R12 Installation on Windows 2003

I am doing Installation of R12 on Win 2003 server , i entered all the prompt for the installation then i am seeing the messaging bootstrapping then with out prompt for RDBMS-Disk1 dvd, installation windows disapppear,
I cheked the logfiles in temp folder :
unable to parse ports: null context
and in other logfile below message:
starting from CD area f:\Disk1
RW-50010 : Error : script has returned an error : 2
Returning 0
any input appreciated

Hi hsawwan
I received you email thanks for your help, i executed the syntax given by you, i received the following messages could you confirm me again there is any syntax issue or stage ?
C:\>cd stageR12
*C:\StageR12>md5sum --check=md5sum_Windows.txt > md5sum_result.txt*
oraAppDBDisk1datadriverDisk1.drv: The system cannot find the file specified.
[: D:/tools/mksnt/dgstsum.sh 251: expression syntax error
oraAppDBDisk1datadriverprod.drv: The system cannot find the file specified.
[: D:/tools/mksnt/dgstsum.sh 251: expression syntax error
oraAppDBDisk1datadrivervision.drv: The system cannot find the file specified.
[: D:/tools/mksnt/dgstsum.sh 251: expression syntax error
oraAppDBDisk1datastagedata_dat1112.zip: The system cannot find the file specifie
[: D:/tools/mksnt/dgstsum.sh 251: expression syntax error
oraAppDBDisk1datastagedata_dat1113.zip: The system cannot find the file specifie
[: D:/tools/mksnt/dgstsum.sh 251: expression syntax error
oraAppDBDisk1datastagedata_dat1116.zip: The system cannot find the file specifie
[: D:/tools/mksnt/dgstsum.sh 251: expression syntax error
oraAppDBDisk1datastagedata_dat1119.zip: The system cannot find the file specifie
[: D:/tools/mksnt/dgstsum.sh 251: expression syntax error
oraAppDBDisk1datastagedata_dat1142.zip: The system cannot find the file specifie
[: D:/tools/mksnt/dgstsum.sh 251: expression syntax error
oraAppDBDisk1datastagedata_dat1173.zip: The system cannot find the file specifie
[: D:/tools/mksnt/dgstsum.sh 251: expression syntax error
oraAppDBDisk1datastagedata_dat217.zip: The system cannot find the file specified
[: D:/tools/mksnt/dgstsum.sh 251: expression syntax error
oraAppDBDisk1datastagedata_dat219.zip: The system cannot find the file specified
[: D:/tools/mksnt/dgstsum.sh 251: expression syntax error
oraAppDBDisk1datastagedata_dat23.zip: The system cannot find the file specified.

Similar Messages

  • R12 Installation on Windows 2003  Error

    pl help me
    when post-install checks
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000
    RW-50015: Error: - HTTP Listener is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Help Page
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000/OA_HTML/help
    RW-50015: Error: - Help Page is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Virtual Directory
    RW-50015: Error: - Http Server Virtual Directories is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000/OA_HTML/jtfTestCookie.jsp
    RW-50015: Error: - JSP is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Login Page
    RW-50015: Error: - Login Page is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.

    logs file
    Processing DriverFile = G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\template\adriapps.drv
    Running Instantiation Drivers for G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\template\adriapps.drv
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\template\adrunias.cmd
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunias.cmd
    backup : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunias.cmd to D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\VIS_jarry\out\templbac\adrunias.cmd
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\template\adrunat.cmd
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunat.cmd
    backup : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunat.cmd to D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\VIS_jarry\out\templbac\adrunat.cmd
    Step 0 of 5
    Command: D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunias.cmd
    Processing Step 3 of 5
    Executing: D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunias.cmd
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM $Header: adrunias.cmd 120.5 2007/01/05 00:40:23 ppradhan noship $
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM ###############################################################
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM This file is automatically generated by AutoConfig. It will be read and
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM overwritten. If you were instructed to edit this file, or if you are not
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM able to use the settings created by AutoConfig, refer to Metalink Note
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM 387859.1 for assistance.
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM ###############################################################
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>FOR /F "delims==" %a IN ('DATE /T') DO (set date=%a )
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>(set date=2007-05-24 星期四 )
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>FOR /F "delims==" %a IN ('TIME /T') DO (set time=%a )
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>(set time=19:30 )
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>ECHO STARTED INSTALL PHASE : APPS TECH STACK : 2007-05-24 星期四 19:30
    STARTED INSTALL PHASE : APPS TECH STACK : 2007-05-24 星期四 19:30
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET JRE_PATH=G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jre\NT\1.5.0\bin\java
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET JRE_CP=.;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\java;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\xmlparserv2.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\ojdbc14.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\OraInstaller.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\ewt3.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\share.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\srvm.jar
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET XML_FILE=D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET PATH=G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\unzip\NT;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;c:cygwin\bin;c:\vs8\vc
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET EC=ERRORCODE
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>setlocal enableextensions
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>set /P unpw=""
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims=/" %i in ('APPS/APPS') do set APPS_UNAME=%i && set APPS_PWD=%j
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>set APPS_UNAME=APPS && set APPS_PWD=APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET APPSUSER=APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET APPSPASS=APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>IF "5" == "1" (SET THREADS=1 ) ELSE (SET THREADS=2 )
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>CD /D C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>if "FALSE" == "D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunias.cmd" (if not "FALSE" == "FALSE" (goto :FALSE ) else (goto :runProcess_1 ) )
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "runProcess_1"
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>REM Perform the install for tech stack
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo Statusstring Installing Applications Technology Stack
    Statusstring Installing Applications Technology Stack
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jre\NT\1.5.0\bin\java -mx600M -classpath .;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\java;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\xmlparserv2.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\ojdbc14.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\OraInstaller.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\ewt3.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\share.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\srvm.jar oracle.apps.ad.rapidwiz.util.InstantiateFile -e D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml -d G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\driver\appsts\driver\gias.drv -pwd no_password_here -log D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\VIS_jarry\log\ApplyAppsTechStack.log -nthreads 2 -verbose
    Enter the location of the CD labeled Oracle Applications Rapid Install - Tools Disk 1 :
    Checking Disk contents in - G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz
    Checking Disk contents in - G:\EBS\oraAS\Disk1
    Checking Disk contents in - G:\EBS\oraAS\Disk1
    Unzip Count:40
    Processing Disk1....
    Processing Disk2....
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>if 0 == 0 goto :BITS_OK
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "runProcess_2"
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>REM Perform the registration for tech stack
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo Statusstring Registering Applications Technology Stack
    Statusstring Registering Applications Technology Stack
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>(echo APPS & echo APPS ) | G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jre\NT\1.5.0\bin\java -mx512M -classpath .;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\java;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\xmlparserv2.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\ojdbc14.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\OraInstaller.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\ewt3.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\share.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\srvm.jar oracle.apps.ad.clone.ApplyAppsTechStack -e D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml -stage G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz -showProgress -phase reg -nopromptmsg
    Log file located at D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\admin\log\ApplyAppsTechStack_05241934.log
    | 0% completed
    / 3% completed
    - 3% completed
    \ 3% completed
    | 3% completed
    / 3% completed
    - 3% completed
    \ 3% completed
    | 3% completed
    / 9% completed
    - 9% completed
    \ 9% completed
    | 9% completed
    / 9% completed
    - 9% completed
    \ 9% completed
    | 9% completed
    / 9% completed
    - 9% completed
    \ 9% completed
    | 9% completed
    / 9% completed
    - 9% completed
    \ 9% completed
    | 9% completed
    / 9% completed
    - 9% completed
    \ 9% completed
    | 9% completed
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>if 0 == 0 goto :REG_OK
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "runProcess_3"
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>REM Perform the Configuration for tech stack
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo Statusstring Configuring Applications Technology Stack
    Statusstring Configuring Applications Technology Stack
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>(echo APPS & echo APPS ) | G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jre\NT\1.5.0\bin\java -mx512M -classpath .;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\java;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\xmlparserv2.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\ojdbc14.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\OraInstaller.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\ewt3.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\share.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\oui\srvm.jar oracle.apps.ad.clone.ApplyAppsTechStack -e D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml -stage G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz -showProgress -phase cfg -nopromptmsg
    Log file located at D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\admin\log\ApplyAppsTechStack_05241939.log
    | 0% completed
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>if 0 == 0 goto :CFG_OK
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>FOR /F "delims==" %a IN ('DATE /T') DO (set date=%a )
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>(set date=2007-05-24 星期四 )
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>FOR /F "delims==" %a IN ('TIME /T') DO (set time=%a )
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>(set time=19:39 )
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>ECHO FINISHED INSTALL PHASE : APPS TECH STACK : 2007-05-24 星期四 19:39
    FINISHED INSTALL PHASE : APPS TECH STACK : 2007-05-24 星期四 19:39
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo Applications Technology Stack install run complete.
    Applications Technology Stack install run complete.
    D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunias.cmd has succeeded
    Step 1 of 5
    Command: D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunat.cmd
    Processing Step 4 of 5
    Executing: D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunat.cmd
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM $Header: adrunat.cmd 120.7 2007/02/08 16:39:19 marderiu noship $
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM ###############################################################
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM This file is automatically generated by AutoConfig. It will be read and
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM overwritten. If you were instructed to edit this file, or if you are not
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM able to use the settings created by AutoConfig, refer to Metalink Note
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM 387859.1 for assistance.
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>REM ###############################################################
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>FOR /F "delims==" %a IN ('DATE /T') DO (set date=%a )
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>(set date=2007-05-24 星期四 )
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>FOR /F "delims==" %a IN ('TIME /T') DO (set time=%a )
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>(set time=19:39 )
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>ECHO STARTED INSTALL PHASE : APPL TOP : 2007-05-24 星期四 19:39
    STARTED INSTALL PHASE : APPL TOP : 2007-05-24 星期四 19:39
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET JRE_PATH=G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jre\NT\1.5.0\bin\java
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET JRE_CP=.;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\java;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\xmlparserv2.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\ojdbc14.jar
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET XML_FILE=D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET PATH=G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\unzip\NT;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;c:cygwin\bin;c:\vs8\vc
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET EC=ERRORCODE
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>set CMDDIR=G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>setlocal enableextensions
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>set /P unpw=""
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims=/" %i in ('APPS/APPS') do set APPS_UNAME=%i && set APPS_PWD=%j
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>set APPS_UNAME=APPS && set APPS_PWD=APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET APPSUSER=APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>SET APPSPASS=APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>IF "5" == "1" (SET THREADS=1 ) ELSE (SET THREADS=2 )
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>CD /D C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>if "FALSE" == "D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunat.cmd" (if not "FALSE" == "FALSE" (goto :FALSE ) else (goto :runProcess_1 ) )
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "runProcess_1"
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>REM install APPL_TOP
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "Statusstring Installing APPLTOP - gappl.drv"
    "Statusstring Installing APPLTOP - gappl.drv"
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jre\NT\1.5.0\bin\java -mx512M -classpath .;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\java;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\xmlparserv2.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\ojdbc14.jar oracle.apps.ad.rapidwiz.util.InstantiateFile -e D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml -d G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\driver\appl\driver\gappl.drv -pwd no_password_here -log D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\VIS_jarry\log\installAppl.log -nthreads 2 -verbose
    Enter the location of the CD labeled Oracle Applications Rapid Install - Appl_top Disk 1 :
    Checking Disk contents in - G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz
    Checking Disk contents in - G:\EBS\oraApps\Disk1
    Checking Disk contents in - G:\EBS\oraApps\Disk1
    Unzip Count:1114
    Processing Disk1....
    Processing Disk2....
    Processing Disk3....
    Processing Disk4....
    Processing Disk5....
    Processing Disk6....
    Processing Disk7....
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>if 0 == 0 goto :runProcess_2
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "runProcess_2"
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>REM update Context to latest level
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "Statusstring Copying the APPL_TOP Context template file."
    "Statusstring Copying the APPL_TOP Context template file."
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>rem G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jre\NT\1.5.0\bin\java -mx512M -classpath .;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\java;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\xmlparserv2.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\ojdbc14.jar oracle.apps.ad.autoconfig.InstantiateFile -e D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml -d G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\driver\appl\driver\gappl.drv -pwd APPS -log D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\VIS_jarry\log\installAppl.log -nthreads 2 -verbose
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>COPY G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxmlctx.tmp D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\ad\12.0.0\admin\template
    已复制 1 个文件。
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>COPY G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adctxinf.tmp D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\ad\12.0.0\admin\template
    已复制 1 个文件。
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>COPY G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\index.html D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\ad\12.0.0\admin\template
    已复制 1 个文件。
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>REM COPY $\jlib\java\oracle\apps\ad\context\CloneContext.class D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\comn\java\classes\oracle\apps\ad\context
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>if 0 == 0 goto :runProcess_3
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "runProcess_3"
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>REM run registration steps on APPL_TOP
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "Statusstring Registering APPL_TOP"
    "Statusstring Registering APPL_TOP"
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>(echo APPS & echo APPS ) | G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jre\NT\1.5.0\bin\java -DCONTEXT_VALIDATED=true -mx512M -classpath .;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\java;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\xmlparserv2.jar;G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\jlib\ojdbc14.jar oracle.apps.ad.clone.ApplyApplTop -e D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml -stage G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz -showProgress -phase reg -nopromptmsg
    Log file located at D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\admin\log\ApplyApplTop_05242025.log
    | 0% completed
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>if 0 == 0 goto :runProcess_4
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "runProcess_4"
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>REM run AutoConfig on Apps Node
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "Statusstring run AutoConfig on Apps Node"
    "Statusstring run AutoConfig on Apps Node"
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>if "" == "No Database" goto :NO_DB
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>(echo APPS ) | CALL D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\ad\12.0.0\bin\adconfig.cmd contextfile=D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml noprompt
    Enter the APPS user password: AutoConfig is configuring the Applications environment...
    AutoConfig will consider the custom templates if present.
         Using CONFIG_HOME location : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry
         Classpath : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\comn\java\lib\appsborg2.zip;D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\comn\java\classes
         Using Context file : D:\ORACLE\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    Context Value Management will now update the Context file
         Updating Context file...COMPLETED
         Attempting upload of Context file and templates to database...COMPLETED
    Context Value Management Complete. Check Logs for details
    ECHO 处于关闭状态。
    ECHO 处于关闭状态。
    2007-05-24 星期四 20:26
    已复制 1 个文件。
    Script Success, Applications Context update complete.
    Configuring templates from all of the product tops...
         Configuring AD_TOP........COMPLETED
         Configuring FND_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring ICX_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring IEO_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring BIS_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring AMS_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring CCT_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring WSH_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring CLN_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring OKE_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring OKL_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring OKS_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring CSF_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring IGS_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring IBY_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring JTF_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring MWA_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring CN_TOP........COMPLETED
         Configuring CSI_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring WIP_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring CSE_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring EAM_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring FTE_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring ONT_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring AR_TOP........COMPLETED
         Configuring AHL_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring OZF_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring IES_TOP.......COMPLETED
         Configuring CSD_TOP.......COMPLETED
    AutoConfig completed with errors.
    The log file for this session is located at: D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\admin\log\05242025\adconfig.log
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>if 1 == 0 goto :runProcess_5
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "Cannot execute configuration of Applications Techstack\n";
    "Cannot execute configuration of Applications Techstack\n";
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>goto :SCRIPTEND
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>FOR /F "delims==" %a IN ('DATE /T') DO (set date=%a )
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>(set date=2007-05-24 星期四 )
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>FOR /F "delims==" %a IN ('TIME /T') DO (set time=%a )
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>(set time=20:29 )
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>ECHO FINISHED INSTALL PHASE : APPL TOP : 2007-05-24 星期四 20:29
    FINISHED INSTALL PHASE : APPL TOP : 2007-05-24 星期四 20:29
    C:\DOCUME~1\jarry\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo "Install APPL_TOP run complete."
    "Install APPL_TOP run complete."
    D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\temp\adrunat.cmd has succeeded
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxdbctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxmlctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxdbctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxmlctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    Database Availability
    command: cmd.exe /c G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.cmd D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\VIS_jarry.cmd sqlplus G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.sql APPS/APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>echo off
    2007-05-24 星期四
    ECHO 处于关闭状态。
    ECHO 处于关闭状态。
    2007-05-24 星期四 20:29
    VIS_jarry.cmd exiting with status 0
    "The environment settings are as follows ..."
    " ORACLE_HOME : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0"
    " ORACLE_SID : "
    " TWO_TASK : "
    " PATH : D:\ORACLE\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\jre\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\jre\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;c:cygwin\bin;c:\vs8\vc"
    " LD_LIBRARY_PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\lib"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 24 20:29:45 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    connect test returning code 0
    Database ORACLE_HOME connection test has succeeded
    command: cmd.exe /c G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.cmd D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.2\VIS_jarry.cmd sqlplus G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.sql APPS/APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>echo off
    2007-05-24 星期四
    "The environment settings are as follows ..."
    " ORACLE_HOME : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2"
    " ORACLE_SID : "
    " TWO_TASK : "
    " PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.3\appsutil\jdk\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;c:cygwin\bin;c:\vs8\vc"
    " LD_LIBRARY_PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2\lib"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on 星期四 5月 24 20:29:47 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    从 Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options 断开
    connect test returning code 0
    Apps ORACLE_HOME connection test has succeeded
    Configuration Upload
    uploading config file at D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\conf_VIS.txt
    AppsConfig : 'config.txt' uploading...
    ADX Database Utility
    getConnectionUsingAppsJDBCConnector() -->
    Trying to get connection using SID based connect descriptor
    getConnection() -->
    sDbHost : jarry
    sDbDomain : cppw.com
    sDbPort : 1521
    sDbSid : VIS
    sDbUser : APPS
    Trying to connect using SID...
    getConnectionUsingSID() -->
    JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@jarry.cppw.com:1521:VIS
    Connection obtained
    -------------------ADX Database Utility Finished---------------
    Successful upload of config file at D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\conf_VIS.txt
    Environment File
    Database ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\VIS_jarry.env
    Apps ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.3\VIS_jarry.cmd
    iAS ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.2\VIS_jarry.cmd
    APPL_TOP environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\VIS_jarry.cmd
    ADOVARS environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\adovars.cmd
    APPSCONFIG passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\adconfig.txt
    DBC File
    DBC file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\fnd\12.0.0\secure\VIS.dbc
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000
    RW-50015: Error: - HTTP Listener is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Help Page
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000/OA_HTML/help
    RW-50015: Error: - Help Page is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Virtual Directory
    RW-50015: Error: - Http Server Virtual Directories is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000/OA_HTML/jtfTestCookie.jsp
    RW-50015: Error: - JSP is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Login Page
    RW-50015: Error: - Login Page is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxdbctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxmlctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxdbctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxmlctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    Database Availability
    command: cmd.exe /c G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.cmd D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\VIS_jarry.cmd sqlplus G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.sql APPS/APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>echo off
    2007-05-25 星期五
    ECHO 处于关闭状态。
    ECHO 处于关闭状态。
    2007-05-25 星期五 08:27
    VIS_jarry.cmd exiting with status 0
    "The environment settings are as follows ..."
    " ORACLE_HOME : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0"
    " ORACLE_SID : "
    " TWO_TASK : "
    " PATH : D:\ORACLE\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\jre\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\jre\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;c:cygwin\bin;c:\vs8\vc"
    " LD_LIBRARY_PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\lib"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri May 25 08:27:47 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    connect test returning code 0
    Database ORACLE_HOME connection test has succeeded
    command: cmd.exe /c G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.cmd D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.2\VIS_jarry.cmd sqlplus G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.sql APPS/APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>echo off
    2007-05-25 星期五
    "The environment settings are as follows ..."
    " ORACLE_HOME : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2"
    " ORACLE_SID : "
    " TWO_TASK : "
    " PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.3\appsutil\jdk\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;c:cygwin\bin;c:\vs8\vc"
    " LD_LIBRARY_PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2\lib"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on 星期五 5月 25 08:27:49 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    从 Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options 断开
    connect test returning code 0
    Apps ORACLE_HOME connection test has succeeded
    Configuration Upload
    uploading config file at D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\conf_VIS.txt
    AppsConfig : 'config.txt' uploading...
    ADX Database Utility
    getConnectionUsingAppsJDBCConnector() -->
    Trying to get connection using SID based connect descriptor
    getConnection() -->
    sDbHost : jarry
    sDbDomain : cppw.com
    sDbPort : 1521
    sDbSid : VIS
    sDbUser : APPS
    Trying to connect using SID...
    getConnectionUsingSID() -->
    JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@jarry.cppw.com:1521:VIS
    Connection obtained
    -------------------ADX Database Utility Finished---------------
    Successful upload of config file at D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\conf_VIS.txt
    Environment File
    Database ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\VIS_jarry.env
    Apps ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.3\VIS_jarry.cmd
    iAS ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.2\VIS_jarry.cmd
    APPL_TOP environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\VIS_jarry.cmd
    ADOVARS environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\adovars.cmd
    APPSCONFIG passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\adconfig.txt
    DBC File
    DBC file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\fnd\12.0.0\secure\VIS.dbc
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000
    RW-50015: Error: - HTTP Listener is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Help Page
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000/OA_HTML/help
    RW-50015: Error: - Help Page is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Virtual Directory
    RW-50015: Error: - Http Server Virtual Directories is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000/OA_HTML/jtfTestCookie.jsp
    RW-50015: Error: - JSP is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Login Page
    RW-50015: Error: - Login Page is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxdbctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxmlctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxdbctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxmlctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    Database Availability
    command: cmd.exe /c G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.cmd D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\VIS_jarry.cmd sqlplus G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.sql APPS/APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>echo off
    2007-05-25 星期五
    ECHO 处于关闭状态。
    ECHO 处于关闭状态。
    2007-05-25 星期五 08:38
    VIS_jarry.cmd exiting with status 0
    "The environment settings are as follows ..."
    " ORACLE_HOME : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0"
    " ORACLE_SID : "
    " TWO_TASK : "
    " PATH : D:\ORACLE\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\jre\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\jre\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;c:cygwin\bin;c:\vs8\vc"
    " LD_LIBRARY_PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\lib"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri May 25 08:38:02 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    connect test returning code 0
    Database ORACLE_HOME connection test has succeeded
    command: cmd.exe /c G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.cmd D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.2\VIS_jarry.cmd sqlplus G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.sql APPS/APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>echo off
    2007-05-25 星期五
    "The environment settings are as follows ..."
    " ORACLE_HOME : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2"
    " ORACLE_SID : "
    " TWO_TASK : "
    " PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.3\appsutil\jdk\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;c:cygwin\bin;c:\vs8\vc"
    " LD_LIBRARY_PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2\lib"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on 星期五 5月 25 08:38:03 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    从 Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options 断开
    connect test returning code 0
    Apps ORACLE_HOME connection test has succeeded
    Configuration Upload
    uploading config file at D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\conf_VIS.txt
    AppsConfig : 'config.txt' uploading...
    ADX Database Utility
    getConnectionUsingAppsJDBCConnector() -->
    Trying to get connection using SID based connect descriptor
    getConnection() -->
    sDbHost : jarry
    sDbDomain : cppw.com
    sDbPort : 1521
    sDbSid : VIS
    sDbUser : APPS
    Trying to connect using SID...
    getConnectionUsingSID() -->
    JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@jarry.cppw.com:1521:VIS
    Connection obtained
    -------------------ADX Database Utility Finished---------------
    Successful upload of config file at D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\conf_VIS.txt
    Environment File
    Database ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\VIS_jarry.env
    Apps ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.3\VIS_jarry.cmd
    iAS ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.2\VIS_jarry.cmd
    APPL_TOP environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\VIS_jarry.cmd
    ADOVARS environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\adovars.cmd
    APPSCONFIG passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\adconfig.txt
    DBC File
    DBC file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\fnd\12.0.0\secure\VIS.dbc
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000
    RW-50015: Error: - HTTP Listener is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Help Page
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000/OA_HTML/help
    RW-50015: Error: - Help Page is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Virtual Directory
    RW-50015: Error: - Http Server Virtual Directories is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000/OA_HTML/jtfTestCookie.jsp
    RW-50015: Error: - JSP is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Login Page
    RW-50015: Error: - Login Page is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxdbctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxmlctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxdbctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxmlctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\admin\VIS_jarry.xml
    Database Availability
    command: cmd.exe /c G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.cmd D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\VIS_jarry.cmd sqlplus G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.sql APPS/APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>echo off
    2007-05-25 星期五
    ECHO 处于关闭状态。
    ECHO 处于关闭状态。
    2007-05-25 星期五 08:48
    VIS_jarry.cmd exiting with status 0
    "The environment settings are as follows ..."
    " ORACLE_HOME : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0"
    " ORACLE_SID : "
    " TWO_TASK : "
    " PATH : D:\ORACLE\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\jre\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\jre\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;c:cygwin\bin;c:\vs8\vc"
    " LD_LIBRARY_PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\lib"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri May 25 08:48:21 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    connect test returning code 0
    Database ORACLE_HOME connection test has succeeded
    command: cmd.exe /c G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.cmd D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.2\VIS_jarry.cmd sqlplus G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\bin\riwTDBup.sql APPS/APPS
    G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>echo off
    2007-05-25 星期五
    "The environment settings are as follows ..."
    " ORACLE_HOME : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2"
    " ORACLE_SID : "
    " TWO_TASK : "
    " PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2\bin;D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.3\appsutil\jdk\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;c:cygwin\bin;c:\vs8\vc"
    " LD_LIBRARY_PATH : D:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.2\lib"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on 星期五 5月 25 08:48:22 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    从 Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options 断开
    connect test returning code 0
    Apps ORACLE_HOME connection test has succeeded
    Configuration Upload
    uploading config file at D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\conf_VIS.txt
    AppsConfig : 'config.txt' uploading...
    ADX Database Utility
    getConnectionUsingAppsJDBCConnector() -->
    Trying to get connection using SID based connect descriptor
    getConnection() -->
    sDbHost : jarry
    sDbDomain : cppw.com
    sDbPort : 1521
    sDbSid : VIS
    sDbUser : APPS
    Trying to connect using SID...
    getConnectionUsingSID() -->
    JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@jarry.cppw.com:1521:VIS
    Connection obtained
    -------------------ADX Database Utility Finished---------------
    Successful upload of config file at D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\conf_VIS.txt
    Environment File
    Database ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\VIS_jarry.env
    Apps ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.3\VIS_jarry.cmd
    iAS ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\ora\10.1.2\VIS_jarry.cmd
    APPL_TOP environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\VIS_jarry.cmd
    ADOVARS environment file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\adovars.cmd
    APPSCONFIG passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\adconfig.txt
    DBC File
    DBC file passes instantiated variables test:
    File = D:\oracle\VIS\inst\apps\VIS_jarry\appl\fnd\12.0.0\secure\VIS.dbc
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000
    RW-50015: Error: - HTTP Listener is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Help Page
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000/OA_HTML/help
    RW-50015: Error: - Help Page is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Virtual Directory
    RW-50015: Error: - Http Server Virtual Directories is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    checking URL = http://jarry.cppw.com:8000/OA_HTML/jtfTestCookie.jsp
    RW-50015: Error: - JSP is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    Login Page
    RW-50015: Error: - Login Page is not responding. The service might not have started on the port yet. Please check the service and use the retry button.
    instantiate file:
    source : G:\EBS\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz\etc\adxdbctx.tmp
    dest : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry.xml
    instantiate file:
    source : D:\oracle\VIS\db\tech_st\10.2.0\appsutil\VIS_jarry

  • How to up concurrent manager in R12 EBS installation in windows 2003 server

    I have installed R12 EBS on windows 2003 server. It was working fine for 2 days.
    Then suddenly when I submitted some concurrent program ,
    status was "No Manager" i.e. concurrent manager was down.
    I dont know how to restart/start concurrent manager .
    Any help will be greatly appreciated .

    Thanks hussein , where do I get application env file. I tried stoping cm from the services and then executed file CMCLEAN.sql and then restarted cm from services menu. However still I can't see cm running in application. I bounced the server also before restartingConfiguration and Environment Files
    Did you commit the changes after running cmclean.sql? If yes, please check the CM log file for any errors.

  • Does Oracle 10G R2 support installation on Windows 2003 Domain Controller?

    Does Oracle 10g R2 support installation on Windows 2003 Domain Controller? I remember that 10g R1 had issues with the DC? Is it still the case. Does it work now?
    Any help is appreciated.

    We have Oracle 10g R2 running on a Windows 2003 domain controller. It was not a domain controller when Oracle was installed. The domain was created after installation. (I don't recommend that procedure. I spent a long day fixing the installation after they configured the domain.) If Oracle is unhappy with being on a domain controller, it has not shown it yet.

  • Steps For Oracle10gR2  RAC installation on  windows 2003 enteprise edition

    can any one tell me what are the steps for oracle 10gR2 installation on windows 2003 enterprise edition. i would like to know two-node RAC setup with SAN

    Were you able you do the 11gr1 RAC installation on Windows 2008? I am struck with configuring Storage as onfigure Shared Storage windows does not show any disks. Also runcluvfy fails with below error.
    Check: System architecture
    Node Name Available Required Comment
    rac11 unknown 32-bit failed
    rac22 unknown 32-bit failed
    Result: System architecture check failed.
    Can anyone throw more light to resolve this issue.
    Note that i have successfully does this on Windows 2003.
    Any help will be highly appreciable.

  • Oracle 9i installation on Windows 2003 Cluster

    I Need any good documentation for Oracle 9i installation on Windows 2003 Cluster.

    Complete Guide is here

  • IDES 4.7 Installation under Windows 2003 Enterprise Server, Xeon 64 bit

    Dear all,
    we are just trying to install IDES 4.7:
    IDES 4.7 Installation under Windows 2003 Enterprise Server, Xeon 64 bit
    But the installation break with error Message:
    Error 5 (Access is denied.) in excution of a "NetServerGetInfo" function, line (233), with parameter (saptranshost, 101).
    MOS-01224 Failed to add privileges "NetcbPrivilege SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivile SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege to account ....." ....
    FJs-00012 Error when excuting script....
    Any experience or help from your side?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi. First login in your server with user "sid"adm after go to START --> RUN --> CMD
    adn execute "R3trans -d"  Tell what result .
    About documentation read -->
    in left corner chek your release like :
    "SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70 / Ext. Set 2.00 (SR1)"
    After read the document for your release, for example if you use the Oracle on WIn and R/3 Enterprise 4.7 x 2.00 SR1 -->
    Inst. Guide - R/3 Enterprise 4.7 x 2.00 SR1 on Win: Oracle 
    Edited by: Sergo Beradze on Mar 21, 2008 10:55 AM

  • Fresh VIS installation on windows 2003 does'nt contain Apache service R12

    All the post installation checks were completed. But i cannot get the login page. When looked into services i found Apache service is missing. Does it mean the installation failed.
    Appl. R12.1.1
    O/S: windows 2003

    When looked into services i found Apache service is missing. Does it mean the installation failed.Most probably yes. However, please review the installation log files for details about the error and post it here.

  • Space Problem in G: - after NW2004s SR1 installation on Windows 2003 server

    HI Friends,
    I have installed NW2004s SR1 on Windows 2003 server with Oracle 10g database successfully. My server has sufficient harddisk space as follows.
    C: 9.6GB
    G: 24GB
    H:64GB & I: 73GB.
    RAM is 6GB
    While installing NW2004s i have defined a paging size on C: 400MB-1600MB and
    i have set the option as System Manageble on other drives G, H& I drives. I did not get any Swap space problem while installing.
    During installation I have chosen G: drive to store MirrorlogA, MirrorlogB, Oraarch, OriglogA, OriglogB folders of Oracle for redolog archives,.Total size of all these folders is 17.4 GB
    G: drive has one more folder Program files which is of 155KB  and no other files exist in it.
    But My system says that I am running out of Space on G: drive and free space available now is only 44MB.
    My question is where has the rest 5GB of space gone? Is it consumed as a part of Paging file which i have set on this drive as System manageble??
    I have set the same option on other drives too i..e H & I. But i am not facing any space issues for these drives.
    What could be going wrong?? Please suggest me how to correct this

    898118 wrote:
    Hi All,
    I am trying to face some problem to install oracle 10g database on windows 2003 server with service pack 2. Once I start to installation it give me an error "Error in writing to directory 'c:\documents and settings\administrator\local settings\temp\orainstall2004xxx'. Please ensure that this directory is writable and has at least 45MB of disk space. Installation cannot continue"
    I double-insured that there is enough disk-space and I am also in the Administrators-Group.
    Please guide me for the above problem although I have done oracle 9i database installation with the same configuration.
    Muhammad ShoaibOracle really doesn't like to be installed into directories with spaces in their names.

  • Netweaver 2004S installation on Windows 2003 server : Oracle 10g Problem

    Hi Friends,
    I am installing the SAP Netweaver 2004s on a server which has Windows 2003 server Operating system  on it.
    It has got 6GB RAM  and  has, 5gb of free space in C drive, H: drive has 70 gb and I: drive has 50 GB of free space in it.
    I am running  Pre_requiste checker tool to check my hardware & software requirements in order to go ahead with installation, as a part of SAPInst.exe execution.
    The results of Prerequisite checker tool are satisfied  except for one  " SWAP SPACE VALUES"
    I am getting the message as follows
    "The Minimum SWAP SPACE values required is 10994MB and currently you have 5993MB"
    How to increase this SWAP space value? Please let me know the procedure.
    Currently my server has a paging file details as below : Min size : 2MB & Max size : 9214MB allocated on C: drive. No other drive has paging file allocation.
    What effect will I have if i proceed without meeting this requirement??
    Suitable answers will be rewarded.

    OPen windows explorer and right click my computer
    Select Properties
    Click Advanced Tab
    Click Settings (performance)
    Select Advanced Tab
    In virtual memory - click change.
    Increase swap space/page file here.

  • Problem Oracle 10g database Installation on Windows 2003 Server

    Hi All,
    I am trying to face some problem to install oracle 10g database on windows 2003 server with service pack 2. Once I start to installation it give me an error "Error in writing to directory 'c:\documents and settings\administrator\local settings\temp\orainstall2004xxx'. Please ensure that this directory is writable and has at least 45MB of disk space. Installation cannot continue"
    I double-insured that there is enough disk-space and I am also in the Administrators-Group.
    Please guide me for the above problem although I have done oracle 9i database installation with the same configuration.
    Muhammad Shoaib

    898118 wrote:
    Hi All,
    I am trying to face some problem to install oracle 10g database on windows 2003 server with service pack 2. Once I start to installation it give me an error "Error in writing to directory 'c:\documents and settings\administrator\local settings\temp\orainstall2004xxx'. Please ensure that this directory is writable and has at least 45MB of disk space. Installation cannot continue"
    I double-insured that there is enough disk-space and I am also in the Administrators-Group.
    Please guide me for the above problem although I have done oracle 9i database installation with the same configuration.
    Muhammad ShoaibOracle really doesn't like to be installed into directories with spaces in their names.

  • Error while running setup.exe for oracle installation on windows 2003

    I am trying to install oracle on my windows 2003 machine and when i click on setup.exe nothing happens. when i tried to run it thru command prompt again nothing happens when i check in computer management => event views it throws following error.
    The application, C:\DOCUME~1\barb\Local Settings\Temp\1\OraInstall2006-08-11_05-19-46AM\jre\bin\javaw.exe, generated an application error The error occurred on 08/11/2006 @ 05:19:56.356 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 6D4CF9A0 (jvm!JVM_TraceMethodCalls)
    can anybody suggest me what could be the problem or i will have to install jvm first and then try installing oracle?

    did you check the installation guide and Preinstallation Requirements?

  • Installation on windows 2003 server  Cygwin Software.

    I used Cygwin instead of Mks tool kit in apps 11i( on windows 2003 server. Installation is completed succefully. I am able to open the forms without error. But while patching I am facing problem. for testing the Cygwin implementation I tried to relink FND programs. I got the error the error message is as follows.
    set EnvAdrelink:Error:Cannot Open registry key: \SOFTWARE\ORACLE
    aiosp2() Error: failure in usdspn()
    contents of error buffer are:
    "usdsop cannot create a new process
    cause: usdsop encountered an error creating a new process. [Reason].
    Can anybody help me the process.
    Edited by: chennus on May 28, 2012 2:01 PM

    Hi Saawan,
    Now I format the system and Installed fresh application 11i( on windows 2003 EE.Now I select the prerequest software as visualstudio 2008 Express Edition and VC++6.0 redistributable package x86 (Doc ID 1095124.1), Mks toolkit I used 8.1 version and Gnumake I used 3.78.1(Doc ID 268776.1). The Installation is completed Successfully. The application is working fine. While i want to test the adrelink using adadmin I got the following error. adrelink is completed with status 1 and it is completely exit ( Not finished the script and come to command prompt) Here i am enclosing the adrelink log file.
    You are running adrelink, version 115.14.11586.3
    Start of adrelink session
    Date/time is Tue May 29 16:55:24 IST 2012
    Log file is E:/oracle/prodappl/admin/PROD/log/adrelink.log
    Command line arguments are
    "force=n" "ranlib=y" "link_debug=n" "filelist=E:/oracle/prodappl/admin/PROD/out/alkfnd000.txt"
    Operating System Information (output of 'uname -a'):
    Windows_NT TEST 5 02 586
    Backup Mode is "file"
    Removing Application products' bin directories from PATH ...
    Done removing Application products' bin directories from PATH
    Removing $FND_TOP/$APPLBIN from PATH ...
    Done removing $FND_TOP/$APPLBIN from PATH
    ORACLE RDBMS Version
    Oracle Reports Version 6.0
    Oracle Applications Release 11
    Current product is AD
    LADLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ad/11.5.0/lib/adst.lib
    LADSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ad/11.5.0/lib/adst.lib
    Current product is ALR
    LALRLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/alr/11.5.0/lib/alrst.lib
    LALRSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/alr/11.5.0/lib/alrst.lib
    LALR115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/alr/11.5.0/lib/ALR115W.lib
    Current product is AP
    LAPLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ap/11.5.0/lib/AP.lib
    LAPSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ap/11.5.0/lib/apst.lib
    Current product is AR
    LARLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ar/11.5.0/lib/AR.lib
    LARSRW is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ar/11.5.0/lib/xirar.obj $(LARLIB)
    LARSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ar/11.5.0/lib/arst.lib
    Current product is AS
    LASLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/as/11.5.0/lib/asst.lib
    LASSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/as/11.5.0/lib/asst.lib
    LAS115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/as/11.5.0/lib/AS115W.lib
    Current product is AX
    LAXLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ax/11.5.0/lib/axst.lib
    LAXSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ax/11.5.0/lib/axst.lib
    Current product is BOM
    LBOMLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/bom/11.5.0/lib/BOM.lib
    LBOMSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/bom/11.5.0/lib/bomst.lib
    Current product is CRP
    LCRPLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/crp/11.5.0/lib/CRP.lib
    LCRPSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/crp/11.5.0/lib/crpst.lib
    Current product is CUA
    LCUALIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/cua/11.5.0/lib/cuast.lib
    LCUASTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/cua/11.5.0/lib/cuast.lib
    Current product is CZ
    LCZLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/cz/11.5.0/lib/czst.lib
    LCZSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/cz/11.5.0/lib/czst.lib
    Current product is DT
    LDTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/dt/11.5.0/lib/dtst.lib
    LDTSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/dt/11.5.0/lib/dtst.lib
    LDT115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/dt/11.5.0/lib/DT115W.lib
    Current product is ENG
    LENGLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/eng/11.5.0/lib/ENG.lib
    LENGSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/eng/11.5.0/lib/engst.lib
    LENG115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/eng/11.5.0/lib/ENG115W.lib
    Current product is FA
    LFALIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/fa/11.5.0/lib/fast.lib
    LFASRW is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/fa/11.5.0/lib/xirfa.obj $(LFALIB)
    LFASTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/fa/11.5.0/lib/fast.lib
    LFA115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/fa/11.5.0/lib/FA115W.lib
    Current product is FEM
    adrelink: Warning: not setting LFEMLIB
    since E:/oracle/prodappl/fem/11.5.0/lib/femst.lib does not exist
    or cannot be read.
    adrelink: Warning: not setting LFEMSTLIB
    since E:/oracle/prodappl/fem/11.5.0/lib/femst.lib does not exist
    or cannot be read.
    Current product is FF
    LFFLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ff/11.5.0/lib/FF.lib
    LFFSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ff/11.5.0/lib/ffst.lib
    LFF115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/ff/11.5.0/lib/FF115W.lib
    Current product is FND
    LFNDLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/lib/FNDCORE.lib
    LFNDSRW is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/lib/xirfnd.obj $(LFNDLIB)
    LFNDSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/lib/fndst.lib
    LFND115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/lib/FND115W.lib
    LFNDCORELIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/lib/FNDCORE.lib
    LFNDXITLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/lib/FNDXIT.lib
    LAPPR60UELIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/lib/APPR60UE.lib
    Current product is GL
    LGLLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gl/11.5.0/lib/GL.lib
    LGLSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gl/11.5.0/lib/glst.lib
    LGL115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gl/11.5.0/lib/GL115W.lib
    Current product is GMA
    LGMALIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gma/11.5.0/lib/gmast.lib
    LGMASTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gma/11.5.0/lib/gmast.lib
    LOPM115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gma/11.5.0/lib/OPM115W.lib
    Current product is GMD
    LGMDLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gmd/11.5.0/lib/gmdst.lib
    LGMDSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gmd/11.5.0/lib/gmdst.lib
    Current product is GME
    LGMELIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gme/11.5.0/lib/gmest.lib
    LGMESTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gme/11.5.0/lib/gmest.lib
    Current product is GMF
    LGMFLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gmf/11.5.0/lib/gmfst.lib
    LGMFSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gmf/11.5.0/lib/gmfst.lib
    Current product is GMI
    LGMILIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gmi/11.5.0/lib/gmist.lib
    LGMISTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gmi/11.5.0/lib/gmist.lib
    Current product is GML
    LGMLLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gml/11.5.0/lib/gmlst.lib
    LGMLSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gml/11.5.0/lib/gmlst.lib
    Current product is GMP
    LGMPLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gmp/11.5.0/lib/gmpst.lib
    LGMPSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/gmp/11.5.0/lib/gmpst.lib
    Current product is IBY
    LIBYLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/iby/11.5.0/lib/ibyst.lib
    LIBYSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/iby/11.5.0/lib/ibyst.lib
    Current product is INV
    LINVLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/inv/11.5.0/lib/INV.lib
    LINVSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/inv/11.5.0/lib/invst.lib
    LINV115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/inv/11.5.0/lib/INV115W.lib
    Current product is MRP
    LMRPLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/mrp/11.5.0/lib/MRP.lib
    LMRPSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/mrp/11.5.0/lib/mrpst.lib
    Current product is MSC
    LMSCLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/msc/11.5.0/lib/mscst.lib
    LMSCSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/msc/11.5.0/lib/mscst.lib
    Current product is MSO
    LMSOLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/mso/11.5.0/lib/msost.lib
    LMSOSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/mso/11.5.0/lib/msost.lib
    Current product is MSR
    LMSRLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/msr/11.5.0/lib/msrst.lib
    LMSRSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/msr/11.5.0/lib/msrst.lib
    Current product is MST
    LMSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/mst/11.5.0/lib/mstst.lib
    LMSTSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/mst/11.5.0/lib/mstst.lib
    Current product is MWA
    LMWALIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/mwa/11.5.0/lib/mwast.lib
    LMWASTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/mwa/11.5.0/lib/mwast.lib
    Current product is PA
    LPALIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/pa/11.5.0/lib/past.lib
    LPASTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/pa/11.5.0/lib/past.lib
    Current product is PAY
    LPAYLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/pay/11.5.0/lib/payst.lib
    LPAYSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/pay/11.5.0/lib/payst.lib
    LPAY115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/pay/11.5.0/lib/PAY115W.lib
    Current product is PO
    LPOLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/po/11.5.0/lib/PO.lib
    LPOSRW is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/po/11.5.0/lib/xirpo.obj $(LPOLIB)
    LPOSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/po/11.5.0/lib/post.lib
    LPO115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/po/11.5.0/lib/PO115W.lib
    Current product is PON
    adrelink: Warning: not setting LPONLIB
    since E:/oracle/prodappl/pon/11.5.0/lib/ponst.lib does not exist
    or cannot be read.
    adrelink: Warning: not setting LPONSTLIB
    since E:/oracle/prodappl/pon/11.5.0/lib/ponst.lib does not exist
    or cannot be read.
    Current product is RG
    LRGLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/rg/11.5.0/lib/rgst.lib
    LRGSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/rg/11.5.0/lib/rgst.lib
    Current product is WIP
    LWIPLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/wip/11.5.0/lib/WIP.lib
    LWIPSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/wip/11.5.0/lib/wipst.lib
    LWIP115WLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/wip/11.5.0/lib/WIP115W.lib
    Current product is WPS
    LWPSLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/wps/11.5.0/lib/wpsst.lib
    LWPSSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/wps/11.5.0/lib/wpsst.lib
    Current product is WSM
    LWSMLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/wsm/11.5.0/lib/wsmst.lib
    LWSMSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/wsm/11.5.0/lib/wsmst.lib
    Current product is XDP
    LXDPLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/xdp/11.5.0/lib/xdpst.lib
    LXDPSTLIB is set to E:/oracle/prodappl/xdp/11.5.0/lib/xdpst.lib
    LUSRLIB is
    Not linking Oracle Applications with any Oracle mail product
    LALRSTUB is now set to E:/oracle/prodappl/alr/11.5.0/lib/alstub.obj
    MAILLNK is now set to E:/oracle/prodappl/alr/11.5.0/lib/alstub.obj
    Creating prefix makefiles ...
    Done creating prefix makefiles
    The file E:/oracle/prodappl/admin/PROD/out/alkfnd000.txt contains:
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\ADCONV.exe     fnd     bin     ADCONV.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\AFTBLGEN.exe     fnd     bin     AFTBLGEN.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\APPR60UE.dll     fnd     bin     APPR60UE.dll
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\ar60rund.exe     fnd     bin     ar60rund.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\CCMSETUP.exe     fnd     bin     CCMSETUP.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\CCMSVC.exe     fnd     bin     CCMSVC.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\CMDCART.dll     fnd     bin     CMDCART.dll
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\CONCSUB.exe     fnd     bin     CONCSUB.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\fdfcmp.exe     fnd     bin     fdfcmp.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FDULONG.exe     fnd     bin     FDULONG.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\flint60.exe     fnd     bin     flint60.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FND115W.dll     fnd     bin     FND115W.dll
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDAQCT.exe     fnd     bin     FNDAQCT.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDATUPD.exe     fnd     bin     FNDATUPD.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDCORE.dll     fnd     bin     FNDCORE.dll
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDCPASS.exe     fnd     bin     FNDCPASS.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\fndcpesr.exe     fnd     bin     fndcpesr.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDCPGLC.exe     fnd     bin     FNDCPGLC.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDCPPUR.exe     fnd     bin     FNDCPPUR.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDCPRRF.exe     fnd     bin     FNDCPRRF.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDCPSPN.exe     fnd     bin     FNDCPSPN.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDCPTST.exe     fnd     bin     FNDCPTST.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDCPUCF.exe     fnd     bin     FNDCPUCF.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDCRM.exe     fnd     bin     FNDCRM.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDDWPUR.exe     fnd     bin     FNDDWPUR.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDEMON.exe     fnd     bin     FNDEMON.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDFBPLS.exe     fnd     bin     FNDFBPLS.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDFBUPG.exe     fnd     bin     FNDFBUPG.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDFFCHY.exe     fnd     bin     FNDFFCHY.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDFFRXR.exe     fnd     bin     FNDFFRXR.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDFFUPG.exe     fnd     bin     FNDFFUPG.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDFFVGN.exe     fnd     bin     FNDFFVGN.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDFS.exe     fnd     bin     FNDFS.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDGFH.exe     fnd     bin     FNDGFH.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDGFU.exe     fnd     bin     FNDGFU.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDIMON.exe     fnd     bin     FNDIMON.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDLIBR.exe     fnd     bin     FNDLIBR.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDLOAD.exe     fnd     bin     FNDLOAD.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDLOADSO.exe     fnd     bin     FNDLOADSO.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDMDCVT.exe     fnd     bin     FNDMDCVT.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDMDGEN.exe     fnd     bin     FNDMDGEN.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDPRESC.exe     fnd     bin     FNDPRESC.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDPSTAX.exe     fnd     bin     FNDPSTAX.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDRCLC.exe     fnd     bin     FNDRCLC.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDRCLS.exe     fnd     bin     FNDRCLS.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDRTR45.exe     fnd     bin     FNDRTR45.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDSCH.exe     fnd     bin     FNDSCH.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDSLOAD.exe     fnd     bin     FNDSLOAD.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDSM.exe     fnd     bin     FNDSM.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDSVCRG.exe     fnd     bin     FNDSVCRG.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDTMTST.exe     fnd     bin     FNDTMTST.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDWRR.exe     fnd     bin     FNDWRR.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\FNDXIT.dll     fnd     bin     FNDXIT.dll
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\OAMKSVC.exe     fnd     bin     OAMKSVC.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\WFLOAD.exe     fnd     bin     WFLOAD.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\WFMAIL.exe     fnd     bin     WFMAIL.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\WFMLRGSM.exe     fnd     bin     WFMLRGSM.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\WFMLRXFR.exe     fnd     bin     WFMLRXFR.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\WFRESGEN.exe     fnd     bin     WFRESGEN.exe
    E:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\bin\WFTEST.exe     fnd     bin     WFTEST.exe
    Creating import libraries for FND
    Creating import library APPR60UE.lib on Tue May 29 16:57:01 IST 2012
    [1] + Done(134) ?
    4008     Abort     gnumake
    Creating import library APPR60UE.lib failed on Tue May 29 16:57:01 IST 2012
    See error messages above
    Creating import library CMDCART.lib on Tue May 29 16:57:02 IST 2012
    [1] + Done(134) ?
    3968     Abort     gnumake
    Creating import library CMDCART.lib failed on Tue May 29 16:57:02 IST 2012
    See error messages above
    Creating import library FND115W.lib on Tue May 29 16:57:03 IST 2012
    [1] + Done(134) ?
    5076     Abort     gnumake
    Creating import library FND115W.lib failed on Tue May 29 16:57:03 IST 2012
    See error messages above
    Creating import library FNDCORE.lib on Tue May 29 16:57:04 IST 2012
    [1] + Done(134) ?
    2904     Abort     gnumake
    Creating import library FNDCORE.lib failed on Tue May 29 16:57:04 IST 2012
    See error messages above
    Creating import library FNDXIT.lib on Tue May 29 16:57:05 IST 2012
    [1] + Done(134) ?
    5440     Abort     gnumake
    Creating import library FNDXIT.lib failed on Tue May 29 16:57:05 IST 2012
    See error messages above
    Starting link of product 'fnd' on Tue May 29 16:57:06 IST 2012
    Current product is fnd
    Current product TOP is  $FNDTOP
    Current prodarea is E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0
    Relinking module 'ADCONV.exe' in product fnd ...
    gnumake -f E:/oracle/prodappl/admin/PROD/out/link_fnd_6076.mk E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/ADCONV.exe
    Starting link of fnd executable 'ADCONV.exe' on Tue May 29 16:57:14 IST 2012
    [1] + Done(134) ?
    2700     Abort     gnumake
    Done with link of fnd executable 'ADCONV.exe' on Tue May 29 16:57:14 IST 2012
    Relink of module "ADCONV.exe" failed.
    See error messages above (also recorded in log file) for possible
    reasons for the failure. Also, please check that the Unix userid
    running adrelink has read, write, and execute permissions
    on the directory E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin,
    and that there is sufficient space remaining on the disk partition
    containing your Oracle Applications installation.
    Relinking module 'AFTBLGEN.exe' in product fnd ...
    gnumake -f E:/oracle/prodappl/admin/PROD/out/link_fnd_6076.mk E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/AFTBLGEN.exe
    Starting link of fnd executable 'AFTBLGEN.exe' on Tue May 29 16:57:15 IST 2012
    [1] + Done(134) ?
    4612     Abort     gnumake
    Done with link of fnd executable 'AFTBLGEN.exe' on Tue May 29 16:57:15 IST 2012
    Relink of module "AFTBLGEN.exe" failed.
    See error messages above (also recorded in log file) for possible
    reasons for the failure. Also, please check that the Unix userid
    running adrelink has read, write, and execute permissions
    on the directory E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin,
    and that there is sufficient space remaining on the disk partition
    containing your Oracle Applications installation.
    Relinking module 'APPR60UE.dll' in product fnd ...
    creating the temp directory
    mkdir temp
    changing permissions for the temp directory
    chmod 777 temp
    Getting the object file names for this APPR60UE.dll
    gnumake -f E:/oracle/prodappl/admin/PROD/out/link_fnd_6076.mk appr60ue.LIST
    Extracting objects from the library
    ar -xv -F coff E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/lib/fndst.lib
    x - fdfffu.obj
    x - fdffile.obj
    x - fdffld.obj
    x - fdffvs.obj
    x - fdfgcx.obj
    x - fdfgli.obj
    x - fdfkba.obj
    x - fdfkbe.obj
    x - fdfkbp.obj
    x - fdfkbr.obj
    x - fdfkbt.obj
    x - fdfkds.obj
    x - fdfkfu.obj
    x - fdfkfu2.obj
    x - fdfksr.obj
    x - fdfkva.obj
    x - fdflist.obj
    x - fdflop.obj
    x - fdfobj.obj
    x - fdfrfu.obj
    x - fdfsdf.obj
    x - fdfsrw.obj
    x - fdfstr.obj
    x - fdftdu.obj
    x - fdfupu.obj
    x - afdcpm.obj
    x - afdfrm.obj
    x - afdgfn.obj
    x - afdict.obj
    x - afdsil.obj
    x - afdsrw.obj
    x - afdtmp.obj
    x - afdwin.obj
    x - afpatn.obj
    x - afpcmn.obj
    x - afpcra.obj
    x - afpcsq.obj
    x - afpdon.obj
    x - afpeim.obj
    x - afpejp.obj
    x - afperq.obj
    x - afpgmg.obj
    x - afpi.obj
    x - afpiml.obj
    x - afplog.obj
    x - afpo.obj
    x - afppcp.obj
    x - afppqs.obj
    x - afpprc.obj
    x - afpprn.obj
    x - fdssgn.obj
    x - fdssoa.obj
    x - fdugci.obj
    x - fdusql.obj
    x - fdxidk.obj
    x - fdxml.obj
    x - fdxsqk.obj
    x - fdxver.obj
    x - fpep.obj
    x - usdsim.obj
    x - wfcore.obj
    x - wfdes.obj
    x - wfldr.obj
    x - wfldrf.obj
    x - wfmlr.obj
    x - wfmsiic.obj
    x - wfmutil.obj
    x - wfntf.obj
    x - wfomgul.obj
    x - wfrsp.obj
    x - afpfs.obj
    x - afpfsv.obj
    x - afpgrq.obj
    x - afpperl.obj
    x - afppir.obj
    x - afpprr.obj
    x - afprul.obj
    x - afpsm.obj
    x - afpsmf.obj
    x - afptmttp.obj
    x - afpucf.obj
    x - affile.obj
    x - fdllov.obj
    x - fdpevt.obj
    x - fdpvwr.obj
    x - fdsecp.obj
    x - wfext.obj
    x - wffile.obj
    x - wfidx.obj
    x - afmem.obj
    x - afpcmt.obj
    x - afpgri.obj
    x - afpoval.obj
    x - ccmrkey.obj
    x - fdugwi.obj
    x - fdxwho.obj
    x - afslov.obj
    x - ccmmndlg.obj
    x - afixlh.obj
    x - afixpic.obj
    x - afixpmuu.obj
    x - fdpemon.obj
    x - afpgsr.obj
    x - fdipth.obj
    x - fdpibm.obj
    x - fdpldr.obj
    x - fdpstp.obj
    x - fdpurq.obj
    x - ccmppsht.obj
    x - ccmsetup.obj
    x - afdacc.obj
    x - afpbwv.obj
    x - afpcc.obj
    x - afpflx.obj
    x - afpcbidi.obj
    x - stdafx.obj
    x - afwsys.obj
    x - afwpal.obj
    x - afwind.obj
    x - afwgeo.obj
    x - afwevt.obj
    x - afwdev.obj
    x - afvpa.obj
    x - afvca.obj
    x - afvbt.obj
    x - fduxit.obj
    x - fduuid.obj
    x - fdutkn.obj
    x - fduopr.obj
    x - fduli.obj
    x - fdugii.obj
    x - fducsq.obj
    x - fdndbc.obj
    x - fdfile.obj
    x - fdarux.obj
    x - afuddl.obj
    x - xitdwp.obj
    x - xitdus.obj
    x - xitdsp.obj
    x - xitdsa.obj
    x - xitdrg.obj
    x - xitdra.obj
    x - xitdpy.obj
    x - xitdpr.obj
    x - xitdpo.obj
    x - xitdpa.obj
    x - xitdoe.obj
    x - xitdmp.obj
    x - xitdmf.obj
    x - xitdin.obj
    x - xitdgmz.obj
    x - xitdgms.obj
    x - xitdgmr.obj
    x - xitdgmp.obj
    x - xitdgmo.obj
    x - xitdgml.obj
    x - xitdgmi.obj
    x - xitdgme.obj
    x - xitdgmd.obj
    x - xitdgma.obj
    x - xitdgl.obj
    x - xitdff.obj
    x - xitdfa.obj
    x - xitden.obj
    x - xitddt.obj
    x - xitdcs.obj
    x - xitdcp.obj
    x - xitdbm.obj
    x - xitdax.obj
    x - xitdas.obj
    x - xitdar.obj
    x - xitdap.obj
    x - xitdal.obj
    x - alroms.obj
    x - xirnop.obj
    x - fdxsqr.obj
    x - fdxnls.obj
    x - fdxidr.obj
    x - fdxext.obj
    x - fdxdcf.obj
    x - fdxcls.obj
    x - fdsxit.obj
    x - fdsgtk.obj
    x - fdsarg.obj
    x - afpvpc.obj
    x - afptmc.obj
    x - fdxwrk.obj
    x - fdxutl.obj
    x - fdxuar.obj
    x - fdxtrc.obj
    x - fdxtmr.obj
    x - fdxsql.obj
    x - fdxsqf.obj
    x - fdxqus.obj
    x - fdxpst.obj
    x - fdxprf.obj
    x - fdxpii.obj
    x - fdxmc.obj
    x - fdxlcs.obj
    x - fdxkmd.obj
    x - fdxgvl.obj
    x - fdxfil.obj
    x - fdxdsp.obj
    x - fdxdat.obj
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    x - fdsctl.obj
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    x - fpe.obj
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    x - fdpsbm.obj
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    x - fdprhl.obj
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    x - fdpimp.obj
    x - fdphbe.obj
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    x - fdperi.obj
    x - fdpdf.obj
    x - fdpdbg.obj
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    x - fdpcrc.obj
    x - fdpccr.obj
    x - fdpbq.obj
    x - fdpblf.obj
    x - fdowln.obj
    x - fdomsg.obj
    x - afuepp.obj
    x - afpufe.obj
    x - afptstp.obj
    x - afptmi.obj
    x - afprun.obj
    x - afpops.obj
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    x - afpgip.obj
    x - afpdpo.obj
    x - afpdbg.obj
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    x - afpcat.obj
    x - afe.obj
    x - usdxit.obj
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    x - usdtec.obj
    x - usdstub.obj
    x - usdpar.obj
    x - usdos2.obj
    x - usdoaut.obj
    x - usdmpe.obj
    x - usdmac.obj
    x - usdhtml.obj
    x - usdgpa.obj
    x - usdfmv.obj
    x - usdccf.obj
    x - spnvms.obj
    x - spnos2.obj
    x - spnmpe.obj
    x - spnmac.obj
    x - spndos.obj
    x - gmalloc.obj
    x - aftimr.obj
    x - afhtmhlp.obj
    x - fdumod.obj
    x - fduhex.obj
    x - fdueds.obj
    x - fdnwsc.obj
    x - afutim.obj
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    x - afusc.obj
    x - afulzw.obj
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    x - fdndcf.obj
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    x - fdxefv.obj
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    x - usdnt.obj
    x - fdugpi.obj
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    x - wfresg.obj
    x - cregkey.obj
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    x - ccmsssvc.obj
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    x - wfomgucn.obj
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    x - afpesa.obj
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    x - afpdwpur.obj
    x - afpcal.obj
    x - aflog.obj
    x - afixupgn.obj
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    x - afixfsb.obj
    x - affntlst.obj
    x - afenv.obj
    x - afcs2uni.obj
    x - fddxit.obj
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    x - fdatat.obj
    x - fdastr.obj
    x - fdacv.obj
    x - ccmupi.obj
    x - ccmsup.obj
    x - ccmoptpg.obj
    x - afugai.obj
    x - afsxss.obj
    x - afshape.obj
    x - afscp.obj
    x - fdpwrt.obj
    x - fdpperl.obj
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    x - fdparg.obj
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    x - fdmenu.obj
    x - fdidrv.obj
    x - fdspwd.obj
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    x - fdfdvu.obj
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    x - fdfdfu.obj
    x - fdfdds.obj
    x - fdfdbg.obj
    x - fdfcom.obj
    x - fdfchy.obj
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    x - fdfbpl.obj
    x - fdfapi.obj
    x - ccmsvcpg.obj
    x - afwlib.obj
    x - afupi.obj
    x - afubtree.obj
    x - afsys.obj
    x - afspc.obj
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    x - afpsmc.obj
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    x - afpsec.obj
    x - afppur.obj
    x - afpprq.obj
    x - usdspid.obj
    x - spnunx.obj
    x - spnnt.obj
    x - fdsrsp.obj
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    x - fdprrc.obj
    x - fdprmo.obj
    x - fdprep.obj
    x - fdpprn.obj
    x - fdplbr.obj
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    x - fdisqf.obj
    x - fdfwtk.obj
    x - fdfwrt.obj
    x - fdfwmsg.obj
    x - fdfwin.obj
    x - fdfwfld.obj
    x - fdfweb.obj
    x - fdfvsu.obj
    x - fdfvgn.obj
    x - fdfval.obj
    x - fdfutl.obj
    Creating temporary function list, if required.
    gnumake -f E:/oracle/prodappl/admin/PROD/out/link_fnd_6076.mk E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/APPR60UE.dll
    Starting link of fnd executable 'APPR60UE.dll' on Tue May 29 16:57:16 IST 2012
    [1] + Done(134) ?
    4804     Abort     gnumake
    Done with link of fnd executable 'APPR60UE.dll' on Tue May 29 16:57:16 IST 2012
    Relink of module "APPR60UE.dll" failed.
    See error messages above (also recorded in log file) for possible
    reasons for the failure. Also, please check that the Unix userid
    running adrelink has read, write, and execute permissions
    on the directory E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin,
    and that there is sufficient space remaining on the disk partition
    containing your Oracle Applications installation.
    Relinking module 'CCMSETUP.exe' in product fnd ...
    gnumake -f E:/oracle/prodappl/admin/PROD/out/link_fnd_6076.mk E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/CCMSETUP.exe
    Starting link of fnd executable 'CCMSETUP.exe' on Tue May 29 16:57:17 IST 2012
    [1] + Done(134) ?
    4792     Abort     gnumake
    Done with link of fnd executable 'CCMSETUP.exe' on Tue May 29 16:57:17 IST 2012
    Relink of module "CCMSETUP.exe" failed.
    See error messages above (also recorded in log file) for possible
    reasons for the failure. Also, please check that the Unix userid
    running adrelink has read, write, and execute permissions
    on the directory E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin,
    and that there is sufficient space remaining on the disk partition
    containing your Oracle Applications installation.
    Relinking module 'CCMSVC.exe' in product fnd ...
    gnumake -f E:/oracle/prodappl/admin/PROD/out/link_fnd_6076.mk E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/CCMSVC.exe
    Starting link of fnd executable 'CCMSVC.exe' on Tue May 29 16:57:17 IST 2012
    [1] + Done(134) ?
    3556     Abort     gnumake
    Done with link of fnd executable 'CCMSVC.exe' on Tue May 29 16:57:17 IST 2012
    Relink of module "CCMSVC.exe" failed.
    See error messages above (also recorded in log file) for possible
    reasons for the failure. Also, please check that the Unix userid
    running adrelink has read, write, and execute permissions
    on the directory E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin,
    and that there is sufficient space remaining on the disk partition
    containing your Oracle Applications installation.
    Relinking module 'CMDCART.dll' in product fnd ...
    Removing any existing temp directory
    rm -rf temp
    rm: cannot remove directory "temp": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
    E:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/lib/temp directory exists and
    cannot be cleaned up. Please remove this directory
    and restart the process.
    adrelink is exiting with status 1
    End of adrelink session
    Date/time is Tue May 29 16:57:18 IST 2012

  • Oracle 9i Installation on Windows 2003 Server 64bit - URGENT

    Hi ,
    I am installing oracle 9i on win 2003 server (64 bit) enterprise edition. After the installation whenever I try to run Database Configuration Assistant or Net configuration assistant nothing happens.
    If i run DBCA on command line then it runs but not from the Start menu. Can anyone suggest the solution ? I tested it with oracle 9i (32 bit) and (64bit) versoins for win2003 server platform. But same results. Also tried the oracle 32 bit for XP on windows 2003 server but in vain.
    It seems like there is PATH problem but i checked all the paths and they seem preety okay. I wonder why it runs from the command line when I recall dbca.bat file and not from the Oracle menu.
    I would appreciate any remedy to this problem

    I hate to be a wet blanket, but this forum is for feedback about the OTN site. The best place for your current thread is in the Database Installation:
    Database Installation

  • XMII installation on Windows 2003 Server ( 64- Bit)

    Can we install xMII 11.5 SR01 on Win 2003 server ( 64 -Bit ) ??? When i am trying to download xMII software from SAP market place , under xMII downloads
    -> i can see only win32 link.

    Did you try installation? I think that hasn't problem. The Windows 2003 Server has the full compabillity with x86 (32 bits) softwares.
    Post here your issues, I will try to help you. I'm very interested in this results.
    Vinicius Martins

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