Quicktime 7.0.3 & veiwing Steve's media event

Any suggestions an how to view Steve's media events without a choppy playback and with audio. Thanks

Another thing that might help is load up your computer with the most Ssytem RAM you can install. I have 1.5 GB in my G4-500 and 2 GB in my PowerBook 17" 1.67Gb.
One thing that helps is in Quicktime preferences is set the Cache to the largest size your system can stand.
Also, unless you use DSL or Cable modem you will have problems
It's not necessarily the Size. Its the Bit Rate Transfer that is the problem.

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  • Trigger Media events in Applescript?

    I've been searching a lot on this and i cant for the life of me find how to trigger media events in Applescript.
    I have found that i can tell specific applications to playpause like itunes for example, this is not what i want.
    What im trying to do is make an applescript that behaves like the play/pause button that you can find on any Apple Keyboard when executed.
    I imagined that this would be as simple as to tell System Events to trigger a media event, regretfully this does not work.
    If anyone could shed some light on this i would greatly appreciate it!

    Some time ago I've written a rubycocoa code to post media key events. Here's an AppleScript wrapper for it.
    Code is tested under 10.6.8. This won't work under 10.5.8. Don't know about later versions.
    PS. If you're just trying to keep iTunes from launching when PLAY_PAUSE key is pressed, this script is not what you need. The rcd daemon is the culprit to launch iTunes by that specific key and so you'd need to "fix" it by modifying its executable. There's a tried and true method to do it, which I myself has employed.
    --post_media_key_events("MUTE", 1, 0, {})
    --post_media_key_events("VOLUME_UP", 12, 0.01, {option down, shift down})
    --post_media_key_events("VOLUME_DOWN", 12, 0.01, {option down, shift down})
    post_media_key_events("PLAY_PAUSE", 1, 0, {})
    on post_media_key_events(subtype, k, d, mods)
            string subytpe : event subtype name, one of the following -
            integer k : number of key repeat
            number d : delay inserted after each key release [sec]
            list mods : any combination of the following enumerations
                    shift down
                    option down
                    command down
                    control down
                    caps lock down
                    * constants other than listed above are ignored
        set args to ""
        repeat with m in mods
            set m to m's contents
            if m = shift down then set args to args & space & "shift"
            if m = option down then set args to args & space & "option"
            if m = command down then set args to args & space & "command"
            if m = caps lock down then set args to args & space & "capslock"
        end repeat
        set args to subtype & space & k & space & d & space & args
        considering numeric strings
            if (system info)'s system version < "10.9" then
                set ruby to "/usr/bin/ruby"
                set ruby to "/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby"
            end if
        end considering
        do shell script ruby & " <<'EOF' - " & args & "
    require 'osx/cocoa'
    include OSX
    class AppDelegate < NSObject
        # event subtypes
        # cf. /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/Headers/hidsystem/ev_keymap.h
        VOLUME_UP             = 0
        VOLUME_DOWN             = 1
        BRIGHTNESS_UP         = 2
        BRIGHTNESS_DOWN         = 3
        MUTE                 = 7
        PLAY_PAUSE             = 16
        FORWARD                = 19
        REWIND                 = 20
        ILLUMINATION_UP         = 21
        ILLUMINATION_DOWN    = 22
        # keyboard event
        # cf. /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/Headers/hidsystem/IOLLEvent.h
        KEYDOWN                = 10
        KEYUP                = 11
        def initWithArguments(args)
            @subtype, @count, @delay, *@mods = args
            @count = @count.to_i
            @delay = @delay.to_f
            @mods = @mods.join(' ')
        def applicationDidFinishLaunching(notif)
                @win = NSWindow.alloc.objc_send(
                    :initWithContentRect, NSMakeRect(0, 0, 600, 600),
                    :styleMask, NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask,
                    :backing, NSBackingStoreBuffered,
                    :defer, false)
                if NSApp.respondsToSelector?('setActivationPolicy')                    # 10.6 or later only
                ev1 = createMediaKeyEvent(@win, @subtype, 'keydown', @mods)
                ev2 = createMediaKeyEvent(@win, @subtype, 'keyup', @mods)
                @count.times do
                    postMediaKeyEvent(ev2, @delay)
        def applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(app)
        def applicationShouldTerminate(sender)
        def createMediaKeyEvent(win, subtype, keystate, modifiers = '')
            #    NSWindow win : target window device which receives the event
            #    uint16 subtype : event subtype for event type = NSSystemDefined
            #    string keystate : one of ['keydown', 'repeat', 'keyup']
            #    string modifiers : modifier key names (shift control option command capslock) separated by white space
            mtable = {
                'capslock'    => KCGEventFlagMaskAlphaShift,
                'shift'        => KCGEventFlagMaskShift,
                'control'    => KCGEventFlagMaskControl,
                'option'    => KCGEventFlagMaskAlternate,
                'command'    => KCGEventFlagMaskCommand,
            mflag = modifiers.split.inject(0) { |mflag, x| (m = mtable[x]) ? mflag | m : mflag }
            mflag |= KCGEventFlagMaskNonCoalesced
            kstate =
                case keystate
                    when 'keydown'    then KEYDOWN << 8
                    when 'keyup'    then KEYUP << 8
                    when 'repeat'    then KEYDOWN << 8 | 1
                    else 0
            raise ArgumentError, %[invalid keystate : #{keystate}] if kstate == 0
            raise ArgumentError, %[unsupported media key event subtype : #{subtype}] unless
            data1 = subtype << 16 | kstate
            data2 = 0xffffffff
            event = NSEvent.objc_send(
                :otherEventWithType, NSSystemDefined,
                :location, NSMakePoint(0.0, 0.0),
                :modifierFlags, mflag,
                :timestamp, 0,
                :windowNumber, win.windowNumber,
                :context, win.graphicsContext,
                :subtype, 8,
                :data1, data1,
                :data2, data2)
            raise RuntimeError, %[failed to create event] unless event
            return event
        def postMediaKeyEvent(event, delay = 0.0)
            CGEventPost(KCGHIDEventTap, event.CGEvent)
            sleep delay
    def main
        raise ArgumentError, %[Usage: #{File.basename($0)} subtype [count [delay [modifiers]]]] unless ARGV.length > 0
            s, k, d, *mods = ARGV
            subtype = AppDelegate.const_get(s.to_sym)
            k = k ? k.to_i : 1
            d = d ? d.to_f : 0.0
        rescue => ex
            $stderr.puts %[#{ex.class} : #{ex.message}]
            exit 1
        args = [subtype, k, d] + mods
        app = NSApplication.sharedApplication
        delegate = AppDelegate.alloc.initWithArguments(args)
    if __FILE__ == $0
    end post_media_key_events

  • Firefox 3: QuickTime Poster Movie does not load QT media file when clicked

    I have a video podcast website (thomasbrin.com) that uses the the Apple-provided JavaScript utility and the QTWriteOBJECTXHTML function call on each of my podcast episode webpages to automatically generate the proper object and embed tags. The page loads with a poster movie which, when a user clicks on, should connect to the podcast media file and begin playback.
    This coding technique works fine in Safari and IE but fails in Firefox. Instead, when a user clicks on the poster movie, nothing happens. No errors are generated, the webpage just remains unchanged.
    This issue came to my attention from a viewer of my video podcast. I loaded Firefox 3 and am having the same issue my viewer reported.
    You can visit this page to see the issue directly: http://www.thomasbrin.com/GOT3mov.html Load the page in Firefox 3 and click on the poster movie.
    I've verified that on my system the QuickTime plugin is properly installed and Javascirpt is enabled in Firefox.
    I have searched the Firefox and Apple support forums but have come up empty. Any ideas?

    Okay, problem solved. And, of course, it was a very simple solution.
    Baby Boomer, if you read this post would you please retest this page (http://www.thomasbrin.com/GOT3mov.html) in Camino and let me know if it works for you now.
    The issue with the Camino browser got me thinking about the differences between the Gecko rendering engine (used by Firefox, Camino, SeaMonkey, and more) and the WebKit rendering engine used by Safari. I realized that Safari may be better at inferring MIME types than Firefox et al. In other words, since the target file in my Javascript script is clearly a QuickTime file (it has a .mov extension after all), Safari implicitly assumes the correct MIME type. On the other hand, Gecko-based browsers may be more strict and require an explicit reference to a MIME type for certain media files (like QuickTime) to load properly.
    So, all I did was add an attribute pair to my script that declares the proper media MIME type and it works.
    Here's my old script (without the script tags):
    Here's my new script (without the script tags):
    The explicit MIME type made the difference.

  • QuickTime 6.5.2 won't open media files......

    I just downloaded and installed QuickTime 6.5.2 and it will not open media files. Just gives me the old broken film icon with the Apple symbol in it. Anyone got any suggestions? I am running Win98 on a 2 Ghz Athlon based machine. Got half a gig of SDRAM and a fairly good video card. Not a geek, so, I need some suggestions. Any help would be great. Thanks.
    Plain Jane, Athlon 32   Windows 98  

    QuickTime has always maintained backward compatibility and files made in version 3 Pro will still play just fine with version 7.
    But times change and, with QuickTime version 7 a new video codec (H.264) was introduced.
    This codec is not supported by older versions and most online media has been using it for over a year. So not much of any "new" content will be viewable on a Win 98 machine.
    It really is time to consider updating your OS (and maybe your PC, too) if you want to view newer QuickTime content.

  • QuickTime .mov plays upside-down in Windows Media Player

    I know the cause of this: If you record using an iPhone with the volume buttons pointed at the ceiling, the resulting video plays upside-down in Windows Media Player. QuickTime is smart enough to correct and rotate automatically. Not so WMP. I have several clips that were recorded with the volume buttons pointed up. If I use QuickTime Player to rotate the clips, then they are correct when viewed in WMP, but upside-down in QuickTime Player!
    Is there any way to fix these clips so they are right-side up in both worlds? Or is there no choice but to re-record everything with iPhone's volume buttons pointed at the floor?

    I know the cause of this: If you record using an iPhone with the volume buttons pointed at the ceiling, the resulting video plays upside-down in Windows Media Player. QuickTime is smart enough to correct and rotate automatically. Not so WMP. I have several clips that were recorded with the volume buttons pointed up. If I use QuickTime Player to rotate the clips, then they are correct when viewed in WMP, but upside-down in QuickTime Player!
    Your assumptions are only partially correct. When you record the clip on your iPhone, the clip is recorded just as you see it in the WMP—i.e., upside down. What the iPhone does is records an addition file value that tells Apple media players which edge to display as the "top" during playback. Since third-party media players ignore this value, they display the clip in its original orientation which, in your case is upside down. When you flip the video orientation using QT 7 Pro, you're telling QT media players to play the file with an "upside down" orientation. By exporting the "flipped" orientation, you are, in fact, re-encoding the original "upside down" to a "right-side up" display but simultaneously telling all Apple media players to play the file upside down.
    Is there any way to fix these clips so they are right-side up in both worlds? Or is there no choice but to re-record everything with iPhone's volume buttons pointed at the floor?
    Actually, you can do either. That is, you can either "fix" the original recordings or re-record the the clips in a manner that avoids this problem. To "fix" your original files, simple open the files in an Apple media player (like QT 7 Pro) and export the files. The player will note the current "top" orientation and re-encode the content using the current display orientation for both QT and third-party players.

  • QuIcktime X does not support the .qtl media link format?

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    What is the deal with that? QTL is a Quicktime format correct? It this just an outdated format?
    Edit: I had to use RealPlayer instead. Yikes!
    Message was edited by: JupiterGPL

    I can reproduce this problem and installing Quicktime 7 from the optional installs in the DVD does not address the problem. QTL files can be used for streaming - the user downloads the qtl file which contains a link to an rtsp stream which then opens in the player.
    http://developer.apple.com/legacy/mac/library/documentation/QuickTime/QT4WebPage /samplechap/special-11.html
    This is described here and has worked forever. We use this to provide an open stream in Quicktime option in our software product - which does not work in snow leopard.

  • Quicktime won't open after installing windows media player

    i just added media player, and quick time will not play anything. anybody else have this problem, and any suggestions out there? thank you.

    Did you repair permissions & restart after the installation? If so, then try Flip4Mac and/or VLC media player instead of Windows Media Player.
    Don't forget to repair permissions afterward the installation(s).

  • Can't import quicktime movie made from Keynote into iMovie media browser

    I've created a file in Keynote, exported it to quicktime and would like to import into iMovie. iMovie keeps giving me this error message: Unknown error: the file could not be imported. Can someone help?

    Rarely am I able to solve my own problems, regardless of how much effort. But I did figure this one out, simply by trial and error. *To recap... I have created a sample slide show to use as a test run through Keynote (to get the best builds and transitions), to Quicktime Pro, into iMovie (to marry the features of iMovie with the Keynote slides) then back to Quicktime Pro as a final product.* It was a crash course with all 3 applications, so a huge learning curve for me.
    Quicktime Kirk helped me successfully with my first go round with this. But with so many nested compression windows and so many combinations of choices, I eventually forgot which settings had worked correctly to give me the quality resolution that I had achieved the first time.
    So I posted several messages asking for some clue where I was going wrong. Kirk did get back to me, but told me that I needed to create my project entirely without iMovie. Very frustrating because I knew I had done it before with iMovie.
    After literally hours of analyzing all the working files and duplicating the exact settings I used before, two scenarios were happening. One, the end product had terrible resolution quality (not even close to the first time around). *Or two, when trying to import the first Quicktime file created from Keynote into iMovie, there was an error message saying that the file could not be imported*.
    So, I eventually decided to try the following:
    *1. Create Keynote file*
    *2. Export to QT with "Full Quality/Large" setting checked, and "Include Transparency" checked.*
    *3. Open QT file to check quality. If acceptable, export this QT file as a QT file again using the highest quality settings - preferably ones that match the first export from Keynote to QT.*
    *4. Open iMovie file and import this new QT file.*
    *5. Do my thing with it.*
    *6. Export (Share) iMovie file as a final QT file with "Full Quality" setting checked in the first pop-up compression window.*
    This sequence proved to be successful with the same high quality resolution as the very first go round with it. I KNOW, though, that this wasn't the sequence I used the first time because I didn't do step 3.
    I am just happy that I got what I needed. Now I can create my full presentation without worrying about the outcome in the end.
    *Because I'm on a Mac, and the AIC default is used, my next feat is going to be identifying codec settings that are going to work both on Mac and PC (newer machines AND older machines).*
    *So, does anyone have a clue how to do this?*

  • Capture export media event in Adobe Premiere

    We're developing a html5 Adobe Premiere Extension. The extension imports files to the editor from our archive. The files have two versions. Hi-res and Low-res.  We import the low-res versions to the editor. We want to change the path of the file from low-res to hi-res when the user finishes his job and exports the media (File->Export->Media). Is there a way to capture the export event and change the file paths?

    OK. I finally get it working. There are some problems with the sample code.
    Line 377: eventObj.data = "Job " + jobID + ", to " + outputFilePath + ", FAILED. :(";
    The "outputFilePath" variable is not declared in the function.
    Line 398: var out_preset_path = "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014\MediaIO\systempresets\58444341_4d584658\XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 60i.epr";
    The '\' characters are not escaped. It should be;
    var out_preset_path = "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014\\MediaIO\\systempresets\\58444341_4d584658\\XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 60i.epr";
    It starts Adobe Media Encoder and finishes the job successfully. Is it possible to do it without Media Encoder? Like "File->Export->Media" menu does.

  • Media Encoder CC2014.2 crash on windows when trying to export when quicktime is installed

    I'm trying to export .mov files (created on random Mac computers in very hi-res) to reduce file size, and have the same output format. (possibly 1080p H.264-> .mp4)
    I installed Media Encoder cc2014.2 on my pc (win7, 64bits, french).
    When I first tested, Only the audio was being exported. But I soon realized I didn't had the proper codec installed on my PC.
    (I wasn't able to play the original video file, only the audio was playing).
    So, like a good boy I installed Apple Quicktime (
    With quicktime on my PC I was able to play the original video file. (with quicktime player)
    So I opened Media Encoder again, and on the preview this time I can see the video with the sound. But as soon as I start the coding (the little green arrow) Adobe Media Encoder crash.
    I have tried multiple output format, it always crash right when I start exporting the file.
    I uninstalled Quicktime, and media encoder is working again ... but my original files (.mov) can't be exported with video, only the sound.
    I have tried a third party codec (K-Lite), I can see the video+sound on my pc, but Media Encoder is still blind, no video, only the sound.
    Is there a way to add codec to Media encoder without having to install Quicktime?
    Or a way to make Media Encoder work on my PC when Quicktime is installed?
    btw I'm sorry if my text is a bit confusing, I'm french speaking
    Thank's in advance!

    The Error is back!!!
    Yesterday it worked today it crashes when I export from premiere via media encoder. I tried it with all the things you told me:
    1. Bars+Tone => export => crash
    2. Video Project with 2 short h264-files => export => crash
    3. Software only renderer => crash
    These are the two logs that I found:
    Ereignis-ID 1000
      Die Leistungsindikatoren für den Dienst WmiApRpl (WmiApRpl) wurden erfolgreich geladen. Die Eintragsdaten im Datenbereich enthalten die neuen Indexwerte, die diesem Dienst zugeordnet sind.
    [ Name]
    [ Guid]
    [ SystemTime]
    [ ProcessID]
    [ ThreadID]
    [ UserID]
    So it would be great if you have any idea what to do...

  • Quicktime vs. windows media player

    i am using my friend's old macbook from 2006 and i noticed that watching videos on quicktime is not as good as windows media player was in my 2002 G4. with quicktime i cannot get full screen, and i have to wait a while for the video to download after the file is already downloaded to my desktop. i tried to xfer windows media player from my old computer with a thumb drive but didnt work. what video player can i download that will allow me to watch on full screen and not have to wait for download after i download the file to my desktop. and once i download this program how do i make it my default video player?

    what video player can i download that will allow me to watch on full screen and not have to wait for download after i download the file to my desktop.
    Flip4Mac & VLC
    Quicktime/View - select the screen size you want.
    QT Full Screen Mode Widget.
    how do i make it my default video player?
    Highlight the video file/File/Get Info
    In the Get Info window, scroll down to "Open with:"
    Select the player you want to open the music file.
    Click the "Change All..." button if you want to "Use this application to open all documents like this.”
    Message was edited by: CMCSK

  • Adobe CS4 Media Encoder doesn´t encode Quicktime Photo-Jpeg

    i´ve seen similar entries in that forum,but none fits to my problem.. so i hope to get some help. i´m working on a suitable vista-64bit machine with premiere pro cs4.1 and quicktime 7.6 (checked for updates today again).
    i´ve got a 9min project in my timeline,i want to export it as a quicktime with the photo-jpeg-codec. the media encoder is loading the project,then it does nothing,no rendering at all. i wonder why,because the default setting for qt-dvpal works pretty well and fast(,but the quality is bad).
    Now i´ve opened the project in aftereffects and used it to render,but it took about 40min.... this can´t be the solution. does anybody know better?

    If memory serves, that option is currently broken through Premiere. AE may be the only way.

  • Quicktime movies will not play if I delete 'media' files

    I have created several Quicktime movies so that I can see the movies after I delete the imported media files which are quite large. But after I delete those files I cannot play the Quicktime movie. I get messages saying that the parts cannot be found. If I reinstall the 'media' files, the movie plays again. It seems that the Quicktime movie is somehow linked to the media files. This shoudn't be, should it?
    I might add that I was able to export a web size file and sucesessfully upload it to YouTube though.

    Well, I'm just saving the movie to the desktop and then trying to play it back after I've deleted the media files.
    If by "saving" you mean you are using the "Save As..." QT Pro (or similar menu option) to create a very, very small "reference rather than "standalone" file, then this is your problem. Such a work flow merely creates a QT MOV file that points to the original "media" as the "resource" for playback. Thus all files must be kept on hand for playing. Even moving the resource files from one location to another can break the "path reference" and prevent the files from opening/playing. You best solution is to export your files to a target compression format that meets your playback needs. E.g., if you source media files are DV or AIC (large files), you can export them as "Medium" H.264/AAC files which can be easily viewed on your computer iPod, and/or TV device but take up only a fraction of the original space.

  • Adobe Media Server Pay Per Veiw

    i am working on a project and would like to have video on demand and pay per veiw using Adobe Media Server 5.0.3 and one know of a script or software that works well with adobe media server

    Adobe Media Server license is per server.

  • Acro Reader No Longer Opens Media on Internet

    I have a website, www.vincentasl.info, long in operation, that provides access to PDFs containing embedded audio and video clips. It has worked successfully for years, but after a delay during which I did not confirm it operation, I recently noticed that its media will no longer play. One does not even see the cursor change to a pointing finger when hovering over the links to them (links in the form of icons, either of a speaker or a movie clip on the page). The same PDFs - and all the media clips embedded in them - work fine when played on my local PC. However, even on my own PC, when I bring up the same website code via localhost I get the same result: the cursor does not even change to a pointing finger.
    Is this a recently added security block of some kind? I'm aware that you're trying to get rid of legacy media, but your own built-in media player simply will not do for my purpose. The only complaint I have about the audio is that I find my own interface much more appealing. But the problems with video (and I have many hundreds of video clips to display since this website is merely a start!) are more serious.
    They are twofold:
    (1) My users need to be able to view the videos frame-by-frame; when last I checked, that ability was not available in your player.
    (2) My video clips need subtitles, and your controls obscure them.
    The reasons for this are that the great bulk of these videos are of sentences in American Sign Language, and my users will be fellow linguists who have no knowledge of the language. They will need translations of each sign in the subtitles, and the ability to view the clips frame-by-frame is necessary so that they can study the subtle eyebrow raises, head tilts, etc. that are crucial to the signed message.
    Until now, these problems have been olved in the Quicktime videos that I embed as legacy media.
    Please tell me there's some way around this problem! Perhaps an earlier version of Acrobat Reader that I can tell my users to use?

    Below is how it is being done.  This worked perfectly for years. MS Office 2007 does complain that the file extension does not match the data format (it's a tab delimited text file but I'm pretending it's an Excel file so they'll be prompted to view it as a spreadsheet in Excel) but you just click open and it works fine.  This issue with IE is new.  Let me know if you have any more ideas.
    <!--- variables used for separating cells with tabs, and for new rows --->
    <CFSET tabchar=chr(9)>
    <CFSET newline=chr(13) & chr(10)>
    <!--- tell browser it's an Excel file --->
    <CFCONTENT TYPE="application/vnd.ms-excel">
    <!--- tell Internet Explorer to open as Excel file --->
    <CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="filename=myfile.xls">
    <!--- get data --->
    <CFQUERY NAME="getinfo" DATASOURCE="mydsn">
        select fieldone, fieldtwo
        from mytable
    <!--- output column headings --->
    <CFOUTPUT><CFLOOP INDEX="q" LIST="fieldone,fieldtwo">#q##tabchar#</CFLOOP>#newline#</CFOUTPUT>
    <!--- output database records --->
    <CFOUTPUT QUERY="getinfo">#getinfo.fieldone##tabchar##getinfo.fieldtwo##newline#</CFOUTPUT>

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