Question about APP

I want to make a lacrosse highlight film for my son.  Will APP allow you to spotlight him so he can be easily identified when coaches view the film?

no my problem was that it was a paid app that i paid for that when i was looking at it and downloaded it it says contains language is not suitable for persons under 17 with that you would think it is uncensored. then after download it is censored. i understand it is apples product and there store so they can do what they want. its basically a sound board of a comedian and without those certain words it all sounds stupid. so my question was if they know it exists in the app and they label it as unsuitable for persons under 17 then why bleep out everything and if your going to bleep it then it should be fine for everyone without a disclaimer.

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    You don't have an option, Mavericks is no longer available so Yosemite is the only available OS available from Mac App Store.
    Logic will open if you install it from the Mac App Store just as any other previously purchased applications.

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    This is a user-to-user forum, not Apple customer service.
    The charge may not happen on the day you downloaded music/apps, it may happen at a later date.  What you did not say was whether you had bought anything recently or whether the charge was for something you bought recently. If not, the usual thing to do is call your credit card company, cancel the card, and tell them that the charge was fraudulent.

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    The whole process stinks, but it is what it is. Once you plug your iPad or iPhone in, right mouse click and transfer purchases. That should transfer everything from both devices to your library.
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    Carole Martin wrote:
    will it run the same apps as an iPhone, as long as the app doesn't require a phone?
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    power search the app store for GPS.

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    No, I don't have tables of values. I have a java 1.5 enumeration, like for instance:
    public enum VelocityConvention {
    }and a class Velocity that contains a convention and a value like so:
    public class Velocity {
       public VelocityConvention getConvention() {...}
       public double getValue() {...}
       public void set(VelocityConvention conv, double value) {...}
    }When I persist the Velocity class to the database, I want a field called convention that holds the appropriate value of the enumeration. That much is done how I explained before.
    I want to have a selectOneMenu for setting the convention. Via trial and error, I found that MyFaces wasn't able to automatically convert from a string back to a proper VelocityConvention enum constant. It can, of course, convert from the enum to a string because it just calls toString(). But I need both directions for any UIInput element I use, be it a selectOne, or just a straight inputText.

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    -------------- page1 --------------------------------
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <%@ page language="java" errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.jbo.html.*,oracle.jbo.*%>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1252">
    <jbo:ApplicationModule configname="myPackage.app1.app1Local" id="app1" username="" password="" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds" appid="app1" viewobject="View1" ></jbo:DataSource>
    ...Some javacode here
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    -------------- page2 --------------------------------
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <%@ page language="java" errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.jbo.html.*,oracle.jbo.*%>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1252">
    <jbo:ApplicationModule configname="myPackage.app1.app1Local" id="app1" username="" password="" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds" appid="app1" viewobject="View1" ></jbo:DataSource>
    ... Some javacode here
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources appid="app1" releasemode="Stateful" />

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    Hey DanT3HMan,
    I'm not sure what changed when I agreed either; yet
    after I agreed I could update my apps.
    Here is a link for the Apple Legaleez if you want to
    research it:
    Good Luck in your current and future endeavors.

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    I'm no accountant but Apple's 30% isn't an expense since you are not paying it. I'd just report the 70% as your income and be done. I guess you can count the $99/year fee an expense.
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    Now, using JSF, I'm needing to implement another converter for enumerations in order convert back and forth from strings. Same deal. I could use a single class to get the job done. The problem is, in the faces-config.xml where you define your converter classes, it doesn't look like I can have 2 converters defined with the same converter class.
    </converter>MyFaces seems to associate both Epoch and VelocityConvention with the second configuration of the EnumConverter class. So, the long and short of it is, here I am again having to write yet another class PER enumeration.
    I could go on with another example, but this post is getting lengthy, so I'll make it short. Some of my model classes are not java beans because it would create inconsistencies to only set some of the properties one at a time. I.E. I need to call a method obj.set(a, b) not obj.setA(a); obj.setB(b). My first thought was to create a custom component for obj so that I can turn 2 (or more) input fields into 1 set call. There are other advantages in reusability, etc.
    Unfortunately, I have several of those situations and am finding myself leaning toward implementing yet MORE classes to make a separate component for each such instance of a non-java bean set of properties.
    What it all comes down to is I seem to be having a class explosion and I'm wondering if there's a better approach to this whole thing. How do you organize a view layer that talks to a model having enumerations and not quite javaBean pattern properties without a class explosion? That's the question I guess.
    Thanks for your patience in reading all of that and any help you can provide!

    No, I don't have tables of values. I have a java 1.5 enumeration, like for instance:
    public enum VelocityConvention {
    }and a class Velocity that contains a convention and a value like so:
    public class Velocity {
       public VelocityConvention getConvention() {...}
       public double getValue() {...}
       public void set(VelocityConvention conv, double value) {...}
    }When I persist the Velocity class to the database, I want a field called convention that holds the appropriate value of the enumeration. That much is done how I explained before.
    I want to have a selectOneMenu for setting the convention. Via trial and error, I found that MyFaces wasn't able to automatically convert from a string back to a proper VelocityConvention enum constant. It can, of course, convert from the enum to a string because it just calls toString(). But I need both directions for any UIInput element I use, be it a selectOne, or just a straight inputText.

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    If a user leaves a certain review and rating... but then after using the app for a few weeks, they delete the app from the iphone and when prompted for a rating, they give a different star rating than they did before...
    Does the star rating on their review get changed to the new one?

    There have been reports it does change the original.

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