Queue with not agent

I create a hutpilot member. this hutpilot have 3 extensions.
I create a hutpilot notmember. this hutpilot have 2 extensions.
when the client call promt a menu that said :
press 1 if you are a member
press 2 if you are a notmember.
then I redirect the call to the hutpilot. but what hapen if the 3/2 extensions is busy? can I do some loop wait? some kind of queue?.
I atach my script.

Hi Oscar,
1) How I tell to Queue the extensisns of the agents? probably Have I install some software in the computer of the Agent?
     If you have enhanced or premium license you can install Cisco Agent Desktop (CAD) for agents to change the phone state to ready to handle calls or not ready for the UCCX to skip sending calls to that agent. Also you can use the IP Phone Agent where the agents can change that state from the IP Phone and not from the software (CAD).
     When you configure an end user in CUCM you tell that the IPCC extension is XXX, that makes that user an UCCX agent. After that you create a Contact Service Queue (CSQ) based on skills or resource groups, that way the UCCX can check the agent's extension and send calls to it.
2) How the UCCX know that the agen is free and send the call from the queue to the agent?.
     UCCX can monitor the ACD extension, so you don't have to worry about that.
But I will  recommend you to read the UCCX SRND and the Administration Guide for a better understanding on how UCCX works. Also read the step reference so you can check how every step of the CRS Editor pallete should be use.

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    Yes, WebLogic can interoperate with 9.2. SAF agents are "Store and Forward" agents, so they'd need to run in the source cluster. If you need to get messages from a remote destinations into a local SAF "imported destinations", or just a plain-old destination, then perhaps the best option would be to deploy a simple MDB on the 10.3.6 cluster (some layered products can setup such an MDB for you).
    I'm not familiar with ESB, but assume that it already provides tooling for pulling messages from remote destinations (I assume a product like ESB is designed to try and more-or-less hide JMS details from the user by providing layered tooling...). You might be able to get help from an ESB newsgroup. If this doesn't help, you may also want to see the JMS interop FAQ:
    BTW, It's not clear to me why you need SAF Agents in this use case.

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    Indeed. Configuration Assessment 'alerts' are disabled with Direct Agent. Please look at the answer given here
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    you referred to oscommand, so are you executing a .bat fille? if yes, where exactly does the .bat file reside, local machine or on network share?
    Also, follow these couple of documents, they may be helpful to you.
    859215.1 and 424703.1

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    Hi Waldemar,
    Have you tried assigning Agents to your device through the "Manage Agents" link of your device, as suggested by Rohith? 
    Please note that the parameters of "standard" agents "CONFIG", "TRACE" are the only once that are "consumable" by the client because there is a semantic/logic defined within the client to handle these parameters.  Are you trying to assign agent parameters other than "CONFIG" / "TRACE"?  This may not work.
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    Please verify both of the above and let me know if my suggestions helped.
    Best Regards,

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    - the remote imported destintations i.e.:
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    Many thinks in advances.

    On OSM side should exist SAF agent for sending messages to AIA queue's and same on AIA side for sending to OSM queue's. You can even combine SAF agaent on one direction and bridge's in another direction but you'll have to do it manually in that case.
    If you see message in AIA queue and not forwarding to OSM I would first check SAF agent on AIA side ( usr/pass + remote destination (OSM) )
    best regards

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    Hi Matt,
    All the Live Data gadgets come from the Cisco Finesse Administration which contains the layout. It is the users preference whether or not to change the existing Live Data gadgets.
    Usually, we dont play around with these, but the most common request we have got from customers is the display of the Not Ready Reason Code labels than the code.
    We are tracking this as an enhancement for 11.0 but not officially committed.

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  • DAC Task are queued but not running

    Hi Everybody,
    Currently we are running the ETL for only Financials and there are 394 tasks in total out of which 285 have been completed successfully. At times some of the tasks would just get stuck on particular action. For e.g The analyze task after dimension population would remain in the queued status and would never switch to run mode. So we had to abort the ETL and restart it. This action resulted in successful completion of the previously queued task. Now for past two days the ETL is once again stuck (queued but not running).
    For e.g The following task is showing status of running
    51     SIL_InventoryProductDimension_SCDUpdate     Running     2009-03-02 21:09:59.0                    DataWarehouse     DataWarehouse     SILOS          Update Slowly Changing Dimension     Informatica     0     0     -2     CUST R11 5 10
    But if I right click on the details
    I get this
    1     SIL_InventoryProductDimension_SCDUpdate_Full     Running     2009-03-02 17:40:41.0     2009-03-02 21:09:09.0     3 hour(s), 28 min(s), 28 sec(s)     Verifying if workflow still running on Informatica Server 'Oracle_BI_DW_Server'.
    If still running will attach to the workflow.     DataWarehouse     Informatica     0          -2     0
    And the remaining detail tasks for this are in queued status.
    What could be the reason?
    Does it need the Infomartica workflow manager open? It is open currently open but must have been accidently closed in between.
    Informatica services have always been running.
    Thank you very much
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    Edited by: njethwa on Jan 6, 2010 5:39 PM

    This Sometime happens with DAC.We faced the same issue and had an SR open with Siebel for almost 2 weeks,they Couldnt help us out.
    Restart your DAC Server and Do a Dryrun and then run your full ETL .
    The Analyze task would not hang anymore.
    I dot have any logical reason why this happens,but i am guessing it has to do with some java heap memory.So restarting the Server would free up the memory.(i am guessing but not sure).
    But it Works.
    Try it
    Let me know if this helps

  • Print Queue will not remove print jobs

    I am running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard. I have a Printer HP LaserJet P4015n set up as a network printer thru DNS.  The printer is working fine all print job will come
    out. Each time I send a print job to stays in the queue with the Status "Sent to printer". If I send another print job to the printer it will print out however the job will stay in the queue. I have added the printer to a user’s machine and they were
    able to see all the print jobs in the queue. I have stops and started the spool however it does nothing. I have already reinstalled the printer but it has done nothing to help.
    After about 5 - 10min of the jobs are sitting the in the queue they delete themselves.
    Does anyone know of anything I can do about this?

    Thanks for the post.
    Here is something I need to confirm:
    1. Does this issue occur with other network printers?
    2. Does this issue occur when printing a text file?
    If this issue just occurs with HP LaserJet P4015n, it is caused by the specific printer driver.
    Now please perform the following steps to troubleshoot this issue.
    Clear spool file
    1. Stop the spooler by doing the following:
    a. Click Start , Settings , Control Panel , Administrative Tools , then Services .
    b. Scroll down the list of services for the Print Spooler.
    c. Right click Print Spooler and click Stop .
    2. Delete the spool files
    a. Open My Computer.
    b. Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS\ .
    c. Delete all of the files inside of this folder.
    3. Restart the spooler.
    a. Click Start , Settings , Control Panel , Administrative Tools , then Services
    b. Scroll down the list of services for the Print Spooler.
    c. Right click the Print Spooler and click Start.
    Change the spooling format
    Set the spooling format to RAW, and then try to print directly to the printer instead of spooling the print job. To do this:
              a.       Click "Start", point to "Settings", and then click "Printers".
              b.       Right-click the printer that you are using, and then click "Properties".
              c.       In the Advanced tab, click "Print Processor".
              d.       Set the default "Data type" to "RAW" for both "WinPrint" and "ModPrint".
              f.        Click "OK", click "OK" again, and then close the Printers dialog box.
    Does it work?
    Hope this helps.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Create EDI 997 with conversion agent

    I work with conversion agent by ItemField to convert EDI messages to xi and from XI to EDI.
    I succeeded to receive EDI 850, to parse this message and to transfer it to the IDOC and create purchase order.
    Now I try to send back to the customer EDI acknowledgment (997).
    I'll be happy to hear if someone use with conversion agent to create EDI 997.

    Hi Elad,
    What are 997s?
    997 Functional Acknowledgments are EDI transactions that a receiver of EDI transaction sets sends back to the party that sent the EDI transaction sets. All EDI transactions require an EDI 997 to be sent back.
    Here is an example
    Wal-Mart sends an EDI Purchase Order to a supplier. With EDI Standard X12, Wal-Mart expects a 997 to be sent back to them. The 997 lets Wal-Mart know that the supplier received the Purchase Order. It does not say that the supplier accepts the terms or conditions of the purchase order. It simply lets them know that the supplier successfully received the Purchase Order.
    Here is another example. A supplier sends Wal-Mart an EDI Invoice. Wal-Mart will send a 997 back to the supplier. The 997 informs the supplier that Wal-Mart has successfully received the invoice.
    CovalentWorks handles all of your EDI transactions for you, including 997s, as an outsourced EDI service. If you choose us as your EDI provider, our system will automatically send and receive all your 997 Functional Acknowledgements. And every one of them is processed for you at no charge.
    Satya Kumar..

  • Possible to deploy Dist Auth in the same web container with Policy Agent?

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    I'm sure it's possible just make sure the DAUI context (e.g. /distAuth) in the agent's configuration for the web server is in the not enforced list properties for the agent.
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  • XML to EXCEL with Conversion agent error: XML to EXCEL PROCCES FAILD

    I have scenario from Oracle database to Excel.
    For this scenario I use with conversion agent by itemfield to transfer data from XML to EXCEL.
    The scenario not worked.
    Few points:
    1. I add the conversion agent module to SAP XI receiver communication channel.
    2. When I change the scenario to oracle to xml (without using conversion agent) the scenario works OK.
    3. When I drag the CME file to the studio I found the error message: XML to EXCEL PROCCES FAILD.
    4. I use with conversion agent in other scenario (EDI to IDOC) without any problem.
    5. I'm not found any clue for this problem in XI RWB.

    hi Elad,
    to do the conversion,you have to define a module and import it into you CC.
    also see nexts blog
    Yet another "from database or internal table to Excel"
    Reading Excel Data from Java Using HSSF API
    Reading Excel line items using the jExcel API
    Read Excel instead of XML through FileAdapter

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