Rasterizing PDF to memory in Acrobat

I'm currently investigating how to rasterize PDF pages as image data to memory from an Acrobat Plugin.
I found the PDPageDrawContentsToWindow() function and got that to work on Mac. But I have two problems with this approach:
1. I don't know what color space, the result image data is in. How can I get or control the destination ICC profile used by Acrobat?
2. There seems to be no way to specify CMYK output. Is this possible at all?
Any help much appreciated.

PDPageDrawContentsToWindow always draws into an RGB-based window (since it's assumed to be going to the screen).  The profiles used are the ones selected by the user in their  color management preferences.
If you need that type of control over rendering, you should be using the PDPageDrawContentsToMemory (I think it is) instead which gives you full control over colorspace, etc.

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  • Load PDF From Memory using Adobe Acrobat SDK

    Load PDF From Memory using Adobe Acrobat SDK

    //The below variables are global;
    DWORD FileSize;//size of main PDF file
    char * lpBuffer;//PDF buffer,please save binary PDF data into this buffer
    DWORD dwDataSize;//size of main PDF file
    DWORD dwDataIndex;//is a pointer for lpBuffer position.ex. lpBuffer[dwDataIndex]
    //write the following code in the initialzation of your application
    ASFileSys myFileSys;
    memset (&MyFileSys, 0, sizeof(ASFileSysRec));
    MyFileSys.size = sizeof(ASFileSysRec);
    MyFileSys.open = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysOpenProc, MyASFileSysOpenProc);
    MyFileSys.close = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCloseProc, MyASFileSysCloseProc);
    MyFileSys.flush = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFlushProc, MyASFileSysFlushProc);
    MyFileSys.setpos = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetPosProc, MyASFileSysSetPosProc);
    MyFileSys.getpos = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetPosProc, MyASFileSysGetPosProc);
    MyFileSys.seteof = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetEofProc, MyASFileSysSetEofProc);
    MyFileSys.geteof = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetEofProc, MyASFileSysGetEofProc);
    MyFileSys.read = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysReadProc, MyASFileSysReadProc);
    MyFileSys.write = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysWriteProc, MyASFileSysWriteProc);
    MyFileSys.remove = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRemoveProc, MyASFileSysRemoveProc);
    MyFileSys.rename = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRenameProc, MyASFileSysRenameProc);
    MyFileSys.isSameFile = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysIsSameFileProc, MyASFileSysIsSameFileProc);
    MyFileSys.getName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetNameProc, MyASFileSysGetNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getNameAsASText = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc, MyASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc);
    MyFileSys.getTempPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc, MyASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.copyPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCopyPathNameProc, MyASFileSysCopyPathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.diPathFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc, MyASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc);
    MyFileSys.pathFromDIPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc, MyASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc);
    MyFileSys.disposePathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDisposePathNameProc, MyASFileSysDisposePathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getFileSysName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc, MyASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getStorageFreeSpace = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc, MyASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc);
    MyFileSys.flushVolume = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFlushVolumeProc, MyASFileSysFlushVolumeProc);
    MyFileSys.createPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCreatePathNameProc, MyASFileSysCreatePathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getItemProps = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetItemPropsProc, MyASFileSysGetItemPropsProc);
    MyFileSys.firstFolderItem = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc, MyASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc);
    MyFileSys.nextFolderItem = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysNextFolderItemProc, MyASFileSysNextFolderItemProc);
    MyFileSys.destroyFolderIterator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc, MyASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc);
    MyFileSys.urlFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysURLFromPathProc, MyASFileSysURLFromPathProc);
    MyFileSys.getParent = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetParentProc, MyASFileSysGetParentProc);
    MyFileSys.createFolder = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCreateFolderProc, MyASFileSysCreateFolderProc);
    MyFileSys.removeFolder = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRemoveFolderProc, MyASFileSysRemoveFolderProc);
    MyFileSys.displayStringFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc, MyASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc);
    MyFileSys.setTypeAndCreator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc, MyASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc);
    MyFileSys.getTypeAndCreator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc, MyASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc);
    //These need to be implemented for 7.0 Windows
    MyFileSys.acquirePlatformPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc, MyASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc);
    MyFileSys.releasePlatformPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc, MyASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc);
    //MYFileSys Callbacks Functions definations
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysOpenProc (ASPathName pathName, ASUns16 mode, MDFile *fP)
    dwDataIndex = 0;
    dwDataSize  = FileSize;//size of main PDF file
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysCloseProc (MDFile f)
    dwDataIndex = 0;//set PDF buffer pointer to zero
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysFlushProc (MDFile f)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetPosProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 pos)
    dwDataIndex = (DWORD)pos;
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetPosProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 *pos)
    *pos = (ASFilePos)dwDataIndex;
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetEofProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 pos)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetEofProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 *pos)
    *pos = (ASFilePos)dwDataSize;
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASSize_t ACCB2 MyASFileSysReadProc (void *ptr, ASSize_t size, ASSize_t count, MDFile f, ASInt32 *pError)
    *pError = 0;
    if ( ptr == NULL )
      return 0;
    DWORD dwRemaining = dwDataSize - dwDataIndex;
    DWORD dwReadSize = min( dwRemaining, (DWORD)( size * count ) );
    CopyMemory(ptr, &lpBuffer[ dwDataIndex ], dwReadSize );
    dwDataIndex += dwReadSize;
    return (ASSize_t)dwReadSize;
    static ACCB1 ASSize_t ACCB2 MyASFileSysWriteProc (void *ptr, ASSize_t size, ASSize_t count, MDFile f, ASInt32 *pError)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRemoveProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRenameProc (ASMDFile* f, ASPathName oldPath, ASPathName newPath)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyASFileSysIsSameFileProc (ASMDFile f, ASPathName pathName, ASPathName newPathName)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetNameProc (ASPathName pathName, char *name, ASInt32 maxLength)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc (ASPathName pathName, ASText name)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysCopyPathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc (ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
        return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc (const char * diPath, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysDisposePathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
    static ACCB1 ASAtom ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc (void)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASUns32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return INT_MAX;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysFlushVolumeProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysCreatePathNameProc (ASAtom pathSpecType, const void *pathSpec, const void *mustBeZero)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetItemPropsProc (ASPathName pathName, ASFileSysItemProps props)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASFolderIterator ACCB2 MyASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc (ASPathName folderPath, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName *itemPath)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyASFileSysNextFolderItemProc (ASFolderIterator folderIter, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName *itemPath)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc (ASFolderIterator folderIter)
    static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysURLFromPathProc (ASPathName path)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetParentProc (ASPathName path)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysCreateFolderProc (ASPathName path)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRemoveFolderProc (ASPathName path)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc (ASPathName path)
        return NULL;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc (ASPathName path, unsigned long type, unsigned long creator)
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc (ASPathName path, unsigned long *type, unsigned long *creator)
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc(ASPathName path, ASAtom platformPathType, ASPlatformPath *platformPath)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc(ASPlatformPath platformPath)
    //write the following code in your open PDF file procedure
    FileSize = //size of your PDF File;
    lpBuffer = (char *)malloc(FileSize);
    PDDoc pdDoc = PDDocOpen( (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS, &MyFileSys, NULL, true );
    ASFile asFile = PDDocGetFile(pdDoc);
    ASText title = ASTextFromScriptText ("PDF File Name",kASRomanScript);
    AVDoc targetDoc = AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParams (asFile, title, NULL);

  • How do I edit a pdf document in adobe acrobat 9 extended?

    I tried to edit a seachable pdf file in adobe acrobat 9
    extended and it wont work. It just highlights the word but won't
    let me delete it and change it. Any ideas? I thought I tired

    Just as you cannot post on this forum without creating an
    account, you will need to create an account on the Acrobat forums
    in order to post.
    The title of these forums clearly indicate they are for
    Acrobat.com users and not users of the Acrobat desktop software.
    You will also find a post outlining this as the first post in the
    General Discussions forum, where I see you have also posted your
    same question and gotten the same answers.
    you need support for Acrobat 9? or Acrobat.com?
    Just as we would not provide answers for other Adobe products
    such as InDesign or Illustrator on the Acrobat.com forums, we will
    not be providing support for the Acrobat desktop product on these
    forums as it is a separate product from Acrobat.com. I understand
    that the names are similar so this can certainly cause you some
    confusion, but you will need to proceed to the Acrobat forums in
    order to ask questions about your Acrobat product. As you have been
    told several times by several different support agents, these
    forums are not related to the Acrobat desktop product and the
    support agents on this forum do not support the Acrobat desktop
    product on this forum. You have been directed to a forum where you
    can ask for support on the product you are using, please continue
    on to that forum. The support you are requesting cannot be
    delivered on this forum.

  • How can I add a button to add multiple image in PDF from using adobe acrobat pro?

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    In this form I want to add a button where I can add multiple images to the field.
    I have tried using javascript event.target.buttonImportIcon(); and successfully add an image, but when I want to add the 2nd image it automatically overwrites the previous one.
    Is there any way to solve this issue? I would like to have a form where I can add a lot of images in it. It is possible in word, but we really have to use adobe.

    Hi thanks for your answer.
    I can add multiple button, but if there are 10 images that I wan to add, then I have to create 10 buttons.
    Moreover, the pictures will be placed on top of each other and it means that you cannot see it clearly.

  • Previewing a pdf document created by Acrobat 5.0 in IE 7

    I have a document converted to pdf format by Adobe Acrobat 5.0 that needs to be accessible for viewing and download from a web page.  I got it uploaded to the website and there is a link to the file on the website's home page.  I have Adobe Reader 9.1 on my computer.  When I go to open the document that I created using Acrobat 5 by clicking on the link for it, a box comes up telling me that I "need Adobe Acrobart/Reader 8 or 9 to view the document in a web browser".  My Windows XP system's Folder Options are set up to open files with a pdf extension using Adobe Reader 9.1.  Yet, when I try to access a pdf from my website I get the aforementioned error message and Adobe Acrobat 5.0 opens up, and with nothing displayed.  Has anyone experienced this, or know of a fix.... or what I may have done wrong in building the document or configured my web browser, Windows Internet Explorer 7?  -- Chessgeek

    Have you checked your preferences (Edit>Preferences>Page display) and made sure that "display large images" is checked?

  • While creating a PDF document usinf Adobe Acrobat Pro 9, it generates additional blank pages.

    While creating a PDF document using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, it generates additional blank pages. How do I resolve this issue?

    I might make a wild guess that you are using WORD and have used hard page breaks. If that is the case, then likely what happens is when you print to PDF the document is being reflowed to match the printer and the forced page break may end up on the next page and be forcing a second page. Just a guess.

  • How do I add a functional "submit button" to a pdf form in Adobe Acrobat Pro XI ? I created the pdf form in Adobe Forms Central.

    How do I add a functional "submit button" to a pdf form in Adobe Acrobat Pro XI ? I created the pdf form in Adobe Forms Central. It's for an online Diet Questionnaire. After people complete the form I'd like them to click "SUBMIT" and the completed form will be emailed to me.

    This can be a bit confusing because Acrobat 11 comes with the desktop app that allows you to create simple PDF forms without having a FormsCentral account. Some people find this helpful, but you need to understand that when you generate the PDF form, it is Reader-enabled by Acrobat. In order to edit the form further in Acrobat, you have to create a non-enabled copy of the form. You do this in Acrobat by opening the form and selecting: File > Save a Copy
    and opening the copy. It is not opened automatically.
    You can now add a button and set it up to submit by email, either using a "Submit a form" action or the submitForm JavaScript method. You can set it up to include just the form data or the entire PDF, and will want to use a mailto type URL. Submitting the form to the FormsCentral server has a number of important advantages over email (much more reliable, more secure, etc.), so you might want to consider it.
    If the form needs to be saved with Reader versions prior to 11, then you will need to Reader-enable the document. In Acrobat 11 you do this by selecting: File > Save As Other > Reader Extended PDF > Enable More Tools

  • Cannot embed pdfs in MS Word doc which are PDF Version 1.3 (Acrobat 4.x) [This is associated with Adobe Reader 9]. Getting 'program not installed' error.

    Cannot embed pdfs in Word doc which are PDF Version 1.3 (Acrobat 4.x) [This is associated with Adobe Reader 9]. Getting 'program not installed' error.
    Pdfs with other versions are okay:
    Tested successfully with Adobe Pro 9 (Version 1.5 (Acrobat 6.x)), Reader X (Version 1.4 (Acrobat 5.x)) and XI (Version 1.6 (Acrobat 7.x))
    Also cannot open embedded pdfs which have been embedded with this version (getting a similar error).
    Importantly I have removed/disabled all security options in Adobe Reader, following numerous internet suggestions from Adobe and elsewhere. This does not fix the problem.
    Currently the work around is to re-save the pdf with something other than Adobe Reader 9 (so the version updates), but we would prefer not to do this for all the old pdfs we have.
    Thank you,

    Could you please email me the document on which you are seeing this issue at [email protected] ?
    Please mention the forum thread link as well in the mail for the reference.

  • How to put more than 1200 characters in a text form within a pdf created in Adobe Acrobat

    I need to know how to put more than 1200 characters in a text form within a pdf created in Adobe Acrobat. I have a request from a customer to do so and after googling I have came up with nothing. Also the customer would like it if they could convert said pdf form to a microsoft word document with the text form.

    There's no limit on the number of characters you can enter into a text
    field, unless you set it as such.

  • Why can't I create Fillable PDF Forms using Adobe Acrobat X Pro and upload to Dreamweaver?

    I can create fillable PDF Forms using Adobe Acrobat X Pro. I can email them to someone using Adobe Reader (free) and they can fill them, save and email to me. But when I upload the form to Dreamweaver CS5, the form is not fillable. And yes, I saved it as a Reader Extended PDF-Enable Additional Features.

    I see no reason for this form to fail in Reader. Some questions for you.
    1. On the system with Adobe Reader, what is the system and the version of Adobe Reader?
    2. Are you viewing the PDF in a browser on the system with Reader, or in an Adobe Reader window?
    3. If it's a browser
    (a) what is the browser
    (b) if you download the file instead, and open directly in Reader, what happens?

  • How to I stop the Preview Pane in Windows 7 retaining control when I open a PDF document using Adobe Acrobat (Reader is NOT installed)

    I have the preview pane active when selecting PDF Documents.  When I open a PDF document I am unable to save any changes. the error message I receive:
    "The documents could not be saved. The file ma be read-only,or another user may have it open. Please save the document with a different name of in a different folder"
    The document is not read only and no other user has it open.  If I turn the preview pane OFF there is no problem saving changes.  I have also un-installed Adobe Reader.
    Other programs (such as Excel, Word) do not experience the same problems as the PDF documents.
    Does anyone have a solution?

    Hi snoreaustralia,
    It sounds like you just need to associate the PDF filename extension with Acrobat, rather than Preview. Please see this document from the Microsoft Help for instructions on choosing the default program for opening a particular file type (in your case, PDF): Change which programs Windows uses by default - Windows Help

  • Can't open any PDF file with Adobe Acrobat XI Pro

    I have tried to open multiple Acrobat files but none will open. I get a FATAL ERROR message saying: "Acrobat failed to connect to a DDE server."  I've created documents in word and publisher and am able to convert to pdf format but after the pdf file has been created I cannot open to view and I get the error message. Please help! Thank you!

    No I am thinking that the problem is with Acrobat XI Pro. Because as previously noted I can create a Word document and save as a PDF, the PDF document will be created by Acrobat XI Pro but will not open with Acrobat XI Pro, which normally happens automatically upon creating the PDF file from say Word, Exel, Publisher, etc. When I try to open with Acrobat XI Pro it give me the FATAL ERROR message saying: "Acrobat failed to connect to a DDE server". Since I could not open any of my PDF documents with Acrobta XI Pro, because I had Acrobat XI Pro as my default PDF creater and reader, I installed Adobe Reader, hoping that it would allow me to view the PDF documents that I had just created with Acrobat XI Pro and it did. The problem is that I cannot open Acrobat XI Pro to creat or edit or add PDF restrictions on  a PDF document straight from Acrobat XI Pro, but I can create a, say Word document, and save as a PDF file. Before installing Adobe Reader I could not open, see or edit the just created PDF file created through Word it is just now after installing Acrobat Reader.
    Also worth noting.
    I have been told that this same problem happened sometime ago with Adobe Acrobat X Pro (Vesion 10) and that the problem was fixed by editing something within the registry. Does anyone know anything about that? Thanks!

  • PDF displays differently in Acrobat 8 to 7 or 9?

    An external supplied PDF exported from Indesign CS4 all fonts embedded was imported into Prinergy and refined. If the Prinergy  PDF is opened in Acrobat 7 or 9 it looks like the original and the Prinergy PDF is dropped onto a hotfolder and printed out on a Xerox printer with a Level 3 rip it looks fine.
    If you open the PDF in Acrobat 8 one of the fonts is corrupt. We created a Scitex CT file, proofed  the Scitex CT file, the font proofs as being corrupted. Creating a Prinergy VPS shows the font as being corrupt.
    Any ides on why Acrobat 8 display the PDF differently to Acrobat 7 and 9? All version of Acrobat are fully patched and we have tested on several computers.

    The files are not secured.  Some of the files are part of a pdf portfolio, where the portfolio is a mixture of pdfs created/scanned in 8 and pdfs created/scanned in X and combined into a pdf portfolio by X.  The troubled X files are not visible in 8 as standalone files or as files inside the portfolio.  Some of the files have never been combined into a portfolio and are not visible to 8.
    It does not happen to all of the scans.  Some scans done by X are visible in 8 and others are not, even though the scan settings used are the same.  Strangely, all of the files, whether visible in 8 or not, are visible in X.  The lack of visibility in 8 occurs across multiple machines using 8, not just one machine, and the same pattern occurs across multiple machines running 9.
    I have examples of the files, but they contain private information.  One such file is two pages.  It is a standalone file, not a pdf portfolio.  The second page is visible in 8, but the first page is not; both pages are visible in X.  If I delete the second page (confidential information) and post the file, will the second page be visible by any means?
    Additionally, the file pages are enormous to print even though they were scanned at 400 dpi, color, jpeg2000, jbig2 (lossy), deskew on, background removal off, descreen on, text sharpening, low.  The first page was 63.7 MB to print and the second page was 97.2 MB to print.  The entire file is only 1913 KB.
    Do you think that I have a bad install and should just uninstall and reinstall?

  • PDF form created in Acrobat X - Mac Preview does not wrap text

    This is driving me crazy, please excuse me if this is rudimentary -
    I created a document in Word that will be a daily form filled out and saved as individual pdf's.
    In Acrobat X, I opened this doc & created a form.
    If I open with Acrobat reader or X, the form holds all parameters including "shrink to fit" with text...
    But, Preview clips the text... it centers text like I requested but doesn't adjust font size to fit...
    Is there a step I'm missing? This form needs to be filled out correctly in Preview - is this possible?

    You should NEVER expect that Apple's Preview application will be able to give the quality of preview you'll see in Acrobat. Apple chooses to implement or not implement the parts of the PDF specification that they choose.
    You should complain about this in the Apple user forums because they developed the application, not Adobe.

  • Adobe reader XI no longer plays video or audio embedded in PDF created with Adobe Acrobat X Pro.

    Help please!
    Embedded video and audio content in PDFs created using Adobe Acrobat X Pro does NOT play on some school computers after Acrobat Reader XI is installed. The media content played fine with Acrobat X. This is seen with both XP and Windows 7 machines.
    Bizarrely, other machines with Windows 7 and XP play the video and audio content fine when Acrobat XI is installed.
    Please help, as the PDFs are the delivery mechanism for a very effective literacy programme for children, and this bug has halted delivery for a considerable number of schools and thousands of children are in trouble!

    Hi Raman,
    I think we have found the source of the problem. It relates to how different browsers are detected by Adobe when updating Flash Player.
    To make the videos play within PDFs either from DVD or on the hard drive, it is now essential that Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin (now version 11.5.502.113) is installed. (Adobe Reader 10 had its own internal flash player, so an external player was not needed)
    We have discovered that, when Google Chrome is the browser, automatic updates of Flash do NOT download this programme. Flash 11 ActiveX is the only programme that is downloaded, and the videos do NOT play from DVD or harddrive.
    Also, it is not possible to manually download Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin as this option is not presented to the user. Presumably Adobe have set it up this way, because the Adobe site recognises Chrome is being used, and assumes that the computer does not need the plugin flash player, as Chrome has its own internal flash player. However, other programmes may need it!
    We went to FileHippo to download the non-IE version (even though we were using Chrome!) at
    Then the videos played from DVD or harddrive.
    I have not been able to test how this works with other browsers. I hope that Adobe can sort this problem out asap!

Maybe you are looking for