Re-syncing audio to video

I did a paste insert of some footage into fcp6 timeline and inadvertently pushed all of the audio out of sync from that point forward. is there an easier way to re-sync than moving each audio clip and attempting to match it to the corresponding video clip above? seems like a wicked pain...

If this is a situation where all audio clips have been mistakenly shifted by the same amount, select all the linked audio and video, then - and this is key - Control-click (or right-click) on any of the clip's out-of-sync indicator (you know, the red number in the box) and select the relevant option for the special shortcut menu.
In your case that should be +Move into Sync+ but be sure you're right-clicking directly on the sync indicator (doing so anywhere else will simply give you the traditional shortcut menu).
Edit: Totally forgot - you must have the Slip Tool - the S key - active prior to right-clicking, and you've gotta hold down the Shift key to maintain group selection.

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    The audio option wasn't added until Premiere Pro CC.
    You can set clip markers in the Source Monitor with the M key.

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    This may not be satisfactory but it usually works.
    Assuming the audio and video clips are started on a clapper, find the exact length of your video clip. Write that down.
    Open Speed Adjust on the audio clip and enter the time you wrote down. Render and then link.
    If you do this for each clip in a separate sequence you can export the properly synced clips as self-contained media.
    Hope you get it sorted, there is probably an easier and much more efficient way to do this. Back when I was shooting film, the speed of the tape deck sometimes drifted (because the producer was too cheap to get a crystal locked deck or Nagra). We'd spend many frustrating hours syncing by inserting cutaways and tiny chips of blank tape.

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    My settings in Easy Set Up are DV NTSC Firewire Basic. Do you know if changing settings will make any difference on a new capture? 
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    It makes a difference if the audio is offset the same amount all through the video; or if it gradually drifts further out of sync over time.
    If it's a fixed offset I think your best bet is to place the entire captured clip on the timeline, unlink the audio from the video, slip the audio back into sync, then export the entire clip to a self-contained QT Movie; then re-import the exported QT file and use it for editing nstead of your original captured clip.
    If the audio drifts, you probably had a mismatch between your FCE easy setup and the actual audio recording on tape. This usually happens when the tape was recorded with 12-bit audio (aka 32KHz) but your easy setup is 16-bit audio (aka 48KHz).   It also happens sometimes when you record the video on one device but capture with a different device (eg Canon XL2 vs. Sony DV deck).  BTW, the NTSC Firewire Basic easy setup expects 48KHz audio.

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    Do you have a clap strike you can sync to? Or timecode? Use markers on the audio and and the video. Open the video clip in the timeline. Drag the audio into it and line up the markers.

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    Welcome to the  Discussion Forums.
    Apart from the fact that you say your audio is ahead of your video, I'd assume your issue is one of delay because of your mixer. Since you can't extract audio in im08 and even if you could there seems no way to accurately manipulate it, I'd say you would be better looking at im6 for your particular workflow.

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    I don't think FCE has a multi-cam function like FCP does ... so here's another way to do it (if it does have a multi-cam function, disregard this).
    • Place the clip you'll likely to use most on track V1 (along with the audio on A1, A2).
    • Place the other clip on V2 (audio on A3, A4).
    • Double click one of the clips to load it into the Viewer window.
    • Play the clip until you find a good sync point (either visually or audibly).
    • Place a marker at that point.
    • Double-click the other clip to load it into the Viewer and find the same point on that clip.
    • Place a marker at that point.
    • In the Timeline, line up the two clip markers - it will help to zoom in to make sure they're perfectly lined up.
    • Once you have the two clips in sync, double-click the upper clip to load it back into the Viewer.
    • Click on the Motion tab and use the Scale and Center controls to get a picture-in-picture effect.
    • Back in the Timeline, unlink the audio and video from both clips.
    • You can delete the audio clip that you don't want to use.
    • In the Timeline, as you're going through the footage, cut out the parts of the clip on V2 that you don't want using the Blade tool.
    • When you're done, select all clips remaining on V2, right-click on one and select "Remove Attributes" then choose Basic Motion (all clips will go back to full size and centered).
    • If you want to consolidate all of V2's clips with the clip on V1, select all of V2's clips, then holding down the Shift key, drag the clips down to V1.
    • At this point, you can use the Roll tool to tweak your edit points if needed.
    • Add transitions as desired.
    This will only work if both clips are continuous (camera did NOT start and stop during the take).

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    How do I output this synced content from the timeline insuring that FCP, QT or Compressor doesn't re-render (and/or re-compress) the video footage in my newly synced clip?
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    When I go to output my final edit, I replace my pal sd anamorphic h.264 footage with my original DVCPRO HD 1080i50 footage by reconnecting the media in the browser.
    However, if you can suggest a way that I can sufficiently playback, (at as close to realtime as possible), 3 or more simultaneous layers of dvcpro hd 1080i50 footage (from a Lacie external drive connected via firewire 800) on my MacBook Pro (2.6Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB of memory) without frames dropping, stuttering and/or freezing, than please please please could you do so for me?
    In other words, what would be the best setup for my system (audio/video & timeline settings)?

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    Thank you.

    Seems like that person is a little lost on the subject.
    Do this. Open FCP, go into Audio Video settings under the Final Cut Pro menu, then click on the Sequence Presets tab. (Forget about an Easy Setup, because you are not capturing. Easy setup is only if you want to match capture settings to sequence settings and playback settings. You are only concerned with sequence settings.)
    In the Sequence settings tab, locate the Apple Pro Res 422 1920x1080 (or the corresponding aspect ratio for your footage), and press duplicate. Then, go into the duplicate setting and change the editing time base to 30 from 29.97, and change the timecode rate to Non-Drop frame. Label this something different so you know where to find it when you need it.
    Now, when you start a project, go into the A/V Settings and choose this as the Sequence preset. Make sure you convert your footage with either Compressor or MPEG Streamclip to ProRes 422 before you edit. Do NOT use the native H.264 files that the camera creates.
    The reason the blogger couldn't do it was because they were relying on Easy Setups. You can't set up a capture preset for 30 fps, because tape plays at 29.97. But you aren't capturing from a tape. You're just importing files.

  • Linking/Syncing Audio and Video

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    I have a rough cut of a few clips using on-camera audio. I also recorded with a separate audio recorder. I want to somehow link the secondary audio to the primary audio and the source video clips, so that the secondary audio will be added to the rough cut without me having to go and re-sync each edit with the corresponding secondary audio. Is it possible to sync additional audio to a source file and have it reflected in an edited sequence?

    Lining up each camera clip with the associated audio in its own sequence and then editing using those sequences instead of the original clips is one of the better ways to proceed given your starting point.
    Audio drift shouldn't be apparent over reasonable lengths of clip (say up to 10 or 20 minutes) depending on the stability of the clock in the audio device.  Many of the past reports were due to some manufacturers using slightly off-standard audio rates which Premiere then assumed to be correct and hence generated out-of-sync issues over around 30 minutes or more.  Not your problem here.
    If, when you check the audio sync over a whole clip, you find it is OK at the start but out at the end, then setting a marker on both video and audio near the end and using rate stretch on the audio to change its length by a small amount to line up the markers should give good enough sync for the clip.

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