Query for batchwise remaining stock

i create the following query that show remaining quantity in that batch the quer are as,
SELECT T0.[ItemCode], T0.[Quantity], T0.[WhsCode], T3.[ItmsGrpNam], T1.[DistNumber] FROM OBTQ T0  INNER JOIN OBTN T1 ON T0.AbsEntry = T1.AbsEntry INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T0.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode INNER JOIN OITB T3 ON T2.ItmsGrpCod = T3.ItmsGrpCod WHERE T0.[WhsCode] ='WH01' ORDER BY T3.[ItmsGrpNam], T0.[ItemCode]
but i want to more field in that query that it should show purchase price for that batch & remaining quantity
the qurey should display
Item code , Remaining Quantity, Warehouse,ItemGrpName,batch Num, Purchase Price

SELECT T0.ItemCode, (T0.Quantity-T0.CommitQty) 'Remaining Qty', T0.WhsCode, T3.ItmsGrpNam, T1.DistNumber,T2.LastPurPrc
INNER JOIN OBTN T1 ON T0.AbsEntry = T1.AbsEntry
INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T0.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
INNER JOIN OITB T3 ON T2.ItmsGrpCod = T3.ItmsGrpCod
WHERE T0.WhsCode ='WH01'
ORDER BY T3.ItmsGrpNam, T0.ItemCode

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  • Query for item warehouses stock in a row

    hi all,
    How to retreive item warehouse stock in a row using query ?
    SELECT T0.ItemCode, T1.ItemName, T2.ItmsGrpNam,
    (Select WhsCode from OITW Where
    WhsCode=T0.WhsCode and ItemCode=T0.ItemCode) as 'Wh',
    (Select OnHand From OITW Where
    Whscode = T0.WhsCode and Itemcode=T0.ItemCode) as 'Whstck'
    FROM OITW T0  INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode INNER JOIN OITB T2 ON T1.ItmsGrpCod = T2.ItmsGrpCod
    WHERE T0.ItemCode NOT IN 'a-item'AND
    T2.ItmsGrpNam LIKE '%%test%%'
    and T0.Onhand > 0
    ORDER BY T0.ItemCode
    Anyone correct query so that it will retrieve item warehouse stock in a single row.

    I have tested your query, the result is just like you wish. The code can be simplified to:
    SELECT T0.ItemCode, T1.ItemName, T2.ItmsGrpNam, T0.WhsCode as 'Wh',T0.OnHand as 'Whstck'
    INNER JOIN DBO.OITM T1 ON T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode
    INNER JOIN DBO.OITB T2 ON T1.ItmsGrpCod = T2.ItmsGrpCod
    WHERE T0.ItemCode NOT IN ('a-item') AND T2.ItmsGrpNam LIKE '%[%test%]%'
    and T0.Onhand > 0
    ORDER BY T0.ItemCode, T0.WhsCode
    If you want each item has only one row and warehouse on hand column-wised, you have to use as much as SELECT for each column in according to your number of warehouses. It would be look like this one:
    SELECT T0.ItemCode, T0.ItemName, T1.ItmsGrpNam,
    (SELECT OnHand FROM OITW WHERE ItemCode = T0.ItemCode AND WhsCode Like 'Whs1') AS 'Whs1 On Hand' ,
    (SELECT OnHand FROM OITW WHERE ItemCode = T0.ItemCode AND WhsCode Like 'Whs2') AS 'Whs2 On Hand' ,
    (SELECT OnHand FROM OITW WHERE ItemCode = T0.ItemCode AND WhsCode Like 'Whs3') AS 'Whs3 On Hand'
    INNER JOIN DBO.OITB T1 ON T1.ItmsGrpCod = T0.ItmsGrpCod
    WHERE T0.ItemCode NOT IN ('a-item') AND T1.ItmsGrpNam LIKE '%[%test%]%'
    and T0.Onhand > 0
    ORDER BY T0.ItemCode

  • Re:Query for items having Stock for a particular warehouse ..!!!

    Dear SAP Members,
    I need a query to display a list of items having stock by considering all the marketing documents,goods receipt,BOM,Production Order,etc.
    I have written query like this:
    SELECT T0.[ItemCode], T0.[ItemName], T1.[ItmsGrpNam],T0.[OnHand],
    T0.[IsCommited], T0.[OnOrder] FROM OITM T0  INNER JOIN OITB T1 ON T0.ItmsGrpCod = T1.ItmsGrpCod
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    The issue is
    The InStock shows the total by calculating all warehouses stock but i need the total for the default warehouse.
    Plz suggest or modify my query if i have missed out any fields.
    With Regards,

    Hi Revathy,
    Try this
    SELECT T0.[ItemCode], T0.[ItemName], T1.[ItmsGrpNam],T2.[OnHand],
    T0.[IsCommited], T0.[OnOrder] FROM OITM T0  INNER JOIN OITB T1 ON T0.ItmsGrpCod = T1.ItmsGrpCod
    inner join OITW T2 on T2.ItemCode =T0.ItemCode 
    WHERE T1.[ItmsGrpNam] ='[%0]' and T0.[DfltWH] = T2.WhsCode
    SELECT T0.[ItemCode], T0.[ItemName], T1.[ItmsGrpNam],T2.[OnHand],
    T0.[IsCommited], T0.[OnOrder] FROM OITM T0  INNER JOIN OITB T1 ON T0.ItmsGrpCod = T1.ItmsGrpCod
    inner join OITW T2 on T2.ItemCode =T0.ItemCode 
    WHERE T1.[ItmsGrpNam] ='[%0]' and T2.WhsCode ='[%1]'

  • Crystal Query for Opening / Closing Stock

    Hi Experts,
    i need a query in crystal for Opening and Closing total Stock per date..
    i found this querys and need to join them, but o dont now how...
    thanks for any tips..
    Query 1
    SELECT  distinct
    T0.[TransType], T0.[DocDate],  T0.[InQty], T0.[OutQty], T0.[Dscription], T0.[CalcPrice], T0.[ItemCode] FROM [dbo].[OINM]  T0 INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode WHERE T0.[DocDate] >= {?DateInicial} and  T0.[DocDate] <= {?DateFinal} and T1.[Canceled] = 'N'
    Query 2
    Declare @FromDate Datetime
    Declare @ToDate Datetime
    select @FromDate = min(S0.Docdate) from dbo.OINM S0 where S0.Docdate >={?Data1}
    select @ToDate = max(S1.Docdate) from dbo.OINM s1 where S1.Docdate <={?Data2}
    Select a.Itemcode, max(a.Dscription) as ItemName,
    sum(a.OpeningBalance) as OpeningBalance, sum(a.INq) as 'IN', sum(a.OUT) as OUT,
    ((sum(a.OpeningBalance) + sum(a.INq)) - Sum(a.OUT)) as Closing ,(Select i.InvntryUom from OITM i where i.ItemCode=a.Itemcode) as UOM
    from( Select N1.Itemcode, N1.Dscription, (sum(N1.inqty)-sum(n1.outqty))
    as OpeningBalance, 0 as INq, 0 as OUT
    From dbo.OINM N1

    try this
       Declare @ItmsGrpNam varchar(100)
    Declare @Whse nvarchar(10)
    Declare @Fromdate Datetime
    Declare @Todate DateTime
    select @FromDate = min(S0.Docdate) from dbo.OINM S0 where S0.Docdate >=[%0]
    select @ToDate = max(S1.Docdate) from dbo.OINM s1 where S1.Docdate <=[%1]
    select @Whse = Max(s3.Warehouse) from dbo.OINM S3 Where S3.Warehouse = [%2]
    Select  a.Itemcode, max(a.Dscription) as ItemName,
    (Select i.InvntryUom from OITM i where i.ItemCode=a.Itemcode) as UOM,
    sum(a.OpeningBalance) as OpeningBalance,
    ((sum(a.OpeningBalance) + sum(a.INq)) - Sum(a.OUT)) as Closing
    from( Select  N1.Itemcode, N1.Dscription, (sum(N1.inqty)-sum(n1.outqty))
    as OpeningBalance, 0 as INq, 0 as OUT From dbo.OINM N1 inner join OITM i on i.ItemCode = N1.ItemCode
    inner join OITB b on b.ItmsGrpCod = i.ItmsGrpCod
    Where N1.DocDate < @FromDate and N1.Warehouse = @Whse and  b.ItmsGrpNam = @ItmsGrpNam
    Group By N1.ItemCode,
    N1.Dscription Union All select N1.Itemcode, N1.Dscription, 0 as OpeningBalance,
    sum(N1.inqty) , 0 as OUT From dbo.OINM N1 inner join OITM i on i.ItemCode = N1.ItemCode
    inner join OITB b on b.ItmsGrpCod = i.ItmsGrpCod
    Where N1.DocDate >= @FromDate and N1.DocDate <= @ToDate
    and N1.Inqty >0  and N1.Warehouse = @Whse and  b.ItmsGrpNam = @ItmsGrpNam Group By N1.ItemCode,N1.Dscription
    Union All select  N1.Itemcode, N1.Dscription, 0 as OpeningBalance, 0 , sum(N1.outqty) as OUT
    From dbo.OINM N1 inner join OITM i on i.ItemCode = N1.ItemCode
    inner join OITB b on b.ItmsGrpCod = i.ItmsGrpCod
    Where N1.DocDate >= @FromDate
    and N1.DocDate <=@ToDate and N1.OutQty > 0 and N1.Warehouse = @Whse and  b.ItmsGrpNam = @ItmsGrpNam
    Group By N1.ItemCode,N1.Dscription) a, dbo.OITM I1 ,OITB b1
    where a.ItemCode=I1.ItemCode
    and I1.ItmsGrpCod = b1.ItmsGrpCod
    Group By a.Itemcode ,I1.ItmsGrpCod , b1.ItmsGrpNam 
    Having sum(a.OpeningBalance) + sum(a.INq) + sum(a.OUT) > 0
    Order By a.Itemcode 

  • Re:Query for Stock Statement for a particular item..!!!!

    Dear SAP Experts,
    I need a stock statement query  for a particular item which contains:
    2.Item Description
    3.Item Price
    8. Value
    The selection criteria are:
    1.Warehouse code
    2.Item Name
    3.Posting Date
    Plz give me a good solution for this issue.
    With Regards,

    Check this
    Declare @FromDate Datetime
    Declare @ToDate Datetime
    set @FromDate =
        (Select min(S0.Docdate) from OINM S0 where S0.Docdate >='[%0]')
    set @ToDate =
        (Select max(S1.Docdate) from OINM S1 where S1.Docdate <='[%1]')
    select * from
        SELECT T0.itemcode,
        min(T0.Dscription) as 'Item Description',
        min(B1.ItmsGrpNam) as 'Item Group', W1.Whscode, C1.Location,
            Select sum(isnull(inqty,0))
            from OINM O1
            where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode
            and O1.Warehouse=W1.Whscode
            and O1.docdate<@FromDate ),0)-
            Select sum(isnull(outqty,0))
            from OINM O1
            where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode
            and O1.Warehouse=W1.Whscode
            and O1.docdate<@FromDate),0)
        ) as [Opening Stock],
            Select sum(isnull(inqty,0))
            from OINM O1
            where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode
            and O1.Warehouse=W1.Whscode
            and O1.docdate>=@FromDate
            and O1.docdate<=@ToDate and O1.inqty>0
            and O1.transtype in (20,18)),0
        ) as [Purchase Quantity],
            Select sum(isnull(outqty,0))
            from OINM O1
            where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.Warehouse=W1.Whscode
            and O1.docdate>=@FromDate and O1.docdate<=@ToDate
            and O1.outqty>0 and O1.transtype in (21,19)),0
        ) as [Purchase Return Quantity],
            Select sum(isnull(outqty,0))
            from OINM O1
            where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.Warehouse=W1.Whscode
            and O1.docdate>=@FromDate and O1.docdate<=@ToDate and O1.outqty>0
            and O1.transtype in (13,15)),0
        ) as [sale Quatity],
            Select sum(isnull(inqty,0))
            from OINM O1
            where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.Warehouse=W1.Whscode
            and O1.docdate<=@ToDate),0
                Select sum(isnull(outqty,0))
                from OINM O1
                where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.Warehouse=W1.Whscode
                and O1.docdate<=@ToDate),0)
        ) as [Closing Stock]
        FROM OINM T0
        INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode
        INNER JOIN OITW T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
        INNER JOIN OITB B1 ON T1.ItmsGrpCod=B1.ItmsGrpCod
        INNER JOIN OWHS W1 ON T2.WhsCode = W1.WhsCode
        INNER JOIN OLCT C1 ON W1.Location=C1.Code
        Group by T1.itemcode, T0.Itemcode, W1.WhsCode, C1.Location
    ) a
    where (a.[Opening Stock]
            +a.[Purchase Quantity]
            + a.[Purchase Return Quantity]
            +a.[sale Quatity]+a.[Closing Stock]
           ) !=0

  • Query for Price difference account when item is not sold but not on stock

    Hi Experts!
    One of my clients accountant requires a report which will help for what to do with the balance of the price difference account.
    At the and of the year there are some postings on this account, but not every item that hadnt been on stock when A/P Invoice arrived were sold. Some item were waistrel and put into a waistrel warehouse, but not sold.Some item were sent back to the supplier, but not sold.
    Is it possibble to make a query for knowing where to post the balance of the price difference account? Not all should be post to the Cost of goods sold.
    Thank you in advance!

    The query is possible.  However, it is a complicated one. It is also need to involve detailed analysis to your transaction histories.  You may start from OINM table to check.

  • Query for Opening Stock + Purchase Qty + Sales Qty

    Hi ,
    Can anyboday help me by how to develop a query for the following requirement. If any custom query is available please provide me .We are working on SBO 2007B PL 8. The required report structure is 
        ItemNo ***OpeningStock**** Purchase ********* Sales****
    (Batchwise)** Qty*** Value ****Qty** Value ***Qty***Value
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Srini,
    I found this on the forum, see if it helps you;
    select b.Itemcode,b.Item_Description,b.UOM, b.rate as Rate,b.Opening_Stock,b.Receipt,b.Issue, b.Material_Revalue,b.Closing_Stock,b.Closing_Value from (select *,(case closing_stock when 0 then 0 else(Closing_Value/Closing_Stock)end) as Rate from( SELECT T0.Itemcode as 'Itemcode' ,min(T0.Dscription) as 'Item_Description', max(T1.InvntryUom) as UOM, (isnull((Select sum(isnull(inqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate<'[%0]' and O1.transtype in (58,59,20,16,67,-2)),0) - isnull((Select sum(isnull(outqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate<'[%0]' and O1.transtype in (58,21,19,60,15,67,-2,13)),0)+ (isnull((Select sum(isnull(inqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate>='[%0]' and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.transtype in (-2)),0) - isnull((Select sum(isnull(outqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate>='[%0]' and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.transtype in (-2)),0)))as Opening_Stock, (isnull((Select sum(isnull(inqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate>='[%0]' and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.inqty>0 and O1.transtype in (20,18)),0) + isnull((Select sum(isnull(inqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate>='[%0]' and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.inqty>0 and O1.transtype in (67)),0) + isnull((Select sum(isnull(inqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate>='[%0]' and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.inqty>0 and O1.transtype in (58,59,16,14)),0)) as Receipt, (isnull((Select sum(isnull(outqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate>='[%0]' and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.outqty>0 and O1.transtype in (13,15)),0) + isnull((Select sum(isnull(outqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate>='[%0]' and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.outqty>0 and O1.transtype in (67)),0)+ isnull((Select sum(isnull(outqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate>='[%0]' and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.outqty>0 and O1.transtype in (58,60,21,19)),0)) as Issue, isnull((select sum(Transvalue) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.transtype in (162)),0) as Material_Revalue, (isnull((Select sum(isnull(inqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.transtype in (58,59,20,16,14,19,67,-2)),0) - isnull((Select sum(isnull(outqty,0)) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.transtype in (58,21,19,60,15,67,-2,13)),0))as Closing_Stock, isnull((select sum(Transvalue) from OINM O1 where O1.itemcode=T1.itemcode and O1.docdate<='[%1]' and O1.transtype in (58,18,-2,67,59,20,16,14,15,13,21,19,60,69,162)),0) as Closing_Value FROM OINM T0 INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode INNER JOIN OITW T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode INNER JOIN OITB B1 ON T1.ItmsGrpCod=B1.ItmsGrpCod where ((B1.ItmsGrpNam>='[%2]' and B1.ItmsGrpNam<='[%3]') or ('[%2]'='' and '[%3]'='')) GROUP BY T1.itemcode,T0.Itemcode )a Where (a.Opening_Stock + a.Receipt + a.Issue + a.Material_Revalue + a.Closing_Stock + a.Closing_Value) <> 0 )b 

  • Query for stocks on hand

    I would like to know if it is possible to create a query that would display the stocks of all items on a specific date and will display the item cost or the purchase price of each item in stock. Let say for example, today is January 14, 2010. I would like to check how many stocks in my inventory last January 8, 2010. Does anybody knows how to create this?
    Thank you.

    Hi Don Elicor,
    Check the below thread, you will be get some idea or Solution.
    Inventory Report by Query
    Query for Inventory Activity for whse & dates
    Item Stock Report
    Item Stock Report

  • Query  for  Closing Stock goes beyond a particular value.

    The query for the following requirement:
    The Closing Stock goes beyond a particular value. The Closing Value of items crosses the pre-defined value.

    Yes it is related to the user selected date and stock level. Not answered Closing the thread.
    Edited by: Neela M B on Aug 28, 2010 3:08 PM

  • Query for calculating raw material requirements for the remaining quantities in sale order.

    Dear SAP Experts,
    Clients requirement :
                                         Client wish to know the quantities of raw materials needs to run the production order inorder to complete the remaining quantities in sale order.
    Need Clarification:
                                  I"m using the below query for this requirement. I wish to know whether this query suits for my clients requirement or not. If its so, I need to know how to group by T4.[Code] (Raw material Name)   and need to get the sum of    T4.[Quantity]  (BOM quantity)      and  (T1.[OpenQty]*T4.[Quantity]) as TOTALQTY under each raw material group
    SELECT T0.[DocNum], T0.[DocDate], T0.[CardCode],T0.[CardName], T1.[ItemCode], T1.[Dscription], T1.[Quantity] as salesorderQty , T1.[OpenQty], T2.onhand, T4.[Code] as Raw material Name,T4.[Quantity] as BOMQTY,  (T1.[OpenQty]*T4.[Quantity]) as TOTALQTY FROM ORDR T0  INNER JOIN RDR1 T1 ON T0.[DocEntry] = T1.[DocEntry] INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T1.[ItemCode] = T2.[ItemCode] INNER JOIN OITT T3 ON T2.[ItemCode] = T3.[Code] INNER JOIN ITT1 T4 ON T3.[Code] = T4.[Father] WHERE  T0.[DocStatus] ='o' 

    You're posting in the Portuguese B1 space.
    You might want to post in the English one: SAP Business One Application

  • Crosstab Query for Remaining Revenue (Count, If, Date Between )

    Hi all, hope you had a great new year.
    I am wanting to create a crosstab query for my Projects which shows ProjectID in the row headers and Time Periods split into months quarter or year as the Column Headers using the [DateAgreed] from the Session table. 
    I have created crosstabs which show revenue from sessions and count of sessions with different time periods but i am trying to make it so that it counts only completed sessions from before the column date, so that i can then multiply by the [SessionCost].
    Any ideas guys?
    Here's what i have been working with;
    TRANSFORM Sum(([tblSession]![SessionCompleted]*[tblProject]![SessionCost])) AS Revenue
    SELECT tblProject.ProjectID, tblCompany.CompanyName
    FROM (tblSession INNER JOIN tblCompany ON tblSession.CompanyID = tblCompany.CompanyID) INNER JOIN ((tblProject INNER JOIN tblProjectMetrics ON tblProject.ProjectID = tblProjectMetrics.ProjectID) INNER JOIN qryProjectStatus ON tblProject.ProjectID = qryProjectStatus.ProjectID)
    ON (tblProject.ProjectID = tblSession.ProjectID) AND (tblCompany.CompanyID = tblProject.CompanyID)
    GROUP BY tblProject.ProjectID, tblCompany.CompanyName, tblProject.Total
    PIVOT Format([DateAgreed],"yyyy-mm");
    Thanks :)

    Hi Gord0oo,
    You could concatenates the data as a result and show in a cell.
    TRANSFORM Sum([tblProject]![SessionCost])) & ";" & Sum([tblSession]![SessionCompleted]) AS Revenue
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Give query for

    Hi all,
    i am searching for an queryby using MS Access.I have a table called stock.
    Stock Table:
    stock_id     comp_id     prod_id     item_id     Quantity     module     
    1     100     200     300     10     P     
    2     101     200     300     20     P     
    3     100     200     300     5     S     
    4     101     200     300     4     S     
    From this table I want to group by comp_id,prod_id and item_id by (sum(quantity) whose module='P' -
    sum(quantity) whose module='S'). the result what I am expecting is given below:
    comp_id     prod_id     item_id     Quantity     
    100     200     300     5     
    101     200     300     16     
    So please go through and send me the single query for MS-Access.
    Edited by: IRALALVIPIN on Oct 4, 2009 10:39 PM

    So please find an SQL or MS Access forum and maybe they will do your work for you. This, however, has nothing to do with Java and we wouldn't do your work for you, anyway.

  • Re:Query For Inventory Transfer..!!!

    Dear Members,
    My Scenario is,
    I want to take a report for inventory transfer that contains
    1. Itemcode
    2.Item description
    4.inventory quantity on the previous day.
    I have taken the tables owtr,wtr1,oitm and oitw.But the issue is if my document date is like 30.11.2010 i want the inventory quantity value as  on 29.11.2010.
    I need only query not SAP Reports.Plz suggest a suitable query for this issue.
    With Regards,

    Hi Revathy,
    You have to use OINM table to get your desired Stock on past dates.
    Have a look at these queries.
    1. Stock per itemwise
    select t1.ItemCode,max(t1.dscription) [Name],(sum(isnull(t1.InQty,0)) - sum(isnull(t1.OutQty,0)) ) [ClsStock],(sum(t1.transvalue)) [ClsValue]
    from OINM t1
    where  t1.DocDate <= '[%1]'
    group by
    2.Stock per item per warehouse wise
    select t1.ItemCode,max(t1.dscription) [Name],t1.warehouse [Warehouse],
    (select whsname from owhs o1 where ((o1.whscode) = (t1.warehouse))) [WarehouseName],
    (sum(isnull(t1.InQty,0)) - sum(isnull(t1.OutQty,0)) ) [ClsStock],(sum(t1.transvalue)) [ClsValue]
    from OINM t1
    where t1.DocDate <= '[%1]'
    group by
    Edited by: Balakumar Viswanathan on Dec 10, 2010 5:22 PM

  • Re:Query for Item and its first child Itemcode from BOM...!!!

    Dear SAP Members,
    I need a query that contains
    ItemCode,ItemDescription from oitm table and its first child item code,Item Description,Quantity,currency and price from itt1 table.I have taken all the datas but there is no ItemDescription from itt1 table.How to join all these datas.
    Please Give suggestions or query for this issue.
    With Regards,

    Hi try this
    Declare @BOMDetails table(TreeType Nvarchar(MAX),PItem NVARCHAR(Max),PName NVARCHAR(MAX),CItem  NVARCHAR(Max),CName NVARCHAR(MAX),Comment NVARCHAR(MAX),onHand Numeric(18,0),[Committed] Numeric(18,0),FreeStock Numeric(18,0),[Status] NVARCHAR(MAX),Quantity numeric(18,0),Price numeric(18,0),Warehouse nvarchar(MAX),Currency nvarchar(MAX))
    INSERT Into @BOMDetails
    SELECT T1.TreeType ,T0.Father AS [Parent Code], T2.ItemName AS [Parent Description], T0.Code AS [Child Code],
    T1.ItemName AS [Child Description], T0.Comment, cast((T1.OnHand ) as Numeric(18,0)) as [Un-Committed Stock],
    cast(T1.IsCommited as Numeric(18,0)) AS [Committed Stock], cast((T1.OnHand - T1.IsCommited)as Numeric(18,0)) AS [Free Stock], T2.FrgnName AS [Status],T0.Quantity,T0.Price ,T0.Warehouse,T0.Currency
    FROM ITT1 T0 INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T0.Code = T1.ItemCode
                 INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T0.Father = T2.ItemCode
    WHERE T0.ChildNum=1
    Union All
    SELECT ' ',T0.Father as [Parent Code], T2.ItemName AS [Parent Description], '', '', '', 0,0,0 , '',0,0,'','' FROM ITT1 T0 INNER JOIN OITM T1
    ON T0.Code = T1.ItemCode INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T0.Father = T2.ItemCode
    Group By T0.Father,T2.ItemName
    ORDER BY T0.Father, T0.Code
    update @BOMDetails set PItem='' ,PName='' where TreeType='N' or TreeType='P'
    Select PItem as[Parent Code] ,PName as [Parent Description],CItem as [Child Code],CName as [Child Description],Comment,Quantity,Price,Warehouse,Currency   from @BOMDetails

  • Stock determination for sales order stock

    Hi all,
    for our SAP retail solution - we have requirements for moving Consignment stock to Sales order stock for home delivery . Then Sales order stock needs to be withdrawn for inter company 643 movement . The stock determination is maintained as K first & then F with relevent settings in SPRO & article master, for consignment article -when sales order stock exist & delivery is created for intercompany PO with sales order on account assignment to transfer stock from Store to DC, SAP error message is not allowing to post Goods issue.
    What settings do we need to maintain for this to happen to withdraw from Sales order stock for consignment article ? Any help or information is highly appreciable.

    This is the error message :-
    After calling stock determination, a quantity of                                               1.000 EA remains open
    Message no. WRF_CONS013
    During consignment processing in SAP Retail, the system called stock determination in order to decide which stock category should be used to take material 000000001000009740. However, the stock determination routine did not find enough stock in the relevant stock categories (as defined in the strategy). A quantity of                                               1.000 EA remains open.
    Please note that stock determination ignores the Negative Stocks Allowed setting.
    Check your stocks and settings for stock determination for material 000000001000009740 in plant 3001. Post stock transfers if necessary

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