Reinstall firmware on dvd drive

is it possible to reinstall the firmware on the dvd drive so that i can reset the settings?

I repaired the Time Machine drive using disk utility as it showed errors when i verified it. That went fine but when I tried again to boot from it the same thing happened... It shows the Time Machine drive when holding option at startup but when i click it, it just gives the grey screen with the question mark folder... Whats going on?
Anyway, I booted from my external bootable drive (different to his external time machine drive) and loaded the app store. I logged in with his details but when I searched for Lion, it didn't say anything about already being purchased... it just showed the price. I looked in the purchased tab and it had nothing in there...
How can I download Lion without paying for it again? It was paid for when the computer was bought so we should not be charged again (IMO)...

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    At this point you have to assume it is either a bad drive or a bad connection for the drive on the motherboard. Among the problems with that series of laptops is bad motherboards and a common symptom is optical drives that will not be detected. But it could also be a dead drive. I assume you have tried to boot from the drive and it will not. The only way to truly diagnose the issue is to try the drive in another known good laptop or with a mini-ide to usb adapter (not too common).

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    Disabled Veteran. 

    Go to System Profile and look, does it say "MacPro3,1"?
    That is 2008.
    FBDIMM would be 800MHz. Did you use older slower 667MHz in yours?
    You can but take a hit in performance.
    Sounds like MacPro1,1.
    Mac Pro (3.0GHz quad core (dual CPUs) 8GB 667 RAM)
    In 2007 March an 8-core 3GHz did come out 2,1.
    So just to be clear.
    It was all working fine a couple of days ago. At the time it randomly shut down I was trying to use Boot Camp to create a Windows 7 area,
    Whenever you want to install Windows, remove all the drives other than the one Windows goes to. And if you use a dedicated drive YOU DO NOT NEED Boot Camp Assist, unless you use XP, which really is limited and crippled (one processor, 1.9GB RAM support).
    And when it freezes, your only choice is to nuke (reformat) and restore or get out that backup CLONE you made before (ie, Step #1 in the Boot Camp Guide).
    Sure that whole NTFS / MBR / GUID could be an issue, but you should just have a blank drive or clone.
    No don't bother Apple, they seem to not have a good sense about Windows on Mac Pro anyway.
    Other than zap pram from cold boot / tried booting with NO drives inside and just 10.6. DVD - should be fine.
    You should be fine iwth Windows 7 DVD and one drive, or even XP.
    Make sure you take your time and reconnect cards etc properly and any cables.
    Booting from OS X DVDs may not work if there is a drive with a totally shot directory or partition table. Put them in FW case and turn on AFTER OS X is booted.
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    MOST IMPORTANT - If you have a reasonable suspicion that you may have an affected drive - do not power the unit off - make fresh backups immediately. The power-on process is what triggers the failure.
    Quoted from ction=printpage;topic=3887.0
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    I was forced to migrate to a new PC for work. It is running Windows Vista Enterprise. Since receiving the PC, iTunes will not recognize my CD/DVD Drive. I receive the following error message:
    "Warning, The registry settings used by the iTunes drivers for importing and burning CD's and DVD's are missing....." etc.
    I have completed the following troubleshooting steps with no success:
    1. Deleted upper and lower filters in the registry per the Microsoft fix from their web site.
    2. Completely uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes/Quicktime/Etc.
    3. Uninstalled and reinstalled the CD/DVD Drive
    4. Verified that other programs recognize and can burn to my CD/DVD drive. I have Windows Media Player and Roxio Creator Basic installed.
    5. Verified that Windows Vista recognizes my CD/DVD drive.
    6. Installed the GEAR driver recommended on the Apple Support page for this issue.
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    Had the same problem but I've fixed it:
    Go to Run. Type in "regedit" and click OK. Now follow this procedure:
    Computer>HKEYLOCALMACHINE>SYSTEM>CurrentControlSet>Control>Class>{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE1 0318.
    In this folder, you should see a file called UpperFilters. Delete this! Your CD/DVD Drive should show up again! iTunes should continue to work but I've noticed that it doesn't allow me to burn CDs anymore :S

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    Join the club, No there isn't a fix. I have noticed on my Laptop running Vista that the DVD drive doesn't disappear until after you reboot after installing iTunes. So here is my work arounds / First I download all my music then uninstall iTunes - reboot - let the DVD drive return - then reinstall iTunes and burn my CD's before I reboot.
    Also a 2nd fix I use is I have another computer on my home network running Windows XP that I network too, it doens't have any DVD issues running iTunes so I just link to my Laptop and burn from that computer.
    But the only true fix is give up and use Napster...

  • Firmware reinstall for dvd drive

    I put a cd into my dvd drive and it has not shown up in finder, and I cannot eject the disk. I've pressed the eject button, I've held down the mouse button

    Try and turn off your Mac pressing the power button briefly and chose the option to shut down. If that does not work, make a hard shut down by pressing the power button and continuing to do so until the computer turns off.
    Then press the power button to turn the computer and as it begins to load, click the eject key on the keyboard and continue to keep it pressed until the computer ejects the disk.
    Hope it helps.

  • Need help reinstalling driver for my dvd drive

    my a205-s5812 cddvd driver isnt working, when i went to device manager to check for the problem, there is a message stating that the driver might be corrupted or missing. so i cant use my dvd drive anymore, how do i fix this problem
    Message Edited by GAMBLER_CPT on 03-28-2009 03:08 AM

    Satellite A205-S5812
    Turns out there is a firmware update to that drive. Maybe it helps.
       Toshiba (TSST) TS-L632* DVD Drive Firmware Update
    You can reinstall the driver by uninstalling it in Device Manager (devmgmt.msc) and rebooting.

  • My mac air died, after i reinstall from dvd drive, when i boot up again, i saw a prohibit sign showing up on the screen, then get to my logon screen.  After logon, it takes very long time to load any application.  pls help

    my mac air died, after i reinstall from dvd drive, when i boot up again, i saw a prohibit sign showing up on the screen, then get to my logon screen.  After logon, it takes very long time to load any application.  pls help

    OK. If you believe that.
    When the disk is starting to die it can be bad for a moment and then be good for a while. If there was no problem while you were checking it of course it shows up good.
    I tell you those are the signs of a disk that is about to die.

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    Please help me to reinstall the Vista recovery partition!

    The hidden partition that you mean is a Windows Vista feature but you cant restore Vista with this partition. The point is that the partition is also deleted because you have installed Windows XP on it.
    Restoring Vista without recovery disk is only possible if Vista is still installed on it. Then you can go in the advanced boot menu and select repair my computer. Then you can choose the Toshiba HDD recovery option. This is a feature that restores Vista from the second partition.
    But as I said only possible with installed Vista.
    Just one question: Why do you dont go to an authorized service provider? If your notebook is still under warranty you should get a new CD/DVD drive for free. Normally it should only take few days and then you are able to install Vista again! :)

  • I had to erase and reinstall mavericks to hd, now i cannot boot up , i get a folder with flashing Q mark and i cannot boot from dvd drive...Ideas please

    its a long and sorry story, i have a imac running mavericks
    a few days ago i noticed that the dvd drive was ejecting every disc i put in, so i decide to check hd with onyx and reset permissions etc
    onyx said the smart status couldnt be checked and i should check hd using disk utility.
    i did this and it came up that hd had errors , so i ran the repair came up with disk can not be repaired, reformat and reinstall mavericks
    this i did.
    i  reinstalled mavericks into mac hd, which took about 3 hrs, i then rebooted and a folder with flashing Qmark appeared, i cant get past this at all.
    i have tried to use internet recovery but it comes up with 6002f error, and the dvd drive still does not accept boot disk, so i am at a lose as to how to proceed
    anybody got any ideas?

    If your hard drive has SMART errors then it is failing and should be replaced. Disk Utility cannot fix SMART reported errors.

  • How can i reinstall cd/dvd drive - Satellite P100 PSPAD

    I have Satellite P100 (PSPAD), and my cd/dvd drive (I dont know how or when) suddenly disappeard, it does not appear in my computer or device manager,
    I tried this but coul not find the lowerfilters so i delite the upperfilter and restart the computer but that did not work.
    So can I reinstall it somehow and how do i do it?
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
    Caution There can be many instances of the registry subkey that is mentioned in step 2.
    You must make sure that you are in the appropriate registry subkey before modifying the UpperFilters and the LowerFilters values.
    To verify that you are in the appropriate registry subkey, make sure that the Default data value is DVD/CD-ROM and the Class data value is CDROM.
    3. In the right pane, right-click UpperFilters, and then click Delete.
    4. Click Yes to confirm the removal of the UpperFilters registry entry.
    5. In the right pane, right-click LowerFilters, and then click Delete.
    6. Click Yes to confirm the removal of the LowerFilters registry entry.
    7. Exit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer.

    Hi guys
    Just one question;
    Are you able to boot from the bootable disk like Toshiba recovery disk, Windows XP CD, Vista DVD or Linux live CD???
    If yes, then you should try to reinstall the OS.
    If not then this would mean that the CD/DVD drive malfunctions.
    You said the CD/DVD drive has been recognized by BIOS.
    Do you see the whole CD/DVD drive title/name or you can see just the CD/DVD drive option.
    You should also test if you can boot from one of the mentioned disk and to ensure that this is not a hardware issue!

  • Satellite A105-S1013: Need CDW/DVD drive original firmware?

    I flashed the wrong firmware model of my CDW/DVD optical drive and now the drive is not being recognized by WinXP. It simply vanished...
    I would like to re-flash the correct original firmware for this drive.
    The drive is a TSST model TS-L462C TO10.
    Can anybody help me locate the original firmware for this drive model?
    I know the firmware are very model specific and are not interchangeable.
    I searched all Toshiba/Samsung sites to no avail.
    Tks in advance for any help...

    Thanks, but unfortunately none of these sites offers a TS-L462C TO10 firmware - they offer other models.
    I am under the impression this is a rather new firmware code which has not been widely divulged yet. My computer is rather new ( 3 months since I bought it).
    Anybody has or knows who has this firmware ??

Maybe you are looking for

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