Receiving emails in foreign characters

I've recently upgraded from OSX 10.2 to 10.4.7. Since my upgrade some of the emails I've been receiving have appeared in foreign characters (Chinese or something similar), ao I'm unable to read them. In addition some emails which I have saved in my mailboxes have also converted to this strange script.
I've read on the forum about other people having problems sending emails which appear to the recipient in chinese. but not about receiving them. I know for a fact that the emails in my mailboxes were ok before I upgraded. Any ideas?

I've recently upgraded from OSX 10.2 to 10.4.7. Since
my upgrade some of the emails I've been receiving
have appeared in foreign characters (Chinese or
something similar), ao I'm unable to read them. In
addition some emails which I have saved in my
mailboxes have also converted to this strange script.
This is most likely caused by the fonts Helvetica Fractions or Times Phonetic. Find them and dump them.
Send a screenshot if you still have problems (tom at bluesky dot org).

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    At the same time when i use the internet mail it can be read successfully by the recipient.
    I have already checked the encoding settings in the Fonts in order to be "unicode (UTF-8)".
    What else can i check?
    Thanks in advance.
    From: Eleni Kontomari [email address removed by moderator Andrew]
    Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 12:33 PM
    To: "Nikos Totsios (Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση)"; "Giannis Diokarantos (Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση)"; "Dimitris Papadopoulos (Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση)"; Vassilis Gounaris; "Vassos Efthymiadis (Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση)"; Νικηφόρος Κεκρίδης; Ιωάννης Αθανασόπουλος; "Alexis Katsivas (Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση)"; Μιχάλης Παπαοικονόμου; Fomesa Hellas; "Χρήστος Σπηλιάδης (Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση)"; Δημήτρης Μπενάκης; "Ν. Γαλάνης"; [email protected]; "Αποστόλης Σαμούδης (Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση)"; "Β. Ντουρτόγλου (Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση)"; [email protected]; [email protected]; "Φοίβη Λεγάκι (Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση)"; "Παναγιώτης Κουμεντάκος (Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση)"; Σπύρος Ζαφείρης; Hans- Joachim Henn; "Κώστας Αλεξανδρόπουλος (Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση)"; [email protected]; [email protected]
    ... 13 2014.
    ''Please read [[Forum rules and guidelines]] when posting a question in a public forum''

    There are some language add ons that support emails from other languages that you can check out: []
    The recipient, if they also use thunderbird may need to have a language pack to read the email: []
    You may also need to have them check their interpreter to make sure the email is being received in the same format it is being sent.

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    Do I have an incorrect setting in Live Mail (Outlook express displays the same) or is it something Verizon is doing?  All of my other emails from different providers display properly.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance which might be offered.

    I have the same problem rec eiving from a friend who uses verizon. I use aol and even opened it in Internet Exporer and the same thing happened. This is a programing glitch with verizon email. I get the text in the email but the white squares with an x and no image. I have to downlod the images and open it as an attachment. The problem is you look at the image without the text which might be describing the image. Very inconvient. The person sending the emal has to enable the rich text option . I am still looking on how to do it on Verizon email but since I don't have it I am having trouble finding a solution.

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    Microsoft has finally addressed this issue!
    You need to download and install the 14.2.4 update (110MB) for Office 2011 from here:
    Unfortunately, if you have been lazy with updating you will also need to download:
    Service Pack 1 (14.1.0), 247MB:
    [Service Pack 2 (14.2.0), 110MB: -> you don't have to download this]
    Update 14.2.3, 110MB:
    These are all pre-required...
    This update adds the ability to select a default text encoding for composing new messages.The encoding that is selected in composing preferences will be applied to all new messages that are sent from Mac Outlook. To access composing preferences, select Outlook, select Preferences, and then select Composing. The new preference is Preferred encoding for new messages. (From: )

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    Normally that should not happen unless the emails have erroneous or missing "charset =" statements in their "content-type" header.  Unfortunately on the iPhone there is no way for the user to compensate for this kind of issue.  Could you post a screenshot of what you are seeing?

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    No idea what language that is, or why u think I can read it. Presently logged in from U.S.

    That is Bengali ([]). Firefox 4 no longer has the language setting in the user agent and in your case it doesn't seem to work to detect the language.
    You can change the bn-BD in the link(s) to en-US on the Mozilla sites.

  • Receiver email encoding problem using mail package

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    I'm facing a email problem. My company email server is workig fine with emails subject but customers email server is making some strange changes when i use special characters such as 'á' or spanish letter 'n with a tail on the top'.
    I set the field 'Content_Type' of the email to 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1' but isn't working. If i remove those special chars, the subject is OK.
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    I'm using SAP PI 7.0 sp14.
    Any idea of what is happening?
    Kind regards,

    If you want to use non-ascii characters in email subject, then you have to apply a special notation for this, like follows:
    This is email standard. So I recommend not use non-ascii characters in email subject.

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    Heres my LoadVars code.
    var ChatLog_lv = new LoadVars();
    ChatLog_lv.LASCmd = "AI:4";
    ChatLog_lv.ChatRoomKey = application.RoomKey;
    ChatLog_lv.ChatRoomLog = cChatLog;
    bSuccess = ChatLog_lv.sendAndLoad("http://"+application.Server,ChatLog_lv,"POST");
    Thanks in advanced for anyone that can send some light into this issue.

    I am also having the same issue since my updates, and i find that the extra characters change (without me doing anything) each time i connect my iphone to my computer (vista).
    Also since the updates, i was getting the blue screen of death when connecting my iphone to my pc, but after re-downloading the software & re-installing, i have not had any issues in regards to my pc crashing.
    Not sure if the two are related somehow or if something has become corrupt on my pc.
    Is there any information on this one yet?

  • Attachment to received email not shown at all in Mail

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    I received an email that had been written on and sent from an iPad. It was supposed to contain a one-page MS Word (.docx) text file as an attachment. When I opened the email in Mail, there was no attachment, and I was on the point of complaining to the sender that she had failed to attach the file, when I had the idea of looking at the email in my BT/Yahoo! webmail — and the attachment was there.
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    Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    Can this be the attachment in disguise? At any rate I should be very grateful for any explanations and, in particular, for advice about making sure that attachments do appear in Mail in the future.
    I should add that I have not experienced this phenomenon before — though the non-appearance of an attachment might not have been noticed if I did not know that it should have been there.

    I realize that I should not see headers like that, and none of my other received emails that day had them. The particular email in question had other unwanted characters within its message, suggesting that something gone wrong with its encoding. Here is a small sample (i.e. the '=20'):
    Subject: Re: Draft email to Claire re topics /possible agenda items for Wa=
    ndle consultative group mtg
    The email was part of a conversation, and earlier parts of it had far more of these intrusive characters, which were not there when those parts of the conversation were first received. Here is a sample:
    I hope you still have your full revised text and can send it to us again.
    Best,Michael.=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0=
    =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0Michael Graubart
    I did not, in fact, do View / Message / Raw Source when I read the email. I have now gone back to the email and have now tried View / Message / Raw Source to see what the result would be. What happened was that an additional view of the message opened alongside the first one, with an enormous mass of characters which I shall not reproduce here unless I am told that it would be helpful.
    But in neither of the views could I find a trace of the attachment. That is what really worries me, in case it happens again unknown to me.

  • Reply email with chinese characters become

    My colleagues sent an email with Chinese characters while I'm outside the office, so I replied it using my iPhone 4S with Chinese characters too.
    However, my colleagues (she is using Outlook) said the email that she received is not readable. All the Chinese characters become garbled.
    This issue also applied to iPad 2 because I again resent it using my iPad 2.
    Is there a way to overcome this issue? Otherwise, I cannot do my work when I'm away my desk.
    Pls help~

    If I create a new mail using my iPhone 4GS or iPad 2, I won't have the problem.
    This issue only applied when I reply or forward an email from my colleagues whoes emails contain Chinese characters. To avoid this issue, the only language I can use is typing English but some of my colleagues only understand Chinese.
    I believe this problem is an encolding issue too because this case also apply on the Mail in my MacBook Pro. But I can change my encoding to "Traditional Chinese - Big 5" on Mail in my MBP but iPhone & iPad don't have this function.
    The problem still there even I switched the OS language b/w English and Chinese.

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    After confirmed by testing with MTS Allstream support technican on Oct. 25, 2012 that his iPhone 5 also could not receive Chinese SMS, I have been waiting over 3 weeks for some development.
    Am I shocked today to find that not only MTS had not made any progress in resolving the issue, they have closed the ticket altogether claiming that MTS is not responsible for any communication issues with non-MTS carriers; namely, if an MTS user has a communication problem with another MTS user, they will look into it.  If the issue involves communicating with any of their competitors such as Rogers, Bell, Telus, Fido or anyone for that matter, they are not responsible!  Wow, MTS should understand it does not have a monopoly in cellular business in Manitoba, people send and receive SMS messages from other users using other carriers too!
    I am able to provide the phone number of another MTS iPhone 4S user from whom I could not receive foreign language SMS text.  Now MTS has no more excuse not to deal with this real issue!

  • Mail receives emails but won't send

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    Hi emibarwell
    I am in the UK and eventually found the problem was due to my BT Home Hub Router. 
    I found this fix below on
    It worked for me.  If you can't link to the URL, here is the body of the text
    There's an issue related to the BT homehub that is providing a hostname that is "syntactically incorrect" for several smtp server.
    Here's how you can fix it.
    Using your internet browser, go to the address "
    - Follow instructions to reset your password if asked.
    - Then go to "Settings", then "Advanced Settings" and "home network"
    You will see there all the devices that are connected or that has been connected before. It's gonna be easyer if yout computer is the only one connected.
    Your computer should have a name like "unknown-xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ...
    Click on this name, chose another name without any special characters, like "macbook" for exemple.
    And then click on "apply"
    - restart your computer.
    That should fix the issue.
    Credit goes to vincentfromcork for providing me with the solution.

  • Yahoo Mail PlusRecovery will affect Iphone receiving emails?

    I recently requested a recovery for my account. After that, I cannot receive email anymore. Everytime I update my account on iphone, it only shows "Load 25 More Messages..." following by smaller characters saying "2608 message total, 27 unread". But I tried million times to update it, it won't show any email but blanks. However, I can check my trash folder, but not sent folder. Does anyone know what is going on here? Does it relate to my recovery of yahoo mail plus?

    Yahoo plus has had some issues recently. I received an e-mail from them last night advising me to change my e-mail settings for Apple Mail on my computer. Perhaps iPhone's e-mail settings need to be tweaked as well.

  • I cannot receive email properly now. When I open mail, it says that is downloading about 1,700 emails. At the very end, it gives me my newest ones. But this takes a long time. I've contacted the Internet service provider and verified all the right setting

    I cannot receive email properly on either my IPad or my IPhone. I have had them for over a year and they have always worked fine. Until three days ago, when they both started acting up. On the IPad, when I open mail, it says it is downloading about 1,700 emails. At the very end, which takes quite a while to get to, I finally get the most recent ones. The IPad is sending emails just fine.
    On my IPhone, when I open mail, it says it is downloading 100 emails, but it doesn't do that. And it gives me no new emails at all. The IPhone is sending email just fine.
    I have already deleted the email accounts on both devices and reinstalled them. I've contacted the Internet service provider and verified all the right settings. The Outlook email on my desktop is working perfectly.

    WMV is a heavily-compressed format/CODEC, and the processing time will depend on several factors:
    Your CPU, which is not that powerful in your case
    Your I/O sub-system, which is likely a single HDD on your laptop
    The source footage. What is your source footage?
    Any Effects added to that footage. Do you have any Effects?
    Each of those will have an impact on the time required.
    The trial has only one main limitation - the watermark. Now, there are some components, that have to be activated, but are not with the trial, but they would be evident with Import of your source footage, if it's an issue.
    Good luck,

  • Can no longer send or receive email from any account after Security Update

    I have a problem with my email in Mail. I let software update install the latest security update (007) a few days ago. I have not been able to send or receive my email since the update. I have several accounts and use Mail as my client for all. This includes my account, 3 accounts and my website email. All give me the same error which is an SSL thing and has something to do with the certificates. I am able to receive email if I turn SSL off on the ATT accounts but not the (and if I try to collect my email with SSL off I get an angry message from ATT warning me I am not allowed to do so) and I cannot send any at all from any account.
    The error message reads "unable to connect- there may be a problem with the mail server or network.... The server error encountered was: Mail was unable to verify the identity of this server, which has a certificated issued to "". The error was: An SSL error occured while trying to read data from the server. Verify this server supports SSL and that your account settings are correct". It then states that the certificate could not be verified.
    The certificate date on the account reads May, 29th , 2010.
    I also have an iMac and a MacBook Pro which are also running Tiger. I have not and will not run the security update on these machines until I find out why it has messed up my email on the G5. I can still send and receive email with the exact same account settings on the MacBook so I know it is not the settings but something to do with the Security Update.
    Has anyone else had trouble with this update? Any advice?

    Hello and Welcome to Apple Discussions ...
    I don't know if this is a corrupted preference file or not, but it sure can't hurt to try this.
    If Mail is open, Quit Mail.
    Drag that .plist file to the Desktop. Launch Mail and see if you can send or receive e-mail. If you can, that .plist file is corrupted. Drag it to the trash, empty the trash and reboot. Your Mac will create a new preference file for you the next time you launch Mail.
    Also... run Disk Utility and Repair Disk Permissions. Disk Utility is in your Applications/Utilities folder. Launch DU, select MacintoshHD 10.x.x in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab, click Repair Disk Permissions. Quit DU when it's finished and reboot.

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