Quick collection marker anamolie?

Under View Options I ticked 'Include Quick Collection Markers'. But when I clicked on the circle on a thumb, nothing happened. I discovered that the markers only becomes live if I also have 'Include Thumbnail Badges' ticked.
Is this as intended? Or a bug?

It seems to me that's consistent, and intended.
<br />
<br />
<span style="color: rgb(102, 0, 204);">John "McPhotoman"</span>
<font br="" /></font> color="#800000" size="2"&gt;~~ John McWilliams
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />MacBookPro 2 Ghz Intel Core Duo, G-5 Dual 1.8;
<br />Canon DSLRs

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    Select and then right-click the collection that you want the images added into. Select <Set as Target Collection>. A "+" sign appears besides this collection.
    Then select your Quick Collection (or whatever images you want to add to this collection) in the Grid Mode. Click Ctrl/Cmd + A to select all images in this collection. Then press letter "B" on your keyboard. That will add all these images to your target selection.

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    The saved book is now a new collection, with a book-icon in front. You add more images by adding them (e.g. via drag and drop) to this new collection in library module.
    While selected you switch over to book module and can continue to add pages and fill them with the newly added images.
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    Copy-paste text into text boxes in book module has been reported to trigger the bug rather often.
    Good luck,

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    You could use flags to do this. Flag every photo you want (keyboard shortcut: '/'), then create an album and use the "Flagged" smart album to grab the images. Then just unflag them all.
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    Absolutely agree. My request is here:

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    What you're missing is the "Catalog" section of the left panel. Right click (ctrl-click for mac) into any other section header and check "Catalog".
    Beat Gossweiler
    Message was edited by: b_gossweiler: Added screenshot

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    No simple workaround via 3rd party, however, when I am accumulating sites for later reading, I first create a folder in the Bookmarks Manager>Bookmarks Bar. Then, as I come across a site, I simply drag it from the Address Bar, hovering it over the newly created folder. When the tab darkens, let go of the mouse click. The site now has a bookmark inside that folder.
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    2. Select quick collection then go through photos and flag photos as selected or rejected.
    3. Select something else in Library like "All Photographs"
    4. Notice that the photos you just flagged are no longer flagged.
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    Are others having this problem with other OS's?

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    Add my support to this request.

  • LR3: New filter behaviour conflicts with quick collection

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    The LR Print Module is working as it was designed to work - the Custom Package option will allow you to perform the actions that you require, but not automatically.
    Why not place your request for added funtionality (i.e. add an option to allow automatic population of the Custom Print Package layout) on the Feature Request forum below;

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    Increase slightly size of the filmstrip.

  • Filter quick collection issue

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    Dang, Dorin, how could I have overlooked it: I had the (quiet inconspicuous) "no label" filter set to ON. Overlooked it maybe 20 times! Hadn't you stated you don't see this behaviour, I wouldn't have looked again for the 21st time.
    Thanks for replying, both of you. Problem solved + a nice link to bookmark for future reference.
    Thanks again!

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