Reg. PO release in depth.

Dear Friend ,
i have following questions regarding PO release.
1) If PO approvars (release code) are resp.-  A , B , C , D , E ,F , G , H .
From B to H if any one will disapprove (disrelease) it it should go to directly A and again from A (if he makes changes) it should come who has disapproved it. IS IT POSSIBLE??
2) Is it possible to make release like A or B or C will release it , who is present.

Hi Mahesh,
                  As far as the first Requirement is there
1) If PO approvars (release code) are resp.- A , B , C , D , E ,F , G , H .
From B to H if any one will disapprove (disrelease) it it should go to directly A and again from A (if he makes changes) it should come who has disapproved it. IS IT POSSIBLE??
It can partially be fullfilled,
Let Create the PO, and let it go for the release, make sure in the release indicator, you choose the changable such that, for any change, the release strategy is re-triggered. but it is not possible to let it come to the person who has rejected the same.
in the second requirement:
2) Is it possible to make release like A or B or C will release it , who is present.
Yes it is possible in the configuration part, in the release strategy----> Release Prerequisite, there you have to configure properly.
Hope it helps you.
Yawar Khan

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    With Regards,

    CDHDR and CDPOS.

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    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Ramesh ,
    Which workflow you are using for PO . If it is the standard one , there is a rule used in the worklfow called 20000027.
    In this there is an USer exit . In this exit , you can write your code for sending the workitem to the PR creator.
    If you are using a custom workflow for this , then create a new rule and in that write the code for fetching the PR Creator and assign the user ro the actor tab. Incluse this rule in ur task .
    This will solve your problem.

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    with regards,
    Patil Mallik

    You didnot understand my problem.the problem is suppose there are 3 release codes only 2 release codes has released the PO.Still one release code yet to release.
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    with regards,
    Patil Mallik

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    Thanks and regards,

    does you ahev attached serial number profile to your haeder material , in which settings is like that , your need to assign serial number at the time of order release thats why you are getting this error.
    and if order quantity is not 50 but the component quantity is 50 for one of the item , means you have serialized compoent at lower level and you are using direct production so at the time of header order release , lower level is also getting release and at lower level you need to assign serial number at the time of release.
    check in your material master whats the settings for special procurement MRP 2 view and also check for serial number profile at lower level item which is having quantity 50 in BOM of header.
    Check and revert back.
    Hope it helps you.

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    OutputDebugStringA("Security Descriptor not initialized");
    ITypeLib* pTypeLib;
    HRESULT hr_1 = LoadTypeLibEx(L"ServiceIdl.tlb", REGKIND_REGISTER, &pTypeLib);
    if (pTypeLib != NULL)
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    si.dwReserved1 = 0;
    si.pwszName = L"\\\\localhost";
    si.pAuthInfo = &cai;
    si.dwReserved2 = 0;
    qi.pIID = &IID_classA;
    qi.pItf = NULL; = 1;
    HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstanceEx(CLSID_classAImpl, 0, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, &si, 1, &qi);
    hr returning error "general access denied error";

    I think we may run into the limitations mentioned in the remarks of CoCreateInstanceFromApp doc(show as below). If you can provide a repro project, I
    can give you more details about what happens.
    The CoCreateInstanceFromApp function reads class registrations only from Fusion contexts and manifests, and from the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID registry hive.
    Only built-in classes that are supported in the app container are supplied. Attempts to activate unsupported classes, including all classes installed by 3rd-party code as well as many Windows classes, result in error code
    The CoCreateInstanceFromApp function is available to Windows Store apps. Desktop applications can call this function, but they have the same restrictions as Windows Store apps.
    If you are trying to call some windows classes in your library, I will suggest you check how to create windows runtime out of process component by viewing
    this sample. This is what I usually do.
    To be honest, I did not try to implement the out of process COM component using the method you tried as we previsouly do on desktop. I will suggest you try to register a very simple library(like a signle class and single interface which returns an integer),
    and see if it will work.
    Alan Yao
    MSDN Community Support
    Please remember to "Mark as Answer" the responses that resolved your issue. It is a common way to recognize those who have helped you, and makes it easier for other visitors to find the resolution later.

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    Hi Roy
    I think we need to look at what you mean by 'efficiency' with this requirement first. I suppose you need to decrease the size of the classpath at three distinct points: compilation in the IDE, build time in the NWDI, and runtime on the application server.
    At compile time (in your NWDS), having a single external library DC with multiple public parts will cut down on the classpath with which NWDS has to work in your referencing project - only the classes within the public parts of your external library DC will be accessible. (And God knows it's not the most efficient little IDE, so it needs all the help it can get.)
    Having said that, if your external library DC contains code (which it can), you'll probably need to be rebuilding it fairly frequently, even if you don't change anything. In this case, you need to take into account the size of the external library DC itself - so splitting your libraries into separate DCs and setting up the graph of dependencies would be preferable.
    However, in this instance, you need to remember that the NWDS (or, more correctly, the Web DynPro tools) is essentially broken with respect to its resolution of dependencies. You're constantly having to rebuild things in a certain order to get it to recognise your libraries, open and close the IDE in order for things to compile correctly, and so on. Creating a large dependency graph will likely only exacerbate this problem.
    With respect to builds by the NWDI, before the assembly step, your classpath should be the same as at compile-time in the NWDS. When the assembly occurs, however, everything in your track is built - so it doesn't really matter where you put things. Everything is also going to be deployed to TEST and PROD anyway (which is what Snehal was alluding to).
    Although I'm not certain of this, I assume that the situation at runtime is the same as at compiletime. I don't know if SAP has released in-depth information about the class-loading strategies employed by the Web DynPro runtime with respect to public parts, but I'd expect that the runtime and compile time classpaths would be consistent. (The class-loading strategies employed by the Web Application Server more generally would also suggest that this were the case.)
    Obviously, the more complex you make your dependency structure (the more independent public parts you have, and even moreso, the more separate library DCs you have), the more complex you'll make the process whereby other developers will declare dependencies upon your DC, as they'll have to reference multiple public parts and DCs. However, using more conventional referencing methods, they would need to determine which JAR files they needed anyway.
    Consequently, in the greater scheme of things, one questions how much real efficiency there is to be gained here. The more granular your dependencies, the more efficient your design will be. But this complicates things in practice in the NWDS, and whether it is worth the extra effort depends on how large your libraries are, and how many of them you have - i.e., how much you have to gain by optimising.

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    Hi Gurus,
    I am facing a problem in Billing.I am creating a billing document and while saving the document it shows up the error " Credit Control area 1200 not assigned to Company Code 1000".
    I have checked the enterprise structure and everything regarding Credit Control Area exists in the system.
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    Please do provide me a solution to this error.

    Hi Ravi
    Check in the enterprise structure wheather you have assigned correct credit control area to the (sales orgn+ dist channel + division) to your sales area . or not
    Secondly check in VD02 wheather you have assigned any wrong credit control area or not

  • Reg.Negative delivery cost problem in PO release

    Dear Friends
    '' PO cannot be released due to negative delivery costs" this is my client requirement, I am unable to understand this. Please explain and give the solution.

    how can you have negative delivery costs?
    that means you order material, get it delivered by a carrier, and then the carrier pays you (instead of you pay carrier)?
    Please explain your PO process in a bit more detail.
    maybe this thread with a similar problem can help you:

  • Release Procudure - Problem while creating Release Group:Reg-

    in release procedure char. were created and class also created and the char. were assigned to the class too.
    But when i am creating release group the below error was coming..
    Please check release classes (see long text)
    and if i am see long text the below is the error
    Please check release classes (see long text)
    Message no. ME492
    Here you can assign release groups to release classes. Only one release class should be used within the release groups for overall release and the release groups without overall release in each case. However, in this instance several release classes have been used.
    Assign the release groups that were created for overall release to one release class only. Assign the release groups that were not created for overall release to a different release class.
    Rel. group Rel. obj. Overall rel.    Class       Description
    01 1 _   FRG_EBAN      Group 01
    02 1 _   FRG_EBAN      Group 02
    S1 1 X   FRG_GF_EBAN Group S1
    S2 1 X   FRG_GF_EBAN Group S2
    please see what can i do to solve the issue.
    Thanks and Regards,

    It is not possible to have more than one class define in the release
    strategy but it is possible to define difference characterics within
    the same class.
    Please verify the following:
    1) As the long text of the message says, first check that one release
      class only is used within the release groups for overall release and
       the release groups without overall release in each case. However, in
       this instance several release classes have been used.
       This means you have to have one release class only for all the
       release groups for overall release.
       Assign the release groups that were not created for overall release
       to a different release class.
    Rel. group,   Rel. obj.,   Overall rel.,  Class ,     Description
    01,,1,,_,    FRG_EBAN,      Group 01
    02,,1,,_,    FRG_EBAN,      Group 02
    S1,,1,,X,    FRG_GF_EBAN,   Group S1
    S2,,1,,X,    FRG_GF_EBAN,   Group S2
    2) If you have followed all the indications of the long text of the
       message and the error is still displayed, please try to create the
       new release group via the 'New Entries' button.
    3) If you tried to create the release group via this button and the
       error is still been displayed, please verify the implementation of
       note 125316 in you system.
    Best Regards,
    Arminda Jack

  • Reg.Release strategy for particular vendor

    Dear Friends
    We have 500 vendors, the release strategy is aplies to all but the Release strategy should not be applied for particular one vendor.
    that is w/o release strategy that vendor has to work(if we raise PO the release strategy should not be applied)
    Pls help me

    Vendor master is dynamic and if you define it as a character value, then you need to keep on adding the vendor numbers.
    as and when the new vendor is created.
    if you use the purchasing group as a character, then what happens if another user creates PO with different purchase group.
    you need to think about the below options.
    1. Define release process based on purchase group XX as suggested by  many , but use BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST
        and write the logic in such a way that, do not allow to save PO if the purchase group is not equal to XX.
    2. Use BADI  ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST and write your logic in such a way that for that vendor it should not refer table    CEKKO

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    Hi Experts,
    I have got a requirement in Overall or Header level PR release.
    My question is,
    for Header Level release,
    I am using BUS2105 and what are the event I need to maintain,
    so that my workflow get trigger.

    Hello ShriRam,
             You have to use RELEASESTEPCREATED event if release steps are configured.
              If no release steps are configured,you can use CREATED event.In such case, you have to implement a BAdI named ME_REQ_POSTED.
             In either case, you have to use the change document BANF in the transaction code SWEC.

  • Reg.Message to cellphone after releasing the PO

    Dear all
    Our company wants to get the mobile alert whenever I release the PO(ME29N). Is there any posibilities in consultant side.
    Like "The PO No.4500035416,against the Vendor S.K Enterprises is released"
    Please advise regarding this matter whatever the posibilities.

    You can set up the system to text message when a po is outputted through the email funtionality. Same way you can send a text message through Outlook for instance. So instead of maintaining their email address in the user settings you maintain the mobille number with someting like SMS=+3531123456789 at
    Do a quick google on SMS with email output determination should give you some results.

  • Reg : Reset PO Release.

    Hello Friends,
    After the final release  of a PO, if user change the pricing term or the Shipping intruction, i want to reset the release strategy. This is my requirement.
    Can we reset the release strategy through ABAP code.
    Please give me the possible soultion to achieve it.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Manoj Maheshwari

    Check out the thread below.
    reset release for a PO already outputted - error ME175.
    Hope it helps.

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