Random failure starting new board

I have just bought an MSI K8T board with Athlon64 and 512MB RAM as a package deal, to replace my Piii/600, Abit-BH6 rig which went belly up. After assembly I discovered that my PSU didn't have the JPW 12V connector for the PSU, so I hustled out and bought a new one.
Now I get start-up problems. I've stripped right back to the following:
mobo, cpu, ram, video. I've connected front panel LEDs & switches, keyboard, monitor, PSU & d-bracket.
When I boot I get a whole range of failures. Out of ten attempts I get...
7 at processor init
1 at early chipset init
1 at the AMI BIOS System Configuration Screen display
1 at faiing to boot of network (which actually had all four green LEDs on the d-bracket! woo-hoo.
Once I had it try to boot off floppy when the drive was connected.
Any suggestions..? It's driving me mad actually!
Spec of what i'm using ought to be right here on my sig....

Having computer problems and frustrations do that to us all .
Just think you get some replys faster there than here..
Good luck

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    Any idea what the cause is?


    Hi All,
    i'm call a function module through
    CALL FUNCTION 'Y_WIN'  DESTINATION 'rfc_destination' then it's give right result but when i want to call with starting new task then
    it does nt provide me any data. i have check in debugger call fm is wkging fine so pls clear me why i'm nt geeting result.
    pls give ur suggestions,

    Did you use the PERFORMING <form> ON END OF TASK to get the results back; like in the following sample
                   STARTING NEW TASK taskname
                   DESTINATION list-name
                   PERFORMING read_outtab ON END OF TASK
                        read_start_date   = s_date
                        read_start_time   = '000000'
                        read_end_date     = s_date
                        read_end_time     = '235959'
                   EXCEPTIONS " failure when calling RFC
                        communication_failure = 1 MESSAGE msg_text
                        system_failure        = 2 MESSAGE msg_text
                        RESOURCE_FAILURE      = 3.
    FORM read_outtab USING taskname.
    * Receive results back
          v2_normal_records = outtab
        EXCEPTIONS " from the called FM
          nodata    = 1.

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    [ALL  ]                    ^
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    [ALL  ]   unsigned char data[ENV_SIZE]; /* Environment data  */
    [ALL  ]                      ^
    [ERROR] make[4]: *** [lib/asm-offsets.s] Error 1
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    [ERROR] make[2]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
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    [ALL  ] make: Leaving directory `/home/robert/Superior/build/linux'
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    It now works fine after changing my platform-top.h to:
    #include <configs/platform-auto.h>
    /* Total Size of Environment Sector */
    #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE                 (128 << 10)
    # ifndef CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET
    #  define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET             0xE0000
    # endif

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    Pls help

    Hi  Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 and Elements 12
    Den 30/11/2014 kl. 20.25 skrev John Waller <[email protected]>:
    Reinstalling Lightroom after harddisk failure and new harddisk
    created by John Waller <https://forums.adobe.com/people/John+Waller> in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion <https://forums.adobe.com/message/6973190#6973190>
    when I put the disk into the slot it does accept it.
    Which Adobe software are you trying to re-install?
    If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark this answer as correct by visiting: https://forums.adobe.com/message/6973190#6973190 and clicking ‘Correct’ below the answer
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    Venlige hilsener
    Niels Brandt

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    no bios installed
    ...that's the Promise controller...you have to press Delete when you first power on, you're probably missing the timing because of the Core Cell screen...
    ...you don't want to flash the BIOS until you get a stable system...well, you could, but...  

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    I think you're confused, it's not as simple as that.
    Here's why - I just ran two yes terminal sessions on my wife's MacBook and let it run for 15 minutes. Fan came on, system is running warm but running just fine.
    On my RSD MacBook, while I was at the Apple Store, trying to demonstrate the RSD it ran two yes terminals for like 5 minutes and kept running however when I closed Terminal - wham RSD.
    It IS NOT heat related. Most likely the system "thinks" there's a heat problem by a bad sensor, wire whatever.
    If I can't run my MacBook at 100% (actually 200%, both cores) for as long as I need then it is defective and should be returned to Apple.
    When my MacBook was working I ran EVN (Escape Velocity NOVA) which runs under Rosetta, man that thing sucked the battery dry in less than 60 minutes and the system got pretty warm too. BUT IT KEPT running and didn't shut down. When my system was acting up I couldn't even browse the Apple web site and ut would shutdown.
    PS I installed the SMC update a week before my system started having RSD.

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    Welcome to the Forums!
    Assuming you have an MBP, the power button does not flash (no light there). So, either the latch light (aka power LED) is flashing, or you have a desktop Mac.
    Either way, your RAM is the culprit. The 3 flash-pause-repeat sequence indicates "marginal RAM" (vs. flashing once per second, which means bad RAM or no RAM installed).
    See this page:
    So, your first step is to remove and re-seat your RAM - it may have become loose. The 'random' failure to start up would also be caused by this. This step solved the problem for the last poster with this same problem, see this thread.
    These instructions will show you how to access the MBP's RAM:
    If that does not allow you to boot normally, try booting with only one RAM chip inserted, then the other (i.e. test each chip independently). If a chip is bad, contact AppleCare.
    Hope this helps...

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    Just be aware that there are presently not that many apps that work with a 1G with iOS 3.1.3

  • Sender File Adapter Conversion problem - how to start new recordset?

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    I have a source file like following:
    which means - fixed length 4,6 and && starts new recordset.
    I need to get structure like:
    <recordset> ... with h,f and 6,u </recordset>
    Any ideas?
    Let's say, I can add && on the beginning of the file and other "lite" changes... but structure stays the same...
    so, how to start new recordset? with which conversion parameter? for items it is clear...
    Thanx a lot!
    Message was edited by:
            Olian Saludew

    then normal parameters should work fine,

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    Lunch iTunes - go to the Home page of the iTunes Store and select 'account' - you will get a dialog and you can log into your account.

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  • How to call RFC with  STARTING NEW TASK...performing my_form... in a class?

    I created a test report for parallel processing and this works perfectly fine but when I try to build this into a class I somehow cannot create the receiving form inside the method of the class...
    method test.
              PERFORMING transfo_result ON END OF TASK
                input_xstring = lx_clause_text.
    I tried to place the form before the endmethod but this doesn't work and afterwards is also not an option.
    Is ABP OO not supporting parallel processing?
    Thanks and regards,

    Hello Christo ,
                         I am also trying to use the same in OO context . Just in he early stages of collecting information.If you could just tell what you found out in the document it could be opf immense help.

  • Problem in Call function .. starting new task

    I want to execute a dialog program in background. I am trying to use call function starting new task.
    I am facing some syntax issue. Can any one guide me how to use call function starting new task. The function module is RFC FM. Do we need to define task some where before use please guide.
    Thanks in advance. A sample program will be gr8.

    Incase you want to call a RFC FM in background you can call ity like this.
         call function 'Y_L_TO_CREATE_HUPAST' in background task
              venum   = y_v_venum
              backg   = 'X'
               buser   = y_lv_uname
              langu   = sy-langu
              objky   = y_lv_objky
              printer = y_lv_printer.
    Ankur Parab

  • Starting new database LUW inside ABAP during IDoc posting

    Hi all,
    During posting of an inbound IDoc, I am trying to update my Z-table in user-exit. I want to do it regardless of the result of IDoc posting. The problem is: if IDoc posted successfully - table is updated because COMMIT WORK is called at the end of the posting, however, if IDoc not posted - ROLLBACK WORK is called and table is not updated. So, my aim now is to commit the update of Z-table in any case, but it is the only thing that should be committed - no other prior update FMu2019s should be committed.
    I'm aware about the following thread
    Author of this thread says that he solved a problem by means of RFC and STARTING NEW TASK. But ABAP help says
    that starting asynchronous RFC triggers immediately a database commit in the calling program (which is unacceptable because all prior update FMu2019s will be committed ). I've checked and it is really the case.
    From my point of view SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL with COMMIT WORK should work in such kind of tasks, but in case of IDoc processing the whole process runs in a local update (see SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL in FM 'IDOC_INPUT'), so writing once again SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL has no effect.
    I tested SUBMIT statement as well. It had no effect and then I found out from ABAP help that SUBMIT ... AND RETURN starts new SAP LUW, but NOT a DB LUW. That is if I update my Z-table in the program called by SUBMIT - all ROLLBACK statements still affect my  Z-table update.
    Is there any simple solution? Please suggest.
    Thanks in advance!

    Try SUBMIT VIA JOB.....
    Sample Code
    call function 'JOB_OPEN'
    jobname = name
    jobcount = number
    cant_create_job = 1
    invalid_job_data = 2
    jobname_missing = 3
    others = 4.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    submit z_idoc_create_process_order and return
    via job name number number
    with p_aufnr = it_header1-aufnr
    with p_werks = it_header1-werks
    with p_autyp = c_autyp
    with p_auart = it_header1-auart
    with p_dispo = it_header1-dispo
    with p_opt = c_opt
    with p_mestyp = c_mestyp.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    call function 'JOB_CLOSE'
    jobcount = number
    jobname = name
    strtimmed = 'X'
    cant_start_immediate = 1
    invalid_startdate = 2
    jobname_missing = 3
    job_close_failed = 4
    job_nosteps = 5
    job_notex = 6
    lock_failed = 7
    others = 8.
    if sy-subrc 0.

Maybe you are looking for