Query in customer master data upload ....?

Hi Guru's,
I am uploading the customer master data from presentaion server to customer tables using functional module SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL.
while check the Function module separatly and it working properley and i am able to ctere customer...
and i am using the same function module in the program i am unable to upload ..could please check and let me know where i am doing mistake in the below program logis..and values also moving properly before calling function module..while calling the functinal module the controle comming out of the loop and program went to dump i am able to see the message in dump as like this(it may helpfull for resolve):
Name of function module...............: "SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL"
Name of formal parameter..............: "O_KNA1"
Technical type of actual parameter....: "C"
Technical length of actual parameter..: 20 bytes
Technical type of formal parameter....: "u"
Technical length of formal parameter..: 3634 bytes
Name of formal parameter at caller....: "O_KNA1"
REPORT  zerp_customer_create_upload.
PARAMETERS:p_files        TYPE string.
*DATA :xkunnr(10)      LIKE kna1-kunnr.  "unique KUNNR
DATA: gs_i_kna1           TYPE kna1,
      gs_i_knb1             TYPE knb1,
      gs_i_knvv           TYPE knvv,
      gs_return           TYPE bapireturn1,
      gs_i_bapiaddr1      TYPE   bapiaddr1,
      gt_t_xknvi          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF fknvi,
      gwa_t_xknvi         TYPE fknvi,
      gt_t_xknbk          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF fknbk,
      gwa_t_xknbk         TYPE fknbk,
      gt_t_yknvp          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF fknvp,
      gwa_t_xknvp         TYPE fknvp.
TYPES:BEGIN OF gty_itab1,
      END OF gty_itab1.
DATA: gt_itab1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gty_itab1,
      gwa_itab1 TYPE gty_itab1.
TYPES :BEGIN OF gty_itab2,
       ktokd(4),        "customer account grp      kna1
       kunnr(10),       "customer                  kna1
       name1(35),       "name1                     kna1
       sortl(10),       "sort filed                kna1
       stras(35),       "house number and adres    kna1
       pstlz(10),       "postal code               kna1
       ort01(35),       "city                      kna1
       land1(3),        "country                   kna1
       telf1(16),       "tele phone no             kna1
       telfx(31),       "fax num                   kna1
       kukla(2),        "cust classificaion        kna1
       bukrs(4),        "company code              knb1
       akont(10),       "reconcilation acct        knb1
       vkorg(4),        "sales org                 knvv
       vtweg(2),        "distr chan                knvv
       spart(2),        "division                  knvv
       zterm(4),        "terms of payment          knvv
       bzirk(6),        "sales district            knvv
       vkbur(4),        "sales office              knvv
       vkgrp(3),        "sales grp                 knvv
       kdgrp(2),        "cust grp                  knvv
       waers(5),        "currency                  knvv
       konda(2),        "price grp                 knvv
       kalks(1),        "pricing procedure assign  knvv
       lprio(2),        "delivery plant            knvv
       vsbed(2),        "shipping conditions       knvv
       vwerk(4),        "delivering plant          knvv
       inco1(3),        "inco1                     knvv
       inco2(28),       "inco2                     knvv
       kkber(4),        "cred control area         knvv
       ktgrd(2),        "acc assgn grp             knvv
       taxkd(1),        "tax classification 4 cust knvi
       bankn(18),       "bank account number       knbk -
       END OF gty_itab2.
DATA: gt_itab2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gty_itab2,
      gwa_itab2 TYPE gty_itab2.
    filename                = p_files
    filetype                = 'ASC'
    data_tab                = gt_itab1
    file_open_error         = 1
    file_read_error         = 2
    no_batch                = 3
    gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
    invalid_type            = 5
    no_authority            = 6
    unknown_error           = 7
    bad_data_format         = 8
    header_not_allowed      = 9
    separator_not_allowed   = 10
    header_too_long         = 11
    unknown_dp_error        = 12
    access_denied           = 13
    dp_out_of_memory        = 14
    disk_full               = 15
    dp_timeout              = 16
    OTHERS                  = 17.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
LOOP AT gt_itab1 INTO gwa_itab1.
  gwa_itab2 = gwa_itab1-abc(305).
  APPEND gwa_itab2 TO gt_itab2.
LOOP AT gt_itab2 INTO gwa_itab2.
  SPLIT gwa_itab2 AT ',' INTO gwa_itab2-ktokd
                              gwa_itab2-name1 gwa_itab2-sortl
                              gwa_itab2-stras gwa_itab2-pstlz
                              gwa_itab2-ort01 gwa_itab2-land1
                              gwa_itab2-telf1 gwa_itab2-telfx
                              gwa_itab2-kukla gwa_itab2-bukrs
                              gwa_itab2-akont gwa_itab2-vkorg
                              gwa_itab2-vtweg gwa_itab2-spart
                              gwa_itab2-zterm gwa_itab2-bzirk
                              gwa_itab2-vkbur gwa_itab2-vkgrp
                              gwa_itab2-kdgrp gwa_itab2-waers
                              gwa_itab2-konda gwa_itab2-kalks
                              gwa_itab2-lprio gwa_itab2-vsbed
                              gwa_itab2-vwerk gwa_itab2-inco1
                              gwa_itab2-inco2 gwa_itab2-kkber
*moving files values from ITAB2 work area to global structure related to FM.
  gs_i_kna1-ktokd   = gwa_itab2-ktokd.
  gs_i_kna1-kunnr   = gwa_itab2-kunnr.
  gs_i_kna1-name1   = gwa_itab2-name1.
  gs_i_kna1-sortl   = gwa_itab2-sortl.
  gs_i_kna1-stras   = gwa_itab2-stras.
  gs_i_kna1-pstlz   = gwa_itab2-pstlz.
  gs_i_kna1-ort01   = gwa_itab2-ort01.
  gs_i_kna1-regio   = gwa_itab2-land1.
  gs_i_kna1-telf1   = gwa_itab2-telf1.
  gs_i_kna1-telfx   = gwa_itab2-telfx.
  gs_i_kna1-kukla   = gwa_itab2-kukla.
  gs_i_knb1-bukrs   = gwa_itab2-bukrs.
  gs_i_knb1-akont   = gwa_itab2-akont.
  gs_i_knb1-zterm   = '0001'.
  gs_i_knvv-vkorg   = gwa_itab2-vkorg.
  gs_i_knvv-vtweg   = gwa_itab2-vtweg.
  gs_i_knvv-spart   = gwa_itab2-spart.
  gs_i_knvv-zterm   = gwa_itab2-zterm.
  gs_i_knvv-bzirk   = gwa_itab2-bzirk.
  gs_i_knvv-vkbur   = gwa_itab2-vkbur.
  gs_i_knvv-vkgrp   = gwa_itab2-vkgrp.
  gs_i_knvv-kdgrp   = gwa_itab2-kdgrp.
  gs_i_knvv-waers   = gwa_itab2-waers.
  gs_i_knvv-konda   = gwa_itab2-konda.
  gs_i_knvv-kalks   = gwa_itab2-kalks.
  gs_i_knvv-lprio   = '02'.             "gwa_itab2-lprio.
  gs_i_knvv-vsbed   = gwa_itab2-vsbed.
  gs_i_knvv-vwerk   = gwa_itab2-vwerk.
  gs_i_knvv-inco1   = gwa_itab2-inco1.
  gs_i_knvv-inco2   = gwa_itab2-inco2.
  gs_i_knvv-kkber   = gwa_itab2-kkber.
  gs_i_knvv-ktgrd   = gwa_itab2-ktgrd.
  gwa_t_xknvi-tatyp  = 'UTXJ'.          "HARD CODE
  gwa_t_xknvi-aland  = 'US'.            "HARD CODED
  gwa_t_xknvi-kz     = '0'.             "HADR CODE
  gwa_t_xknvi-taxkd  = '0'.             "gwa_itab2-taxkd.
  APPEND gwa_t_xknvi TO gt_t_xknvi.
  gwa_t_xknbk-bankn  = gwa_itab2-bankn.
  APPEND gwa_t_xknbk TO gt_t_xknbk.
  gs_i_knb1-lockb          = 'X'.
  gs_i_knvv-kzazu          = 'X'.
  gs_i_knvv-kztlf          = 'X'.
  gs_i_knvv-perfk          = 'X'.
  gs_i_knvv-prfre          = 'X'.
  gs_i_kna1-spras          = 'EN'.
     i_kna1                              = gs_i_kna1
     i_knb1                              = gs_i_knb1
     i_knvv                              = gs_i_knvv
  I_BAPIADDR1                         =
  I_BAPIADDR2                         =
  I_MAINTAIN_ADDRESS_BY_KNA1          = ' '
  I_KNB1_REFERENCE                    = ' '
  I_NO_BANK_MASTER_UPDATE             = ' '
  I_CUSTOMER_IS_CONSUMER              = ' '
  I_RAISE_NO_BTE                      = ' '
  PI_POSTFLAG                         = ' '
  PI_CAM_CHANGED                      = ' '
  PI_ADD_ON_DATA                      =
  I_FROM_CUSTOMERMASTER               = ' '
  e_kunnr                             = xkunnr
  o_kna1                              = xkunnr
  E_SD_CUST_1321_DONE                 =
  T_XKNAS                             =
     t_xknbk                             = gt_t_xknbk
  T_XKNB5                             =
  T_XKNEX                             =
  T_XKNVA                             =
  T_XKNVD                             =
     t_xknvi                             = gt_t_xknvi
  T_XKNVK                             =
  T_XKNVL                             =
  T_XKNVP                             =
  T_XKNZA                             =
  T_YKNAS                             =
  T_YKNBK                             =
  T_YKNB5                             =
  T_YKNEX                             =
  T_YKNVA                             =
  T_YKNVD                             =
  T_YKNVI                             =
  T_YKNVK                             =
  T_YKNVL                             =
   t_yknvp                             = gt_t_yknvp
  T_YKNZA                             =
  T_UPD_TXT                           =
     client_error                        = 1
     kna1_incomplete                     = 2
     knb1_incomplete                     = 3
     knb5_incomplete                     = 4
     knvv_incomplete                     = 5
     kunnr_not_unique                    = 6
     sales_area_not_unique               = 7
     sales_area_not_valid                = 8
     insert_update_conflict              = 9
     number_assignment_error             = 10
     number_not_in_range                 = 11
     number_range_not_extern             = 12
     number_range_not_intern             = 13
     account_group_not_valid             = 14
     parnr_invalid                       = 15
     bank_address_invalid                = 16
     tax_data_not_valid                  = 17
     no_authority                        = 18
     company_code_not_unique             = 19
     dunning_data_not_valid              = 20
     knb1_reference_invalid              = 21
     cam_error                           = 22
     OTHERS                              = 23.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    WRITE: / 'Error Message:', 'error in creation'.
    WRITE: / 'costomer', gwa_itab2-kunnr, 'created'.

please let me know if my qestion is not clear...
and please cinfirm me ..that can i use the function module (SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL) instead of BAPI (BAPI_CUSTOMER_CREATEFROMDATA1) for uploading customer master data.
please respond me ASAP.
thanks in advance and will give full points

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    We have had the similar issue. I simply downloaded the customer master sales area data and replaced the distribution channel with new one in excel then division and recorded the LSMW for this only thing u have to be careful is while extending u have to use the current customer number as refernce which has to be recorded. this entire process till execution took about 30 mins + upload time.
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    convinient is the method that you can handle.
    but as the guy who loads the data you have to load the data like they are available, like it is convinient for others to prepare the data.
    In general there is no problem to use an IDOC method to load a customer master with multiple comany codes and several sales orgs in one shot.
    the data can be in one source file, but need then to be maintained in a certain way
    Example1: all data in 1 structure
    GD1 - CC1 - SO1
    GD1 - CC2 - SO2
    GD1 - CC2 - SO3
    in this case the GD (general data) is redundand in each line which has different Company code data or different Sales Org data
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    Example3: data delivered in 3 files - you join the files in LSMW, they must have a common identifier like the old customer number in the beginning of each file
    FILE General data:
    file Compamy code data:
    file Sales org data:
    LSMW is flexible and can handle each of this scenarios, are you flexible too?

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    Hello Srinivas
    This BAPI does not allow to create a new customer from scratch but only to copy an existing customer to a new one and change its address data.
    The reference customer has to be provided using IMPORTING parameter PI_COPYREFERENCE. See also the BAPI documentation for more details.
    The BAPI does the same like transaction XD01 with Reference.

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    Primary you should have Message type, Idoc type and Function module or Report to process Outbound interface.
    If your's is an Customized Process, then follow this.
    1. Create Message type in we81.
    2. Create segments in We31
    3. Create Idoc Type in WE30.
    4. Assign Message type to idoc type in WE82.
    5.Create an Partner profile in WE20.
    6.If you are creating an function Module create it in SE37.
    7. Assign it to process code in WE41.
    8. Charactersitics of FM in BD51.
    9. Assign FM and IDoc And Message type in WE57.
    <b>ALE IDOC</b>
    Sending System(Outbound ALE Process)
    Tcode SALE ? for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 ? Create Model View
    Tcode BD82 ? Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD64 ? Distribute the Model view
    Message Type MATMAS
    Tcode BD10 ? Send Material Data
    Tcode WE05 ? Idoc List for watching any Errors
    Receiving System(Inbound ALE )
    Tcode SALE ? for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 ? Check for Model view whether it has distributed or not
    Tcode BD82 -- Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD11 Getting Material Data
    Tcode WE05 ? Idoc List for inbound status codes
    ALE IDOC Steps
    Sending System(Outbound ALE Process)
    Tcode SALE ?3 for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 !V Create Model View
    Tcode BD82 !V Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD64 !V Distribute the Model view
    This is Receiving system Settings
    Receiving System(Inbound ALE )
    Tcode SALE ?3 for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 !V Check for Model view whether it has distributed or not
    Tcode BD82 -- Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD11 Getting Material Data
    Tcode WE05 !V Idoc List for inbound status codes
    Message Type MATMAS
    Tcode BD10 !V Send Material Data
    Tcode WE05 !V Idoc List for watching any Errors
    1)a Goto Tcode SALE
    Click on Sending & Receiving Systems-->Select Logical Systems
    Here Define Logical Systems---> Click on Execute Button
    go for new entries
    1) System Name : ERP000
    Description : Sending System
    2) System Name : ERP800
    Description : Receiving System
    press Enter & Save
    it will ask Request
    if you want new request create new Request orpress continue for transfering the objects
    B) goto Tcode SALE
    Select Assign Client to Logical Systems-->Execute
    000--> Double click on this
    Give the following Information
    Client : ERP 000
    City :
    Logical System
    Client role
    Save this Data
    Step 2) For RFC Creation
    Goto Tcode SM59-->Select R/3 Connects
    Click on Create Button
    RFC Destination Name should be same as partner's logical system name and case sensitive to create the ports automatically while generating the partner profiles
    give the information for required fields
    RFC Destination : ERP800
    Connection type: 3
    Target Host : ERP000
    System No:000
    lan : EN
    Client : 800
    User : Login User Name
    save this & Test it & RemortLogin
    Goto Tcode BD64 -- click on Change mode button
    click on create moduleview
    short text : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Technical Neme : MODEL_ALV
    save this & Press ok
    select your just created modelview Name :'MODEL_ALV'.
    goto add message type
    Model Name : MODEL_ALV
    sender : ERP000
    Receiver : ERP800
    Message type :MATMAS
    save & Press Enter
    4) Goto Tcode BD82
    Give Model View : MODEL_ALV
    Partner system : ERP800
    execute this by press F8 Button
    it will gives you sending system port No :A000000015(Like)
    5) Goto Tcode BD64
    seelct the modelview
    goto >edit>modelview-->distribute
    press ok & Press enter
    6)goto Tcode : BD10 for Material sending
    Material : mat_001
    Message Type : MATMAS
    Logical System : ERP800
    and Execute
    7)goto Tcode : BD11 for Material Receiving
    Material : mat_001
    Message Type : MATMAS
    and Execute --> 1 request idoc created for message type Matmas
    press enter
    Here Master Idoc set for Messge type MATMAS-->press Enter
    1 Communication Idoc generated for Message Type
    this is your IDOC
    Change Pointers
    I know how to change the description of a material using ALE Change Pointers.
    I will give the following few steps
    1) Tcode BD61---> check the change pointers activated check box
    save and goback.
    2) Tcode BD50---> check the MATMAS check box save and comeback.
    3) Tcode BD51---> goto IDOC_INPUT_MATMAS01 select the checkbox save and comeback.
    4) Tcode BD52---> give message type : matmas press ok button.
    select all what ever you want and delete remaining fields.
    save & come back.
    5) 5) go to Tcode MM02 select one material and try to change the description and save it
    it will effects the target systems material desciption will also changes
    6) goto Tcode SE38 give program Name is : RBDMIDOC and Execute
    give Message type : MATMAS and Executte
    ALE/IDOC Status Codes/Messages
    01 Error --> Idoc Added
    30 Error --> Idoc ready for dispatch(ALE Service)
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDMIDOC
    29 Error --> ALE Service Layer
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RSEOUT00
    03 Error --> Data Passed to Port ok
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDMOIND
    12 Error --> Dispatch ok
    Inbound Status Codes
    50 Error --> It will go for ALE Service Layer
    56 Error --> Idoc with Errors added
    51 Error --> Application Document not posted
    65 Error --> Error in ALE Service Layer
    for 51 or 56 Errors do the following steps
    goto WE19 > give the IDOC Number and Execute>
    Press on Inbound function Module
    for 65 Error --> goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDAPP01 then your getting 51 Error

  • Which is the best approach to upload customer master data?

    Hi Everyone,
    I have to load customer master data  which is extracted from ecc by using generic data source(view) when i try to  trigger DTP it is showing error message  as duplicates because the customer has two sales area ,two person number and two consumernumber and four partner functions.
    So i tried to make all these as compounding attributes but the length is exeeding 60 for these attributes so how can i implement this.can i implement hierarchy's?
    Please give me any suggestions.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Yogesh,
    The issue is not resolved yet.If the length is manageable  in compounding attributes.please suggest me the solution.
    yes ,by enhancing two data sources 0customer_attr and 0customer_sales_attr i can meet my client requirement .but i dont know how to join these datasources  based on customer number in bi (i.e customer genral data from 0customer_attr  datasource and sales area data from 0customer_sales_attr  datasource ) and generate a report on these two datasources  data.
    my report should look like this .
    customer_id   firstname      city      country   sales_org  distribution_channel  division  telephone
      100                 mary       newyork    us          1010                     10                    10       +1xxxx456
      100                 mary       newyork    us          1010                     20                    10       +1xxxx457
      100                 mary       newyork    us          1010                     20                    20       +1xxxx433
      101               richard       texas        us          1010                     10                    10       +1xxxx351
    Please provide your valuable suggestions.

  • XD01 assertion failed error while updating customer master data

    Hi Guys,
    This is an error when I use transaction XD01 to create customers accounts, If you have any ideas do let me and we'll try it....
    The error does not let an BDC or LSMW progress as well. There are also no recent sap notes on the same.
    The error is as follow
    Short text
    The ASSERT condition was violated.
    What happened?
    In the running application program, the ASSERT statement recognized a
    situation that should not have occurred.
    The runtime error was triggered for one of these reasons:
    - For the checkpoint group specified with the ASSERT statement, the
    activation mode is set to "abort".
    - Via a system variant, the activation mode is globally set to "abort"
    for checkpoint groups in this system.
    - The activation mode is set to "abort" on program level.
    - The ASSERT statement is not assigned to any checkpoint group.
    What can you do?
    Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.
    To process the problem further, contact you SAP system
    Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look
    at and manage termination messages, and you can also
    keep them for a long time.
    Error analysis
    The following checkpoint group was used: "No checkpoint group specified"
    If in the ASSERT statement the addition FIELDS was used, you can find
    the content of the first 8 specified fields in the following overview:
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    I have a company code CG01 with sales organization CTS0 and I want to transfer or extend all the customer master data to another company code CG03 with the sales organization CTS0
    The things that I have tried and not work
    using xd01, fd15, fd16, fd01, does not wok and gives the error as above
    The things that I have tried and it works
    Change the sales organization from CTS0 to CTS1 I am able to post the customer master data, using any of the above tcodes and it does not give any error, however the client wants to sales organization to remain CTS0
    So please give me any ideas as per your experience as this transfer of master data has to happen by Monday, else I'll be fried by my boss
    My number is 9820029197
    Will also keep you'll posted on any developments on this case,
    Ronan Pinto

    > Firstly I am from SAP FI, so totally new to SAP SD
    Then you are best person to explain the reason on why the same sales organization, can't be assigned to different company codes. When a sales is done through one sales organization, then will the  profit/loss be accounted in different company codes. Is it legally allowed in the country, where your customer is doing business? How you are going to develop the  balance sheet? Again being the FI person, you are best judge to provide the details to your customer and not a SD guy.
    > 1) How did the system not give an error while putting the data inside CG02 with sales organisaton same as CST0 same as in company code CG01.
    I dont see any other method than removing the assignments in the backend and uploading the data. You can consult a Basis person to find the  change logs for the assignment table. In my opinion, removing the sales organization from a company code assignment just for loading a customer master data and then reassigning to original sales org is  a crooked method and/or not a professional method.
    > 2) Since I have limited experience of SD, If I have to convince my client about the use of CTS1 sales organisation or a unique sales organisation against his argument that it worked for company code CG02, how should I do it.......
    As explained above, how the sales will be accounted  in different company codes (even if the system allows  to assign the same sales org to different company codes)?
    I would recommend you to post this question in FI forum (after closing here) to check what are the legal implications for this scenario.

  • Master data upload into SAP system

    I want to know if there is any standard method to upload material master, customer master, vendor master and finance master data into SAP system.
    I am not referring to LSMW's, BDC's and using BAPI's. I am aware of standard programs like RMDATIND for material master upload, RFBIDE00 for customer master upload and RFBIKR00 for vendor master upload. But these are using direct input method and SAP recommends this only for testing purpose. I am not sure if this could be really used in actual live scenarios.
    From some other posts in the forum, I came to know about some transactions like BDLR, SXDB and BMVO. Can some one tell me how to use these T.Codes?
    If some one has any detailed documentation on these T.codes or in general standard master data upload techniques please send it to [email protected]
    Thanks in advance,

    Define the following attributes, using the F4 input help and F1 field help:
    Name of a registered program for this program type
    You can only specify a variant with programs that are started directly.
    With direct input, data from the data transfer file undergoes the same checks as with the online transaction and is then transferred directly into the SAP System. The database is updated directly with the transferred data.
    For the documentation of other transactions please refer the correponding program documentation..which is more helpful,
    <b>Reward points if helpful,</b>

  • Sales condition in customer master data

    We need to show in the customer master the the price conditions of the customer. This prices conditions depends on the material and on the customer type but basically we need to show the standar discount the customer has on each material class. For example, er need to show for customer 1 that he has 40 % discount in material class A and 35 % discount in material class B.
    I haven't seen how to show price conditions y customer master data, if we can't read from R/3 we can upload it from a file.
    Any solution is welcome.
    Thanks and regards.

    Thanks Luis, Rakshith,
    I'm going to upload the conditions (or try at least), I have another question about this. You said that the conditions which has Sold_to party in the key would be shown, we have conditions which have in the key fields from the customer, like price group. Can this conditions be shown too?
    Best Regards.

  • Need to export customer master data in a batch input file

    Hello all,
    I'm searching for a solution to export customer master data out of a R/3 system (Release 470).
    The challenge is that the file must have the same structure like the file for batch input of customer master data (import file of the program RFBIDE00).
    So, has anybody an idea, if there is a standard tool to get such a file? Or has anybody developed a report creating this structure by his own?
    Thanks for your help,
    kind regards,

              I have also come across the same problem as above. There is a standard program RFBIDET0 which has to be customized to get the file which can be uploaded to RFBIDE00. Do anybody come across this kind of problem before and have  a program already. It will be of great help, if you can forward the program or guide.
    Vishnu Priya

  • FI Master data upload sequence

    Please excuse me if my post sounds vague. I am a Technical Consultant working off-site independently. I couldn't think of a better forum to get functional advice.
    Please look at the below list of FI Master data upload objects, and suggest:
    a. the recommended sequence in which the objects are to be uploaded
    b. points to consider/tips for uploading/recommendations (LSMW/BUS*/BAPIs, etc)
    FI Objects:
    1. Cost Centers
    2. Profit Centers
    3. GL Accounts- COA,CC
    4. Fixed Assets
    5. Bank Data
    6. Cost Elements
    7. Activity Groups
    8. Activity Types
    9. Activity Prices
    Thanks in advance.

    we have to upload first the Master such as G/l Accounts , Primary Cost Elements & Secondary cost elements.then upload the open items , then p/l balances, then B/S balances , finally asset master with balances
    Pre-Check LSMW: To-Do-List Before Using the Tool
    The LSM Workbench is a tool that supports the transfer of data from non-SAP systems to R/3. Basic functionality of the LSM Workbench:
    1. Import old data from spreadsheet tables or sequential files.
    2. Convert the data from source format into target format.
    3. Import the data into R/3.
    Before using the LSM Workbench, you need a concept for data migration. In particular, note the following items:
    · Make sure that R/3 customizing is complete.
    · Analyze the data existing in the legacy system to determine which data will be needed in the future (also from a business-operational point of view).
    · Consider whether usage of the tool makes sense with regard to the data volumes to be transferred. In case of very small data quantities, it may be easier to carry out the transfer manually. With very large data volumes, however, batch input technology may lead to excessively long runtimes. Rough estimate for the required time: 10000 records per hour; this value, however, may vary strongly depending on the hardware.
    · Identify the transaction(s) in R/3 you want to use for bringing the data into the SAP System. Here, it may also be relevant whether the data is required for statistical (evaluation) purposes or for further processing in the system.
    · Test the relevant transaction in R/3 manually with test data from the old system and make sure that all required fields are filled. There may be required fields that do not correspond to any data window in the legacy system. In such a case, assigning a fixed value or defining the field as optional for data transfer may be appropriate.
    · Check the interfaces provided by the application. Is there a batch input program and an IDoc (for example)? Which method should be used in your project?
    · Develop a mapping plan in written form: Assign the legacy system fields to the R/3 fields.
    · Determine the form (e.g. via u201EMOVEu201C or assigned according to a rule) in which the legacy system data shall be transferred to the SAP System.
    · If applicable, define the allocation rules (LSM-internal name: u201Etranslation rulesu201C).
    · Define the way for extracting the data from the legacy system. (Note: LSMW does not extract data.)
    · Describe the form in which the old data are available: Will the host or the spreadsheet interface of the LSMW have to be used?
    · If only a part of your legacy system will be replaced by R/3, define the functionalities to be provided by the SAP System and those to be provided by the legacy system. If required, create a concept of the data flows and interface architecture.
    These questions can only be answered individually for every customer; as a matter of course, this should be done before the tool is used!

  • Migration of customer master data

    hi guys
    while uploading the customer master data from legacy to sap r/3 with lsmw
    if some files are not uploaded, in which transaction code we see that files

    Hi Krishna,
    You can use the standard batch input program RFBIDE00 in LSMW to update the customer master data. However, there might be scenarios where you might be required to update the fields which do not get updated by the standard bacth input program. If any of such fields are defined as mandatory, then you wont be able to use this method directly.
    In such cases you will have to either create a recording to poplate the fields which do not get updated by the standard program and use both the recording and the standard batch input program to update the customer master data OR create a recording for customer master create and use the same in LSMW.
    Best regards,

  • Reg lsmw for customer master data transfer

    Hello All,
    I want to know while transfering data by lsmw for customer master data .
    Scenario : There are more then one ship-to-party and bill to party so how to upload the data in this case?????

    just refer to the link below
    <b>step by step procedure with screen shots</b>          
    <b>plz dont forget to reward points if helpful</b>

  • Vendor number entered in customer master data-error

    When entered the vendor number in the customer master data in contrao data tab in general data and save it ,system throws an error enter address number.
    Double click on the error it gives below message :
    Please enter an address number
    Message no. AM016
    Please advice.

    Even if the address for both are same still it gives error,and also if the address is different the error is thrown.Both the ways it throws the error.I get this error only when i enter vendor no in customer or customer no in vendor if not it saves with out any error.
    Edited by: mysap query on Dec 22, 2008 12:02 PM

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