Query Change Information

Is there a report in BW which will show me what type of changes have been made in the query?

Hi Sunil,
Check the tables RSRREPDIR and RSZCHANGES and check if there any help to you.

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    I really appreciate your input.
    Edited by: beri reddy on Jan 27, 2011 9:38 PM

    Hi Beri Reddy,
    You can check with the below:
    "S_ALR_87013182- Transaction History for a Material". You will be able find the Standard and Actual Price, MM Material Price Change, Price change by rleasing of new standard price, ML Settlement, etc.
    "S_ALR_87013181- Material Ledger Data Overal Several Periods". You will be able find the Standard Price, Actual Price, Price Varinace absolute, Price variance %.
    You try with Query using tables (CDHDR & CDPOS) or Z development.
    The logic for the development:
    CDHDR-OBJECTID (Material No)
    There are other fields like User id, date and time, t-code, etc.
    By passing the above details pick CHANGENR from the same table CDHDR.
    And pass the above value in table CDPOS-CHANGENR
    New value
    Old value
    You have mentioned that "some materials doesn't have the cost estimates".
    Are these materials are RM, SFG & FG?
    Are these materials are part of BOM or not?
    If my understanding is correct that few of materials which has price discrepencies, to analyze these type of issues the better to use the below t-codes:
    -CKMTOPPRICEDIF - Materials with Largest Moving Price Difference
    -CKMTOPSTOCKVAL - Materials with Highest Inventory Value
    Let me know if you need more details.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    HI Ramu,
    If ur structure is global then it will be available in the left panel in the structure tree, Just drag and drop into the rowns or colums. Make sure that the structure is saved as global.

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    Hello Suneel,
    if you insert the query again, it will work, but it is not the best way to delegate the query changes to the workbook.
    Just open your query from within your workbook (BEx menu 'change global definition') and use the green button at the top left in order to transfer the new query structure to the workbook. The query will be executed and you should see the changes.
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    Hi Zhang,
    Please review following link which would help you to understand the impacts of changes in the BEx Query to associated universes and webi reports.

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    Please check these FMs:
    CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS    Change document: Read change document header
    CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_POSITIONS  Change document: Read change document items
    These FMs are designed to read change logs of specific fields. They access data from tables CDHDR and CDPOS.

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    Hi Rajesh J Salecha,
    What I understood is like :
    You have two queries and both gives same results but one of the query having a parameter.
    You have one report which is using query1.  Now you want that report to be copied as Report2 and use Query2 instead of Query1.
    If the this is the issue, then you copy Report1 as Report2 and go in Database and change the Data source location to Query2.
    Hope this will help you.  If my understanding is wrong then give us the work flow.

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    I guess that is not possible,  every element wise in the query , you can see last changed by , but detailed log is not possible.

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    to delete a query - open a TR for the query and delete it in BeX and transport it through to PROD.
    Otherwise you can go to SE09 and see the transport objects ( locked objects ) the same would have a trashcan icon against the query elements in the lock overview.
    Also even if you create a new query using the same technical name - you will have to update the web template and transport it again to PROD - this is because the queries are stored as 32 character GUIDS which will not be repeated even if the query technical name is the same.

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    Warm Regards
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    I get crrrrrrazy with noka's problemss,, i need help i feel that i bought my phone to solve its problems!!!
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    I dont know what to do to kill this message and in need your help i have alot of problem i will write soon but help me solve this that i dont know its reason....
    **if nokia allow us to delet its browser and make another browser as default phone browser it will be better for all we and nokia corporation also....
    Go to Solution.

    Moron wrote:
    Default config. sett. ((what is the job of this))??  ---are these access points---
    **it choosen (Etisalat), but when i click on it i found another ((friend caller, ETISALAT MMS, ETISALAT WEB, ETISALAT Streaming)),,and these etisalat repeated, i mean there is double of them like i found Etisalat mms two times,, and all etisalt also have double....
    Personal, is the one you created. The other ones came with your phone (and got loaded because you inserted a Etisalat SIM). The duplicate might be a configuration send over-the-air which you accepted. Difficult to judge from the distance. Anyway, here you have to select ‘Personal’ now.
    Moron wrote:
    Default in all app. ((what is the job of this))?
    A configuration consists of several accounts, for example ‘My Web’ is an account. ‘My Access Point’ is another account. ‘My Streaming’ is an account. Now, ‘Personal’ is a configuration. This menu-option makes sure all apps use your personal configuration because in some apps, for example in the MMS menu, you are able to select an account from a different configuration.
    Moron wrote:
    preferred access pt.  ((what is the job of this))?? --- if these access points so wahts the above #1!!-
    That is the account ‘My access point’, the base for all other accounts except you override it there. For example, in ‘My web’ you are able to create a different access point, not using the preferred anymore. Because we used the default for all accounts, the preferred access point is the one you use for all of your accounts. In our case, these three menu items (default, default all, and preferred) all do the same, you are right. Please, use ‘My access point‘ here. Stay away from any WAP access point.
    Moron wrote:
    with opera it still cant download and the site cant define my mobile
    Opera Mini does not send the model of your phone in the way, Nokia expects it. Therefore, you have to use the Nokia Xpress browser.

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    I am looking a solution to capture change information in resource planning, example i have planned resource and time in activity person assignment tab but later on i changed resource and planned hour in activity person assignment tab so how can i get changed information for the same.
    I tried at my level best but not yet found any resolution looking for any expert advice.
    Vishal Kr. Sharma

    Hi Mehdi ,
    You can check out the VPD concept provided by Oracle in which you can apply the security on the required schema/table only and it thus meet your requirement of providing security option to one schema and not to the other of same database.

  • Howto Refresh SAP BW Query Changes for roles (User menu)

    Hi All,
    I have apply new changes for combine hierarchy. However I have tested in Query Designer/web and its works ok hence the user cant see the change.
    Howto Refresh SAP BW Query Changes for roles (User menu)
    Below is the setup we do have (sap bw 3.5)
    1. User run query from User menu (They logon to bw backend and run query by click on the icon on thier user menu.
    1.Apply combine hierarchy (Rows in Query Designer)
    2. I have display query on the web and its work as expect
    1. Query not refresh in user menu (Roles) Users run the query through user menu
    Regards Jon

    thank you

  • Web Template not impacted after query changed and Transported

    Hi. All.
                        We have modified the query and transported to production But query changes not been
    impacted on Standard web teplate. But it works fine in Bex Analyzer.
                       Issue is there was a description was truncated earlier we used initially as short description.
    Later we mapped to Medium description and modified the entire flow and loaded. It works fine.
                      Only in production we are not seeing correct description in web report and it works fine with Analyzer. So we need to ask the user as after executing the report he needs to change characterstic property from Standard to Medium.
    But it would be bit inconvenience to users.
                So how can we solve this problem and why the query changes are not impacting on Web template.
    Please provide your views on this issue.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Vijay,
    one reason might be if you use the option "personalization" within the web template. If users can personalize the templates changes will not be visible and have to be deleted at the time a new version of the query is provided. There are background tables for the personalization as well where you can delete all objects for this template at once if necessary.

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