executes the process i.e Trigger Event Data Change which is for Broadcaster an event is raised to inform the Broadcaster that the query can be filled in the OLAP Cache.
    Hope it helps.

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