RAW + Jpeg images in LR Library

I take images in RAW + Jpeg and when I import them through L'room the jpegs do not show in LR - they suddenly stopped in an earlier version of LR and I am frustrated by it and want to know how I can get them both to show LR does import the jpegs to my computer HD but not into LR itself...what am I doing wrong?

Are the jpegs being treated as sidecars? or is there some other problem...
Are you familiar with the setting: "Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos" in Lr (general) preferences?

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    I shoot in RAW + JPEG, and import my images in Aperture 3 as RAW + JPEG images pairs. Both files are treated as a single master, which keeps things tidy. However, in order to save space, I'd only like to keep the high quality RAW files for my pictures.
    Is there any way to "unpair" these RAW + JPEG image pairs, or is my only option to initially import as separate masters?

    Thanks gocuk2. I'am sure to have pairs because I asked A3 for it and... I can switch to jpg or Raw as original. There is also a badge that tells me which is the original (R or J).
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    Thanks for any ideas.

    Bette Gardner wrote:
    I want to delete some older TM backups from my external drive to make room. It's filled up because I used TM with one computer, then added a laptop and TM started backing that up on the same external drive, then just got a new computer and TM started backing it up.
    So I have an external drive with older files associated with old machines. I want to save just one decent backup of the old computer on that external drive while continuing to backup my new computer on the same external drive.
    My question: because of the way that TM backs up incrementally, if I discard all except the "Latest" will I have a single complete backup of the old computer? or how do I achieve this?
    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    No. That's an Alias to your latest backup. You'll want to keep the actual latest backup. But *DO NOT* delete (or change or move) anything of TM's via the Finder. You can hopelessly choke your Mac and corrupt your remaining backups.
    Use the procedure in item #12 of the Frequently Asked Questions *User Tip* at the top of this forum. It's rather tedious and time-consuming, as you must delete them one at a time, but anything else is a recipe for disaster.

  • Importing from D20 Raw + Jpeg is not "hiding" the jpeg.  Why?

    Unlike EVERYWHERE else I read, when I import RAW + Jpeg images Aperture is displaying both on the screen, side by side. I would MUCH prefer if it would do like I keep hearing about--just display the RAW file. Is there a preference menu item I missed or any other tip to help me?

    d90user1 wrote:
    Thanks to all.
    @rob: Your plugin is a good option. I will experiment with it.
    You're welcome, and thank you too. With a little more help from the SDK I could have made it better, but I did the best I could under the circumstances - please let me know outside the forum how your experimentation goes.. - thanks.
    d90user1 wrote:
    recently I had the feeling that sometimes the undeveloped JPEG can help as a reference to the "originally" intended shot.
    If you can't create jpegs in Lightroom that are superior to your camera, then you're not there yet. How would you know if you don't compare them?
    Just a word of "caution": what's most familiar often seems best. I had that problem when PV2012 was first introduced - I would re-edit an old PV2010 photo and compare, and liked PV2010 version better - very frustrating, until:
    * I got better at editing in PV2012, and
    * I weaned myself from aspects of PV2010 that I'd come to prefer, and learned to appreciate PV2012 differences.
    Similarly, if you've gotten used to certain characteristics of in-camera jpegs, they may seem superior to Lr, at least for a while.. hint: try different camera calibration profiles - sometimes one or the other is better (and they can be very different, or very similar..), depending.. - after a while, consider creating your own profiles.

  • When I edit my RAW format images I cannot find the resulting jpeg image in my IPhoto library

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    bryanalt wrote:
    Thanks. So it is probably worth upgrading to Aperture?
    And you say that because? While Aperture has more features and more capabilities than iPhoto - especially in working with RAW - this is not one - depending on what yo do with previews in Aperture it may be even more difficult to use the edited photos incorrectly - iPhoto is simple - just correctly access the edited photo as TD suggested
    To access the resulting jpeg you can export in any format except Original, drag to the desktop or use a media browser
    Same same for Aperture

  • Help with managing RAW and jpeg images and installing iphoto 9

    Greetings: Fist, let me make the neophyte apology and plea - I'm sorry, I should have come here first; I didn't and now I need your help.
    I have just purchased a macbook pro (still in its box) with updated software for my older imac os x. I have a number of Canon related photo editing programs (that came with my 40D digital SLR) and Adobe photo elements 6 for mac on the imac. Following some erroneous advice I have made a complete mess of the pictures folder's content by trying to delete images directly from that folder (there are now 6000+ images in the folder, many of which are duplicates(?). Most of the images are not tagged or labeled and some have been organized in/by iphoto (I corrupted the iphoto's library structure very early on by disrupting and editing its images - which might explain why iphoto had a difficult time 'finding' and displaying some of my photos). The picture folder now holds jpegs, smallRAW images (a Canon 40D photo format) and various duplicates of the orignal images - (some of the duplicates don't display as images, but as jpeg logos, which, when opened contain duplicate image or are completely black) The first time I downloaded RAW images into iphoto 6 the RAW data displayed as a black image. When shooting in smallRAW on the Canon 40D, the camera produces a jpeg image for 'easy viewing and editing in the camera' but it looks as though iphoto 6 made duplicates of the jpeg and the RAW data and stored them in different locals in the picture file. In an attempt to get the number of images down, I have been trying to delete them from the picture folder. (My daughters both download images rather indiscriminately in hopes of 'editing them on the computer' which inevitably does not happen) and there is a lot of experimental bracketing of images - shooting raw and different Camera formats etc., all of which need to be cleaned up before I proceed.
    Sometime in the not-too-distant future I would like to have iphoto 9 running on my imac with a clean library of images and a seamless way of downloading, editing and storing images (including the RAW data).
    The macbook pro is for my highschool-aged daughter, who will run iphoto 9 but not have any RAW image data on her system. She would like to copy some of the old iMac's images to put into her own iPhoto 9 library (probably using a disk, email or on-line photo service - ideally, I would like to be able to copy and remove a number of those images from my HD and give them to her for the macbook)
    A few questions and queries: Can I 'dis-able' iphoto 6, while I delete images (RAW and jpeg) from the picture file? (and is this even a good idea).
    Once I have edited the # of images down to a reasonable size, should I re-launch iphoto 6, rebuild the iphoto library and then update to iphoto 9 or skip v6 and rebuild with v9?
    And now for the 'how stupid is this guy question' - I really had planned to purchase an external backup; but between new the macbook, car repairs and braces it has never come to fruition. So, I have never properly backed up my images. What is the bare-bones, least expensive method for me to do this? I'd even consider burning everything to disks if that works. I can't afford the $ to purchase a new external hard drive right now (really). Budget is set aside mid-November for one though.
    I've been looking through some other discussion boards and it looks like I'm not the only one having RAW image issues. I know that shooting smallRAW with the companion jpeg is probably not helping things but I take my camera equipment on extended canoe trips - and we like the ease of on-the-spot editing with this format.
    Thanks in advance for your help - Mark

    Terence, Is the picture folder the primary source for the images or does that data reside somewhere else?
    If you gathered them there, then yes.
    I really don't want to have to go through 14,000 images looking for the pictures that I want to keep (or is that my only option?).
    Only you can decide what you want to keep.
    Why does the computer keep making copies of the images and filing them under date and events?
    That's how iPhoto works. It's not a problem usually, only you did go in there and make a problem, and now we are trying to fix it.
    You advise not to muck around in the picture file via preview,
    No I don't. I advise not to much around in the iPhoto Library Folder.
    but if I download images through a program other than iPhotos - image capture or adobe aren't I doing that anyway?
    Adobe what? Adobe is a software manufacturer who make many excellent applications, you need to be more precise. And no, if you import photos with Image Capture or “adobe” no you are not interfering with the iPhoto Library Folder.
    Can you edit a base image file somewhere and remove it from the HD without iphoto making a copy of it and storing it somewhere else?
    This is stunningly easy. Don't use iPhoto. Use an image editor.
    I want to look the negatives, decide which ones I want and throw the rest away. Can that be done or am I way off course?
    Yes, and iPhoto (or similar apps) make this really easy.
    Hook up your camera. Import the pics to iPhoto. Go through the imported pics. Trash the ones you don't want. Then process the ones you do. But you must learn how to use iPhoto to do this successfully
    To trash: put the pic in the iPhoto trash and empty it. This removes the file from iPhoto and the Hard Disk.
    Process it: If you want to use another editor: You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.

  • Difficulty navigating to and identifying my RAW and JPEG Images

    I have several related issues that I would appreciate help with.
    I am finding difficulty navigating to and identifying my RAW and JPEG images in Aperture. I do actually principally work with JPEG and only use RAW when I perceive there to be a benefit by improving a poorly captured image.
    To give you some background.  I am using an iMac OSX 10.8.3 and Aperture 3.4.3 Camera Raw 4.04. When I Import images I import both RAW and JPEG using RAW as the original.
    At the Import stage both RAW and JPEG thumbnails are displayed. However once imported only one thumbnail is displayed in the Library on some occasions this will be the JPEG and on other occasions the RAW (as identified from the Info tab. How can I select which version to work with?
    I would appreciate assistance with this.

    It is possible to see the Raw master along side the Jpg master if you wish.
    When a version is created (make new version from original) it is created off the original that is currently selected. So if the jpg image is the current original all versions created will be made off the jpg image. Likewise if the raw is the current original all versions created will be made off the raw image.
    Also keep in mind that a version that has no adjustments applied to it is identical to the original it was made from.
    So to get both along side each other do:
    Set raw as original, create new version from original. Label this version Raw original version. Now switch to jpg as original. Make a version from this and label it Jpg original version.
    Just ensure you never apply adjustments to these two images and you will always have both the jpg and raw images available to compare.
    In addition if say the jpg is the original and you want to make a version from the raw, instead of switching the jpg and raw you can just go to the Raw original version and duplicate it.

  • Backups of raw and Jpeg images

    I currently backup my iphoto library via time machine and keep a second copy of another USB HD. However the backup is the iphoto library, how do I back up the raw and jpeg images so that they are not within the library so that I could access them from a non apple pc?
    I just would like the added security.

    You'll need to export them from the Library.
    Select an Event or Album in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export
    In the resulting dialogue you have a number of options:
    From the dropdown you can select the Kind to export:
    Originals will get you exactly that: the original files. These will be the contents of the Event as per the iPhoto Window.
    Current will get you the most recent versions of the files: a mix of edited and unedited pics. Again, the contents as per the iPhoto Window.
    Tiff and Jpeg options allow you to export the current versions in those formats and you can the metadata - tiles, keywords, descriptions and locations - to the files on export.
    PnG does not have the option to write the metadata as that format has very limited support for it.
    There are other options for file size and naming and so on.

  • RAW JPEG PROBLEM  I'm new to Aperture and neglected to mark RAW JPEG pairs when I imported (from iPhoto).  Now I have two images for each photo.  Help!!  How can I change this?

    I’m new to Aperture and neglected to mark RAW+JPEG pairs when I imported (from iPhoto).  Now I have two images for each photo.  Help!!  How can I change this?

    How did you import from iPhoto? If you saw the Import panel with raw -jpeg pairs, then you probably did not import your iPhoto library as library, but as files, and then you will see plenty of duplicates - previews, thumbnails, originls, edited versions. If that should be the case, it would be better to delete the import from iPhoto and to import your iPhoto library again, but this time using "File > Import > Library".
    Only that would require compatible versions of iPhoto and Aperture.  What are your Aperture and iPhoto version numbers?

  • How do I change the JPEG image size in PSE-12 when opening from RAW

    Switching from PSE-9 to PSE-12. When a JPEG image is opened RAW in PSE-12 the size is 18.72" Wide x 12.48" high 300 DPI. The same image in PSE-9 is 23.4" wide x 15.6" High 240 DPI. How do I get PSE-12 to open the image as in PSE-9?

    Uncheck the boxes at the bottom of the dialog Scale styles and resample Image so that only constrain proportions is checked. If you the change the resolution box from 240 to 300 you will get back to your original dimensions.
    This is a meaningless thing to do, you still have the exact same number of pixels, you have only changed the metadata number in the file for ppi, and your prints are not affected by this number.
    You could also use the same method to change the dimensions to 6 x 4 or 9 x 6 etc.
    There are some cases (actually most cases) where you need to CROP the photo to change the dimensions, when the aspect ratio of the original photos is different than the aspect ratio of the final photo; the specific case in 99jon's example is the only case you ever want to change dimensions using Image->Resize->Image Size, where the aspect ratio doesn't change from 6x4 to 9x6 (or 12x8 or 18x12 or ...), and even then, you could do the same thing simply by telling the printer the size you want, you don't really need to do anything in PSE.

  • Lumix DMC - FZ 200 raw support lacking. Is there a work around to access jpeg images

    I'm Using Aperture 2.1.4.
    I Shot RAW + JPEG on a recent trip using my new Lumix DMC - FZ 200 on a 64 gb sdxc card which seems supported by OSX 10.6.8 - import seemed to be working ok.
    Aperture shows only thumbnail with "Unsupported image format".
    Files in metadata show as .rw2 - is there a way to see the jpeg version?
    How can one request Apple to support this camera?  Is there a way to work about this while Apple gets round to providing upate to include the FZ 200 ?

    When I use Adobe DNG Convertrer for Lumix FZ28 raw files, only half of them can be read by Aperture.
    If you look at the list of supported raw formats: http://www.apple.com/aperture/specs/raw.html
    there is a footnote for dng:
    Aperture works with most DNG files generated from cameras that support this format and with DNG files generated by the Adobe DNG Converter with the “Convert to Linear Image” option turned off.
    That means that I now have to upgrade to A3. I'm a bit nervous and will have to go through my several lobraries and rebuild them and make sure I have back ups of A2 as well as the libraries before I start.
    rIght, that precaution is the way to do it - back up everything, and rebuild and test the libraries, while you still have Aperture 2. And if you are using plug-ins upgrade them to the most recent versions.
    To be able to use the most recent Aperture 3 update you will have to update your MacOS X as well. Check, if all applications that you need can run on MacOS X 10.8.2; PowerPC applications are no longer supported.

  • How to save Byte Array of raw data into JPEG image.

    I have a image and I stored its data as byte array as
    bimage = bitmap1.getRawData();
    now I have Byte[] bimage, I want to save it as .jpeg image.
    and show that image..............

    the short way is this:
    ImageIO.write(bimage, "jpeg", new File("image.jpg"));
    Where you use the original Image object... but it has to be a java.awt.image.RenderedImage (which a java.awt.image.BufferedImage is). So this method would come in handy.
         public static BufferedImage getBufferedImage(Image img) {
              // if the image is already a BufferedImage, cast and return it
              if((img instanceof BufferedImage) && background == null) {
                   return (BufferedImage)img;
              // otherwise, create a new BufferedImage and draw the original
              // image on it
              int w = img.getWidth(null);
              int h = img.getHeight(null);
              BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
              Graphics2D g2d = bi.createGraphics();
              g2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0, w, h, null);
              return bi;
         }If the byte array you have is raw image data, then you can look at the javax.imageio package and see what you can do with those classes.

  • Cannot Open a JPEG image as a Camera Raw file in Elements 5.0

    I tried opening a JPEG image, using "Open As" function into Camera Raw in Elements 5.0 Editor and I receive a "program error" message. How can I change settings or otherwise enable Elements 5.0 to open a JPEG into Camera Raw?

    The latest version of ACR which is compatibe with Elements 5 is ACR4.6. You can download it fromhttp://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/thankyou.jsp?ftpID=4034&fileID=3758
    I think the Adobe site says 4.5 was the last forElements 5, but I know 4.6 works.  ACR5 needs Elements 7(or possibly 6). Good luck

  • I am unable to import Raw still images from a Nikon D 80 into Premiere Pro cs 4. All jpeg images ok

    I am unable to Import RAW still Images from a Nikon D 80 camera into
    Premiere Pro. All jpeg images import Ok. A web search suggests I need "plug-ins" for RAW, but I can not find  same. Any suggestions as to how to inport RAW files to PP CS 4 would be appreciated. I have just updated from Premiere Elements 4 which had no problem importing RAW still images.

    The way I see it (correct me if I'm wrong) but Raw is supposed to be where you have total editing control of the shot (as opposed to the camera). I believe the next step is to do the editing (i.e. color balance, exposure, etc) then make a regular image from that to use in whatever output you desire (print, web, etc.) Think of raw as the negative. Just being in raw doesn't in it self make it better.
    Edit. This is from premiere help files....
    Supported still‑image and sequence file formats
    Adobe Premiere Pro supports 8-bit per-channel (4 bytes per pixel) and 16-bit per-channel (8 bytes per pixel) still-image files. It converts images with lower bit-depths to 8-bits per channel and images with higher bit-depths to 16-bits per channel on import. High bit-depth files are supported at one single-precision float per channel (16-bytes per pixel).
    AI, EPS (Adobe Illustrator and Illustrator sequence)
    BMP, DIB, RLE (Bitmap and Bitmap sequence)
    ICO (Icon File) (Windows only)
    JPEG and JPEG sequence (JPE, JPG, JFIF)
    PICT and PICT sequence (PIC, PCT)
    PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
    PSD (Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop sequence)
    PSQ (Adobe Premiere 6 Storyboard)
    PTL, PRTL (Adobe Premiere title)
    TGA, ICB, VDA, VST (Targa and Targa sequence)
    TIF (TIFF and TIFF sequence)

  • How to import only RAW images from folder with RAW & JPEGs?

    My system is set up that I have both RAW & JPEGs in the same folder since I shoot JPEG+RAW. How can I import just the raw images without also sucking in the jpegs? There is no way to distinguish the difference in the Import box and also no way to easily separate the the two in the Import box. I've tried using the List View and separting them by File Size, but Aperture has a stupid bug here and it tells me that the JPEG file sizes are in the teens (like 17-18 megs) and they are still hard to separate from the RAW which are about the same size.
    Why can't Aperture do this basic thing?

    I'm not doing anything. What I wrote in my workflow example above is exactly what I'm doing. I've been trying some experiments to see if it was "A Better Finder Rename" that is causing the issue. So far, no go. I have taken just a couple of JPGs only and pointed Aperture's Import to the folder that contains them. Aperture is reading that there are only 2 jpegs (which is what there is) and their file size is right on the mark.
    Ok. I just narrowed it down to something. The flaw is showing up after the RAW files are converted to DNGs. The JPEGs do not show up in the Import box when there are camera raw files like NEFs or CR2s and the corresponding JPEGs. That is Aperture's normal behaviour. But, and this is a big BUT, when the raw files are converted to DNGs and they are in the same folder as the corresponding JPEGs, that's when Aperture pulls its shenanigans. It has something to do with the JPEGs and DNGs having the same name. Even though the files have different extensions, Aperture is doing something to the file size of the JPEGs that make them seem that they are much larger files than they actually are.
    I figured it out like this:
    I had 2 CR2 files and the corresponding JPEGs in a folder. Pointing Aperture's Import to that folder, Aperture did what it is supposed to do; it saw only 2 raw files (doesn't matter that the G9 CR2 files are not supported yet). So, I renamed all the files using A Better Finder Rename and Aperture still only saw 2 raw files.
    So far so good.
    Then, I converted just the 2 CR2 files to DNG and kept them in the same folder. Aperture saw 2 DNGs and 2 CR2 files. No jpegs were seen. Business as usual. Then I removed the CR2s and renamed the jpegs so they had the same names as the DNGs (except for of course different extensions) and that's when Aperture saw the jpegs as separate files and saw them with bogus file sizes.
    So I tested that by altering the jpeg names so that they were different from their corresponding DNGs and Aperture went back to seeing the jpegs with the correct file sizes.
    Therefore, Aperture is having some difficulty with two separate files, one JPEG and the other DNG, when they both have the same name (different extensions, of course).
    Try it if you have a moment. Take one raw file and convert it to DNG and place it in a folder with its corresponding jpeg. Rename both to the same name and different extensions (.dng + .jpg) and see what happens when you try to get Aperture to import. Chance are Aperture will show bogus file sizes for the jpeg.
    Let me know if that's clear.

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