Reg posting problem MMPV

hello please suggest me , that  i need to open a period for september 2011. as per the client requirements, the the first period starts from april of the year. so by taking this consideration , the current period should be 06/2011 . but it is showing as 09/2011 . how to close this period and  change this period to 06/2011?
please suggest immediately

06/2011 indicating period which was already opened in system (that means september 2011 is opened in system).
But as per your query system is showing 09/2011 that means you are wrongly opened dec'2011 in system.
System should not allow you to do this ,please apply sap Note 1082841 - MMPV date check for Material Ledger.
Sandesh Sawant

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    Bios - 1.3
    Processor - Intel Q6600 (older version)
    Memory - Kingston KVR1333D3N9K2/4G 4gb total 1333
    Power Supply - Silverstone 750 watt
    Graphics - ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2
    It's been working fine for a few weeks and just started acting up.  I'm using stock settings (no overclock) .
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    Basically what happens is it will power up for the first time and it works.  If I restart or shutdown and turn it back on the monitor stays blank and the status lights show Red, Green, Green, Red which is Processor Initilization.  Only way to get it to boot up is hitting the Clear CMOS button or, when I went to bed and started it up this morning, it booted fine.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

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    The question is this value is really set to 1.976V or if it just a misreport.  Please start Green Power Center and check the voltage values there.
    {Remove Dual Core Center from the AUTOSTART list to make sure it does not open automatically when Windows is loaded.  You can start Green Power Center independently of DCC.  Just have look at the Dual Core Center Installation folder.  There should be a sub-folder that contains the GPC Application.  Create a shortcut to it from the Desktop and you are ready to go.}

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    What is needed, IMO, is a way to log these problems without the formality surrounding OSS and SAPnet.  I imagine this would be important too for those coming into SAP for the first time from the Java side.
    Perhaps the easiest way would be to mark a forum posting as a problem report, similar to the way it can be marked as a question.  This would then allow for highlighting to forum members from SAP who could decide whether the problem warranted escalation.

    Hi Scott,
    i agree. There should be a possibility to create a linkage between OSS notes and SDN postings in some cases, because (besides or in addition what you've already said):
    1. Problems which are reported to OSS might already have been resolved in SDN and vice versa. A common knowledge repository would be very helpful for both parties, i guess. In my opinion it's easier (and cheaper) to <b>verify</b> a possible solution published already in SDN than finding/creating a new one for OSS.
    2. IMHO it's probable that a steadily increasing number of "productive versions users" of arbitrary SAP software components will start to post problems and possible bugs at the SDN forums in the near future. It's absolutely ok to redirect them to the OSS, since this is the official place to report and handle such issues.
    But it should be possible for example to add a link referring the "SDN problem thread" to the customer message(s). The support team could then post the SAP notes number as a reply to the thread as soon as a solution is available. Otherwise, if people aren't gentle enough to return to the forums and publish the problem solution, it's not easy to find the official answer, since nobody knows how to search for the corresponding note to get reliable search results. If the problem description of the note doesn't repeat parts of the question text in SDN, you are lost.
    3. Resulting from 2., more and more "information leaks" will arise in the SDN forums. But i dare to argue that people will return asking the same question(s) over and over again, if there's enough interest, until "somebody" is lucky enough to find the solution in the OSS and post the notes number. Why not "automate" this?
    Just to clarify:
    I do <b>not</b> want to have the OSS team bypassed, this is definitely wrong from my point of view.

  • Reg: Query Problem for New Posting Period

    Hi Xperts,
    While I try to Map the A/P Invoices with their respective Outgoing Payment,
    I used the following Query and it's Query Printlayout
    SELECT T0.DocNum [Payment#], T0.DocDate [Payment Date],
    T0.CardCode, T0.CardName, T1.InvoiceId, T2.DocNum [AP Inv#],
    T2.NumatCard [Bill No.], T2.DocDate [Bill Date], T1.selfInv,
    T1.SumApplied, T1.WtAppld, T0.NoDocsum 
    FROM  [dbo].[OVPM] T0  INNER  JOIN
    [dbo].[VPM2] T1  ON  T1.[DocNum] = T0.DocNum
    INNER  JOIN [dbo].[OPCH] T2  ON  T2.[DocEntry] = T1.DocEntry
    WHERE T0.Cardname='[%0]' and T0.DocDate='[%1]' and
    I got the above query from our Expert Mr.Sambath only.
    Now what is the problem is the query is retrieving the payment details of old Posting Period only and not the current posting period.
    In detail, I used 'Primary' Series for FY08-09, Period indicator 'Default'
    Now I'm using 'Primary1' Series for FY09-10, Period indicator '0910'
    Thanx in adv.

    Hi Bala,
    Looking at your query, it is not query issue ,it is your data issue.
    Please check if you have data in  VPM2  table  which is bank transfer payment method
    Thank you
    Edited by: Bishal Adhikari on Apr 9, 2009 8:48 AM

  • MIGO Posting problem

    hi Sapients,
    i am running a normal MM Cycle, while in MIGO when i post the entry it show me the following Error
    ( Posting only possible in periods 2008/06 and 2008/05 in company code 2681
    Message no. M7053
    The posting date entered is not within one of the permitted posting periods (current period/previous period).
    This can be due to one of two reasons: The correct current period has not been set in the system. For the system, the first of the entered periods is the current period. At the beginning of a new period, your systems administrator must change the current period in the material master record, using the function "Shift periods". This has not yet been done. You have entered a wrong date in the field "Posting date".
    Check the posting date and correct it if necessary. If your input is correct, inform your systems administrator that the "period shifting" (period-end closing) process has not yet been completed. )
    Please help me out

    as per your message the posting is possible for 2008/06..
    So now go to MMPV
    Enter values:
    Co code - 2681
    period : 07
    year - 2008
    First execute ...system show you the message, then again click on the execute button...then it'll execute....
    You can check the open periods in OMSY...
    Go on opening till you reach the current period 10 2008..

  • Posting problem in F.05- very urgent

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    When doing transaction in F.05, posting doing in SAPF100 as batch input sesiion name, and the message: "posting succssesfully created". But the problem is in the FS10N, the journal did not created. Please somebody admice me for this issue since its needs for closing.
    Thank you in advance.

    Did you also process the batch input? SM35?
    If you selected the reverse posting and only checked the balance in FS10N at this moment there will be no difference. Another possibility is that you made the reversal postings in the same period...

  • FB05 posting problem using POSTING_INTERFACE_CLEARING

    Hi All,
      I have a problem posting FB05 using POSTING_INTERFACE_CLEARING.My requirement is to select open item based on document number and then create another leg for that open item using GL account,posting key and amount that matches the selected open item amount.
    I am not sure whether I am not doing the right thing because I get an error 'Difference is too large for  clearing'. If I actually go to FB05 and 'choose open item' for document number and try to hit 'Save' on the list of open items screen,I get the same error. I then  select 'Charge off difference' and it takes me to screen that is quite similar to FB01 and I enter the other leg of the entry i.e posting key,acct no,amount etc.I want to replicate the same process using funtion module.I am sending you the code,please help me.
      i_splitinput-compcode = '0410'.
      i_splitinput-currency = 'USD'.
      i_splitinput-amount = '299'.
      i_splitinput-reference = '90286483'.
      i_splitinput-date = '20090320'.
      i_splitinput-type = 'D'.
      i_splitinput-clearingacct = '101002'.
      append i_splitinput.
      loop at i_splitinput.
        at first.
          perform posting_interface_start using 'C'.
        at new currency.
          perform f_create_document_header using i_splitinput-compcode
        perform f_create_document_items .
        at end of currency.
          perform f_post_gl_document.
        at last.
          perform f_posting_interface_end.
    *&      Form  posting_interface_start
         -->P_P_TYPE  text
    form posting_interface_start  using    p_type.
      data lv_mode type c value 'N'.
      if p_type = 'C'.
        call function 'POSTING_INTERFACE_START'
            i_function         = 'C'
            i_mode             = lv_mode
            i_update           = 'S'
            client_incorrect   = 1
            function_invalid   = 2
            group_name_missing = 3
            mode_invalid       = 4
            update_invalid     = 5
            others             = 6.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
          message 'Error initializing posting interface'(e05) type 'I'.
    endform.                    " posting_interface_start
    *&      Form  f_create_document_header
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form f_create_document_header using p_compcode p_currency.
      data: l_waers type waers,
    l_postdate(10) type c,
    l_bktxt type bktxt,
    l_blart type blart.
    *---Convert dates to proper format MM/DD/YYYY
      write p_pstdat to l_postdate mm/dd/yyyy.
      write p_docdat to l_docdate  mm/dd/yyyy.
      i_ftpost-stype = 'K'.   "Header
      i_ftpost-count = 1.
      perform ftpost_field using: 'BKPF-BUKRS' p_compcode,  "Company Cd
                                  'BKPF-WAERS' p_currency,  "Doc Currency
                                  'BKPF-BLART' p_doctyp,  "Doc Type
                                  'BKPF-BLDAT' l_docdate,   "Doc Date
                                  'BKPF-BUDAT' l_postdate,   "Posting Dt
                                  'BKPF-BKTXT' p_doctxt,  "Header Text
                                  'BKPF-XBLNR' p_ref,     "Ref Doc
                                  'RF05A-AUGTX' 'Test'.  "Clearing item text
    *creditnote to your own
    *debit to customer but sometimes you post credit
    *payor-vendor +ve    payee-customer  -ve
      i_ftpost-count = 0.
    endform.                    " f_create_document_header
    *&      Form  ftpost_field
         -->P_1045   text
         -->P_PA_BUKRS  text
    form ftpost_field using field_name type any
                            field_value type any.
      i_ftpost-fnam = field_name.
      i_ftpost-fval = field_value.
      append i_ftpost.
    endform.                    " ftpost_field
    *&      Form  f_create_document_items
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form f_create_document_items .
    *concatenate i_splitinput
      i_ftclear-agkoa  = 'D'."D-cust, v-vend
      i_ftclear-agkon  = '1041048'."cust/ven acct
      i_ftclear-agbuk  = i_splitinput-compcode.
      i_ftclear-xnops  = 'X'.
      i_ftclear-xfifo  = space.
      i_ftclear-agums  = space.
      i_ftclear-avsid  = space.
      i_ftclear-selfd  = 'BELNR'.
      i_ftclear-selvon = i_splitinput-reference.
      i_ftclear-selbis = 'Test'.                              
      collect i_ftclear.clear i_ftclear.
    i_ftclear-selvon = '101002'.
    i_ftclear-selbis = '101002'.                           
    append i_ftclear.
      i_ftpost-stype = 'P'.  "Details
      i_ftpost-count = i_ftpost-count + 1.
      perform ftpost_field using: 'RF05A-NEWBS' '15',      "Post Key
                                  'RF05A-NEWKO' '1071990',   "GL Account
                                  'BSEG-WRBTR'  '299',     "DC Amount
                                  'BSEG-SGTXT'  'SAN'.      "Item Text
                                 'BSEG-ZUONR'  i_post-merchant_id.
    *lt_ftclear-selvon = p_doc2.
    *lt_ftclear-selbis = p_doc2.
    *APPEND lt_ftclear.
    endform.                    " f_create_document_items
    *&      Form  f_post_gl_document
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form f_post_gl_document .
      refresh i_blntab.
      clear i_blntab.
      call function 'POSTING_INTERFACE_CLEARING'
          i_auglv                          = 'UMBUCHNG'
          i_tcode                          = 'FB05'
        I_SGFUNCT                        = ' '
        I_NO_AUTH                        = ' '
          e_msgid                          = v_msgid
          e_msgno                          = v_msgno
          e_msgty                          = v_msgty
          e_msgv1                          = v_msgv1
          e_msgv2                          = v_msgv2
          e_msgv3                          = v_msgv3
          e_msgv4                          = v_msgv4
          e_subrc                          = g_subrc
          t_blntab                         = i_blntab
          t_ftclear                        = i_ftclear
          t_ftpost                         = i_ftpost
          t_fttax                          = i_fttax
         clearing_procedure_invalid       = 1
         clearing_procedure_missing       = 2
         table_t041a_empty                = 3
         transaction_code_invalid         = 4
         amount_format_error              = 5
         too_many_line_items              = 6
         company_code_invalid             = 7
         screen_not_found                 = 8
         no_authorization                 = 9
         others                           = 10
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        v_message = 'Posting Interface Error.'.
            id        = v_msgid
            lang      = sy-langu
            no        = v_msgno
            v1        = v_msgv1
            v2        = v_msgv2
            v3        = v_msgv3
            v4        = v_msgv4
            msg       = v_message
            not_found = 1
            OTHERS    = 2.
    endform.                    " f_post_gl_document
    *&      Form  f_posting_interface_end
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form f_posting_interface_end .
      call function 'POSTING_INTERFACE_END'
          i_bdcimmed              = ' '
          session_not_processable = 1
          others                  = 2.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
    endform.                    " f_posting_interface_end
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Abaper,
      This is in continuation of my previous email,I am sending you my code.Please take a look and let me know your suggestions.Also can you please share with me your code if you have ever worked with FB05.
    Also I have debugged and found that at the end on program SAFM05A screen 0733 ,the code enters document number BELNR and does okcode - /11. This takes to the screen SAPDF05X  screen 3100 where it does try to save.I believe 3100 is a final screen according to the FM code but there is something I may not be passing which is not allowing it to save.
    *Session header
          perform populate_xbgr00.
          append xbgr00 to dataset.
        write p_docdat to p_docdat mm/dd/yy.
        write p_pstdat to p_pstdat mm/dd/yy.
    *Document header
              perform populate_xbbkpf using
              append xbbkpf to dataset.
    *bbseg bselk and bselp
            perform populate_xbbseg .
    form populate_xbgr00 .
      move '0' to xbgr00-stype.
      move 'zsan' to xbgr00-group.
      move sy-mandt to xbgr00-mandt.
      move sy-uname to xbgr00-usnam.
      move 'X' to xbgr00-xkeep.
    move space to xbgr00-xkeep.
      move '/' to xbgr00-nodata.
    endform.                    " populate_xbgr00
    form populate_xbbkpf  using  p1 p2 p3 p4 p5  p7.
      move '1' to xbbkpf-stype.
      move 'FB05' to xbbkpf-tcode.
      move p2 to xbbkpf-bldat.
      move p4 to xbbkpf-blart.
      move p1 to xbbkpf-bukrs.
      move p3 to xbbkpf-budat.
      move '/' to xbbkpf-monat.
      move p5 to xbbkpf-waers.
      move '/' to xbbkpf-kursf.
      move '/' to xbbkpf-belnr.
      move '/' to xbbkpf-wwert.
    move p6 to xbbkpf-xblnr.
      move '/' to xbbkpf-bvorg.
      move p7 to xbbkpf-bktxt.
      move '/' to xbbkpf-pargb.
      move 'UMBUCHNG' to xbbkpf-auglv.
    form populate_xbbseg  .
      move '2' to xbbseg-stype.
      move 'BBSEG' to xbbseg-tbnam.
      move '15'  to xbbseg-newbs.
      move '100'  to xbbseg-wrbtr.
      move 'Assign'  to xbbseg-zuonr.
      move 'Itemtext'  to xbbseg-sgtxt.
      move I_SPLITINPUT-CLEARINGACCT to xbbseg-newko.        "G/L
      append xbbseg to dataset.
    xbselk-stype = '2'.
    xbselk-agkon = 'CUST0010'.
    xbselk-agbuk = i_splitinput-compcode.
    xbselk-agkoa = 'K'.
    xbselk-sende = '/'.
    xbselk-tbnam = 'BSELK'.
    append xbselk to dataset.
    xbselp-stype = '2'.
    xbselp-feldn_1 = 'BELNR'.
    xbselp-slvon_1 = i_splitinput-reference.
    xbselp-slbis_1 = 'Test'.
    xbselp-tbnam = 'BSELP'.
    append xbselp to dataset.
    Edited by: abap78 on Mar 23, 2009 5:10 AM

  • A/R Invoice posting problem

    Dear All,
         When am posting A/R invoice the payment means screen automatically comes.
    How to overcome this problem

    Click on the yellow arrow for your customer.
    the cusstomer infomation sceen apears.
    Now go to payment tems tab,click yellow arrow for payment terms.
    in Open incomming Filed select No
    By doing this Payment screen will not apper while adding A/R Invoice.
    Hope this solves your Problem.

  • Reg: Posting of payroll for new employee joined

    Dear Expert,
    We have hired a new employee, maintained all infotypes including 0009 also. We are facing problem once the payroll have run. his RT table have got updated, cluster result have been updated. but when we go for posting purpose, that employee doesn't gets selected for posting run also. the system is not at all selecting the employee for any document creation.
    with regards
    sumoy maity

    Tcode - PC00_M99_CIPE
    Enter Employee Code
    Select the tick - display Log
    Do live run
    This will show you the run number if the employee data has already been selected for actual run.
    You can use this Run number for further processing.
    Hope this helps.

  • Invoice Posting problem in Framework Purchase Order

    Hi folks!!
    I am trying to post invoice for framework order, but information in PO reference tab is appearing as grey so I cannot enter amount or G/L account there. how can I make this tab writable.
    Best regards,

    Hello Qamar 
    The problem may be that there is missing customizing for account assi. category 'U' in SPRO. In order to enter account assignment at MIRO you need to set indicator 'AA changeable at IR' (V_T163K-REUPD).
    Check that !
    Good luck!

  • Xfdf post problem introduced in Adobe Reader 9.1.2?

    In the past couple weeks, we've had many customers reporting errors with using the xfdf post-back feature of Adobe Acrobat docuements we use.
    They said this was not a problem before they upgraded to Adobe Reader 9.1.2.
    I have not been able to reproduce the problem here with Adobe Reader 9.1.2, but I'm guessing that maybe their configuration is slightly different from my test configuration of machine/Adobe Reader 9.1.2...
    To summarize how we use xfdf post-back:
    1.) The Adobe Acrobat .pdf has a button image with the Acrobat variant of javascript handling a "button push" to do an http post of the xfdf data to our server.
    2.) The server then processes the xfdf data.
    This has always worked fine in the past, but would appear to (under some yet unspecified client-side circumstances), cause an error.  Note:  the server-side appears to not be the root of the problem because the same server is used with the client-machines (client-machines meaning the acrobat plug-in inside an IE browser) that do work, and also with the client-machines that don't work.
    Additional note:  The client-machines that do work...always work.  The client-machines that don't work, never work.
    Attached is a screenshot of the Microsoft Fiddler (protocol monitor tool) request and response data of the xfdf post.
    Thoughts on what might be the problem?

    Thank you very much for your response but unfortunately none of the suggested solutions have worked.  When pressing F8 then F8 again, the picture icon toolbar toggles between not being shown and then being shown again so no Save options appear.  When pressing F9, nothing happens at all.  When pressing Ctrl+Shift+S an adobe message appears in the middle of the screen stating the following "This document does not allow you to save any changes you have made to it unless you are using Adobe Acrobat 9, Pro 9 or Pro Extended 9.  You will only be saving a copy of the original document.  Do you want to continue?"  It then prompts you with "OK" or "Cancel".  Upon pressing "OK" absolutely nothing happens.   I have seen this type of message many times before when trying to save pdf files and it has successfully saved the file but for some reason nothing happens in this version of adobe reader.  Do you have any other thoughts at all as to how to solve this?

  • Apache Bridge HTTP POST problems on large file upload

    I have a problem uploading files larger than quarter a mega, the jsp
    page does a POSTto a servlet which reads the input stream and writes to
    a file.
    Configuration: Apache webserver 1.3.12 connected to the Weblogic 5.1
    application server via the bridge( from WebLogic Service
    pack 4.
    The upload goes on for about 30 secs and throws the following error.
    "Failure of WebLogic APACHE bridge:
    IO error writing POST data to; sys err#: [32] sys err
    msg [Broken pipe]
    Build date/time: Jul 10 2000 12:29:18 "
    The same upload(in fact I uploaded a 8 MEG file) using the
    Netscape(NSAPI) WebLogicconnector.
    Any answers would be deeply appreciated.
    [email protected]

    It appears to be a bug.
    I suggest that you file a bug report with our support organization. Be sure
    to include a complete test case. They will also need information from
    you -- please review our external support procedures:
    Michael Girdley
    Product Manager, WebLogic Server & Express
    BEA Systems Inc
    "George Abraham" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I have a problem uploading files larger than quarter a mega, the jsp
    page does a POSTto a servlet which reads the input stream and writes to
    a file.
    Configuration: Apache webserver 1.3.12 connected to the Weblogic 5.1
    application server via the bridge( from WebLogic Service
    pack 4.
    The upload goes on for about 30 secs and throws the following error.
    "Failure of WebLogic APACHE bridge:
    IO error writing POST data to; sys err#: [32] sys err
    msg [Broken pipe]
    Build date/time: Jul 10 2000 12:29:18 "
    The same upload(in fact I uploaded a 8 MEG file) using the
    Netscape(NSAPI) WebLogicconnector.
    Any answers would be deeply appreciated.
    [email protected]

  • HTTP Sender Adapter - URL / Query String - Posting problems ?

    Hi All,
    Scenario: Partner sending order request via HTTP adapter to XI
    I have configured my scenario and this is a sample URL I gave to Partner but when they try to post, they get "Connection Failed" error.
    Party Name : ABC
    Service : Send_Order:
    Interface: ORDERS.ORDERS05
    Namespace: urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages
    This partner has been "successfully" exchanging data for other messages using the same hostname/userid/passwd, so is there any problem my URL encoding ?
    Any help is appreciated

    i m not sure how u generated the URL for the scenario but the best approach would be to use the following HTTP test tool for it
    /message/266750#266750 [original link is broken]
    just use the code given by Mr.Stefan Grube .
    secondly instead of host name ,give the IP address of the XI server.

  • Recuring posting problem with dates

    Dear experts
    I would like to ask you how to deal with strange problem within recuring posting document
    For recusring document I have set up for Run date 15, but when document was posted due to date was 5th not 15th. 5th is the same as posting date.
    can you tell me what can causing this?
    thanks a lot

    The question is a bit unclear whether the recurring posting was created on 5th or 15th or you want that the date of the recurring posting could be changed.
    You can refer to Note No. : 1114120 and check whether this is what you are looking for.
    Kind Regards,
    SAP Business One Forum Team


    Seems everyone posting has similar problems with WRT54G.  I reconfigured my router according to the instruction received on the Linksys chat line.  The router responded correctly and showed an active LAN connection on my desktop taskbar.
    When I click on the internet explorer icon I get a no web page found message.The router is set to auto find my ISP, but it seems not to be able to find it.  If I can figure out where to find my ISP   address specs they can be entered manually.  I think that will solve my problem, but don't know where to find the ISP specs. 

    Correct, that is my issue.  Linksys support handled it for me once a year or so ago, but now they want $32.  Suppose it's worth it considering the time I am beginning to put in on this.
    I guess I could buy a new wireless router WRT54G2 and get Linksys new free set up support.The cost of a new router at Best Buy is only $49 so for the diff I have a new router, and I think one year free support.
    Or, somtimes I think of trying another brand, what with the WRT54G problems everyone seems to have.
    Thanks again.

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