Reinstalling os X from disc to save space ... am i too late??

Hello all,
I didnt realize that you could reinstall os X from the disc to eliminate a lot of extra space before I basically transferred all my data from my old PC to my new macbook. is there any other options for me to save space? I DL'ed the program monolingual which took out some, but what about some other apps...
your thoughtS?

If you want to start fresh, you will have to re-transfer all your data.
You can always just delete programs that you do not want. A Mac is not like Windows where installer programs spew stuff all over the hard drive. In general, apps are self-contained and have a pref file int he library and that's about it.
If a program has an uninstaller, run it. If not, drag it to the trash and empty it. You can use Spotlight to find any stragglers.

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    BrightBluephotograph wrote:
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        Thank You
                 James Shobe
      E-mail is [email protected]

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    And backup soon and often - having your iPhoto library on an external drive is not a backup and if you are using Time Machine you need to check and be sure that TM is backing up your external drive

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