Recovery slider

I'm importing raw files from a Fuji S5 Pro-- .raf file extension. The Black Point and Recovery sliders are greyed out when I select an image and go to the Adjustments tab. Is there a setting I am missing that enables these adjustments?

Hi Bradley,
I never had any luck with that. And now that a new version of the "Raw Fine Tuning" came out, version 2.5, I thought I would try again, but still find that Aperture only lets me use 1.0 or 1.5 with my RAF files, which is frustrating. Again this suggests that I have more control over an image shooting as a JPG, which makes little sense.
I have tried unticking all of the adjustments, and changing the version setting on a fresh imported image, all to no avail.

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    PSE 11 has a new 2012 raw engine but you can switch between the old and the new. In the camera raw dialog click on the camera icon. Then change Process to 2010. Then go back to the basic tab.

  • Recovery Slider: Color Changes with Camera Profiles, not so much with ACR 4.4 Profile?

    I'm sure there's a reason for this, and not necessarily a defect, but I have to ask:
    The recovery slider: if I use the Recovery Slider on an image set to the ACR 4.4 camera calibration profile, this helps control my highlights without affecting the overall color/tint of the image. However, if an image is set to the Adobe Standard camera calibration profile (or any of the other camera profiles) and I use the Recovery Slider on that image, the affect on the image seems to be different: the highlights are also controlled, but not without a perceived effect on the color tint of the image. The color balance almost seems to slightly change. Particularly noticeable on skin tones. I'm working with 5D files, using Lightroom 2.3 on a Mac.
    What's the reason for this? Anyone experience similar?

    This is a known "problem". It is caused by "hue twists" that are present in the camera-matching profiles and the new Adobe profiles. Several threads on this in the ACR forum:

  • Fix 'Recovery' slider & add 'Color Correction' slider to Tone Curve

    My requests:
    1.) Please change the behavior of the 'Recovery' slider so that it attacks very-blown-out-highlights more rigorously than less-blown-out-highlights.
    2.) Please add a 'Color Correction' slider to the Tone Curve that is analogous to the 'Color Correction' slider built into the 'Shadows/Highlights' tool in Adobe Photoshop & Apple Aperture.
    To more clearly understand what I'm asking for, let me compare Aperture vs. LR's handling of Highlight Recovery, and why I prefer how Aperture recovers my highlights with its Shadows/Highlights tool vs. how LR recovers my highlights with the 'Recovery' slider OR Tone Curve.
    1.) Aperture's 'Shadows/Highlights' tool recovers highlights by attacking the brightest parts of the highlights more harshly than the lesser bright parts of the highlights (th extent of luminosities attacked is adjustable using the 'High Tonal Width' slider). LR's "Recovery' tool doesn't seem to, among highlights, preferentially attack the brighter parts of the highlights over the less bright highlights. In fact, sometimes it leaves THE brightest parts of my image nearly untouched! I've posted an image below that shows this.
    2.) Aperture's 'Highlights' tool recovers highlights WHILE maintaining color saturation (you can control the extent to which this saturation is maintained using the 'Color Correction' slider under Advanced settings fo the Shadows/Highlights tool). LR's 'Highlights' within the Tone Curve desaturates colors as highlights are 'recovered' by bringing 'Highlights' down. Again, I've posted an image below that shows this.
    Here is an image that clearly shows the different behaviors of Aperture's Shadows/Highlights tool vs. LR's Recovery tool vs. LR's 'Highlights' slider within the Tone Curve:
    I believe that LR's 'Recovery' slider has much room for improvement (i.e. attack the blown-out highlights more harshly than the less-blown-out highlights), and the addition, to LR's Tone Curve, of a similar 'Color Correction' slider as Aperture's & PS CS3's very own 'Shadows/Highlights' tools have, would be very welcome.
    Thank you for your consideration,

    More for your eyes to feast on:
    Funny thing is, LR just seems unwilling to touch (255,255,255) blown-out highlights. In all my test images with a blown-out sun, LR leaves the sun at (255,255,255) after all combinations of exposure, recovery, and Tone Curve manipulations. Whereas Aperture will bring it down to something like (128,128,128). Which seems more logical, to me, if one is trying to darken the image or darken highlights... right?
    Also, if you look at the Seattle & Mt. Rainier image, no matter what I try, LR will not get rid of that brighter 'halo' to the upper left of Mt. Rainier. It just won't! 'Recovery' ends up highlighting just that bubble, and decreasing the Highlights in the Tone Curve just turns it into a grey, desaturated, halo. I'm telling, it just won't get rid of that halo! It has a love affair with it! :)
    Aperture immediately gets rid of it with its Highlight slider, and Photoshop's 'Shadows/Highlights' tool also gets rid of it after a bit of manipulations/tweaking.
    Now, I try to avoid Aperture at all costs, but, for all these images, seems like I need to use Aperture as my 'external editor' just to fix the highlights!
    Any suggestions are very much welcome & appreciated.

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    Reducing the Recovery to 3/4 seems to make it disappear. It caused me some problems yesterday when outputting some tiffs and required some rework to get things right. JFYI

    Top 1/3rd in portrait or last 1/3 L to R in landscape produces a band of more solid white. Obviously a problem and now I'm more cautious seeing as you have the same problem. Granted by judicious amounts of slider applied it causes no problem but there is no indication of where or when this will appear, on screen gives no indication, it only seems to appear in printing or output.

  • Camera Raw & the Recovery Slider

    Hi Folks ....
    1st time on the forum.   I have recently upgraded to PSCC and I note when I go into Camera Raw that the "Recovery Slider " has disappeared.  This however only happens on certain images that` have taken since the upgrade; on images that were shot before the upgrade i still get the Recovery Slider.  I am using Camera Raw  8.7.1. 
    Anyone has similar problems and any ideas how to resolve it.

    PSE 11 has a new 2012 raw engine but you can switch between the old and the new. In the camera raw dialog click on the camera icon. Then change Process to 2010. Then go back to the basic tab.

  • CS4 recovery slider vs shadow/highlight

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    The big difference between them is that you can use Recovery on raw files to bring back detail out of pure white because you still have information there (not always but you usually do) while a pure white in Photoshop doesn't have any information in it whatsoever.
    The other difference (and i'm not 100% sure about this one) is that the Recovery slider works only on the luminance values (it darkens the highlights) while the Shadows/Highlights is an edge detection filter which is why you get halos when you have a huge amount and a low radius
    The best solution would be to make as many tonal adjustments as you want/need in Camera Raw and then open it in Photoshop as a Smart Object (shift+click on Open Image to turn it into Open Object) and apply the Shadows/Highlights filter if you need it.

  • Adobe, please, please do something with significant hue shifts on recovery slider!

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    After reading DNG specification, I understand inner workflow, but may be there is the possibility to apply camera profile after adjustments of recovery slider?
    Huge hue shifts happens especially on skin tones while photo taken on tungsten lights...
    Pray on fixing this issue...

    Here you go.  These settings, for Canon EOS 40D, should bring you a good bit closer to the out-of-camera default JPEG color than center scale settings with the Camera Standard profile.
    Please let me know how these settings work for you.

  • Recovery Slider and Unblown Colour Shifts

    I've attached a pair of screen captures of part of an image and part of the lightroom 2.4 develop screen visible.
    In the Before image you can see 0 Recovery and R 42.4 G 42.1 B 88.5.
    In the after with only the recovery slider moved to 51 you get R 52.5 G 50.3 B 80.5
    Why on earth is this unblown portion of the image being colour shifted so much ?
    Why is the blue even suffering from the recovery slider when it has quite a way to go before clipping any channel.
    The bit that escapes me entirely is the increase in red and green by around 10%, just doesn't make sense.
    If it was deemed by the software that blue should be decreased, why shouldn't R & G be treated in the same manner instead of the inverse ?
    The red of the cape suffers a similar mess up of blue and green channels.
    The whole image appears to suffer Hue shifts including parts that have no channel anywhere near clipping, why ?

    I don't agree that recovery of 51 is way high, it is only just over half the available scale. Although anything over 20 mangled hues before applying DCPtool.
    In quite a few images I now have recovery of 100 set, but brightness and or exposure have been adjusted as well to give an overall result I like better than previously. This is possible because the hue is no longer being mangled.
    Adjustment brush is an interesting possibility, but I think I'd just use a differnt raw converter that wasn't so difficult. I think the brush would be to blunt to divide the image into adjust / non adjust areas.

  • Recovery Slider in CS6

    How do I get the recovery slider to show up in ACR?  When I open an image there is no recovery slider under my exposure slider.  When I open images previously edited in Photoshop Elements the slider appears in CS6 ACR.  I want it there all the time as defoult.  Please help.

    Hi! You should post in the camera RAW forum. There is no more recovery slider if you use process 2012. Go to the profiles tab and select the old and inferior 2010 process to get it, or better, learn how 2012 can get you faster to good images in this tutorial:

  • Recovery slider not as effective as before

    Is it me or the Highlight recovery in LR 3.2 is not pulling down the highlight details as in previous verison 2 and 1?

    I only set the curves to medium. I have not set anything in HSL/Color/BW. This is a bug as it was only affecting highlights now its not affecting as much and also dipping into the midtones.
    I had the beta and I was not noticing such odd behavior. Looks like a big step back. Is there a place to post defects. This is not feature request.

  • ACR settings help-recovery

    I am currently using ACR 7.4.  The recovery slide did not show up.  Customer Service told me to switch to 2012 in my settings.  They also told me-sort of rudely-that this is a question for the forum-um yeah-I'm new to anyway-I don't even know how to find my settings.  When I open a picture out of Bridge, it immediately opens into ACR.  From what I can see, there is no place to open up your settings once in ACR.  I'm on a MAC, so I checked under my applications, but I don't see anything for ACR.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

    Ask in the PS/ ACR forums.

  • Camera profiles and Highlight Recovery: color shifts

    I often see significant hue shifts and loss of saturation when using the Recovery slider in conjunction with the new dng camera profiles. I don't remember to ever have this 'problem' with legacy ACR profiles. In the sample below, you can see just that:
    This becomes a bit of a problem, as recovering highlights now brings color shifts as a side-effect and you have to go fiddling with color controls.
    Often, the new, 'shifted' colors are even more pleasing than the 'unshifted' (i.e. recovery set to zero), but this is a psychological and a workflow problem too. It is just not nice to know that controls are interdependent and have side-effects.
    Is it a bug or a fact of life? What's so different about the old a new profiles, that cause this difference in recovery effect?
    The DNG to play:

    Eric, thanks a lot for the explanation and technical details.
    Knowing this helps me a bit, as it confirms my observations. What is not clear, is how these shifts will/should (or would they?) be addressed?
    I mean Recovery was a perfect control until now. it just did what is should, reliably and consistently. Now we have the side-effect of color shifts.
    a) Will Adobe adjust the algorithm to fit the new profile system? A bad thing, because it will not assure backward compatibility.
    b) Will Adobe add a new control? Worse, because it adds unnecessary complexity.
    c) Will/could the profiles be modified in a way as these color shift don't happen. As I understand from your previous post, this doesn't seem possible.
    d) Will it just be left as is and I'll have to live with the color shifts? Now it seems it's the most likely option. Sad, because Recovery used to be so powerful, and now its power is somewhat compromised.

  • Camera Raw 7 - Recovery parameter

    when I've opened the Camera Raw 7 and start working with that, I've notice that the parameter "Recovery" was missing.
    See image from CS5 down:
    Where can I found it?
    Best regards

    There no longer is a recovery slider in ACR7/PV2012 (still there if you switch to the older PV2010 and PV2003 in the camera calibration tab though). If you look, many of the sliders have changed.
    The closest thing to recovery now is the highlights slider, which will essentially do the same thing (i.e. recovery highlight detail) but in a more controlled and focused manner. Basically, you need to spend some time learning how the new tools available to you work: takes a bit of practice (in fact personally, I'm still learning how to get the best from it as I'm sure many are), but once you start to figure things out I think you'll find that the new processing cabailities in ACR7 are far superior to earlier versions. There are plently of tutorials out there that can help: many will be focused on the develop module in Lightroom in LR4 (as this was released two-three months in advance of ACR7), but the sliders operate in the exact same way so they'll be an invauable learning tool. Also try the Adobe forum for LR - plenty of good advice on there. But above all, just take some time to practice and figure thnigs out.

  • Question on Recovery in ACR.

    My camera is set to Uni-WB and I ETTR. For the vast majority of images, the ACR histogram shows highlights set to the very right side (as expected) with Exposure set at 0. (Of course this is after I've set WB). Occasionally I have an image that shows that highlights are clipped in all 3 channels as indicated by white showing in the triangle (probably due to my getting too close to the right when exposing).  I understand (per a Bruce Fraser post) that when all channels are clipped nothing can be done to recover the highlights.  (And my attempts to recover with either Exposure or Recovery sliders visually bear this out).  What is bothering me is that when I move Recovery to the right, the white triangle (and the clipping warning when opt is held) both indicate that there is not longer any clipping. It seems to me that these indicators should continue to stay at white (and red) rather than indicate that clipping is not longer present.  Comments?

    Interesting.  Maybe it could have something to do with the profile you're using?  I'm testing with the Camera Standard profile.
    I would like to see your file (as, I'm sure, would the Adobe guys). will host large files - send it to yourself then post the link here.
    I actually did some more testing, and while I can't get the clipping indicator to go away with just the Recovery slider, I can make it go off with huge negative Exposure settings on a test image of mine that has only marginal overexposure.  This is that image:
    I can't explain why, unless perhaps math error resulting in a small value change may be playing up, that this should occur.

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