Quicktime Slideshow Export Not Working

I have created a slideshow, updated all the settings, etc.  I then click on the export button, choose my quicktime settings and hit export.  The dialog box is up and working, I can see the slideshow being made, and once it's completed a file is in the right place.  However, that file shows nothing but white background.
A few details, I'm using iPhoto '11 version 9.1.1 on a new MacBook Pro running 10.6.7.  I also imported the imags from an external hard drive, but have put them in a library on the desktop, so the images are no longer being pulled from the hard drive.
So everything seems like it's working until I try to play the video.  I'm saving it as a Quicktime h.264 file.  Any suggestions or questions for me to clarify to get some help?

That's a great one to play at Parties!!
BTW - that's a great way to do one-offs of sections you want to send out. HOWEVER - a problem there too - if you have a CLIP selected, FCP won't know if you are exporting that cut or the in/out point. Make sure everything is DE-selected. You'll notice a color shift in the timeline indicating the IN/OUT area when you are good to go.
Glad you fixed, now GET BACK TO WORK!

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    Thanks and Regards,

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    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    In Argument 0 - Type: Integer Value: 196613
    In Argument 1 - Type: Number Value: 54
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: 12
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Entering app_menu.set_prop.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    Executing FIND_MENU_ITEM Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: FILE.EXPORT
    Out Argument 0 - Type: Integer Value: 19
    Executing GET_MENU_ITEM_PROPERTY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: Integer Value: 19
    In Argument 1 - Type: Number Value: 79
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: TRUE
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Completed app_menu.set_prop.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Completed app_synch.menu_toolbar_sync. Event is WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: GLOBAL.APP_CUSTOM_MODE
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: NORMAL
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: GLOBAL.APP_CUSTOM_MODE
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: NORMAL
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: NULL
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: GLOBAL.OUT
    Executing USER_EXIT Built-in:
    FNDCPVCM, 11, Built-In, Entry, 316509814, USER_EXIT
    FNDCPVCM, 11, Built-In, Exit, 316509814, USER_EXIT
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: GLOBAL.OUT
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: N
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: system.current_form
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: FNDCPVCM
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: system.current_block
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: MASTER
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: system.current_form
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: FNDCPVCM
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: system.current_block
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: MASTER
    Executing GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: Number Value: 75
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: IHR40P
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Completed call_all_libraries. Event is WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Completed app_standard.event. Event is WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    FNDCPVCM, 10, Prog Unit, Exit, 316509814, /FNDCPVCM-3/P45_30_DEC_201223_28_33
    FNDCPVCM, 9, Trigger, Exit, 316509814, WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE
    FNDCPVCM, 8, Prog Unit, Exit, 316509814, /DMU-4/P8_30_DEC_201223_23_12

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    == URL of affected sites ==

    Error: $.ad is undefined
    Source File: http://www.foxnews.com/static/all/js/slideshows-pack.js
    Line: 850
    // Slideshows - updated: 04/30/2010
    // Dependencies: jQuery, jfoxCarousel plugin
    function SlideShows() {
    this._data = {}; // slideshow data
    this._info = {}; // current slideshow info
    this._relatedMedia = {}; // related media data
    this._trackData = false;
    this.initialized = false;
    this.toolTipId = "carousel-tooltip";
    this.defaultTrackFrequency = 1; // tracker trigger
    this._preloaderSrc = "/static/all/img/slideshow/slideshow-preloader.gif";
    this._timer = { // timers
    main: { fadeIn:800 },
    carousel: { fadeIn:300 },
    overlay: { onLast:10000,fadeIn:300,fadeOut:300 }
    this.currentFocus = 1; // current item in focus
    this.holderObj = {}; // holder for elements
    this.hashObj = {}; // hash location holder
    this.imgPreloadObj = {}; // holder for preloaded images
    // carousel object controllers
    this.carouselControlObj = {};
    this.overlayControlObj = {};
    this.trigger = { // listeners
    main: false,
    carousel: false,
    overlay: false
    this.overlayTimeout = false; // overlay timeout holder
    SlideShows.prototype = {
    init: function(config) {
    for (i in config) { this['_'+i] = config[i]; }
    this.main.root = this.carousel.root = this.overlay.root = this;
    this.hashObj = this.helper.getHash();
    if (typeof $.fn.jfoxCarousel<u>'undefined') {
    showToConsole("[init] Error: carousel plugin not found!");
    if (this._trackData) { // set tracking data
    sTracker.track("pageLoad"); // page load tracker
    this.initialized = true;
    preload: function() {
    var preloadImg = new Image();
    preloadImg.src = this.preloadSrc;
    setHolders: function() {
    var SH = this;
    var slideshowElm = $("#slideshow");
    this.holderObj = {
    doc: $(document),
    body: $("body"),
    intro: $("#section-intro"),
    main: slideshowElm.find("#main-img"),
    mainHolder: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-placeholder"),
    mainControl: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-controller"),
    description: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-desc"),
    relatedMedia: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-related"),
    carousel: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-feature .slideshow")
    var intro = $(this);
    if (this.holderObj.main.size()>0) {
    this.main.properties.minHeight = this.holderObj.mainHolder.innerHeight(); // get set height as "min-height"
    if (this.holderObj.carousel.size()>0) {
    $(document).ready(function(){ // wait for page load for the overlay
    SH.holderObj.overlay = $("#slideshow-overlay");
    var set = (SH.holderObj.overlay.size()>0) ? (typeof $.fn.jfoxCarousel!=='undefined') ? SH.overlay.set() : false : false;
    setListeners: function() {
    var SH = this;
    var control = this.holderObj.mainControl;
    // main image controls
    return false;
    return false;
    if (typeof touchEventListener!=="undefined") {
    var listenerConfig = {
    elm: SH.holderObj.mainHolder,
    moveSensitivity: 15,
    eventsCallback: {
    touchmoveMoveOnce: function(direction,moveProperties,rawEvent) {
    // move callback - sensitivity
    var directions = direction.join("|");
    if (directions.indexOf("left")>-1) {
    if (directions.indexOf("right")>-1) {
    setDocReadyListeners: function() {
    var SH = this;
    // browse slideshow overlay
    $("#section-intro .additional-slides a").click(function() {
    return false;
    SH.holderObj.overlay.find(".close a").click(function(){
    return false;
    replaySlideshow: function() {
    var SH = this;
    //TODO: build replay
    this.overlay.hide(); // hide overlay
    this.main.build(this.currentFocus = 1); // reset focus
    // main image holder
    SlideShows.prototype.main = {
    properties: {},
    build: function(slide,origin) {
    var SH = this;
    var root = this.root;
    if (root.trigger.main) { return false; }
    root.trigger.main = true;
    slide = slide || false;
    origin = origin || "main";
    var control = root.holderObj.mainControl;
    var data = root._data;
    var initData = false;
    var desc = [];
    var helper = root.helper;
    if (slide) {
    if (slide 0) { desc.push('Source: ' + data.items[slide].source + ''); }
    // load related media
    if (root._relatedMedia.items) {
    var rmItems = root._relatedMedia.items;
    if (rmItems.length>0) {
    var rel = [];
    rel.push('Related Articles');
    for (var x=0; x 0) {
    sTracker.track("clickPrevMain"); // tracker
    if (!SH.isLast() && root.overlayTimeout) { clearTimeout(root.overlayTimeout); } // clear overlay timeout
    isLast: function() {
    var root = this.root;
    return (root.currentFocus+1 > root._data.items.length) ? true : false;
    // carousel
    SlideShows.prototype.carousel = {
    build: function() {
    var SH = this;
    var root = this.root;
    var carousel = root.holderObj.carousel;
    var data = root._data;
    var list = [];
    for (var x=0;x 0) {
    var li = $(".slideshow > ul",carousel).children();
    var el = $(this);
    var setClass = (i == eventObj.target-1) ? el.addClass("active") : el.removeClass("active");
    controlsCallback: function(control) { // callback to set up controls
    root.carouselControlObj = control;
    carousel.find(".prev").click(function(){ // previous link
    sTracker.track("clickPrevCarousel"); // tracker
    return false;
    carousel.find(".next").click(function(){ // next link
    // show overlay on last carousel link
    //var lastLink = (!currentEventObj) ? false : (currentEventObj.batch.current+1 > currentEventObj.batch.max) ? $(document).ready(function(){ root.overlay.show(false,true); }) : false;
    sTracker.track("clickNextCarousel"); // tracker
    return false;
    if (typeof touchEventListener!=="undefined") {
    var listenerConfig = {
    elm: carousel,
    moveSensitivity: 15,
    eventsCallback: {
    touchmoveMoveOnce: function(direction,moveProperties,rawEvent) {
    // move callback - sensitivity
    var directions = direction.join("|");
    if (directions.indexOf("left")>-1) {
    if (directions.indexOf("right")>-1) {
    // overlay
    SlideShows.prototype.overlay = {
    set: function() {
    var root = this.root;
    var overlay = root.holderObj.overlay;
    var carousel = $(this);
    var allItems = carousel.find(".slideshow ul").children().children();
    var div = $(this);
    var link = div.find("a:first").attr("href");
    window.location.replace(window.location.hostname + link);
    var config = {
    auto: { set:false,speed:3000 }, // auto scroll
    slide: "horizontal", // horizontal or vertical
    scroll: 3, // number of items to scroll per event
    show: 3, // items shown
    speed: "slow", // scroll speed
    rotate: false, // rotate back to star if end
    //focus: { item:0,animate:false }, // focus to target item on load
    eventCallback: function(eventObj) {
    if (eventObj.batch.current</u>1) {
    } else {
    if (eventObj.batch.current<u>eventObj.batch.max) {
    } else {
    controlsCallback: function(control) { // callback to set up controls
    root.overlayControlObj = control;
    carousel.find(".prev").click(function(){ // previous link
    sTracker.track("clickPrevOverlay"); // tracker
    return false;
    carousel.find(".next").click(function(){ // next link
    sTracker.track("clickNextOverlay"); // tracker
    return false;
    if (typeof touchEventListener!=="undefined") {
    var listenerConfig = {
    elm: carousel,
    moveSensitivity: 15,
    eventsCallback: {
    touchmoveMoveOnce: function(direction,moveProperties,rawEvent) {
    // move callback - sensitivity
    var directions = direction.join("|");
    if (directions.indexOf("left")>-1) {
    if (directions.indexOf("right")>-1) {
    show: function(delay,isReplay) {
    isReplay = isReplay || false;
    delay = delay || false;
    var root = this.root;
    if (root.trigger.overlay) { return false; } // if already open
    var SH = this;
    delay = (isNaN(delay)) ? 0 : delay; // delayed show
    root.overlayTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
    if (root.main.isLast()) {
    root.holderObj.overlay.fadeIn(root._timer.overlay.fadeIn,function(){ root.trigger.overlay = true; });
    sTracker.track("showOverlay"); // tracker
    else {
    root.holderObj.overlay.fadeIn(function(){ root.trigger.overlay = true; });
    hide: function(delay) {
    delay = delay || false;
    var root = this.root;
    if (!root.trigger.overlay) { return false; } // if already closed
    delay = (isNaN(delay)) ? 0 : delay; // delayed hide
    root.holderObj.overlay.fadeOut(root._timer.overlay.fadeOut,function(){ root.trigger.overlay = false; });
    sTracker.track("hideOverlay"); // tracker
    setReplay: function(isReplay) {
    var root = this.root;
    var overlay = root.holderObj.overlay;
    var firstList = overlay.find(".slideshow-feature .slideshow ul").children().filter(":first");
    var divs = firstList.children();
    var replayDiv = divs.filter(":first");
    var cloneDiv = replayDiv.next();
    function configInfo(elm) {
    var currentSS = root._data.items;
    var info = root._info;
    var count = currentSS.length;
    var first = currentSS[0];
    var slideshowTitle = (info.title.length > 16) ? info.title.substring(0,16) + "..." : info.title;
    var slideshowImg = first.media.tm;
    var slideshowDate = info.title.date;
    function replay() {
    var items = elm.children();
    items.filter("p.photo-count").html(count + " image" + [[count>1) ? "s" : ""]];
    var item = $(this);
    item.find("a").attr({ href: "#", title: slideshowTitle });
    item.find("img").attr({ alt: slideshowTitle, src: slideshowImg });
    var item = $(this);
    return false;
    return false;
    if (replayDiv.children().size()</u>0) {
    if (isReplay) {
    } else {
    SlideShows.prototype.helper = {
    toNum: function(item) {
    item = (isNaN(item)) ? parseInt(item.replace(/[a-zA-z]/gi,""),10) : item;
    return isNaN(item)?0:item;
    imgLoad: function(obj,fn) {
    var SH = this;
    obj.alt = obj.alt || "";
    if (obj.preload && !$.browser.opera) { // opera =/= img.onload
    if (obj.mainHolder) { obj.mainHolder.css({ background:"url("+obj.preloaderSrc+") no-repeat center" }); }
    var img = new Image();
    obj.holder.css({ display:"inline", opacity:"0" });
    img.onload = function() {
    if (obj.outer) {
    if (img.height > SH.toNum(obj.outer.minHeight)) { obj.outer.holder.css("height","auto"); }
    else { obj.outer.holder.css("height",obj.outer.minHeight); }
    obj.holder.attr("src",obj.src).animate({ opacity:"1"},obj.speed,"linear",function(){
    if (obj.mainHolder) { obj.mainHolder.css({ backgroundImage:"none" }); }
    img.src = obj.src;
    } else {
    if (obj.mainHolder) { obj.mainHolder.css({ backgroundImage:"none" }); }
    obj.holder.css({ display:"inline", opacity:"0" });
    src: obj.src,
    alt: obj.alt
    }).animate({ opacity:"1"},obj.speed,"linear",function(){ fn(); });
    getHash: function() {
    var hash = (window.location.hash).substr(1);
    if (hash) {
    var pairs = hash.split('&');
    var valuePair = {};
    for (var x=0;x 1 && callback && count%freq<u>0) {
    var sTracker = new Trackers(); // private
    function showToConsole(str) {
    if (typeof window.console</u>'object') { console.log(str); }
    var slideShowsPack = window.slideShowsPack = new SlideShows();
    // Tracking Data Here
    var trackData = {
    ads: {
    buildSlide: {
    frequency: 1,
    callback: function() {
    if (typeof $.ad.dc.load!=="undefined") {
    omni: {
    buildSlide: {
    frequency: 1,
    callback: function(data) {
    data = data || false;
    if (!data) { return false; }
    if (!data.slideNumber) { return false; }
    if (typeof $.ad.omni.load!=="undefined") {
    $.ad.omni.load({ "slide": data.slideNumber });
    var initializeSlideShow = window.initializeSlideshow = function() {
    if (typeof slideshowData!=="undefined") {
    if (!slideShowsPack.initialized) {
    data: slideshowData,
    info: slideshowInfo,
    relatedMedia: relatedsData,
    trackData: trackData
    } else {
    if (typeof window.console==='object') { console.log("[error] No Data found for: slideshowData"); }
    This the line highlighted:
    if (typeof $.ad.dc.load!=="undefined") {

  • Just upgraded to iPhoto 11.  slideshow does not work. just is black.

    I just upgraded to iPhoto 11.  I am on a MacPro desktop.
    Slideshow does not work for either the existing slideshows or to create new one.
    Just a black screen.  When you click on the slideshow button it fades for a microsecond like it is going to go to slideshow...but then just a black box where teh photo should be.

    Can you view the photos normally at full size?

  • Flash Slideshows Suddenly not working

    Hi All,
    My site is "www.neilmarksphotography.com"
    I have 5 pages leading off "GALLERY" menu option, which all contain flash slideshows created in Lightroom. They have all been working fine, but today I slightly changed the content of the slideshows, and now they are not working - they just show the "GET ADOBE FLASH PLAYER" icon. The home page (index.html) is working fine - I have not changed the code there at all.
    I have tried to compare the code in the changed gallery pages with the home page, but cannot see what I have done to stop all the galleries from working properly. GALLERY pages are previewing fine locally off the hard drive. It's only on the live page that I am getting the problem
    Any suggestions?

    thanks for your suggestions - I finally found the problem!
    Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 07:32:38 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Flash Slideshows Suddenly not working
    Try removing the following line of code (marked in red), from the problem pages -
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var pageTracker = gat.getTracker("UA-3534258-1");
    It may be that your pages are cached in your browser, (viewing locally, in browser), or that the Google analytics code is being ignored by dreamweaver, (if working in dreamweaver), as this requires a live page /server.

  • Just updated to Iphoto 9.1.3 but the slideshow feature not working

    Just updated to Iphoto 9.1.3 but the slideshow feature not working at all. Screen goes white but any features selected, nothing is produced .The themes preview windows are blank too. is there something missing?

    Sounds like it.
    To re-install iPhoto
    1. Put the iPhoto.app in the trash (Drag it from your Applications Folder to the trash)
    2a: On 10.5:  Go to HD/Library/Receipts and remove any pkg file there with iPhoto in the name.
    2b: On 10.6: Those receipts may be found as follows:  In the Finder use the Go menu and select Go To Folder. In the resulting window type
    A Finder Window will open at that location and you can remove the iPhoto pkg files.
    3. Re-install.
    If you purchased an iLife Disk, then iPhoto is on it.
    If iPhoto was installed on your Mac when you go it then it’s on the System Restore disks that came with your Mac. Insert the first one and opt to ‘Install Bundled Applications Only.
    If you purchased it on the App Store you can find it in your Purchases List.

  • Slideshow is not working, it only shows one black slide. what to do?

    In the new downloaded I photo life 11, slideshow is not working, nor making an album. What to do?

    Try a reset:
    1. Hold the Sleep and Home button down (together)
    2. For about 10 seconds
    3. Until you see the Apple logo (very important)
    4. Ignore the red slider

  • Slideshow is not working

    Hi, have PSASE 3 and more than 3000 Pictures in it. Since a time my Full Screen Slideshow is not working. First picture comes up in Full Screen and by switch on play button - nothing happens.
    Whats wrong?

    Have you received/uncovered a solution yet to the slideshow problem? I am experiencing same problem but have not found solution yet. I can however, open up slideshows received from others without a problem.

  • Manual advance quicktime export not working

    new to keynote, trying to export an interactive high quality quicktime, but manual advance is not working once it exports. I have lots of embedded video files that won't advance once clicked on either. Not sure if they are the problem. Any thoughts on how I can export a quicktime that I can manually click through?? Thanks for any help you can offer.

    That's a great one to play at Parties!!
    BTW - that's a great way to do one-offs of sections you want to send out. HOWEVER - a problem there too - if you have a CLIP selected, FCP won't know if you are exporting that cut or the in/out point. Make sure everything is DE-selected. You'll notice a color shift in the timeline indicating the IN/OUT area when you are good to go.
    Glad you fixed, now GET BACK TO WORK!

  • FCP Quicktime movie files not working with iDVD

    I have been using iDVD for years with no issues. Now, whenever I export a QT file from FCP 7 and use it in iDVD, I get a blank screen with audio and no video.
    I am able to work around the problem by using "Export Using Qucktime Conversion" and creating a smaller file, but I've never had to do that before. What in the world am I missing here? Shouldn't I be able to export as a QT movie, as long as the file is not gigantic? (the most recent one I used and had this problem occur was only about 500mb). Thanks for any help...

    Well this is helpful information but unfortunately didn't solve my problem. The movie in question is only 5 1/2 minutes long. When I export it as a QT movie, iDVD "acts" like everything is fine; I can preview it within iDVD, etc.But when I burn the disc, it comes out blank. I then went back to FCP and exported it using QT conversion, and the DVD burned just fine. (I exclusively use Taiyo Yuden media and have never had a bad disc).
    This is just a simple 16:9 movie, shot at 720/30p on a Canon DSLR. I ingested with Log and Transfer using ProRes422, then dropped it onto the timeline, added a music track, rendered, and exported as Quicktime movie. It looks great on my desktop using the QT player, but it simply will not work in iDVD.  Still stuck here...

  • Adobe Muse slideshow widget not working on Ipad

    The Muse slideshow widget i'm using is working fine in desktop version (on my Imac and Macbook Pro Retina), but the targets (buttons) are not working when i open the website in my Safari Ipad. When i open in Ipad Chrome, it's working fine.
    The address is http://www.safra7.com/clientes/pontual/linha_tempo
    I can't figure what's wrong, after trying various solutions.
    Felipe de Mello.

    To answer your first question, a widget is essentially a app extension. Try the stock market app below, once you download it you'll be able to add a stock market widget to Notification Center. If the link below doesn't work go to the App Store and enter Stocks Widget by Peeksoft in the search field.
    Stocks Widget - Track stock market portfolios and quotes inside the Today notification center by Peeksoft LLC

  • Quicktime movies do not work, please help me

    Hello friends. I have a problem that is absolutely driving me crazy. I belong to a popular pay site that has quicktime videos. I used to use the site and watched the videos, even though I have to use stupid dial-up because I live in the sticks, the videos worked, though they loaded slowly. After an absence for a half year or so, and after upgrading to Quicktime 7 (7.0.3), I rejoined the site and found the videos no longer worked for me (except for, mysteriously, maybe once or twice, I don't know why). I asked on their forums if anyone else had the problem, and I couldn't find anyone that did. I asked their help line and couldn't get any good information either. Finally, a nice person from their site phoned me and tried to help me personally with the problem, and he couldn't figure it out either. This man is a serious Mac user and programmer and he was stymmied. We tried all the QT settings and messed with the keychain settings, but nothing worked. Well, I did get a video to play once by changing the key chain settings, but then it went back to not working again after that.
    Specifically, here's what happens: when I click on a link to open a video, the QT player comes up, but it's in the small screen with only the time window and the buttons, not the video. Then.... nothing, that's it.
    The man I spoke with confirmed my suspicions that maybe there was something wrong with my system (I did reinstall QT several times, which didn't help.) I went out and bought OSX.4 and installed it, which was not easy because there was a problem and I had to do a clean install, erasing everything on my hard drive and starting over. I was sure that would solve the problem, but NOOOOO, it still does exactly the same thing.
    This is not some shady website I'm dealing with, it's a popular, rather expensive (for me, anyway) pay site with many happy members. And one extremely frustrated one.
    Thanks for any suggestions you can come up with. Maybe a setting I've overlooked? Anything at all?

    Ok, maybe I can jog someone's memory just a bit, maybe I can get some help on this. I tried using my laptop with the website videos, with the same result, just either blank video screen or the small screen with nothing but controls and time bar. Then I took the laptop to a friend's house and tried it on her wireless system and it worked fine. I came home, tried it here again and it didn't work. I know it would take longer, but it should work here on my dial-up connection. It used to work, before I upgraded to Quicktime 7, and the people at the website say that it should work too. They don't know of anyone else with this problem. I've tried changing my quicktime preferences but that has no effect.
    Any more ideas? Thanks again.

  • Recording desktop in Quicktime 10 does not work in SL

    OS 10.6.8 and QT 10.0 (131)
    I want to record one of my desktop processes with QuickTime (v10.0).  However it does not work, I get the following message:
    The operation couldn't be completed. (OS Status error -108.)
    I do get a file that appears to be the recording but it does not want to open. And I do need to force quit QuickTime almost every time the error appears.
    On my other Mac, also with 10.6.8, it works fine.  So I am puzzled. 
    Anybody know what this could be? How to fix? Open to suggestions.
    I was also looking for a version of QT10 to reinstall it but can not find one. ( I was hoping this might fix it).

    Why not use QuickTime 7.6.6 which is located inside your utility folder?
    I was also looking for a version of QT10 to reinstall it but can not find one.
    You can custom install directly from your system disc that came with your computer.  Follow the onscreen custom install instructions.

  • Quicktime app does not work

    I have just tried to open a TS file on my Mac Pro Yosemite and got a message that ¨ To open this file I needed to download and install Quicktime Mpg2 Playback Component¨,
    Buy online from http.//www.apple.com/quicktime/mpeg2 which I did. I paid €19.99 and it downloaded. I opened the installer and then got the message ¨QuickTime MPEG2 can't be installed on this disk. This software is intended for an earlier version of Mac OS X ¨.
    I have now paid out to Apple for something that leaves me out of pocket for something they recommend that does not work. How do I get my money back?

    What version of Quicktime are you running?  The MPEG-2 Playback Component is only for Quicktime 7.  It will not work with later versions of Quicktime.  If you are running Quicktime that ships with Lion or later, this component already is included.  However it should still work with Quicktime 7 if it was installed prior to migrating or upgrading to Lion or later.
    Determining QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component version - Apple Support
    OS X: Unable to install QuickTime MPEG2 Playback Component - Apple Support
    If the file in question will not run under the Quicktime that shipped with Yosemite, try using VideoLAN.

  • Quicktime movie does not work on hosted iWeb website

    Problem: I have a media file portion on my iWeb designed website that displays pictures (working very well) and one that is supposed to show a movie (not working at all). The movie was made with iMovie and has an .m4v extension. When you click on the link for the movie it shows a blank screen on Firefox and a Quicktime logo with a big question mark on Safari. I'm attempting to view the website on my Mac with the latest Quicktime software on it but it doesn't work. Any ideas on how to fix it?
    Some additional info: the hosting provider is 1and1.com and I have a Windows server package (unfortunately). Also, if I publish the site to a folder the movie area works flawlessly, it just does not work on the hosted site.

    Thank you. I converted the file to .MOV and it now works on Safari but has not worked on Firefox (have not tried yet on a Windows based machine). At least headed in the right direction. I will also contact 1and1. Thanks again.

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