Referencing errors

I am getting numerous referencing errors for this class. If anyone can help to shed some light on why I am getting these errors and how I can fix them, it would be greatly appreciated. calculateAge() in Reptile cannot be applied to (Date)
int currentAge = calculateAge(yearOfBirth);
^ setFoodQty() in Reptile cannot be applied to (Food)
^ non-static method getDay() cannot be referenced from a static context
dayOfBirth = Date.getDay();
^ incompatible types
found : int
required: Date
dayOfBirth = Date.getDay();
^ non-static method getMonth() cannot be referenced from a static context
monthOfBirth = Date.getMonth();
^ incompatible types
found : int
required: Date
monthOfBirth = Date.getMonth();
^ non-static method getYear() cannot be referenced from a static context
YOB = Date.getYear();
^ incompatible types
found : int
required: Date
YOB = Date.getYear();
^ non-static method getDay() cannot be referenced from a static context
arrivalDay = Date.getDay();
^ incompatible types
found : int
required: Date
arrivalDay = Date.getDay();
^ non-static method getMonth() cannot be referenced from a static context
arrivalMonth = Date.getMonth();
^ incompatible types
found : int
required: Date
arrivalMonth = Date.getMonth();
^ non-static method getYear() cannot be referenced from a static context
arrivalYear = Date.getYear();
^ incompatible types
found : int
required: Date
arrivalYear = Date.getYear();
^ non-static method getFoodType() cannot be referenced from a static context
preferredFood = Food.getFoodType();
^ incompatible types
found : Food.FoodType
required: Food
preferredFood = Food.getFoodType();
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable foodQuantity
location: class Reptile
foodQuantity = Food.getDosage();
^ non-static method getDosage() cannot be referenced from a static context
foodQuantity = Food.getDosage();
^ incompatible types
found : Date
required: int
return arrivalDay;
^ incompatible types
found : Date
required: int
return arrivalMonth;
^ incompatible types
found : Date
required: int
return arrivalYear;
^ incompatible types
found : Food
required: int
return foodQTY;
^ operator - cannot be applied to int,Date
currentAge = currentYear - YOB; //calculate age
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable FoodType
location: class Reptile
Food testReptile = new Reptile("Larry", ReptileType.Lizard, 2000, 10, 10, 2008, FoodType.ButterflyWings, 10);
^ internal error; cannot instantiate Reptile.<init> at Reptile to ()
Food testReptile = new Reptile("Larry", ReptileType.Lizard, 2000, 10, 10, 2008, FoodType.ButterflyWings, 10);
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getReptileID()
location: class Food
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getReptileName()
location: class Food
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getReptileType()
location: class Food
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getReptileAge()
location: class Food
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getArrivalDay()
location: class Food
System.out.println(testReptile.getArrivalDay() + "/" testReptile.getArrivalMonth() "/"
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getArrivalMonth()
location: class Food
System.out.println(testReptile.getArrivalDay() + "/" testReptile.getArrivalMonth() "/"
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getArrivalYear()
location: class Food
+ testReptile.getArrivalYear());
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getFood()
location: class Food
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getFoodQTY()
location: class Food
System.out.println(testReptile.getFoodQTY() + "g");
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class Reptile {
     private int reptileID;                                        //unique reptile ID
     private String reptileName;                                   //name of reptile
     public enum ReptileType {Snake, Lizard, Crocodile};     //enumerated list for different animal types
     private ReptileType reptileType;                         //reptile type
     private Date dayOfBirth;                                   //Reptile's year of birth
     private Date monthOfBirth;                                   //Reptile's year of birth
     private Date YOB;                                             //Reptile's year of birth (used to calculate reptile's age)
     private int currentAge;                                        //the reptile's age
     private int currentYear = 2008;                              //the default current year
     private Date arrivalDay;                                   //Day of reptile's arrivial in enclosure
     private Date arrivalMonth;                                   //Month of reptile's arrivial in enclosure
     private Date arrivalYear;                                   //Year of reptile's arrivial in enclosure
     private Food preferredFood;                                   //Reptile's food type
     private Food foodQTY;                                        //Reptile's daily food dosage
    //Default Reptile constructor
    public Reptile() {}
    //Reptile constructor
    public Reptile(String name, ReptileType type, Date yearOfBirth, Date entryDay, Date entryMonth,
         Date entryYear, Food food, Food  quantity)
         int reptileID = createID();
         int currentAge = calculateAge(yearOfBirth);
    // Mutator method to set the reptile name
        public void setReptileName(String name)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;                         //get user input for reptile name
             System.out.println("\nEnter the Reptile's Name...");
         reptileName = scan.nextLine();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile type
    public void setReptileType(ReptileType type)
         String newReptileType = "A";
         while (!((newReptileType.equals("S")) || (newReptileType.equals("L")) || (newReptileType.equals("C"))))
              Scanner scan = new Scanner(;                    //get user input for reptile type
                  System.out.println("\nEnter the Reptile Type...");
              System.out.println("(S) for Snake");
              System.out.println("(L) for Lizard");
              System.out.println("(C) for Crocodile");
              System.out.print("Reptile Type: ");
              newReptileType = scan.nextLine();
              //assign reptile types to the letters representing them, eg. S = Snake
              if (newReptileType.equals("S"))                              
                   reptileType = ReptileType.Snake;
                        if (newReptileType.equals("L"))
                             reptileType = ReptileType.Lizard;
                                  if (newReptileType.equals("C"))
                                       reptileType = ReptileType.Crocodile;
                                            System.out.println("Error. Input is not valid.");
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's day of birth
    public void setDayOfBirth(Date day)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         System.out.println("You are required to enter the date the reptile was born. ");
         dayOfBirth = Date.getDay();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's month of birth
    public void setMonthOfBirth(Date month)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         monthOfBirth = Date.getMonth();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's year of birth
    public void setYOB(Date year)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         YOB = Date.getYear();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's day of arrival
    public void setArrivalDay(Date day)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         System.out.println("You are required to enter the date the reptile entered the enclosure. ");
         arrivalDay = Date.getDay();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's month of arrival
    public void setArrivalMonth(Date month)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         arrivalMonth = Date.getMonth();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's year of arrival
    public void setArrivalYear(Date year)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         arrivalYear = Date.getYear();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's preferred food
    public void setFood(Food food)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         System.out.println("You are required to enter the reptile's preferred food. ");
         preferredFood = Food.getFoodType();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's daily food quantity
    public void setFood()
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         System.out.println("You are required to enter daily food quantity for the reptile. ");
         foodQuantity = Food.getDosage();
    // ReptileID accessor.
    public int getReptileID()
         return reptileID;
    // ReptileName accessor.
    public String getReptileName()
         return reptileName;
    // ReptileType accessor.
    public ReptileType getReptileType()
         return reptileType;
    // Reptile Day of Birth accessor.
    public Date getDayOfBirth()
         return dayOfBirth;
    // Reptile Month of Birth accessor.
    public Date getMonthOfBirth()
         return monthOfBirth;
    // Reptile Year of Birth accessor.
    public Date getYOB()
         return YOB;
    // Reptile currentAge accessor.
    public int getReptileAge()
         return currentAge;
     // Reptile arrival day accessor.
    public int getArrivalDay()
         return arrivalDay;
    // Reptile arrival month accessor.
    public int getArrivalMonth()
         return arrivalMonth;
    // Reptile arrival date accessor.
    public int getArrivalYear()
         return arrivalYear;
    // Reptile preferredFood accessor.
    public Food getFood()
         return preferredFood;
    // Reptile FoodQTY accessor.
    public int getFoodOTY()
         return foodQTY;
    //The createID() method produces a random reptile ID number between 0 and 100.
    public int createID()
         Random generator = new Random();
         reptileID = generator.nextInt(100) + 1;
    // The calculateAge() method calculates the reptile's current age
    public int calculateAge()
         //currentYear = Calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1900          //use a built-in Java function to calculate current year
         currentAge = currentYear - yearOfBirth;                         //calculate age
    public static void main(String args[])                               //driver Program to test class
         Food testReptile = new Reptile("Larry", ReptileType.Lizard, 2000, 10, 10, 2008, ButterflyWings, 10);
         System.out.print("Actual reptileID returned: ");
         System.out.print("Actual reptile Name returned: ");
         System.out.println("\nFor user input 'S', Expected reptile: Snake");
         System.out.println("For user input 'L', Expected reptile: Lizard");
         System.out.println("For user input 'C', Expected reptile: Crocodile");
         System.out.print("\nActual reptile type returned: ");
         System.out.print("Actual reptile age returned: ");
         System.out.print("Actual arrival date returned: ");
         System.out.println(testReptile.getArrivalDay() + "/" +testReptile.getArrivalMonth() + "/"
              + testReptile.getArrivalYear());
         System.out.print("Actual preferred food type returned: ");
         System.out.print("Actual daily food dosage returned: ");
         System.out.println(testReptile.getFoodQTY() + "g");

I have changed all types to int but still am getting the same error. Any suggestions for the non-static method getDay() cannot be referenced from a static context errors I am getting? calculateAge() in Reptile cannot be applied to (int)
int currentAge = calculateAge(yearOfBirth);
^ setFoodQty() in Reptile cannot be applied to (Food)
^ non-static method getDay() cannot be referenced from a static context
dayOfBirth = Date.getDay();
^ non-static method getMonth() cannot be referenced from a static context
monthOfBirth = Date.getMonth();
^ non-static method getYear() cannot be referenced from a static context
YOB = Date.getYear();
^ non-static method getDay() cannot be referenced from a static context
arrivalDay = Date.getDay();
^ non-static method getMonth() cannot be referenced from a static context
arrivalMonth = Date.getMonth();
^ non-static method getYear() cannot be referenced from a static context
arrivalYear = Date.getYear();
^ non-static method getFoodType() cannot be referenced from a static context
preferredFood = Food.getFoodType();
^ non-static method getDosage() cannot be referenced from a static context
foodQTY = Food.getDosage();
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable FoodType
location: class Reptile
Food testReptile = new Reptile("Larry", ReptileType.Lizard, 2000, 10, 10, 2008, FoodType.WormSoup, 10);
^ internal error; cannot instantiate Reptile.<init> at Reptile to ()
Food testReptile = new Reptile("Larry", ReptileType.Lizard, 2000, 10, 10, 2008, FoodType.WormSoup, 10);
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getReptileID()
location: class Food
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getReptileName()
location: class Food
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getReptileType()
location: class Food
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getReptileAge()
location: class Food
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getArrivalDay()
location: class Food
System.out.println(testReptile.getArrivalDay() + "/" testReptile.getArrivalMonth() "/"
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getArrivalMonth()
location: class Food
System.out.println(testReptile.getArrivalDay() + "/" testReptile.getArrivalMonth() "/"
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getArrivalYear()
location: class Food
+ testReptile.getArrivalYear());
^ non-static method getDay() cannot be referenced from a static context
System.out.println(Date.getDay() + "/" + Date.getMonth() + "/" + Date.getYear());
^ non-static method getMonth() cannot be referenced from a static context
System.out.println(Date.getDay() + "/" + Date.getMonth() + "/" + Date.getYear());
^ non-static method getYear() cannot be referenced from a static context
System.out.println(Date.getDay() + "/" + Date.getMonth() + "/" + Date.getYear());
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getFood()
location: class Food
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getFoodQTY()
location: class Food
System.out.println(testReptile.getFoodQTY() + "g");
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class Reptile {
     private int reptileID;                                        //unique reptile ID
     private String reptileName;                                   //name of reptile
     public enum ReptileType {Snake, Lizard, Crocodile};     //enumerated list for different animal types
     private ReptileType reptileType;                         //reptile type
     private int dayOfBirth;                                        //Reptile's year of birth
     private int monthOfBirth;                                   //Reptile's year of birth
     private int YOB;                                             //Reptile's year of birth (used to calculate reptile's age)
     private int currentAge;                                        //the reptile's age
     private int currentYear = 2008;                              //the default current year
     private int arrivalDay;                                        //Day of reptile's arrivial in enclosure
     private int arrivalMonth;                                   //Month of reptile's arrivial in enclosure
     private int arrivalYear;                                   //Year of reptile's arrivial in enclosure
     private Food.FoodType preferredFood;                    //Reptile's food type
     private double foodQTY;                                        //Reptile's daily food dosage
    //Default Reptile constructor
    public Reptile() {}
    //Reptile constructor
    public Reptile(String name, ReptileType type, int yearOfBirth, int entryDay, int entryMonth,
         int entryYear, Food.FoodType food, Food  quantity)
         int reptileID = createID();
         int currentAge = calculateAge(yearOfBirth);
    // Mutator method to set the reptile name
        public void setReptileName(String name)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;                         //get user input for reptile name
             System.out.println("\nEnter the Reptile's Name...");
         reptileName = scan.nextLine();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile type
    public void setReptileType(ReptileType type)
         String newReptileType = "A";
         while (!((newReptileType.equals("S")) || (newReptileType.equals("L")) || (newReptileType.equals("C"))))
              Scanner scan = new Scanner(;                    //get user input for reptile type
                  System.out.println("\nEnter the Reptile Type...");
              System.out.println("(S) for Snake");
              System.out.println("(L) for Lizard");
              System.out.println("(C) for Crocodile");
              System.out.print("Reptile Type: ");
              newReptileType = scan.nextLine();
              //assign reptile types to the letters representing them, eg. S = Snake
              if (newReptileType.equals("S"))                              
                   reptileType = ReptileType.Snake;
                        if (newReptileType.equals("L"))
                             reptileType = ReptileType.Lizard;
                                  if (newReptileType.equals("C"))
                                       reptileType = ReptileType.Crocodile;
                                            System.out.println("Error. Input is not valid.");
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's day of birth
    public void setDayOfBirth(int day)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         System.out.println("You are required to enter the date the reptile was born. ");
         dayOfBirth = Date.getDay();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's month of birth
    public void setMonthOfBirth(int month)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         monthOfBirth = Date.getMonth();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's year of birth
    public void setYOB(int year)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         YOB = Date.getYear();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's day of arrival
    public void setArrivalDay(int day)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         System.out.println("You are required to enter the date the reptile entered the enclosure. ");
         arrivalDay = Date.getDay();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's month of arrival
    public void setArrivalMonth(int month)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         arrivalMonth = Date.getMonth();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's year of arrival
    public void setArrivalYear(int year)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         arrivalYear = Date.getYear();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's preferred food
    public void setFood(Food.FoodType food)
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         System.out.println("You are required to enter the reptile's preferred food. ");
         preferredFood = Food.getFoodType();
    // Mutator method to set the reptile's daily food quantity
    public void setFoodQty()
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
         System.out.println("You are required to enter daily food quantity for the reptile. ");
         foodQTY = Food.getDosage();
    // ReptileID accessor.
    public int getReptileID()
         return reptileID;
    // ReptileName accessor.
    public String getReptileName()
         return reptileName;
    // ReptileType accessor.
    public ReptileType getReptileType()
         return reptileType;
    // Reptile Day of Birth accessor.
    public int getDayOfBirth()
         return dayOfBirth;
    // Reptile Month of Birth accessor.
    public int getMonthOfBirth()
         return monthOfBirth;
    // Reptile Year of Birth accessor.
    public int getYOB()
         return YOB;
    // Reptile currentAge accessor.
    public int getReptileAge()
         return currentAge;
     // Reptile arrival day accessor.
    public int getArrivalDay()
         return arrivalDay;
    // Reptile arrival month accessor.
    public int getArrivalMonth()
         return arrivalMonth;
    // Reptile arrival date accessor.
    public int getArrivalYear()
         return arrivalYear;
    // Reptile preferredFood accessor.
    public Food.FoodType getFood()
         return preferredFood;
    // Reptile FoodQTY accessor.
    public double getFoodOTY()
         return foodQTY;
    //The createID() method produces a random reptile ID number between 0 and 100.
    public int createID()
         Random generator = new Random();
         reptileID = generator.nextInt(100) + 1;
    // The calculateAge() method calculates the reptile's current age
    public int calculateAge()
         //currentYear = Calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1900          //use a built-in Java function to calculate current year
         currentAge = currentYear - YOB;                                   //calculate age
    public static void main(String args[])                               //driver Program to test class
         Food testReptile = new Reptile("Larry", ReptileType.Lizard, 2000, 10, 10, 2008, FoodType.WormSoup, 10);
         System.out.print("Actual reptileID returned: ");
         System.out.print("Actual reptile Name returned: ");
         System.out.println("\nFor user input 'S', Expected reptile: Snake");
         System.out.println("For user input 'L', Expected reptile: Lizard");
         System.out.println("For user input 'C', Expected reptile: Crocodile");
         System.out.print("\nActual reptile type returned: ");
         System.out.print("Actual reptile age returned: ");
         System.out.print("Actual arrival date returned: ");
         System.out.println(testReptile.getArrivalDay() + "/" +testReptile.getArrivalMonth() + "/"
              + testReptile.getArrivalYear());
         //System.out.print("Please enter the arrival date: ");
         System.out.println(Date.getDay() + "/" + Date.getMonth() + "/" + Date.getYear());
         System.out.print("Actual preferred food type returned: ");
         System.out.print("Actual daily food dosage returned: ");
         System.out.println(testReptile.getFoodQTY() + "g");

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    Can you please help me how to clear thes errors.

  • Ld: fatal symbol referencing errors when linking g++

    I have setup gcc with path=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/sfw/bin:/opt/sfw/sbin:/opt/sfw/include/g++-3:/opt/sfw/lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-solaris2.8/2.95.2:/usr/include:/usr/lib
    I can do # g++ -o test test.cpp
    but not # g++ -c test test.o
    get -> ld:fatal error symbol referencing error
    as well as ->
    ostream::operator<<(ostream &(*) /var/tmp/ccvxG011.o
    Undefined first referenced
    symbol in file
    cout /var/tmp/ccvhGO11.o
    I also have checked that there is no files
    gconfig.h, stdio.h, stdlib.h
    This was installed by using the companion cd
    as others has done as well.
    How do I send output using "cout" if STD C++
    gives this error , is certain functions replaced??
    a Test file with:
    cout << "hello world" << endl;
    return 0;
    should work!!!

    If I can have a look at your program, may be I can shed some
    light on whats going on. Let me know your email address.
    "The services, software, materials and information provided at or in connection with this
    site ("Support") are offered subject to the Terms of Use at the link at the bottom of this
    page. You hereby accept these Terms by using this site, so please read these Terms
    carefully before using this site. If you do not accept these Terms, or you cannot access
    them, you cannot use this site or the Support offered. The Support, including any
    response, communication or followup by Sun, does not constitute an agreement to deliver
    any additional Support, and your use of the site and any Support is at your own risk."

  • Ld:fatal error symbol referencing error using g++

    I have setup gcc with path=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/sfw/bin:/opt/sfw/sbin:/opt/sfw/include/g++-3:/opt/sfw/lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-solaris2.8/2.95.2:/usr/include:/usr/lib
    I can do # g++ -o test test.cpp
    but not # g++ -c test test.o
    get -> ld:fatal error symbol referencing error
    as well as ->
    ostream::operator<<(ostream &(*) /var/tmp/ccvxG011.o
    Undefined first referenced
    symbol in file
    cout /var/tmp/ccvhGO11.o
    I also have checked that there is no files
    gconfig.h, stdio.h, stdlib.h
    This was installed by using the companion cd
    as others has done as well.
    How do I send output using "cout" if STD C++
    gives this error , is certain functions replaced??
    a Test file with:
    cout << "hello world" << endl;
    return 0;
    should work!!!

    Perhaps if you do:
    #include <iostream.h>
    it will work better?
    A little note. Don't put /usr/include in your path and neither should you put the compiler's internal header dir in your path. That will confuse your compiler. The compiler should pick up its path for includes by itself and if you don't pass any arguments to GCC, it picks up its internal include dir and then the system (/usr/include).
    If by chance you get a system header and use it with GCC, but should have been the GCC header, you can get strange ld errors. Try gcc -E for more debugging.

  • SP01: 2005 A SP01 Pl:02 Memory referenced error

    I have upgraded the system to 2005 A SP01 PL:02. I have created a add-on and deployed. When im trying to shut down the add-on, Memory referenced error is throw.
    is this a known issue in SP01 PL:02 or is there anything that needs to be done from the developer side. In SP00 PL:09 this is an issue reported.
    Waiting for an update
    Message was edited by: Frank Moebius
    Please start the topic with "SP01:"

    Thanks for the reply TOm and Frank. I am using .Net for development. i did the testing on demo dutch database and go this error. When i tried it on US Demo database there was no error when shutting thr add-on.
    I looked into the notes 928405. is this the cause for this issue?
    The upgrade to the 2005 A Release crashes with the following error message:
    "The instruction at "0x0157350c" referenced memory at "0xcccccccc". The
    memory could not be "read"."
    This happens to companies which use A\R Down Payments.
    Other terms
    down payment, crash, upgrade, 2005A, memory read
    Reason and Prerequisites
    This issue will be fixed in a patch, please refer to the info.txt file
    on Service Market Place to confirm.
    What will be the solution?

  • Help needed regarding symbol referencing errors.

    Hi All,
    Im trying to compile a C code on Solaris 9 machine (Configuration details: SunOS Generic_112233-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-100 , 64-bit sparcv9)
    Command I ran :
    gcc -Wall -g -DUNIX -DN_PLAT_UNIX -I ../include/ client.c ../include/prim.c -L <library path> -ltls -lccs2 -o Client_new1
    ../include/prim.c: In function `PrimCloseSocket':
    ../include/prim.c:101: warning: implicit declaration of function `close'
    ../include/prim.c: In function `PrimSemaphoreInit':
    ../include/prim.c:263: warning: implicit declaration of function `memset'
    Undefined first referenced
    symbol in file
    sem_wait /var/tmp//cco4HZ48.o (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    sem_post /var/tmp//cco4HZ48.o (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    sem_init /var/tmp//cco4HZ48.o (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    nanosleep /var/tmp//cco4HZ48.o (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    sem_destroy /var/tmp//cco4HZ48.o (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /lib/
    ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to Client_new1
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    I'm getting these symbol referencing errors and I'm totally clueless as to what needs to be done nw. Any help guys??

    the MAN page for sem_wait() implies that you must link with librt ( -ltr on the command line for linking )

  • Non-static method setUp() cannot be referenced  (error)

    I have this error
    "": non-static method setUp() cannot be referenced from a static context at line 10, column 26
    everytime i am trying to make this call
    public class findContainer {
      public findContainer() {}
        public void sUp(){
        System.out.println("please wait, this is first try to find he agents in the main container"+"\n");
    this setup() method
    is written as follows
    public void AddContTry () {
    public void setUp(){
      AID[] list= null;
      try {
        MyMainContainer = myprofile.getMain();
        System.out.println("\n"+"This is the new container created in case of failure"+"\n");
        list = MyMainCont.agentNames();
        for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++){
          System.out.println("names = " + list.toString() + " \n");
    catch (ProfileException pe) { System.out.println("there is not main container");
    could you please help me?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    My guess is that it is throwing a NullPointerException because you have not set 'a' to be anything.
    The sample code you provided does not make sense.
    AddContTry is a method in the code but you are using it like a class.
    You have to set the following before you can use the object 'a'
    AddContTry a = // something
    I am just guessing here but can you write
    AddContTry a = new AddContTry();
    Note, If this is the case, the code in setUp should be in the constructor.

  • __errno() synbol referencing error

    I got this problem at the linker and did not know which -l... to link to. Does any body know that library? OS is 8 and Studio 8. Thank you for your time.
    Son Tran

    My compiler is
    Using CC -verbose=version
    CC: Sun Workshop 6 update 1 C++ 5.2 2000/09/11
    I took out the following code from my source code and developed it separately
    See the sourcecode for the files below.
    Below is a file which has a small function which checks if a file exists or not. It includes "errno.h"
    File name is xieutFile.C
    // xieutFile.C
    #include "xieutFile.h"
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    * Following function checks if the file fileName exists. fileName should *
    * specify the full path to the file. Function returns 0 on success - file *
    * exists. Returns -2 if file does not exist, -3 if search permission is *
    * denied for a component of the path, and -1 for any other failure. *
    * See man pages for stat(2V) for more info on stat system call. *
    int xieutFileExists (const char* fileName)
    extern int     errno;
    struct stat stbuf;
    int          return_val;
    if ( return_val = stat(fileName, &stbuf) < STAT_SUCCESS )
    if (errno == ENOENT) // File does not exist
              return_val = FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
    if (errno == EACCES)
                   return_val = SEARCH_PERMISSION_DENIED;
                   return_val = STAT_FAILURE;
    errno = 0; // Reset for next time
    return return_val;
    Now I wrote another main program which calls the function implemented as above
    Below is the source code. The file is called checkFile.C
    // checkFile.C
    #include <iostream.h>
    extern int xieutFileExists(const char*);
    int main(int argc, const char* argv)
    if( xieutFileExists("/apps/ies/6.1/dev/src/ut/xieutFile.C") )
    cout << "File exists" << endl;
    cout << "File does not exist" << endl;
    I compiled the xieutFile.C usng the below command.
    CC -c -mt -xarch=v9 -DTHREAD -DSOLARIS -DSOLARIS2_7 -DBITS64 -g xieutFile.C
    then I created the shared library as below.
    CC -G -xarch=v9 -o xieutFile.o
    then I compiled the main program checkFile.C as below.
    CC -c -mt -xarch=v9 -DTHREAD -DSOLARIS -DSOLARIS2_7 -DBITS64 -g checkFile.C
    Then I tried to make the executable checkFile using the below command .
    CC -o checkFile checkFile.o -mt -xarch=v9 -g -L. -lxieut
    I get the error message
    ild: (undefined symbol) int*___errno() -- referenced in ./
    If I replaced #include <errno.h> with #include <sys/errno.h> then it compiles and links fine.
    The source code of my project links with lot of libraries. like,,,,,,, under /usr/lib/sparcv9 directory of solaris 8.
    Please let me know if I am missing anything or is there any other way.

  • Object Referenced Error When calling the Windows Form during Runtime

    I am getting  Object reference errors when running windows form during runtime. In debugging mode in MS Visual studio 2005, I am not getting this error. I'm calling the window form from menu and called the window in a thread as suggested in one of forums . I don't see anyone in the forum mentioned this problem I have. Any help would be deeply appreciated. Below are the error and code samples.
    ERROR Message
    Exception Text **************
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Project1.Loadxml.Loadxml_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
    Edited by: Albert Tio on Feb 16, 2011 9:55 AM

    Here is the code.
    Option Strict Off
    Option Explicit On
    Friend Class GetEvents
        Public WithEvents SBO_Application As SAPbouiCOM.Application
        Public SboGuiApi As SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi
        Public oForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
        Public oDBDataSource As SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource
        Public oCompany As SAPbobsCOM.Company
        Public RS As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
        Public oPrev_Bank As String, oPrev_AcctType As String
        Public oLoadXml As Loadxml
        Public Sub SetApplication()
                 'Dim SboGuiApi As SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi
            Dim sConnectionString As String
            SboGuiApi = New SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi
            ' by following the steps specified above, the following
            ' statment should be suficient for either development or run mode
            sConnectionString = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs.GetValue(1)
            ' connect to a running SBO Application
            ' get an initialized application object
            SBO_Application = SboGuiApi.GetApplication()
        End Sub
        Public Sub SetCompany()
            Dim ret As Long
            Dim MsgStr As String
            Dim Cookie As String
            Dim ConnStr As String
                oCompany = New SAPbobsCOM.Company
                Cookie = oCompany.GetContextCookie
                ConnStr = SBO_Application.Company.GetConnectionContext(Cookie)
                '//before setting the SBO login context make sure the company is not connected
                If oCompany.Connected = True Then
                End If
                ret = oCompany.SetSboLoginContext(ConnStr)
                If Not ret = 0 Then
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                ret = oCompany.Connect
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
            MsgStr = ""
            If Not ret = 0 Then
                oCompany.GetLastError(ret, MsgStr)
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub New()
            ' set SBO_Application with an initialized application object
        End Sub
        Private Sub SBO_Application_MenuEvent(ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean) Handles SBO_Application.MenuEvent
            Dim myThread As New System.Threading.Thread(New System.Threading.ThreadStart(AddressOf LoadXmlMainThread))
                If (pVal.MenuUID = "MySubMenu") And (pVal.BeforeAction = False) Then
                    'SBO_Application.MessageBox("My sub menu item was clicked")
                    '// Create a form to be launched in response to a click on the
                    '// new sub menu item
                                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                SBO_Application.MessageBox("1." & ex.Message)
            End Try
            'If (pVal.MenuUID = "MyGoToMenu") And (pVal.BeforeAction = False) Then
            '    SBO_Application.MessageBox("My GoTo Menu was clicked")
            'End If
            'If (pVal.MenuUID = "MySecondGoToMenu") And (pVal.BeforeAction = False) Then
            '    SBO_Application.MessageBox("My Second GoTo Menu was clicked")
            'End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub LoadXmlMainThread()
            'Dim lLoadxml As New Loadxml
                oLoadXml = New Loadxml
                oLoadXml.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
                oLoadXml.ShowInTaskbar = True
                oLoadXml.TopMost = True
            Catch ex As Exception
                SBO_Application.MessageBox("2." & ex.Message)
            End Try
        End Sub
        Private Sub AddMenuItems()
            '// Let's add a separator, a pop-up menu item and a string menu item
            Dim oMenus As SAPbouiCOM.Menus
            Dim oMenuItem As SAPbouiCOM.MenuItem
            Dim i As Integer '// to be used as counter
            Dim lAddAfter As Integer
            Dim sXML As String
            '// Get the menus collection from the application
            oMenus = SBO_Application.Menus
            'Save an XML file containing the menus...
            'sXML = SBO_Application.Menus.GetAsXML
            'Dim xmlD As System.Xml.XmlDocument
            'xmlD = New System.Xml.XmlDocument
            Dim oCreationPackage As SAPbouiCOM.MenuCreationParams
            oCreationPackage = SBO_Application.CreateObject(SAPbouiCOM.BoCreatableObjectType.cot_MenuCreationParams)
            oMenuItem = SBO_Application.Menus.Item("43520") 'moudles'
            Dim sPath As String
            sPath = Application.StartupPath
            'sPath = sPath.Remove(sPath.Length - 3, 3)
            If sPath.EndsWith("\") = False Then
                sPath = sPath & "\"
            End If
            '// find the place in wich you want to add your menu item
            '// in this example I chose to add my menu item under
            '// SAP Business One.
            oCreationPackage.Type = SAPbouiCOM.BoMenuType.mt_POPUP
            oCreationPackage.UniqueID = "MyMenu01"
            oCreationPackage.String = "Unbridle Menu"
            oCreationPackage.Enabled = True
            oCreationPackage.Image = sPath & "unbridle.bmp"
            oCreationPackage.Position = 15
            oMenus = oMenuItem.SubMenus
            Try ' If the manu already exists this code will fail
                '// Get the menu collection of the newly added pop-up item
                oMenuItem = SBO_Application.Menus.Item("MyMenu01")
                oMenus = oMenuItem.SubMenus
                '// Create s sub menu
                oCreationPackage.Type = SAPbouiCOM.BoMenuType.mt_STRING
                oCreationPackage.UniqueID = "MySubMenu"
                oCreationPackage.String = "Unbridle Monitoring"
            Catch er As Exception ' Menu already exists
                'SBO_Application.MessageBox("Menu Already Exists")
            End Try
        End Sub
    End Class
    Public Class Loadxml
        'Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
        Public sBPpath As String
        Public sGLpath As String
        Public sBillpath As String
        Public bRun As Boolean
        Private Sub Loadxml_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            Me.TextGL.Text = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("GLAcctDownloadPath").ToString()
            Me.TextBP.Text = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("BPAcctUPloadPath").ToString()
            Me.TextBill.Text = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("BillUPloadPath").ToString()
            Me.NotifyIcon1.Visible = False
        End Sub
    End Class

  • External Jars referencing error

    I followed all the following steps which were discussed in forum to referencemy 9 external jars, my DC build was succeded in NWDI and has been deployed onto portal server. I got error message "DeploymentException:Clusterwide Exception:Failed to prepare application.....check the reference....." while running that ear file from portal.
    Steps i followed to reference external library:
    1) Created externallibrary DC, plces jars and made them as public (<b>here i made one public part for all jars, do i need to create different public part for different jars)...</b>
    2) Created library DC and added the above DC as used dc for build time and runtime reference,then deployed onto server i can see the service in visual admin with alljars in it.
    3) Created webdynpro DC and added above library DC as used DC, I added library reference tooo, build was succeded and above getting runtime error. <b>Iam giving the exact reference which is copied from visual admin.</b>
    I removed the library reference but iam still getting the same error.we running on NW'04s SP8,Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Damodhar,
    Please check the posting
    from the posting::
    "you need public part with type "compilation". Also you need to open project properties, go to "Web Dynpro References -> Web Dynpro Application" and add run-time reference to DC that exposes component"
    Regards, Anilkumar

  • Symbol referencing errors

    The calling subroutine failed to call other subroutines which were identified as undefined symbols within it. What are the problems actually? It looks like everything is well defined. Please help. Thanks in advance.

    I don't know if this is still an issue for you.
    In general in recounting these kinds of problems
    you need to supply more specfics such as in this
    case were the subroutines and the routine in the same
    source document? What is the compile step? What
    specfically are the compile or runtime error messages?
    Do you have a simplified code example you can show
    that still illustrates the error? What is your
    config, some system and OS information and the version
    of the compiler, the compile command or Makefile?

  • Fascinating Referencing Error

    I am an amateur Flash designer, and wanted to work on one portion of a Flash website, labelled, 'news', with a backup file in case I irrevocably messed up the original.  So, I 'Saved As' the 'news' file as 'newsBackup', creating two files, 'news' and 'newsBackup'.  Now when I run the index of the site, however, when I click the tab to bring up 'news', it doesn't work and I get the error message, Error opening URL 'file:///C|/Users/John%20Baldwin/Documents/Dreamweaver/Sites/sandhill/undefined'.  How can I fix this?  Any recommendations?  Thank you Flash gurus.

    You'll need to check the code for that tab that is associated with trying to open the file that is currently coming up as "undefined".  Some variable in your code is not getting assigned what it should, which may mean the resource that it is relying on for the file name might be missing or is otherwise not getting properly targeted. You'll need to backtrack to see where that variable gets assigned some value to see what it is missing in assigning the right value.

  • Implementing Custom Event - non-static referencing in static context error

    I'm implementing a custom event, and I have problems adding my custom listeners to objects. I can't compile because I'm referencing a non-static method (my custom addListener method ) from a static context (a JFrame which contains static main).
    However, the same error occurs even if I try to add the custom listener to another class without the main function.
    Q1. Is the way I'm adding the listener wrong? Is there a way to resolve the non-static referencing error?
    Q2. From the examples online, I don't see people adding the Class name in front of addListener.
    Refering to the code below, if I remove "Data." in front of addDataUpdatelistener, I get the error:
    cannot resolve symbol method addDataUpdateListener (<anonymous DataUpdateListener>)
    I'm wondering if this is where the error is coming from.
    Below is a simplified version of my code. Thanks in advance!
    //dividers indicate contents are in separate source files
    //DataUpdateEvent Class
    public class DataUpdateEvent extends java.util.EventObject
         public DataUpdateEvent(Object eventSource)
    //DataUpdateListener Interface
    public interface DataUpdateListener extends java.util.EventListener
      public void dataUpdateOccured(DataUpdateEvent event);
    //Data Class: contains data which is updated periodically. Needs to notify Display frame.
    class Data
    //do something to data
    //fire an event to notify listeners data has changed
    fireEvent(new DataUpdateEvent(this));
      private void fireEvent(DataUpdateEvent event)
           // Make a copy of the list and use this list to fire events.
           // This way listeners can be added and removed to and from
           // the original list in response to this event.
           Vector list;
                list = (Vector)listeners.clone();
           for (int i=0; i < list.size(); i++)
                // Get the next listener and cast the object to right listener type.
               DataUpdateListener listener = (DataUpdateListener) list.elementAt(i);
               // Make a call to the method implemented by the listeners
                  // and defined in the listener interface object.
               System.out.println("event fired");
    public synchronized void addDataUpdateListener(DataUpdateListener listener)
      public synchronized void removeDataUpdateListener(DataUpdateListener listener)
    //Display Class: creates a JFrame to display data
    public class Display extends javax.swing.JFrame
         public static void main(String args[])
              //display frame
              new Display().show();
         public Display()
         // Non-static method addDataUpdateListener (DataUpdateListener) cannot be referenced from a static context
         Data.addDataUpdateListener(new DataUpdateListener()
             public void dataUpdateOccured(DataUpdateEvent e)
                 System.out.println("Event Received!");

        Data.someMethodName()is referencing a method in the Data class whose signature includes the 'static' modifier and
    might look something like this:
    class Data
        static void someMethodName() {}What you want is to add the listener to an instance of the Data class. It's just like adding
    an ActionListener to a JButton:
        JButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()    // won't work
        JButton button = new JButton("button");           // instance of JButton
        button.addActionListener(new ActionListener()     // okay
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class EventTest extends JFrame
        Data data;
        JLabel label;
        public EventTest()
            label = getLabel();
            data = new Data();
            // add listener to instance ('data') of Data
            data.addDataUpdateListener(new DataUpdateListener()
                public void dataUpdateOccured(DataUpdateEvent e)
                    System.out.println("Event Received!");
                    label.setText("count = " + e.getValue());
            getContentPane().add(label, "South");
        private JLabel getLabel()
            label = new JLabel("  ", JLabel.CENTER);
            Dimension d = label.getPreferredSize();
            d.height = 25;
            return label;
        public static void main(String[] args)
            new EventTest();
    * DataUpdateEvent Class
    class DataUpdateEvent extends java.util.EventObject
        int value;
        public DataUpdateEvent(Object eventSource, int value)
            this.value = value;
        public int getValue()
            return value;
    * DataUpdateListener Interface
    interface DataUpdateListener extends java.util.EventListener
        public void dataUpdateOccured(DataUpdateEvent event);
    * Data Class: contains data which is updated periodically.
    * Needs to notify Display frame.
    class Data
        Vector listeners;
        int count;
        public Data()
            listeners = new Vector();
            count = 0;
            new Thread(runner).start();
        private void increaseCount()
            fireEvent(new DataUpdateEvent(this, count));
        private void fireEvent(DataUpdateEvent event)
            // Make a copy of the list and use this list to fire events.
            // This way listeners can be added and removed to and from
            // the original list in response to this event.
            Vector list;
                list = (Vector)listeners.clone();
            for (int i=0; i < list.size(); i++)
                // Get the next listener and cast the object to right listener type.
                DataUpdateListener listener = (DataUpdateListener) list.elementAt(i);
                // Make a call to the method implemented by the listeners
                // and defined in the listener interface object.
            System.out.println("event fired");
        public synchronized void addDataUpdateListener(DataUpdateListener listener)
        public synchronized void removeDataUpdateListener(DataUpdateListener listener)
        private Runnable runner = new Runnable()
            public void run()
                boolean runit = true;
                    catch(InterruptedException ie)
                        System.err.println("interrupt: " + ie.getMessage());
                    if(count > 100)
                        runit = false;

  • Report Generation Error Code=1 applying patch 1471898

    When apply the file g1471898 the adpatch was unable to generate reports. The message is ERROR [Code=1] generating report ....

    Thats not much to go on.
    You should probably take this up with Oracle Support.
    But surely there is more in the logs than just that.
    You dont have any 'ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors..' or
    something along those lines?
    If you cant sort out the issue from your log files, then
    you might want to recompile your apps schema and try the g-driver
    again. Before contacting Support.

  • DEP error "itunes has stopped working" FIX! (might work 4 other/all errors)

    I came across this problem and spent hours looking for a fix. From what I found on the internet, it seems as if Apple has no clue how to fix this problem, and tells u to contact Microsoft & Microsoft will tell you to contact Apple. I personally fix this problem myself on a laptop running Windows Vista 64 bit and on my own personal computer running Windows 7 32 bit. So more than likely this fix should work for just a bout any os. All and all, this fix is just a matter of uninstalling your iTunes and downgrading it to the next lowest version of iTunes. Example, if your running iTunes 9.x, uninstall that, and downgrade to iTunes 8.x. But anyways, I'm going to break it down as to exactly what I did.
    1. Uninstall your version of iTunes (mines was 9.x).
    2. Uninstall quick time, bonjour, apple application support, apple mobile device support & apple software update.
    3. Reboot (not necessary, but I did it).
    4. Download the next lowest version number of iTunes than what you had. If you had iTunes 9.x download iTunes 8.x. If u had iTunes 8.x download iTunes 7.x. That can be found here. (this fix was only test on computers running iTunes 9.x)
    5. Install the older version of iTunes you just downloaded. For the first time iTunes runs, it will not work because it will give you a message about the 4 files in your music folder being created from a newer version of iTunes.
    6. So to fix this problem, you will want to save those four files and "move" (not copy) them to your desktop. The files are iTunes Library Extras, iTunes Library Genius, iTunes Library & iTunes Music Library. Those files are responsible for any type of play list you created in iTunes and remembering your music library.
    7. Restart your iTunes and it will be working again. Of course with an older version starting from stratch.
    8. If you dont care about your previous play list and or organization of your iTunes and are just happy that it works again, then your good to go. Just delete the four files from step 6 and you don't need to pass this step. If you want your iTunes back to exactly how it was, then keep reading.
    9. After downgrading your iTunes, when you run it for the first time, it will ask you to upgrade. Upgrade your iTunes like how you normally would any other time.
    10. Close out iTunes if it remains open & replace the four files in the iTunes folder with the four files you moved to your desktop in step 6.
    11. Restart your iTunes, and you should now have a fully working version of iTunes with all of your original play list and library.
    Like I said before, this is my own personal fix & if it works for you then pass it on to the next person.

    Fault Module Name:          ntdll.dll
    Fault Module Version:          6.0.6002.18327
    If the QuickTime Player is launching, I'm less inclined to wonder about an ATI Tray Tools conflict issue. (Although we may have to return to that ... symptoms for that particular issue have changed slightly before, and might have changed again. I was away from the forum for a few months, which is an eternity in this particular advice-provision business.)
    On occasion, the ntdll.dll-referencing error has been associated with some sort of Apple Application Support damage. (In those cases, Safari for Windows also fails to launch on the same PC, also citing ntdll.dll in the problem report.) But in those cases a complete uninstall/reinstall can fix this.
    Doublechecking, Leah. When you did your uninstall/reinstall, were you using the following document as a guide? (The "Verify iTunes and related components are completely uninstalled" section is particularly important if we've got damaged Apple Application Support program-file issues afoot.)
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7

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