Recommendations for getting started . . .

I created a 4 page document in Microsoft Publisher with photos.  I want to mail this to a group, but the sample I sent to myself is without the pictures, or they were moved some place else in the document.   Please tell me what I need from Adobe and what I need to do.

So did you create a PDF from the Publisher document and email it, or did you email the Publisher document?

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    1. Will there be any issues with linking to video
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    TCHADWELL wrote:
    Hey thanks for replying, garageband is a pretty cool app. and I would not mind starting in that , what ever I start in to learn, I want to stick with that and learn it. How much of a learning curve will it be to go from garageband once I learn it, to logic? Audio quality is going to be important for song demos and ect.
    The thing about GarageBand is that there's virtually no learning curve. It uses the same sound engine as Logic, but with a distilled interface that boils everything down to basics. Also, the latest upgrade to GB makes it less of a toy, and if you wanted to get started recording your band today you could plug and play into GB and do your thing with minimal technical distraction.
    Logic has a bigger learning curve because it lets you control a million more things, but if you are motivated to learn it, that shouldn't be a problem. I actually enjoy learning and using Logic and you might too. Logic Studio also comes bundled with many extras that make it a terrific deal. You could always start recording in GB while you learned Logic, or just jump right into Logic if you were motivated to dive into the deep end first!
    As far as interfaces go, as a practical matter, I think you would need to figure out if you're all you going to play and record together as a band, and if you have enough inputs for that. If you weren't going to use a separate mixer, the interface would need enough inputs to accommodate all the cables that were carrying signals from you instruments and voice(s).
    The NRV-10 is very flexible for rehearsing + recording, although you would get better sound quality from either the Ensemble or FireFace. I would guess the Firestudio hovers around the NRV-10 in terms of sound quality. The truth however is that any of this stuff will likely sound good enough especially as you are just getting started. While it's easy for pros to wax poetic over master clocks and vintage pres, the fundamental technology has advanced to the point that any of these interfaces in the Firestudio range on up is going to enable anyone just starting out to get terrific results. And after you have some experience, and find that you have a specific need or want to lift the audio quality of a particular component, then there's a world of gear out there clamoring for your Benjamins .
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    Before starting this tutorial, you should:
    1 .
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    2 .
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    Note: This tutorial is developed using Oracle SQL Developer 3.0.
    4 .
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    Powerbook g4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Start out with GarageBand's Help, there's a link to a tutorial right in the getting started help page. --Hang

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    usman_noshahi wrote:
    thanks for your answer , it's quit helpful for meYou would have found it by typing "java tutorial" into Google, most likely as the first search result. Its more valuable to learn how to look for information yourself, as you are going to be needing to do that a lot in the coming months. The basic rule is to search for "java WHAT YOU WANT"; so start the search query with the word 'java'. You'll usually find the information you need in the first five hits in my experience.
    In the near future you are also going to be getting error stacktraces which will seem incredibly scary and 'weird' to you. In stead of coming here directly, first try to post the error message you get into Google, stripping off anything that is specific to you (like the name of a class you created or a host name). You are not the first person to get the exception, so you can usually find the answer with a simple Google query on the exception message itself.
    Looking through the first five hits on Google is still a lot faster than coming here, logging in, posting and then waiting until someone is nice enough to answer. Just a friendly hint.

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    'Text Item 2',2
    'Text Item 3',5
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