Quiero 40 licencias de ilustrator y photoshop

como comprar licencias para 40 computadoras de ilustrator y photoshop, para un centro de estudios. licencias originales

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    hola instale cc en mi mac despues instale ilustrator y photoshop despues por error elimine ilustrator y photoshop que debo hacer para recuperarlos y volverlos a instalar

    Nano leon please see CC desktop lists applications as "Up to Date" when not installed - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/aam-lists-removed-apps-date.html for information on how to reinstall Photoshop and Illustrator CC.

  • OS X Yosemite - Ilustrator and Photoshop problems.

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    Descargar programas CS6:
    Si por multiplataforma entiendes PC y Mac, esa posibilidad u opción NO Existe hasta la versión CC.
    Tienes que escoger Mac o PC o mejor aun en función de esas 2 licencias que tienes, descargar el producto correspondiente, ya que utilizan el no. de serie que no es válida mas que para PC o Mac.
    Asi que si las licencias son para Ai CS6 de PC, pues descarga las versiones de PC, porque al instalar requiere un número de serie válido, y esos que tienes ser''an de PC (o de Mac si los has comprado para Mac).

  • Photoshop & general CS4 funkiness in XP that started a few months ago

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    Please help. It's becoming a major buzzkill!

    What version of XP?
    64 bit? PS CS4 is not supported on XP 64 bit and has acted weird on a lot of systems in past postings.
    32 bit? XP SP3, correct?
    Since things are acting weird I would back up all your needed files.
    First thing to do is, or what I do is, run the command sfc /scannow.exe in a elevated command prompt. This is a system file checker and it will verify system files are correct and not damaged.
    Also try MicroSoft Fix it.
    Doing this will help rule out windows
    Also look in Windows XP Event Manager to see if any hits are listed. Post the results here if you find any.

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    Photoshop incluye Adobe Camera Raw,
    Qué versión exacta tienes de Photoshop?
    Dónde has buscado el Adobe Camera Raw?, en la página de descargas de Adobe?
    Como supongo que tienes Adobe Bridge instalado, puedes escoger una imagen jpg y pulsar Ctrl+R para que la abra en Camera Raw, ver que versión tienes y qué error muestra en caso contrario?

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    http://wwwimages.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/volume-licensing/pdfs/vip-program-guide-ed -en.pdf

  • New macbook pro has a lot of spinning ball

    Hello everyone.
    I am completely new in the Mac world and I dreamed for my Macbook pro for years so I hope you will understan my frustration.
    At the end of July I purchased a mid 2012 15 inch non-retina mbp - 2,6gb, 4mb ram, 500 gb hd.
    Ever since I got it I experienced the spinning ball quite often. But because of my wish for perfection tried not to pay any attention to that.
    Then 2 months later suddenly the SD card reader stopped working. So I brought it back to the shop and also complained about the spinning ball. They changed the logical board and told me everything will be fine now. Should not see any spinnig ball anymore.
    I gave it a try for the weekend to do some projects where I had to use programs such as Adobe Ilustrator and Photoshop as well as Word, however the spinning ball was still there. Quite often it actually appears just by opening Safari or  Itunes, so not only heavier programs. sometimes just when waning to paste something or opening the Finder.
    Brought it back to the shop again saying that it seems slower than my old ASUS that had no more than 4gb of RAM. Besides, this one is a new computer and it is empty, so how can it be so slow already now?
    A week later I got it back saying it was a defective Hard drive cable that might have caused it. Changed, spinning wheel should be no longer there.
    Gave it another try - spinnig wheel still there!
    So now I am wondering - is that normal?
    boyfriend says - is it normal, friends say - no, I never see it (still working on Adobe programs as well as having 4gb of ram and 2,4mhz)
    My guess is that it might be the RAM? but then again - common, it is a new compter and I have only 50gb of information inside. how can it suffer already? Besidesthat, often the spinning ball appears on random situations in random programs. when I spend my day with the computer I see it like 5-10 times a day.
    sometimes when I check the Memory activity the Wired memory goes up to 1,70gb out of my 4gb of RAM. Is that the issue? Once I restart the computer, it goes down again. But this is annyoing, right?
    Please share your exprience and opinions,
    Best regards,

    Call Apple Customer Relations - 1-800-767-2275.  Ask politely & firmly that you want to be transferred to Customer Relations.  Tell them exactly what you stated in your post.

  • No puedo instalar ningún programa de Adobe desde CC

    Tengo un problema, tenían instalada una versión de Illustrator que desinstalé hace tiempo. El problema es que ahora, cuando intento instalar de nuevo Adobe Illustrator no me deja, cuando pone extrayendo..., que va por el 42% me sale Error (15). He intentado eliminar todos los archivos de illustrator de mi ordenador y todas las carpetas referidas a adobe por si era algo así, pero nada.
    He intentado instalarme otros programas como Adobe reader XI o Adobe premiere, pero tampoco me funcionan, en estos directamente me da error en el 42%, sun el número 15 después.
    Tengo instalada una versión de Photoshop CS6 gratuita en el escritorio, no se si será por eso, me da miedo desinstalarla porque no quiero quedarme también sin Photoshop...
    Utilizo el Windows 8.1
    Muchas gracias.

    una solucion posible es utilizar la herramienta Cleaner Tool, que suprime toda una serie de archivos que instalan los programas de Adobe. asi que busca el enlace oara descargar esta utilidad, lee las instrucciones, que permiten desinstalar determinados productos.
    Consulta preguntas anteriores en el foro (busca Cleaner), que explican esto en detalle.
    Utilice CC Cleaner Tool para resolver problemas de instalación | CC, CS3-CS6

  • Scracht disks are full

    When Im using ilustrator or photoshop i have a little window saying
    ¨Could not complete the command because the scratch disks are full¨
    I have a 639,79 GB capacity
    Available 620.59 GB
    Used 19.2 GB
    Under about this Mac
    i have 13 GB
    how can I do to fix this?

    Instability is only a problem when programs run out of room completely and they are trying to use it as a scratch at the time such as in this case. That said often the space is preallocated so it wont be an issue anyway.
    The speed is degredation is
    a) partially due to fragmentation which happens as a partially filled disk is continually used rather than the amount of data on the drive. It's possible to have 0% fragmentation and 100% full
    b) drives will read faster at the outer areas of the drives (which spin faster in a relative sense) than at the centre of the drive platters. Depending on your formatting and drive type this may or may not be noticable.
    specifying a percentage that should remain empty is meaningless as it will depend on how big your drives are, if they are raided at all, what they are used for etc. I wouldn't completely fill a system drive as this will cause problems but i also wouldn't waste 150Gb of space of a 500Gb drive for no good reason.

  • Can I uninstall old apps once I download the 2014 versions? Will all of my files will still be accessible?

    I've downloaded the 2014 CC versions of InDesign, Ilustrator and Photoshop. I would like to delete the old programs to free up space on my hard drive. Will this affect any files that I made using the old apps?

    Files will still be there... plugins maybe not
    This messages says (at least some) CC 2014 programs use NEW plugins https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1499663
    -so do not uninstall the older CC programs if you use plugins in your programs until you are sure you have plugins that work in CC2014
    If you are sure you don't need the old CC programs
    -http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/install-apps.html to install or uninstall
    -read reply #3 about the ORDER of uninstalling & installing https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1242671

  • Problema con descargas

    no puedo descargar ningun tipo de producto desde la pagina, estoy pagando por after effect el cual no puedo descargar lo mismo pasa con verciones de prueba que quiero descargar como premiere y photoshop
    no descarga nada y estoy desperdiciando mi dinero pagando after effect

    those are all 64 bit applications. 
    do you have a 64 bit computer?  if yes, use a different browser.

  • Change Billing to, in my Invoices

    Yesterday I purchased a subscription for ilustrator and photoshop, but I need to change in all my Invoices, in "Billing to" Jaguar de Mexico S.A. de C.V. instead of Juan Carlos Sanchez Cabrera.
    Please I need your help, because your web page is so difficult to find how to make the change.

    Thanks for your interest.
    There is not a document (file),  I refer to invoices generated by the Adobe site when you make a purchase, invoices are displayed in "My Adobe" -> "My recent orders" -> "Print Report", at this point displays the billing info. (wrong name in my case).
    I searched the entire Adobe page for technical support about it, but I have not been successful, it is very difficult to seek help related to the billing of "My Adobe.".
    All help is oriented to her products.....
    Which is why I fell in these forums.

  • Hola!! por favor,  una consulta

    Creative Cloud, corre bajo Windows XP?
    Que pasa con el software previo instalado, tengo ilustrator CS3, Photoshop CS3.... hay que borrarlos?

    En absoluto Mónica, fuiste muy amable, sólo le hacía una broma al joven Platón, y no creo que nadie ayude aquí por los puntos, porque no  te dan ningún premio por acumularlos. Lo único por lo que me parece realmente importante cerrar las preguntas es poque quedan en la lista de abiertas, y eso hace que algunos ayudadores ocasionales como yo, entremos a verla como si no estuviera resuelta y ocurre que ya está cocinado el asunto. Podés buscar por ahí un botoncito que dice "correct answer" para que el próximo que llegue con tu pregunta vaya directo a ver la respuesta y se ahorre toda esta perorata que estoy escribiendo, por ejemplo.
    Claudio: eso sería genial, en algunos foros te obligan a pasar por los "sticky" o a leer las reglas y también te recomiendan un search antes de preguntar, eso evitaría los miles de veces que se pregunta "cómo tiro las preferencias?"
    Sería muy bueno que en el título del post se haga referencia al programa, y que se detallaran en algún lado, versión del mismo, sistema operativo.
    Saludos a todos, Federico, Claudio, Mónica

  • No keyboard shortcuts for in design and other things

    I'm new to indesign. I have used Illustrator a lot. Indesign seems like a step backwards. There are no keyboard short cuts, not even copy paste or cut!?! How can this be?
    There are layers, but I can't see what use they are, it doesn't show the individual elements like in Illustrator, just the layer. What's the point in having layers if you can't use them the way you can in Ilustrator or photoshop.
    Also there are no colour swatches that I can see Is this all normal? Or is something wrong with my copy of indesign? Indesign seems like a program from 1989 not 2011. How can it be lacking in such important features, and basic features like ctrl + c, ctrl + v etc?

    Indesign has lot of feature. I think you have some problem with your machine or your copy of indesign. Clear all preferences and then try again.
    Read this thread to clear your preferences..

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