Re-linking podcast

Hi all. Hoping someone can assist me.
I recently set up an account to load podcasts & set up my first couple of episodes which worked fine.
I now want to get back into the system but (like a fool) forgot to write down my ID & password. I have tried all the usual combinations to no avail.
Is there a way to re-link my podcasts or do I need to open another account & reload from scratch (& write down the critical stuff this time). I have tried iTunes site to find forgotten passwords but can't seem to recall what ID I used.
Any suggestions would be welcome (and yes I know I was stupid so that won't help)
Sony VAIO laptop   Windows XP Pro   wireless
Sony VAIO laptop   Windows XP Pro   wireless

I think we'll need more information on what you are trying to do.
Podcasts feeds are XML files and mp3/video files stored on a publicly accessible location on the internet. So are you saying that you created a podcast and forgot where you put them, forgot the name, etc... The internet is a big place.
You submit podcast feed URLs (where the feed's XML file is located) to iTunes using an Apple ID. Did you forget your AppleID (which is ordinarily your email) and password...which you also need to sign into the discussion forums?

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  • Podcast Created Successfully but I did not receive the link

    i am submit Podcast
    and received a message from the system that successfully
    Dear podcast owner, 
    Your podcast feed, [ ] was successfully added and is now under review.  
    Sincerely,  The iTunes Store Team
    but I did not receive the link Podcast ?

    It's here:

  • Moved Podcast Feed - 301 Redirect partially working

    Recently moved our RSS feed.
    Old -
    New - http://edgemerechurchorg/feed/podcast
    I modified .htaccess file to include 301 redirect from old feed to new one. 
    Posts on the new feed are showing in iTunes
    Two issues:
    1. Links
    "Podcast Website" links point to the old webpage in both iTunes, iTunes Store, and iTunes preview.
    I am using Wordpress and Blubrry plugin
    How is the podcast website determined?
    Is it determined by the podcast file location?
    Is there a way to change it?
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    Is there a way to force the iTunes store to update?
    Old Feed site:  (this was set up as a podcast only site)  I want to incorporate them both into one.
    Thanks for any help.

    The original feed URL you give redirects to the new URL you give, except that you have left out the dot before 'org'.
    However this is not the feed that the Store is using. That is at
    This has episodes up to 7 February, and an image which is the same as that shown in the Store. The feed at
    has five episodes dated 8th February, and a different image. So basically you've been updating the wrong feed. I'm not sure how you got yourself into this position; probably you need to update Feedburner to using the latter feed, but if you want to retain the older episodes in the Store you will have to add them to that feed first.

  • Cron RSS Reader

    So I've been using newsbeuter like many people for over a year now. However, the one complaint I and many others have voiced on the forums is that: there exists no cron RSS reader. Sure you can run newsbeuter 24/7 with the auto-refresh feature enabled, but who wants that. So a week ago at the start of the holidays I wrote my own. Now after a week I have seen that it works and that it should be ready to release in beta. Please understand that this is designed in my favorite way; stupid simple. It is source edited and demands only two files: a history file, and the program. I wrote it in python because of the wonderful feedparser library and because this way you can edit your feeds on the fly without needing to recompile.
    For anyone who wishes, feel free to play around with this and give me your feedback.
    To get it working just run the following to ensure you have the deps:
    sudo pacman -Sy coreutils curl python3 python-feedparser youtube-dl
    Next put the following source in a file and chmod 700 it. Now you can ./rss or maybe put it in ~/bin and add that to your path so you can run it like any other binary. But wait! Now before you run it, you will more than likely want to edit the config unless you want all of my feeds and just happen to have a /home/keller/downloads folder you want all the stuff put in. To edit the urls just follow the examples I left in. They are in the style ("Name Of Feed", "http:\\\rss\url.xml") where the first entry starts with and additional open brace and then each end in a comma if it is not the last feed entry or a additional close brace if it is. If you don't have anything for the particular category, just use (). Now give it a run by appending the --no-download option. If you don't, it's going to take a while and will work on every feed entry.
    To quote --help:
    Usage: rss [Options]
    This is a zero hassle RSS reader. It is designed to be source configured and
    run without a care in the world. Cron it, script it, just plain run it...
    -h, --help Show me this message.
    --no-download Do not act on new entries.
    (Simply mark as old.)
    -q, --quiet Don't talk.
    -v, --say-something The opposite of -q.
    In terms of action, it will:
    First: Append new links to a file called links.html in the downloads folder that you can view with your browser of choice. This is the fastest so you can read your feeds while you wait on the downloads.
    Second: Download the attached image from Deviant Art
    Third: Download every youtube video at a max of 720p (To speed up the download and conserve bandwidth)
    Lastly: Download all of your podcasts
    I was debating adding twitter, but I don't use RSS for twitter (or twitter for that matter) so if there is a desire for it (or others) let me know.
    # Depends on:
    # * coreutils
    # * curl
    # * python3
    # * python-feedparser
    # * youtube-dl
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Configuration and URLs - - - - - - - - - - - - - #
    be_quiet = False # True disables output (Good for cron)
    download_dir = "/home/keller/downloads/"
    history_file = "/home/keller/.rss_history"
    # Appends to links.html page in download directory
    link_urls = (("Extra Ordinary", ""),
    ("Doghouse Diaries", ""),
    ("Cyanide & Happiness", ""),
    ("XKCD", ""),
    ("Scandinavia And The World", ""),
    ("Surviving The World", ""),
    ("Something Of That Ilk", ""),
    ("Invisible Bread", ""),
    ("Happle Tea", ""),
    ("Dilbert", ""),
    ("What-If", ""),
    ("Networking Nerd", ""),
    ("Fry Guy's Blog", ""),
    ("Ethereal Mind", ""),
    ("Packet Pushers", ""),
    ("Lone SysAdmin", ""),
    ("Arch Linux News", ""),
    ("Schneier on Security", ""))
    # Deviant Art RSS
    deviant_art_urls = (("Isbjorg's Main Gallery", ""))
    # Youtube RSS - Youtube Username Only
    youtube_users = (("Phillip DeFranco", "sxephil"),
    ("Freddie", "freddiew"),
    ("Freddie BTS", "freddiew2"),
    ("Corridor Digital", "corridordigital"),
    ("Corridor Digital BTS", "samandniko"),
    ("Jenna Marbles", "jennamarbles"),
    ("Source Fed", "sourcefed"),
    ("Minute Physics", "minutephysics"),
    ("VSauce", "vsauce"),
    ("Numberphile", "numberphile"),
    ("Veritasium", "1veritasium"),
    ("Sixty Symbols", "sixtysymbols"),
    ("Periodic Videos", "periodicvideos"))
    # Podcasts - Audio/Video linked content download
    podcast_urls = (("Security Now", ""),
    ("Ted Talks", ""),
    ("Scam School", ""),
    ("Hak 5", ""),
    ("Film Riot", ""),
    ("SANS News", ""),
    ("The Techie Geek", ""))
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - No need to modify below here - - - - - - - - - - - - #
    from feedparser import parse
    from os import system
    from sys import argv
    import pickle
    # -- Argument Parse
    no_download = False
    if "--help" in argv or "-h" in argv:
    print("""Usage: rss [Options]
    This is a zero hassle RSS reader. It is designed to be source configured and
    run without a care in the world. Cron it, script it, just plain run it...
    -h, --help Show me this message.
    --no-download Do not act on new entries.
    (Simply mark as old.)
    -q, --quiet Don't talk.
    -v, --say-something The opposite of -q.
    if "--no-download" in argv:
    no_download = True
    if "--quiet" in argv or "-q" in argv:
    be_quiet = True
    if "--say-something" in argv or "-v" in argv:
    be_quiet = False
    # -- Unpickle History
    history = pickle.load(open(history_file, "rb"))
    tmp = open(history_file, "w")
    history = {"podcast" : [], "deviant_art" : [], "youtube" : [], "link" : []}
    current_links = [] # Holds all current links so we can prune ancient history
    # -- Link
    for url in link_urls:
    if not be_quiet : print("Checking", url[0] + "...")
    for entry in parse(url[1]).entries:
    if not in history["link"]: # If is a new link
    if not be_quiet : print(" * New Content Found!")
    if no_download or system('echo "<a href=\"' + + '\">' + url[0] + ' : ' + entry.title + '</a><br />" >> ' + download_dir + 'links.html') == 0: # Append to file
    # -- Deviant Art
    for url in deviant_art_urls:
    if not be_quiet : print("Checking", url[0] + "...")
    for entry in parse(url[1]).entries:
    if entry.media_content[0]["url"][-4] == '.': # Check it's a file
    if entry.media_content[0]["url"] not in history["deviant_art"]: # If is a new link
    if not be_quiet : print(" * Downloading:", entry.media_content[0]["url"][entry.media_content[0]["url"].rfind('/') + 1:])
    if no_download or system('curl -so "' + download_dir + entry.media_content[0]["url"][entry.media_content[0]["url"].rfind('/') + 1:] + '" "' + entry.media_content[0]["url"] + '"') == 0: # Download
    # -- Youtube
    for url in youtube_users:
    if not be_quiet : print("Checking", url[0] + "...")
    for entry in parse("" + url[1] + "/uploads").entries:
    if not in history["youtube"]: # If is a new link
    if no_download or system('youtube-dl --max-quality 22 -o "' + download_dir + '%(title)s.%(ext)s" "' + + '"' + ['', ' -q'][be_quiet]) == 0: # Download
    # -- Podcast
    for url in podcast_urls:
    if not be_quiet : print("Checking", url[0] + "...")
    for entry in parse(url[1]).entries:
    for link in entry.links:
    if link.type[0:5] == "video" or link.type[0:5] == "audio": # If _IT_ describes itself as video or audio
    if link.href not in history["podcast"]: # If is a new link
    if not be_quiet : print(" * Downloading:", link.href[link.href.rfind('/') + 1:])
    if no_download or system('curl -#Lo "' + download_dir + link.href[link.href.rfind('/') + 1:] + '" "' + link.href + '"' + ['', ' -s'][be_quiet]) == 0: # Download
    # -- History Dump
    for key in history:
    for link in history[key]:
    if link not in current_links:
    # -- Pickle History
    pickle.dump(history, open(history_file, "wb"))
    That's all folks. If you do give it a try, please give feed back even if it's just that the whole thing sucks. I'd love to know what feeds don't work, if there is anything you want added, or if you just think it's swell.
    If there appears to be some interest I'll look at putting this in the AUR. Maybe with a mode for config files so that each user can have thier feeds all independantly checked with each run under cron. Though that'll take some work to get just right so I'm only doing so if people are sure they would like such a feature. So yeah, feel free to ask for the moon, I'll see what I can do in most cases.
    Lastly, I am humbly sorry that I suck at documenting how exactly it works here. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to post away and I will do my best to answer them.

    This is a shame that Apple doesnt (somehow) make this one of the cross-platform features.
    I mean come on, how many of us mac users actually have ALL our computer-using relatives on a mac? In a perfect world, all of us, but reality is, I'm the only one out of about 11 people on my and my wife's side of the family that we share pics of the kids with. Everyone else uses Winblows.
    I was pumped when I heard about photocasting. Alas, now that I've tried to make this work smoothly for the novice windows users who want to see pictures of our kids, I realize there is *zero chance* of me being able to use this. There is no way I can see myself sending my 63 year old mother an RSS feed link and having her figure out what to do with it (when she can barely figure out how to look at the pics I send in email he he). If she has to go install an RSS reader, forget it.
    Anyway, great mac only feature, but this would be a huge feather in Apple's cap if they could figure out how to serve this up to Windows end users just as effortlessly.
    eMac, PB17"   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

  • IWeb+Pocast+Godaddy=Question/Frustration

    OK - here is my site...
    If you click on the link "podcast" then the "listen" link the Podcast archive loads up but all I see is a quicktime image with no podcast happening. When I save my iWeb Site to a folder and then view it I see the podcast. I see the file in the Podcast folder of my site on my ftp server. But no workie Podcast!!!!!!!!!! I checked with my hosting company and the podcast is supported and they could not tell me why it doesn't work.
    HELP!!!!! 8A-94D8-B21A64C3EF7E_files/RealLovePart1Foundation.m4a
    that's the address of the podcast. no expert, but look a little odd.

  • Joomla o Drupal?

    Hola Foreros,
    Actualmente voy a empezar un sitio de tamaño mediano que
    requerira en el
    futuro expandirse a tienda en linea. El cliente
    ingresará productos y
    algunos eventos. Por lo que creo que es mejor utilizar un
    WCMS como Drupal
    o Joomla ¿Alguno de Ustedes tiene alguna experiencia que
    pueda compartir en
    cual de los dos podría ser más flexible?
    ¿Qué interface es más amigable para el
    He oído muy buenas cosas de Drupal pero creo que Joomla
    es un poco más
    popular ¿Uds. qué opinan?
    Por el momento estoy leyendo un par de libros acerca de
    Joomla, "Building
    Websites with Joomla! 1.5" y "Joomla! A User's Guide" y uno
    en Drupal "Pro
    Drupal Development" Pero como el tiempo se me viene encima
    debo escorger lo
    antes posible y enfocarme en uno de los dos WCMS.

    Bueno hablo de memoria pero a saber cosas que hace Magento y
    que puede que
    ya tenga oscommerce:
    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    Soporte para pago con tarjeta de crédito:
    y Paypal Payflow
    Soporte para métodos de envío. Integración en
    tiempo real con: UPS, FedEx,
    y USPS.
    Soporte para tiendas multi-lenguaje.
    Capacidad para múltiples tipo de moneda.
    Review de productos.
    Capacidad de envío de notificaciones por email.
    Buscador básico y avanzado.
    Facilidad para comparar productos.
    Soporte para asignar tags a los productos y generación
    de un tagcloud o
    nube de tags.
    Carrito de compras completo
    Y cosas que creo que no tiene OsCommerce pero sí
    Magento, ojo hablo de
    memoria por lo que igual hay cosas que son compatibles:
    Crear múltiples tiendas, ideal si tienes varios
    distribuidores y son ellos
    los que ponen el precio de cada producto
    Crear distintos tipos de clientes, es decir, poder
    clasificarlos como
    particulares, empresas, tiendas..etc. para ofrecerles precios
    según su clasificación.
    Es decir, que con estas 2 principales características
    puedes definir el
    precio según el país y el tipo de usuario cosa que
    con oscommerce no (de la
    versión oficial claro).
    Respecto a la seguridad... bueno todos sabemos que son
    libres... por lo que es mejor utilizar web cifrada, vamos
    certificados SSL.
    Un saludo y gracias por tu comentario
    Lucas Sevilla
    "speculumcm" <[email protected]> ha escrit al missatge
    news:[email protected]...
    > ¡Excelente cátedra!
    > Muchas gracias por este mensaje. Estaba a punto de
    > Joomla+VirtueMart para un catálogo en línea
    que me han encargado pero en
    > el que no tienen nada de prisa en su creación. Lo
    que me hizo dudar un
    > poco de esta elección fue que en el manual de
    usuario de VM tiene esta
    > advertencia:
    > "VirtueMart es una sencilla aplicación Online-Shop.
    Pero seguramente no es
    > una aplicación "out-of-the-box" profesional para
    empresas. No esta 100%
    > probada en entornos seguros. No pretende tener un 100%
    de rendimiento.
    > Se necesita algo de tiempo para personalizar esta
    aplicación para
    > satisfacer sus necesidades.
    > Esté preparado para ser confrontados con los
    errores, que actualmente no
    > han sido encontrados todavía."
    > Bueno aunque es un manual en inglés algo viejo,
    para Joomla 1.0, no sé que
    > tanto se aplique ahora.
    > Pero gracias a tu comentario (ya había escuchado
    maravillas de Drupal)
    > pero con lo que me acabas de decir, definitivamente es
    la aplicación a
    > estudiar.
    > Cambiando un poco el tema, pero dentro del mismo campo,
    tengo otro encargo
    > que si urge más y es lo de la tienda online.
    Después de mucho buscar y
    > jugar con esta y aquella aplicación la que más
    me ha fascinado es Magento,
    > caray, me ha dado tan buena pinta que ya hasta estoy
    participando en la
    > traducción al español de México.
    > Y es que al principio lo vi muy pesado y no cualquier
    hosting lo admite,
    > pero eso ya esta resuelto. Echale un vistazo a su
    arquitectura RDBMS
    > (Sistemas de gestión de base de datos relacional),
    es el sueño de
    > cualquier desarrollador principiante como yo :) ¿Tu
    que opinas de Magento?
    > Saludos y encantado de leerte.
    > Lucas Sevilla wrote:
    >> Bueno, antes que nada hay que diferenciar bien que
    es cada cosa.
    >> Joomla! es un sistema de administración de
    contenidos de código abierto
    >> construido con PHP bajo una licencia GPL.
    >> Drupal por su parte, es un sistema de gestión
    de contenido para sitios
    >> Web.
    >> La principal diferencia es que Drupal es 100%
    accesible y todos sus
    >> complementos (plugins, extras.. como lo querais
    llamar) son oficiales y
    >> entre otras cosas esta apoyado por empresas como
    Google e IBM entre otras
    >> además de ser mucho más seguro que Joomla!
    y similares.
    >> Por otra parte, podemos diferenciarlo aún mas
    enfocando esta diferencia
    >> en la definición que ellos hacen a la
    >> Joomla! se ofrece como un sistema de
    administración y si nos referimos a
    >> la afección cinco de "administrar" de la RAE,
    administrar es
    >> <<Suministrar, proporcionar o distribuir
    algo.>>, sin embargo, Drupal se
    >> ofrece como un sistema de gestión y según
    la RAE, "gestionar" es <<Hacer
    >> diligencias conducentes al logro de un negocio o de
    un deseo
    >> cualquiera.>>.
    >> Por lo que si hacemos caso al significado de las
    palabras podemos definir
    >> claramente, Joomla! nos permite administrar los
    contenidos de una
    >> determinada forma y Drupal nos permite gestionar el
    contenido deseado.
    >> Como ves hay una gran diferencia. También
    comentarte que con Drupal has
    >> de saber programar o al menos tener conocimientos
    mínimos, porque te
    >> haran falta, pero sin duda es mucho más
    potente, eficiente, seguro y
    >> "accesible".
    >> Para convencerte de su eficacia, seguridad y
    usabilidad puedes mirar los
    >> siguientes links:
    >> PODCASTS en inglés:
    >> Un saludo

  • How do I Change my Cover art?

    Sorry. I am very new to this. My podcast shows a generic image and I would like to change it. I cannot figure out how to change the cover art. Can someone please help me. Thanks.

    iTunes won't grab my image. It's been there all along, but iTunes seems to insist on the default purple podcast person. I've tried several things, but can't seem to get it to work. You can see it at:
    Originally, my image tag was exactly like the example above, because that's what it said in the tech specs. But the image wasn't exactly 300x300. So I changed it to 300x300, changed the filename, but still nothing.
    Then someone on the forum suggested that I try closing the image tag like so:
    <itunes:image href="link">Podcast Image</itunes:image>
    So I tried, but still nothing. The image is coming up fine everywhere else where I've published, but not on iTunes. Any suggestions?

  • Configuring Openbox

    hey guys. i know i dont post on here that much even though i use arch exclusively...
    i wrote a howto on configuring openbox a few weeks ago. i have posted it in a few other forums and it was mentioned on Dave Yates' Lotta Linux Links podcast. just thought i would post here and see if anyone else would find it helpful.
    if i missed anything or there is something that could be improved then please let me know. i really appriciate the feedback.
    things covered:
    configuration files (rc.xml, menu.xml,
    gtk themes
    and some more little tips here and there
    hope this helps someone. take care.

    thelastknowngod wrote:i was trying to be distro neutral. the goal was to write it for someone who knows 0% about openbox or linux at all for that matter...
    Maybe just add a link to the guide to the wiki ?
    sniffles wrote:Back when I used OpenBox I just wrote rc.xml from scratch, with OB's official documentation at hand. Always thought of it as -the- way to make OB behave exactly as I wanted.
    What do you use now sniffy ?
    Last edited by moljac024 (2008-06-30 18:50:33)

  • Application link has vanished from left menu bar (used to be under Podcasts

    I opened iTunes last night to synch my iPhone and it acted very oddly. iTunes installed a bunch of songs I had throw in the recycling bin and re-imported a bunch of album artwork. Small problems that I quickly resolved.
    iTunes also gave me a weird message about applications (I didn't realize it was a big deal so I didn't read it, something about saving over new applications with older applications) so I said no.
    The big issue - my applications link is now missing from the left menu screen (it used to be below the Podcasts link). I don't know how to update any applications or manage my applications without that link.
    Thanks in advance.

    iTunes prefs -> General.
    Under Show: tick Applications.

  • Link to report an issue with Podcast update

    Someone posted a link so we could report an issue with the Podcast app the last time there were issues with an upgrade.
    I sync with my laptop iTunes. Since this latest update to the app, when I delete a podcast in iTunes on my laptop it will not delete on my i devices during a sync with my laptop. It just grays them out and leaves them on my device. It looks like I can manually delete them, but when you click the edit function to delete them, they are no longer grayed out, so you can't tell which to delete and which to keep.
    I don't do anything with the cloud, because I have limited wifi service and do most of my updating at a free wifi hotspot.
    If someone has that online link on where to report issues, I would appreciate you posting it again and this time I will save it.

    To Contact the Mac App Store Customer Service:
    To Contact iTunes Store Customer Service:
    Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us

  • I was downloading podcast video in my itouch using wifi, but suddenly my wifi got disconnected and now there is a link in my podcast list which on opening uses wifi to play that video. I want to delete that link. Right to left swapping is not working.

    I was downloading podcast video in my itouch using wifi, but suddenly my wifi got disconnected and now there is a link in my podcast list which on opening uses wifi to play that video. I want to delete that link. Right to left swapping is not working.

    I bet this is too late but...
    Are you trying to print through the airport express wirelessly or the built in wireless of the lexmark? If you want to use the airport express, there is no need to mess with the wireless printing on the lexmark at all. The airport express will be easy to set up, all the wireless setups through the printers are a pain.

  • How do I create podcast links that open automatically in iTunes?

    I want to create different podcasts and distribute them via emails to my friends. I want to make it as simple as possible, so that my friends can click on the link to my feed, and have iTunes open automatically, and subscribe to my podcast without taking any extra step. In other terms, I don't want my friends to have to open iTunes, choose Subscribe to Podcast, and paste the link.
    Is it possible?

    Yes. Go to your iTunes Music Store Podcast Listing. Control-click on the title of your podcast and it will say "Copy iTunes Music Store URL".
    This will copy a URL to your clipboard that looks like:
    Paste this into your friends' email. They should be able to click on it and launch iTunes automatically and subscribe to your podcast(s). This of course assumes that they have iTunes 6 installed.

  • Podcast Problem - how can i add artwork to apple blog rss link

    i create a wiki blog page on our mac server, on the blog page i add video for podcasting and i enable podcast service on wiki settings. Then i take rss link from safari and i subscribe to itunes but when itunes check my link, there isnt artwork and i cant change the rss link code cause of the link generated automaticly from java. What can i do for this problem or how can i add artwork to apple blog servers rss link ?
    Thank you

    The rules are simple: one entry = one page
    if an article needs several pages, start this article on blog entry then continue with a page made with welcome page template or blank page template.
    you can change the link of the buttons "next" and "previous" to visit the pages you choose.
    (select the link > inspector > Link > hyperlink > check enable as a hyperlink > choose "one of my pages" ).
    Don't include these other pages in navigation menu.
    (inspector > Page > Page > uncheck "include page in navigation menu").

  • New podcast: help! I have one page with podcast links..should I make posts?

    hey guys,
    I'm using wordpress to host my podcasts. I put up to podcasts, in one page on my site (not as new 'posts' but two links on a page) and made a feed for that page. I submitted the feed to itunes over a week or two ago, and my older podcast shows up, but not both of them.
    None of my podcast info can be found by search (yet).
    Any advice?
    Do I need to make a feed for a different page?
    Here is the link for the podcast page on our site:
    Here is the feed address I sent to Itunes:
    Podcast on Itunes:
    The original feed:
    The main site's feed:
    which has NOT been sent to Itunes.
    Any thoughts?
    Thank you in advance!!

    Hi Ishrak,
    I apologize, I'm a bit unclear on exactly what you are trying to log into with your Apple ID, or what exactly you are seeing (alert message, directions, etc) when you try to do so. If you continue to have issues with your Apple ID, you may find one or more of the articles linked from the following page helpful:
    Apple ID - Apple Support
    - Brenden

  • Blog & Podcast pages link to dead URL Page

    I've published my new website to a folder, uploaded the data to a non .mac website. Everything works fine, except the blog and the podcast. The blog and podcast main page both appear, but when I click on a story or media selection, I get a URL not found. Checking my site with an FTP client, I can see all the files. However, no matter what I do, the links always go to a dead url page and states Not Found. I find it odd that the whole site works but the blog and podcast archive.
    Any work arounds or suggestions?
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   1.6 G5 2gig Ram

    Oooooh but URL length does make a difference. Thanks for your help.
    I did fix one podcast, but what an undertaking. See link:
    Now I must rant:
    Alpha-numerical URLs automatically generated by iweb for the blog & podcast archives are to long for some non .mac websites. This causes a Not Fond error message. Since I bought iweb for its simplicity, this software cannot fix the inherent problem either. What I have to do, is use Adobe GoLive 6 to shorten the automatically generated URL number strings of all my blog messages and podcasts. However, I'm still not done. I further more have to go into each blog & podacst HTML file and shorten all the links found there too. Quite an undertaking just to post a message. On my other website located on the same server, I run a Serendipity Blog which runs trouble free. Also, the Serendipity Blog is free and has more functionality.... Go figure. Since all I wanted was a simple cookie cutter website and a no fuss blog, the work around is not worth the effort. I think I will have to dump iweb... this is very disappointing.

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