Re: I chat Video, no audio.  Ichat Audio works by itself

I have an i-mac w/partioned drive, running windows vista on partion. audio worked fine on windows, now no sound. sound is fine on mac.

I have an i-mac w/partioned drive, running windows vista on partion. audio worked fine on windows, now no sound. sound is fine on mac.

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  • Video Frozen audio works for a few seconds

    Hello all heres my problem.
    Video frozen on frame navigated too with the track bar.
    Audio works for a few seconds after the track bar is used then stops.
    Timer on the side dosen't incriment only changes when the track bar is used.
    Every time the video is paused and then played again the audio starts from the
    same place and stops in the same place again
    All videos are downloaded from itunes.
    Works fine in Quicktime.
    VGA Card: GTX 480 - drivers up to date
    Processor: AMD Phenom II - Quadcore
    Itunes Version:
    The whole thing strikes me as a failure of the video to increment the current frame and not a result of the failure in the video prossessing
    the short amount of audio is proably just buffered ahead of the video for syncing reasons.
    I have no real idea though but it is my best guess.
    Thank you in advance for any assistance rendered,

    Hi Thomas,
    Ok this does seem to say that the ports are set up and iChat is connecting properly.
    iChat also thinks there is enough bandwidth at the start and makes the connection.
    Is this to a PC ? Video freezes have been seen here when connecting to faster PCs.
    What you describe though sounds more like a PC that has not "Tuned" their cammera or Mic to the AIM Application.

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    G5, Tibook Mac OS X (10.4.7)
    G5, Tibook   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Since you are using QT 7 and the standard (preset) settings it is likely using H264 encoding for the movie. That means PC users would also have to have QT 7 for Windows installed to be able to see the video. You wiill have to use a PC-friendly format, like mpeg-1, for them. Since QT doesn't produce that format natively you will have to obtain some other software to do so, like Toast (commercial app) or perhaps ffmpegX (shareware).

  • Flash Player 10, Video Freezing, Audio Works OK.

    Hi, I'm hoping somebody can help me.
    I only really use flash player to watch things like youtube and the football highlights on the BBC website. I had flash player 9 until a couple of months ago, and everything was perfect, I was on a website and it came up saying I needed to upgrade to use the website, so I decided to do it, big mistake.
    Now when I try to watch videos on flash player on IE7 they get just over 1 minute in then the video starts to freeze but the audio plays fine throughout, at first the video is only playing about 1 frame every second, then it slows over about 30 seconds to about 1 frame every 5 seconds, by this point the picture on the screen is way behind the audio, finally the video plays in fast forward and catches up with the audio and plays ok from there for another minute or so, then it starts all over again.  When the video starts freezing the CPU shoots up to 100% usage and lowers again when the video is playing normally.
    It's actually quite funny watching the video when it plays in fast forward, especially when watching football, reminds me of Benny Hill.
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    Hi s, well congrats on getting your brother's computer up and running. On your system, you have all correct Flash Player
    files for IE and FF, as well as the SWO and SWF.
    Since the Install of Flash Player, have you installed any programs that would have added any ActiveX Controls, or any other add ons or plug-ins?
    Have you had an opportunity to see if your brother's computer has the issue you have when watching the same websites?
    Are you using any ad-block in FF(Firefox) or any pop up blocker software installed?  I can't imagine updating to FP version 10 alone would cause this.
    Is this happening only on the BBC website? Does what you watch come thru the BBC website or youtube directly?
    We have your brother's computer to use to determine what is going on. If he is able to see the BBC website and what you
    are having problems with, then we can rule out the website.
    Other browser add ons, anti-virus programs, etc. affect the browser. Even tho, no problem with vs 9. Sometimes updates
    can have an affect, even with Windows as we all know:-)

  • Video and Audio work but not screen share

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    When I request screen share, they authorize, seems to start to connect then I get the message "screen sharing could not be established."
    Is this a port issue?
    Thanks in advance!

    Oh My !! You are doing things the difficult way.
    Hopefully you have got both ends set in System Preferences > Quicktime > Streaming to 1.5Mbps
    (if you have to change iChat will need restarting).
    In the iChat Menu >Preferences > Video Section > Bandwidth drop down both ends need to be on 500kbps to get around what Comcast and Road Runner do to manage their Data Stream. This can be set in a chat. The two ISP s do things to try and stop people using File Sharing apps like BitTorrent but it impinges on iChat.
    The reason why I say it is a port issue.
    I run an App called Little Snitch.
    It tells me the ports and the IPs applications are connecting to.
    In a successful Video chats I see port 16402 on people's Public IP and if they have a Router a LAN IP as well.
    When in a Screen Share situation I also get another port.
    Screen Sharing in iChat iss related to the way it is/was done in Apple Remote Desktop (ARD).
    in fact in the iChatAgent .plist you can see the Setting
    (It is in fact Off in this Pic)
    Apple Remote Desktop uses port 5900 and 5988.
    However, Little Snitch reports to me a fairly random port when I use it and shows a number in the 50000 range.
    I use UPnP in my combined Modem/router which seems to cope with this random port.
    UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) allows any port the App wants to open to be open - control is with the App.
    This Doc by Apple tells you the ports to open if Port Forwarding for iChat 3
    It includes the Bonjour ones, the Jabber ones the AIM ones and the A/V ones.
    This second Doc by Apple is about the port changes to iChat 4
    This one only tells you about the A/V ports and not the other you need.
    AS it is short on info that is known about it stands to reason the info on Screen Sharing ports is also missing.
    This link is about the Linksys WRT54GS
    Near the top of the page is the Info to use in a web browser to access the set up pages.
    Follow the Instructions to to access the device and set the Unblocking of Anonymous Pings in the Security page.
    Stop following the Instructions and go to the Administration page.
    In here you will find UPnP.
    This should be Enabled (Save Settings if you need to)
    You will see in the rest of the Instructions that Port Forwarding is in Applications and Gaming as a sub tab. If anything is set here it will need to be Disabled.
    As will anything in Port Triggering and DMZ tabs.
    The Linksys WCG200
    I can not see the one with cc at the end on the Port list so I have picked version 2 m
    You can see the pics are similar.
    Although it does not say, also disable the Block to Responses to Internet Pings on the Security page (as well as having the Firewall Off).
    Then do the same as above. Enable UPnP and Save Settings - Disable anything in Applications and Gaming and again save settings.
    As I said before UPnP will allow the apps to open the ports they need and will therefore cope with the fact we don't know the precise port iChat is supposed to use.
    Out of the Box list.
    Apple have a list that was started at iChat 2
    Although the Doc was updated in June this was only for the new numbering system.
    You will notice under the table that some still need tweaks.
    Realistically most devices will need some tweaks and turning on UPnP can be the smallest.
    Most Netgears have UPnP on by default.
    However they have the Internet Ping Blocking and they have a DOS or SPI firewall that can impinge on iChat 4 as all the data is on one port and Faster internet speeds mean more data can be sent bumping into the threshold that these work (And get in the way).
    MIMO devices that tend to come with two or more antenna are a problem for iChat as the Wireless signal is effectively duplicated and iChat see this as two network connections and can not use them - if you are thinking of being wireless.
    9:04 PM Wednesday; August 20, 2008

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  • Ichat video and audio freeze

    Im running a brand new macbook pro my friend has a brand new macbook basic. Ichat works fine, video and audio work fine but after about 5 minutes they freeze, "connection error". Screen sharing freezes as well but I don't get the error message. Regular text chat is the only one that works. What's the deal?
    Message was edited by: aaron Boyd

    Is it the 10 Second Error 20 ?
    10:18 PM Saturday; August 23, 2008

  • Video and audio crashes with communication error -8.

    Hi, I sure could use some help please.
    This is my problem, I can no longer use iChat on either of my computers which both have systems 10.4.10 and 10.4.11 in them. IChat version is 3.1.8 in both computers, my 2003 G4 eMac and my new Intel Core iMac.
    I get a communication error -8 that comes as soon as I click on the video camera to connect to anyone.
    I use no firewalls, my ISP server doesn't either and they block NO ports.
    IChat used to work before I upgraded to system 10.4, in fact it even worked on dial up before I got high speed internet and it worked on high speed internet before the upgrade. One of my computers is brand spanking new, the iMac with system 10.4.10 in it.
    I have automatic quicktime streaming and when I did try other setting, it made no difference.
    I've called Apple and they had me remove plists from library preference folder but that made no difference either.
    Both my cameras work for Skype and for yahoo. I'm bewildered. Can anyone help? I'd really like to have my iChat video and audio work again. (My audio gets the same error)
    Thank you,

    This post fails to say that the original computer was direct to the modem and now there is a router involved.
    I also think I remember there was something else but my memory eludes me.
    The info is in another thread.
    7:40 PM Saturday; December 22, 2007

  • After years of owning all things Mac, I am finally trying to use iChat, and can't get it to work. I see my buddy, but all I can do is send a message--the video and audio chat icons are gray, as is inviting to a video chat under Buddies.

    After years of owning all things Mac, I am finally trying to use iChat, and can't get it to work. I am using gmail, and I see my buddy (no camera icon next to her name), but all I can do is send a message--the video and audio chat icons are gray, as is inviting to a video chat under Buddies. My buddy has the same problem as I.  We are able to do video chat through gmail, but I had hoped to use iChat.  I am using OS 10.6.8, iChat v. 5.0.3.  What am I missing?

    iChat will Video chat to another iChat in a Jabber Buddy List (Google run a Jabber server for GoogleTalk)
    However it will not Video to the Web Page login to iGoogle or the Web Mail Page login.  (where people can Google Chat as it were in a  Web Browser).
    Nor does it video to the Google Talk Stand alone app for PCs or any other Jabber apps on any platform.
    iChat uses a connection Process called SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) which is also used by other VoIP devices.
    Jabber/XMPP invited the Jingle Protocol for Jabber Applications.
    Google have included this in their Standalone app and the Plug-in for Web Browsers on both PCs and Mac (you can get this as a Standalone Plug-in or as part of Chrome)
    More on this here  This article has been changed several time in the recent months.  It now claims a greater involvement by Google in writing the Jingle Library (Although now Google's version does not work with the others)
    This tends to mean that using the web Login to Google to Chat also cannot video chat to other Jabber apps that are using Jingle.
    If your Buddy is using iChat then check the Video Menu has two items to Enable Camera/Video chat and Microphone/Audio chats are ticked.
    In the View Menu the Show Status Items should be ticked (Selecting them toggles the tick and the function On or Off)
    It could be Internet speed but at this stage I would doubt this at this stage.
    10:27 PM      Saturday; January 21, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • IChat Error - 8 on Video and Audio Chats

    I keep getting error -8 when ever I try to use video or audio chats. I have checked here and tried changing several settings including quicktimestreaming speed, ichat port from 5190 to 443, and ichat video bandwith. Here is the error code I am getting. I do travel for a living and I am on 2 or 3 different IT providers each day - some in hotels other in businesses and I seem to get the same error. I am trying to chat with my family at home that are on a Verizon FIOS system - Thank for all help
    Error code....
    Date/Time: 2007-06-20 17:49:05.688 -0400
    OS Version: 10.4.9 (Build 8P2137)
    Report Version: 4
    iChat Connection Log:
    AVChat started with ID 1542289970.
    synthdoc5: State change from AVChatNoState to AVChatStateWaiting.
    0xd9cee80: State change from AVChatNoState to AVChatStateInvited.
    0xd9cee80: State change from AVChatStateInvited to AVChatStateConnecting.
    synthdoc5: State change from AVChatStateWaiting to AVChatStateConnecting.
    synthdoc5: State change from AVChatStateConnecting to AVChatStateEnded.
    Chat ended with error -8
    0xd9cee80: State change from AVChatStateConnecting to AVChatStateEnded.
    Chat ended with error -8
    Video Conference Error Report:
    Video Conference Support Report:
    Video Conference User Report:
    Binary Images Description for "iChat":
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    0x92be5000 - 0x92c76fff 101.2.1 (71) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ink.framework /Versions/A/Ink
    0x92c8a000 - 0x92c8efff 1.0.3 (32.1) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Help.framewor k/Versions/A/Help
    0x92c91000 - 0x92caffff 1.2.5 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting .framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting
    0x92cc1000 - 0x92cc7fff 5.2 (192.4) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Print.framewo rk/Versions/A/Print
    0x92ccd000 - 0x92d30fff 66.1 (1.1.3) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HTMLRendering .framework/Versions/A/HTMLRendering
    0x92d57000 - 0x92d98fff 3.4.4 (3.4.3) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/NavigationSer vices.framework/Versions/A/NavigationServices
    0x92dbf000 - 0x92dcdfff 3.9.1 /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonSound.f ramework/Versions/A/CarbonSound
    0x92dd4000 - 0x92dd9fff 1.2.3 (73) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CommonPanels. framework/Versions/A/CommonPanels
    0x92dde000 - 0x930d3fff 1.4.9 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fra mework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
    0x931d9000 - 0x931e4fff 1.4.16 /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
    0x931e9000 - 0x93204fff 3.2 /System/Library/Frameworks/DirectoryService.framework/Versions/A/DirectoryServi ce
    0x93254000 - 0x93254fff 6.4 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
    0x93256000 - 0x9390cfff 6.4.8 (824.42) /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
    0x93c8d000 - 0x93d08fff 91 (92.1) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
    0x93d41000 - 0x93dfbfff 1.4.5 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
    0x93e3e000 - 0x93e3efff 1.4.2 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit
    0x93e40000 - 0x94001fff 1.4.12 /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
    0x94047000 - 0x94088fff libsqlite3.0.dylib /usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib
    0x94090000 - 0x940cafff 1.4.16 /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dyl ib
    0x940cf000 - 0x940e5fff 1.4 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo
    0x9412b000 - 0x94173fff 8.5 (86.3) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Bom.framework/Versions/A/Bom
    0x9417d000 - 0x941bbfff 4.0.2 (93.1) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/vmutils.framework/Versions/A/vmutils
    0x941ff000 - 0x94210fff 2.2.1 (28150) /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Versions/A/SecurityFoun dation
    0x9421e000 - 0x9425cfff 2.2.1 (27695) /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityInterface.framework/Versions/A/SecurityInter face
    0x94278000 - 0x94287fff 1.258.75 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGATS.A.dylib
    0x9428e000 - 0x94299fff 1.258.75 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCSync.A.dylib
    0x942e5000 - 0x942fffff 1.258.75 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRIP.A.dylib
    0x94305000 - 0x94604fff 7.1.6 /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Versions/A/QuickTime
    0x94786000 - 0x948ccfff 4.0.4 (485.1) /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/AddressBook
    0x94958000 - 0x94967fff 1.1 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DSObjCWrappers.framework/Versions/A/DSObjCWra ppers
    0x9496e000 - 0x94997fff 1.4.2 (69.1.1) /System/Library/Frameworks/LDAP.framework/Versions/A/LDAP
    0x9499d000 - 0x949acfff libsasl2.2.dylib /usr/lib/libsasl2.2.dylib
    0x949b0000 - 0x949d5fff libssl.0.9.7.dylib /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.7.dylib
    0x949e1000 - 0x949fefff libresolv.9.dylib /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
    0x94a05000 - 0x94a6bfff 1.7.14 (1.7.14f14) /System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/IOBluetooth
    0x94d2a000 - 0x94dd2fff 522.10.1 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit
    0x94e33000 - 0x94ed5fff 522.10 /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
    0x94efc000 - 0x95391fff 522.10 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.frame work/Versions/A/WebCore
    0x955ec000 - 0x955f1fff 2.5.9 (AGL-2.5.9) /System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL
    0x955f5000 - 0x95618fff libxslt.1.dylib /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
    0x968b9000 - 0x968b9fff 3.3.1 (vecLib 3.3.1) /System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib
    0x96da0000 - 0x96dc2fff 2.5 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LatentSemanticMapping.framework/Versions/A/La tentSemanticMapping
    0x96e33000 - 0x96f0afff 1.4.16 /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLProgramma bility.dylib
    0x96f25000 - 0x96f26fff 1.4.16 /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLSystem.dy lib
    0x9707b000 - 0x9707bfff 1.1.1 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MonitorPanel.framework/Versions/A/MonitorPane l
    0x977dc000 - 0x978c5fff 278.3.10 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/VideoConference.framework/Versions/A/VideoCon ference
    0x98009000 - 0x9800bfff 1.8.2 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DisplayServices.framework/Versions/A/DisplayS ervices
    0x98238000 - 0x98f0dfff 7.1.6 /System/Library/QuickTime/QuickTimeComponents.component/Contents/MacOS/QuickTim eComponents
    0x998cf000 - 0x998dafff 3.1.4 (429) /System/Library/Frameworks/InstantMessage.framework/Versions/A/InstantMessage
    0x998e4000 - 0x99a50fff 2.1.1 (752.3) /System/Library/Frameworks/Message.framework/Versions/B/Message

    Start with Broadband tuner on the home Mac
    See this thread for links
    12:13 AM Friday; June 22, 2007

  • Update to kichat: FAQ 3 - How do I get Video and Audio Chats with PCs ?

    kichat: FAQ 3 - How do I get Video and Audio Chats with PCs ?
    (To Replace if Accepted. )
    How do I get Video and Audio Chats with PCs ? iChat FAQ 3 (Updated 7/12/2008)
    Applies to iChat 2.x, iChat 3.x and iChat 4.x to any version of AIM on a PC before AIM 6.1
    This piece is designed for those trying to connect Mac to PC for Video and Audio chats. Any iChat version Panther and up.
    Glossary For This FAQ
    This bit is designed for clarity.
    Video is the sending and /or recieving of pictures and sound.
    Audio is the sending and or receiving of sound only.
    One-Way is the ablity to start either an Audio or Video chat from one end to a receipient who can not match your capabilities (or Vice Versa)
    What is needed
    At the Mac end
    A Mac running OS 10.3.x and iChat AV ver 2.1 or 10.4 plus iChat 3 or Leopard and iChat 4
    A DSL/Cable/Fibre (Broadband) connection of at least an up link speed of 256kbs.
    An AIM , or MobileMe ( account name.
    (hosting Multiple person Mac to Mac AV chats requires higher specs and broadband uplink speed).
    At the PC end
    1 PC running windows XP (home or Pro). THIS A MUST
    The AIM Standalone Application, currently at ver. 5.9 at this link. AIM (the Site) now call this version Classic and it cannot be Installed On Vista
    Note: there is also Trillian which has a Pro version for $25 that can also Video and Audio chat. The Basic version just Texts and Audio Chats (AIM does not Audio chat)
    Some need the aimrtc12.exe file from Here Mostly Earlier than XP or Pre Service Pack 2 XP versions of Windows
    Note: It has been noted that this file is now apparently included in Windows XP after Service Pack 2 and above.
    An AIM account/screen name (AOL or Netscape count as well)
    Service Pack 2 info. This info will allow the PC user to enable AIM thorough the XP Firewall. The Windows Firewall did not exist as such before this
    Between both of you.
    At least one camera (Mac end)
    A sound input device (the camera, if it has one is ok)
    Your Buddies screen/account name in each others Buddy Lists
    Other tweaks
    For some people, using AIM on a PC, may also have to make sure their preferences (properties) are set in the AIM Buddy list, for their camera and /or Mic. (Tuning at Message 570)
    This is an icon button lower right on the Buddy List marked "Prefs" (AIM 5.5). This leads to the Preferences. Drop down the list until you read Live Video. Click on this. In the new window that opens click the button that says Tuning Video and Audio. Follow the instructions in the wizard that opens up. Access in AIM 5.9 for this is in the My AIM menu at the top of the Buddy list and then Options
    To Start
    You should now be able to chat to each other.
    If each of you has a camera it can be full Video , as described in the Glossary at the top.
    To start from the Mac end, select (highlight) your Buddy with one click. His camera icon should be dark. Click on the icon near his name or the one at the bottom of the Buddy List. (You do not have to start a text chat).
    To start from the PC end you need to start a text chat, then select the Video icon at the bottom of the chat window.
    If one of you has a camera and the other has a Mic then you will be able to chat One Way but have sound will be both ways.
    To start this type of chat from the Mac end you will have to go to the menu item "Buddies" and drop down to the item "Invite to One Way Video Chat"
    To start this from a PC follow the directions in the pargraph above. You may need to change the tab to the incoming Video at the back of the two to see the Video. These tabs are added when the Video chat starts and the front one normally states you do not have a camera and shows a connection to buy one.
    It is also possible to chat One Way if the other person does not have a Mic: replies will have to be typed in a Text chat.
    No Camera and No Mic will cause iChat to End the chat with "No Data Received for 10 Secs"
    For any sort of sound to a PC using AIM, (Talk in PC or Audio in iChat) the Mac will need a camera. The other person can have a Mic and then live chats with sound both ways and Pictures (Video) the other.
    NOTE: At This Time It Is NOT Possible to Audio (sound only) between Mac & PC with AIM & iChat
    Trillian Basic can Audio. Trillian Pro can Video and has a bigger picture and can do Full Screen.
    Another explanation of the set up can be found Here about AIM 5.5 but is transferable.
    And Also here
    My Web Pages particularly all of Page 12: What if your Girlfriend Lives a Long Way Away ? have more information.
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.
    4:24 PM Sunday; December 7, 2008

    kichat: FAQ 3 - How do I get Video and Audio Chats with PCs ?
    (To Replace if Accepted. )
    How do I get Video and Audio Chats with PCs ? iChat FAQ 3 (Updated 7/12/2008)
    Applies to iChat 2.x, iChat 3.x and iChat 4.x to any version of AIM on a PC before AIM 6.1
    This piece is designed for those trying to connect Mac to PC for Video and Audio chats. Any iChat version Panther and up.
    Glossary For This FAQ
    This bit is designed for clarity.
    Video is the sending and /or recieving of pictures and sound.
    Audio is the sending and or receiving of sound only.
    One-Way is the ablity to start either an Audio or Video chat from one end to a receipient who can not match your capabilities (or Vice Versa)
    What is needed
    At the Mac end
    A Mac running OS 10.3.x and iChat AV ver 2.1 or 10.4 plus iChat 3 or Leopard and iChat 4
    A DSL/Cable/Fibre (Broadband) connection of at least an up link speed of 256kbs.
    An AIM , or MobileMe ( account name.
    (hosting Multiple person Mac to Mac AV chats requires higher specs and broadband uplink speed).
    At the PC end
    1 PC running windows XP (home or Pro). THIS A MUST
    The AIM Standalone Application, currently at ver. 5.9 at this link. AIM (the Site) now call this version Classic and it cannot be Installed On Vista
    Note: there is also Trillian which has a Pro version for $25 that can also Video and Audio chat. The Basic version just Texts and Audio Chats (AIM does not Audio chat)
    Some need the aimrtc12.exe file from Here Mostly Earlier than XP or Pre Service Pack 2 XP versions of Windows
    Note: It has been noted that this file is now just another link to the Standalone application. This might be an error by AIM or a newer version that includes the file.
    An AIM account/screen name (AOL or Netscape count as well)
    Service Pack 2 info. This info will allow the PC user to enable AIM thorough the XP Firewall. The Windows Firewall did not exist as such before this
    Between both of you.
    At least one camera (Mac end)
    A sound input device (the camera, if it has one is ok)
    Your Buddies screen/account name in each others Buddy Lists
    Other tweaks
    For some people, using AIM on a PC, may also have to make sure their preferences (properties) are set in the AIM Buddy list, for their camera and /or Mic. (Tuning at Message 570)
    This is an icon button lower right on the Buddy List marked "Prefs" (AIM 5.5). This leads to the Preferences. Drop down the list until you read Live Video. Click on this. In the new window that opens click the button that says Tuning Video and Audio. Follow the instructions in the wizard that opens up. Access in AIM 5.9 for this is in the My AIM menu at the top of the Buddy list and then Options
    To Start
    You should now be able to chat to each other.
    If each of you has a camera it can be full Video , as described in the Glossary at the top.
    To start from the Mac end, select (highlight) your Buddy with one click. His camera icon should be dark. Click on the icon near his name or the one at the bottom of the Buddy List. (You do not have to start a text chat).
    To start from the PC end you need to start a text chat, then select the Video icon at the bottom of the chat window.
    If one of you has a camera and the other has a Mic then you will be able to chat One Way but have sound will be both ways.
    To start this type of chat from the Mac end you will have to go to the menu item "Buddies" and drop down to the item "Invite to One Way Video Chat"
    To start this from a PC follow the directions in the pargraph above. You may need to change the tab to the incoming Video at the back of the two to see the Video. These tabs are added when the Video chat starts and the front one normally states you do not have a camera and shows a connection to buy one.
    It is also possible to chat One Way if the other person does not have a Mic: replies will have to be typed in a Text chat.
    No Camera and No Mic will cause iChat to End the chat with "No Data Received for 10 Secs"
    For any sort of sound to a PC using AIM, (Talk in PC or Audio in iChat) the Mac will need a camera. The other person can have a Mic and then live chats with sound both ways and Pictures (Video) the other.
    NOTE: At This Time It Is NOT Possible to Audio (sound only) between Mac & PC with AIM & iChat
    Trillian Basic can Audio. Trillian Pro can Video and has a bigger picture and can do Full Screen.
    Another explanation of the set up can be found Here about AIM 5.5 but is transferable.
    And Also here
    My Web Pages particularly all of Page 12: What if your Girlfriend Lives a Long Way Away ? have more information.
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.
    9:19 PM Friday; December 12, 2008

  • Kichat: FAQ 3 - How do I get Video and Audio Chats with PCs ?

    Disclaimer: Apple does not necessarily endorse any suggestions, solutions, or third-party software products that may be mentioned in the topic below. Apple encourages you to first seek a solution at Apple Support. The following links are provided as is, with no guarantee of the effectiveness or reliability of the information. Apple does not guarantee that these links will be maintained or functional at any given time. Use the information below at your own discretion.
    How do I get Video and Audio Chats with PCs ? iChat FAQ 3 (Updated 3/4/2009)
    Applies to iChat 2.x, iChat 3.x and iChat 4.x to any version of AIM on a PC before AIM 6.1
    See bottom section on AIM 6.5 and 6.8 on XP and Vista.
    This piece is designed for those trying to connect Mac to PC for Video and Audio chats. Any iChat version Panther and up.
    Glossary For This FAQ
    This bit is designed for clarity.
    Video is the sending and /or receiving of pictures and sound.
    Audio is the sending and or receiving of sound only.
    One-Way is the ability to start either an Audio or Video chat from one end to a recipient who can not match your capabilities (or Vice Versa)
    What is needed
    At the Mac end
    A Mac running OS 10.3.x and iChat AV ver 2.1 or 10.4 plus iChat 3 or Leopard and iChat 4
    A DSL/Cable/Fibre (Broadband) connection of at least an up link speed of 256kbs.
    An AIM , or MobileMe ( account name.
    (hosting Multiple person Mac to Mac AV chats requires higher specs and broadband uplink speed).
    At the PC end
    1 PC running windows XP (home or Pro). THIS A MUST
    The AIM Standalone Application, currently at ver. 5.9 at this link. AIM (the Site) now call this version Classic and it cannot be Installed On Vista
    Note: there is also Trillian which has a Pro version for $25 that can also Video and Audio chat. The Basic version just Texts and Audio Chats (AIM does not Audio chat)
    Some need the aimrtc12.exe file from Here Mostly Earlier than XP or Pre Service Pack 2 XP versions of Windows
    An AIM account/screen name (AOL or Netscape count as well)
    Service Pack 2 info. This info will allow the PC user to enable AIM thorough the XP Firewall. The Windows Firewall did not exist as such before this.
    Between both of you.
    At least one camera (Mac end works better)
    A sound input device (the camera, if it has one is ok)
    Your Buddies screen/account name in each others Buddy Lists
    Other tweaks
    For some people, using AIM on a PC, may also have to make sure their preferences (properties) are set in the AIM Buddy list, for their camera and /or Mic. (Tuning at Message 570)
    This is an icon button lower right on the Buddy List marked "Prefs" (AIM 5.5). This leads to the Preferences. Drop down the list until you read Live Video. Click on this. In the new window that opens click the button that says Tuning Video and Audio. Follow the instructions in the wizard that opens up. Access in AIM 5.9 for this is in the My AIM menu at the top of the Buddy list and then Options
    To Start
    You should now be able to chat to each other.
    If each of you has a camera it can be full Video , as described in the Glossary at the top.
    To start from the Mac end, select (highlight) your Buddy with one click. His camera icon should be dark. Click on the icon near his name or the one at the bottom of the Buddy List. (You do not have to start a text chat).
    To start from the PC end you need to start a text chat, then select the Video icon at the bottom of the chat window.
    If one of you has a camera and the other has a Mic then you will be able to video chat One Way but sound will be both ways.
    To start this type of chat from the Mac end you will have to go to the menu item "Buddies" and drop down to the item "Invite to One Way Video Chat"
    To start this from a PC follow the directions in the paragraph above. You may need to change the tab to the incoming Video at the back of the two to see the Video. These tabs are added when the Video chat starts and the front one normally states you do not have a camera and shows a connection to buy one.
    It is also possible to chat One Way if the other person does not have a Mic: replies will have to be typed in a Text chat.
    No Camera and No Mic will cause iChat to End the chat with "No Data Received for 10 Secs"
    PC end gets AIM 5.9 or Trillian Pro.
    The PC end allows the app through the XP Firewall.
    AIM 5.9 needs "Tuning" to Camera and Mic.
    For any sort of sound to a PC using AIM, (Talk in PC or Audio in iChat) the Mac will need a camera. The other person can have a Mic and then live chats with sound both ways and Pictures (Video) One-Way.
    NOTE: At This Time It Is NOT Possible to Audio (sound only) between Mac & PC with AIM & iChat
    Trillian Basic can Audio. Trillian Pro can Video and has a bigger picture and can do Full Screen.
    Another explanation of the set up can be found Here about AIM 5.5 but is transferable to AIM 5.9.
    And Also here
    My Web Pages particularly all of Page 12: What if your Girlfriend Lives a Long Way Away ? have more information.
    AIM 6.5 and 6.8 On Vista and XP
    AIM 5.9 or earlier can not be installed on Vista.
    AIM 6.5 and 6.8 use a new video codec with a description of "Real Time IM"
    AIM have an FAQ page about this
    Below the pics is this quote
    What do I need to use Real-Time IM?
    You and your buddy need to be using AIM® 6.8 or higher to use Real-Time IM. Unfortunately, Real-Time IM does not yet work with older AIM clients, iChat®, or AIM® for Mac®.
    See items 5 through 13 on this page for alternatives including Web Browser based ones.
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.
    This is the 2nd version of this tip. It was submitted on Saturday; April 4, 2009, 9:52 PM by Ralph Jonhs (UK).
    Do you want to provide feedback on this User Contributed Tip or contribute your own? If you have achieved Level 2 status, visit the User Tips Library Contributions forum for more information.

    This is the one I have been wating for
    kichat: Look and sound great in iChat!
    Ian's First FAQ
    Also New Today
    kichat: FAQ 2 - How to get my router to work with iChat?
    kichat: FAQ 1 - What do I need to start in iChat ?
    11:20 PM Thursday; March 16, 2006

  • How do I get Video and Audio Chats with PCs ?:  FAQ 3

    How do I get Video and Audio Chats with PCs ? (Updated 24/11/05) iChat FAQ 3
    Applies to iChat 3.x and iChat 2.x
    This piece is designed for those trying to connect Mac to PC for Video and Audio chats. Any iChat version Panther and up.
    Glossary For This FAQ
    This bit is designed for clarity.
    Video is the sending and /or recieving of pictures and sound.
    Audio is the sending and or receiving of sound only.
    One-Way is the ablity to start either an Audio or Video chat from one end to a receipient who can not match your capabilities (or Vice Versa)
    What is needed
    At the Mac end
    1 Mac running OS 10.3.x and iChat AV ver 2.1 or 10.4 plus iChat 3
    A DSL (Broadband) connection of at least an up link speed of 256kbs.
    An AIM or account name.
    (hosting Multiple person AV chats requires higher specs and broadband uplink speed).
    At the PC end
    1 PC running windows XP (home or Pro). THIS A MUST
    The AIM Standalone Application, currently at ver. 5.9 at this link.
    Note: there is also Trillian Which has a Pro version for $25 that can also Video and Audio chat. The Basic just Texts and Audio Chats (AIM does not Audio chat)
    Some need the file from item 2 Here
    Note: It has been noted that this file is now just another link to the Standalone application. This might be an error by AIM or a newer version that includes the file.
    An AIM account/screen name (AOL or Nescape count as well)
    Service Pack 2 info. This info will allow the PC user to enable AIM thorough the XP Firewall.
    Between both of you.
    At least one camera (Mac end)
    A sound input device (the camera, if it has one is ok)
    Your Buddies screen/account name in each others Buddy Lists
    Other tweaks
    For some people, using AIM on a PC, may also have to make sure their preferences (properties) are set in the AIM Buddy list, for their camera and /or Mic. (Tuning)
    This is an icon button lower right on the Buddy List marked "Prefs" (AIM 5.5). This leads to the Preferences. Drop down the list until you read Live Video. Click on this. In the new window that opens click the button that says Tuning Video and Audio. Follow the instructions in the wizard that opens up. Access in AIM 5.9 for this is in the My AIM menu at the top of the Buddy list and then, Options
    To Start
    You should now be able to chat to each other.
    If each of you has a camera it can be full Video , as described in the Glossary at the top.
    To start from the Mac end, select (highlight) your Buddy with one click. His camera icon should be dark. Click on the icon near his name or the one at the bottom of the Buddy List. (You do not have to start a text chat).
    To start from the PC end you need to start a text chat, then select the Video icon at the bottom of the chat window.
    If one of you has a camera and the other has a Mic then you will be able to chat One Way but have sound returned to you.
    To start this type of chat from the Mac end you will have to go to the menu item "Buddies" and drop down to the item "Invite to One Way Video Chat"
    To start this from a PC follow the directions in the pargraph above. You may need to change the tab to the incoming Video at the back of the two to see the Video. These tabs are added when the Video chat starts and the front one normally states you do not have a camera and shows a connection to buy one.
    It is also possible to chat One Way if the other person does not have a Mic: replies will have to be typed in a Text chat.
    For any sort of sound to a PC using AIM, (Talk in PC or Audio in iChat) the Mac will need a camera. The other person can have a Mic and then live chats with sound both ways and Pictures (Video) the other.
    NOTE: At This Time It Is NOT Possible to Audio (sound only) between Mac & PC with AIM & iChat
    Trillian Basic can Audio. Trillian Pro can Video and has a bigger picture and can do Full Screen.
    Another explanation of the set up can be found Here
    My Web Pages
    Happy Chatting.

    Hi Ralph,
    Just a type, you misspelled Netscape...
    An AIM account/screen name (AOL or Nescape count as well)

  • IChat video an audio buttons greyed out & contact list busted.

    Hi folks...
    I hope someone can help me. I just tried using my IChat again today and noticed that I can not make video or audio calls at all. Both buttons are completely
    greyed out and disabled. Then again they sometimes reactivate and suddenly start working... why the sporadic randomness? Simple text chat is fine but video and audio buttons are dead.
    Also I have non active and UNAUTHORISED contacts on my list that I just can not get rid of no matter what. I select the names.. go to EDIT/DELETE, they are removed only to re-appear a few seconds later in my list.
    I noticed too that I do not have a on my machine at all.. is this normal?
    Thank you for your time..

    The first thing that strikes me is that this is a Jabber account.
    You cannot Video to Non iChat sources.
    That means not to GoogleTalk Buddies that are logged in via a web Browser or PC users logged in with the App called GoogleTalk or any other Jabber app on Mac or PC.
    iChat Video with Jabber IDs is iChat to iChat only.
    Also check the View Menu > Show Statuses
    You can turn Off Show Video Status and your own Video icon will show but all your Buddies will display Audio Only icons
    Turn that off as well and you get a Buddy List like yours  (no green icons for Buddies).
    This will effect AIM and Jabber Buddy Lists alike as well as the Bonjour one if you have it active.
    Deleting Buddies
    It should be a question of Highlighting them and using the backspace key and confirming the delete message that pops up.
    Or using the Remove option in the Video menu.
    However there are a couple of quirks that have to be looked into.
    1) Any log in to the same Buddy list either on the same computer is a different App or on a different computer.
    2) Any web Login that may be active.
    2a) Active might be a site that has a delayed "Keep Me Logged in" option if you don't specifically Log out.
    Both Google and AIM have default periods of two weeks which is then kept "alive" if you keep logging in a web browser or using an App on a phone.
    As there is constant communication between the app and the servers the Buddy list is constantly and instantly updated as buddies come on Line or change Status or go Off line.
    Another Login will keep telling the server that "this is my Buddy List" and replace names you are trying to remove.
    Make sure you are logged out of any other login, iPhone app, Web Browser on phone or Mac or another computer.
    10:04 PM      Friday; March 29, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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