Released qty exceeds available qty pick list error

Hello experts,
I have the following scneario:
1) In stock 570
2) COmmitted 10,100
3) Available -9530
I want to create a pick list for 100 and the system doesn't let me saying " Release qty exceeds available qty".
Can someone please explain why?????????????????????

As an enhanced functionality in SAP Business One version 8.8, the Pick and Pack Manager now allows the user to release items to a pick list even when there is no available quantity to release, such as when merchandize exists but has not yet been entered into SAP Business One.
In spite of this enhancement the user cannot release an item from a Sales Order to a Pick list when the item does not have sufficient available quantity in stock to cover the quantity of the Sales Order.
The system shows the following error message:
"Released quantity exceeds available quantity"
This enhanced functionality only works if the "Block Negative Inventory by" checkbox is not selected under Administration -> System Initialisation ->Document Settings -> General tab
Check Note No. : 1485867 as well.
Kind Regards,
SAP Business One Forum Team

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    Need your help!
    I need to know where or how to get the values at the Received/Required Qty and Available Qty column found at MD16 order report.

    hey use MD04 for this purpose enter material and plant
    and press enter
    and u will get all details
    hope it will be useful

  • Pick List error

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    We are using pick and pack to dispatch our orders partially. For the second time now, we have observed a pick error where the pick list  status changes to closed after being released yet no delivery has been made. The order therefore remains open but we cant deliver unless by doing direct partial deliveries from the order.
    Has anyone encountered such a problem before or is there any solution to this?

    Thank you Gordon,
    I actually cannot replicate it as it happens arbitrarily.
    Since we are in the process of upgrading to 2007 A, we will watch it in the new system.
    Ann Muhoro.

  • Withdrawal Qty exceed requirement Qty in production order

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    Anybody can tell me how to customize settings to limit this function, such as give me a message (error or warning), and ensure withdrawal Qty can not exceed requirement Qty.
    thank you.

    I got what excatly the problem is in your case, the guy who executed has done it very cleverly.
    What must have happenned, is that in the change mode of the order, the component quantity was increased and then Issued. Latter on in the change mode of the order again the quantity was reduced.
    I think this is the excat case what you are having now in the system, the only clue left out for us is to check whether the manual change was perfomed or not. In the components overview scroll to the right side of the screen till you reach column with heading "ChngeProc.", here if the field value is "1" - then it is obvious that there was a manual change in qty for the component.
    The possible resolution to prevent in future is to Make the dynamic message "CN" - 752 as Error in the prodcution order change program. You need to work with your ABAP person for this.
    Hope I was able to get to the right problem and possible resolution.

  • Picking List Error

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    I have created Script for Picking List,
    I am getting the below error when processing ...
    Error Info...   VN 073: Errors occurred while processing output
    Its working fine when Standard Script SD_PICK_SINGLE is used ..
    Pls Help.

    Hi Raghu,
    AS you are a technical person, it will be very easy for your to compare the standard SD_PICK_SINGLE and the script created by you.

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    Thanks  in Advanve

    Please try MB25 MB25 or MF65.
    Mohd Ali.

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    Many thanks,

    Cheers, which options would I then need to choose?

  • Pick List - Released Qty Query

    Hi All,
    i have a scenario here
    SO Details
    Qty - 5.
    ItemsPerUnit - 20
    When come to pick list, the qty as below
    Ordered - 5
    Released - 100
    Picked - 0
    When i pick 1 qty , now the query result show
    Ordered - 5
    Released - 60
    Picked Qty - 40
    SELECT T0.PickQtty AS 'PickedQty', T1.Quantity AS 'OrderedQty', T0.RelQtty AS 'ReleasedQty' from PKL1 T0
    ON T1.DocEntry = T0.OrderEntry
    where T0.AbsEntry = 6
    After picked 2 qty
    SAP Pick List
    In fact, i just want to get Released Qty in 3 and PickedQty in 2. Which table i can drag these info?

    You can get those field  (T1.[RelQtty], T1.[PickQtty]) from PKL1 table. This is  already mentioned in your query.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Pick List Creation Released quantity exceeds open quantity

    Hi all,
    I'm getting the following error when trying to create pick lists through the SAPB1 DI:
    "Released quantity exceeds open quantity "
    Every time, the stock quantity in the warehouse that the code concerns is by far enough when compared to the released quantity.
    I cannot turn off the warehouse setting recommended on another post on here.
    Any ideas?

    Hi, sorry for my delayed response!
    This is still an issue, I already have a condition to check against the warehouse's current stock, this is being successful but still generates the above error when we get to PLIST.add()
    Here's the SQL I'm using to gather my data:
    select distinct t3.docnum,t4.listName as'Price List',(select isnull(sum(1),0) from pkl1 S99 where S99.orderentry = T0.docentry
    and S99.orderline = T0.linenum) as 'cupid',t0.DocEntry, t3.Confirmed, DATEDIFF(DAY,GETDATE(),t3.DocDueDate)
    as 'DateDifference' from rdr1 t0 inner join oitm t2 on t0.ItemCode = t2.ItemCode inner join ORDR t3
    on t3.DocEntry = t0.DocEntry inner join OCRD t1 on t3.CardCode = t1.cardcode inner join OPLN t4
    on t1.listnum = t4.listNum where T0.[WhsCode] = 'xxx' and  T2.[OnHand] > 0 and  T0.[OpenQty] > 0 and T2.InvntItem = 'y'
    and t3.Confirmed = 'y' and (select isnull(sum(1),0) from pkl1 S99 where S99.orderentry = T0.docentry and S99.orderline = T0.linenum) = 0
    and t4.ListName <> 'EconoSupplies Sales' and t4.ListName <> 'EconoSupplies Sales (EUR)'
    and DATEDIFF(DAY,GETDATE(),t3.DocDueDate) < case when datepart(WEEKDAY,getdate()) = 6 then 4 else 2 end group by t3.docnum,t0.docEntry,
    t3.Confirmed , t0.LineNum, t4.listname, DATEDIFF(DAY,GETDATE(),t3.DocDueDate) order by t0.DocEntry
    This returns a list of all the picks that I am interested in. I have changed the warehouse code for privacy.
    Next, we loop through each pick and extract the data:
    SELECT T1.[DocNum], T1.[DocEntry],T0.[LineNum],  T1.[CardCode],T0.[ItemCode], T0.[Dscription], T0.[OpenQty], (SELECT sum(s99
    .[OpenQty]) FROM RDR1 s99 WHERE s99.[DocEntry] = T0.[DocEntry] and  s99.[ItemCode] = T0.[ItemCode]) as 'TotalQty',T3.
    [OnHand] FROM RDR1 T0 INNER JOIN ORDR T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T0.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode INNER
    JOIN OITW T3 ON T0.ItemCode = T3.ItemCode and T0.WhsCode = T3.WhsCode WHERE T0.[WhsCode] = 'DSV' and  T3.[OnHand] > 0 and 
    T0.[OpenQty] > 0 and T2.InvntItem = 'y' and t0.docEntry =  <<<VB VARIABLE HERE>>>
    ORDER BY T1.[DocEntry], T0.[LineNum]
    These two sql commands are stored in a table and called from the VB code, for soft code re-usability.
    The SQL returns the results I am expecting, and I don't think the problem lies here.
    Here's the VB code:
            Dim PLIST As SAPbobsCOM.PickLists
            PLIST = GetDIConnection.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPickLists)
            Dim RS, RS1, RS2, RS12 As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
            Dim i, ii As Integer
            RS = GetDIConnection.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
            RS1 = GetDIConnection.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
            RS12 = GetDIConnection.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
            Dim WhsCode As String = GetCompanyNamedConfigValue("xxxxx", "xx")
            Dim SQLText As String
            Dim nErr, errMsg As String
            Dim DocDate As Date = Now
            Dim tempI As Integer = 1
            Dim executeBody As Boolean = True
            Dim ExecuteHead As Boolean = True
            Dim picklistcheck, picklistcheck1 As String
            Dim Type As String
            'CJB---- AUTO GENERATE PICK LIST-------------------------------------
            Dim OCHAPPCFGValue As String = GetAPPCFGEntry("GeneratePicks")
            If OCHAPPCFGValue = "Y" The
                Dim DocEntry, qty, docnum As Integer 'SO docentry & line qty
                Dim ItemCode As String ' Itemcode for SO line
                Dim price As Double
                Dim LineNum As Integer
                Dim OrderRs, ORderRs1 As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
                Dim HashTable As New Hashtable
                Dim HashArray(2) As String
                OrderRs = GetDIConnection.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                ORderRs1 = GetDIConnection.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                Dim sqlstring1 As String = GetAPPCFGEntry("SQLSTRING1SOWMS03")
                Echo("Debug, sqlstring1: " & sqlstring1)
                OrderRs.DoQuery(sqlstring1) ' just assume the SQL brings back what I need
                Dim Attemptcount As Integer = 1
                'We now have the docEntries we need, so we loop through each docEntry and extract the lines
                Do Until OrderRs.EoF
                    DocEntry = OrderRs.Fields.Item("DocEntry").Value
                    EchoBanner("NEW RECORD, attempt count: " & Attemptcount)
                    Echo("DocEntry: " & DocEntry)
                    Dim sqlstringPart1, SqlStringPart2 As String
                    sqlstringPart1 = GetAPPCFGEntry("SQLSTRINGSOWMS03P1")
                    SqlStringPart2 = GetAPPCFGEntry("SQLSTRINGSOWMS03P2")
                    Dim sqlstring As String = sqlstringPart1 & " '" & DocEntry & "' " & SqlStringPart2
                    If ORderRs1.RecordCount = 0 Then
                        EchoBanner("No records found under docEntry: " & DocEntry)
                    End If
                    PLIST.PickDate = Today
                    PLIST.Name = "DSV Interface"
                    PLIST.OwnerCode = 1
                    Dim icount As Integer = 0
                    Dim onHand, TotalQty As Integer
                    Dim LineAdded As Boolean = False
                    Do Until ORderRs1.EoF
                        docnum = ORderRs1.Fields.Item("DocNum").Value
                        ItemCode = ORderRs1.Fields.Item("ItemCode").Value
                        ' price = OrderRs1.Fields.Item("Price").Value
                        onHand = CInt(ORderRs1.Fields.Item("onHand").Value)
                        TotalQty = CInt(ORderRs1.Fields.Item("TotalQty").Value)
                        Echo("DocNum: " & docnum)
                        Echo("Debug: Onhand: " & onHand)
                        Echo("Debug: TotalQty: " & TotalQty)
                        If TotalQty > onHand Then
                            Echo("Unable to generate Pick List, not enough stock for item: " & ItemCode)
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                        Echo("Line set to " & icount)
                        PLIST.Lines.BaseObjectType = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders
                        PLIST.Lines.OrderEntry = DocEntry
                        LineNum = ORderRs1.Fields.Item("LineNum").Value
                        PLIST.Lines.OrderRowID = LineNum
                        'PLIST.Lines.ReleasedQuantity = OrderRs1.RecordCount ' quantity from the line in SO - OpenLineQty
                        PLIST.Lines.ReleasedQuantity = ORderRs1.Fields.Item("OpenQty").Value
                        '  PLIST.Lines.TaxCode = OrderRs1.Fields.Item("VatGroup").Value
                        Echo("Record count : " & ORderRs1.RecordCount)
                        Echo("Icount: " & icount)
                        Echo("Debug: LineNum: " & LineNum)
                        Echo("Debug: DocNum: " & docnum)
                        Echo("Debug: ItemCode: " & ItemCode)
                        Echo("Debug: Released Quantity: " & PLIST.Lines.ReleasedQuantity)
                        Echo("Debug: Picked Quantity: " & PLIST.Lines.PickedQuantity)
                        Echo("Debug: OnHand: " & onHand)
                        Echo("Debug: PickDate: " & PLIST.PickDate)
                        Echo("Pick List line added!")
                        icount += 1
                        LineAdded = True
                    ' OrderRs.DoQuery("select t0.absentry, t0.pickentry, t0.orderEntry, t1.DocEntry, t0.PickQtty from pkl1 t0 inner join ordr t1 on t0.OrderEntry = t1.DocEntry where t1.DocEntry = '" & DocEntry & "'"
                    ' If OrderRs.RecordCount = 0 Then
                    If LineAdded = True Then
                        Echo("Adding Pick List...")
                        Dim lretcode As Integer = PLIST.Add()
                        If lretcode = 0 Then
                            Dim LastPickEntry As String = GetDIConnection.GetNewObjectKey()
                            Echo("Enitre Pick List created! See Pick & Pack -> Pick List in SAPB1")
                            Echo("Pick Entry: " & LastPickEntry)
                            EchoBanner("ERROR! UNABLE TO GENERATE PICKLIST!!   " & GetDIConnection.GetLastErrorDescription)
                        End If
                        Echo("NO LINES FOUND TO ADD TO THE PICK LIST!")
                        ' Err.Raise(vbObjectError, "SOWMS03, generate picklist", "Error creating PickList!  Error Description:  " & GetDIConnection.GetLastErrorDescription & "    Error Code: " & GetDIConnection.GetLastErrorCode)
                        'need a way of logging this error without jumping out of the loop.
                    End If
                    Attemptcount += 1

  • Error in Picking List (T-Code - CO27) - Urgent help pls

    Hi all,
       A work order has been released & the item for it has been made available using the picking list (CO27). However when i check the picking list again, the same item is still showing, but the Open Qty & Shortage fields show 0. I am not able to figure out how the item is still seen despite me picking it.
       When i select the line & click status, in the Business Processes tab, Release Component has a red indicator & says Error - BS 013 (System status REL is active), is this causing the problem & if yes how can i rectify it.
       Solutions please......

    Hi Aaron,
      Apologies for the delayed reply. I would like to inform you i am not a ABAPer so i dont know if what i did would be of benefit to you. But what actually had happened was the FI indicator was not ticked in the order & this was causing that error. This indicator i got to know is ticked automatically when the issual is done, but due to certain circumstances it might not be ticked, this happens due to some manual intervention is what i was made understood. I hope this was of some help to you. But i would say, it is better that u open a new thread & ask the experts for their view-point.

  • MRP available Qty and reservation not working

    Hi PP gurus
    lets say I have material A that use component B in qty 1 to be manufactured, the problem is the following
    1) If I have 3 orders for Material A with dates say
    01-Mar-2011 Order 1
    15-Mar-2011 Order 2
    28-Mar-2011 Order 3
    And I have in available stock only 1 piece of material B I can therefore only release order 1, If I try to release order 2 then I get an error because the material is not available (this is what I want and is working well)
    The problem comes when I go and change the date of order 2 to 15-Feb-2011 (to any previous date from order 1)now I'm able to release, and same happens if I change the date of order 3 to 10-Feb-2011 then I can release order 3 too and this is not correct, I need to release orders only If I have the components available and no hard reservations for it.
    Note: when I'm able to release also if I check the material availability it says all materials in order XXX are available
    Note2: I have setting for only releasing if no missing components
    Please advise what settings are missing to achieve this

    A few pointers which should help correct the situation:
    First reset all commitments done to the 3 SFO's. If its a test system, then do a re-read of master data if no postings are done, so you can revert back to your initial status.
    Now run Av. check for all three orders in COMAC. Depending on the settings done in OPJJ for the checking rule, system will do the commitments. Once the commitments are done, check in the 3 orders, whether the committed qty field is populated. If you're only considering stock in the checking rule, then system would commit to the first order.
    Now change date of the 2nd or 3rd order to an earlier date. Now if you run an av. check within that specific order, system will show it as shortage (provided you do not make any changes to checking rule in between).
    But if you re-run Av. check in COMAC with reset commitments flagged, then system will reset previous commitments n commit to the rescheduled order.
    In your check rule, ensure that you're considering reservations in inward/outward mvts. & also see if any supply elements such as PO, PR etc is considered. If they are considered, then it might well be that system is committing all 3 orders as there are some supply elements.
    If the above still does not resolve the issue, then upload screenshots of MD04, MMBE, CO03 (component view), OPJJ to a portal n paste link here.

  • Cannot see pick list on releasing production order for WH managed material.

    Hi guys
    I created workcenters, routing, bom, control cycle record and prod. verison for the material before creating the Prod. order. Now, I am neither able to see the Pick List nor Material Staging (Simulation) after releasing my Prod. Order. The exact error is "No WM relevant components exist". All my materials are warehouse managed.
    Any help gurus??

    you are mentiuoning that control cycle .
    Have assigned the coponents to the storage location which is assigned to ware house.
    pl. chk this.

  • Reg available qty

    Dear all,
    we are using MBC1 for determining the batches of component materials in a process, the issue is although  for a  batch required qty of the component is not available but still it is getting determined during the batch determination in MBC1
    is there any standard customization or enhancement available which checks the available qty of material batch before  determimin it in MBC1. we need to use MBC1 only for batch determination and cannot use other
    please suggest how to proceed
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks Noell for your response, i am executing batch determination in MB1A, what is happening is system is
    determining batch for a second process order although it is reserved for first process order
    I am not getting your problem correctly.  Batch Determination in MB1A and it determines the batch which is reserved for another order, sounds confusing. if you are determines the batch in mb1a then it means that you determines the Batch at the time of goods issue, then how you can say batch determination picks the batch, which is reserved for another order, its only possible when you determine the batch in order itself.

  • How to update picked qty as delivery qty while creating outbound delivery

    I am using badi definition LE_SHP_DELIVERY_PROC to update delivery qty as picked qty at the time of creating delivery. By using method SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE I am populating delivery qt(yCT_XLIPS- G_LFIMG) to picked qty(CT_XLIPS[1]-PIKMG). and i am also populating update flag as 'I'. after saving the delivery document i am not able to update picked qty which was populated in BADI. could you please suggest anything needs to care. thanks in advance.

    I did a little test and, within the method CHANGE_DELIVERY_ITEM, itu2019s possible to fill the picking quantity (structure CS_LIPSD) but unfortunately during the save the added information is lost.
    This is because the BAdI method is fired too soon and the routine PICKMENGE_BEARBEITEN (SAPFV50P) is not called at all.
    The problem is quite complex; even after changing the picking quantities, the picking status still remains open!
    The picked quantity is generally filled:
    u2022     by printing the picking list
    u2022     Warehouse Management by creating a transfer order
    u2022     or by manual entry
    Otherwise, it is assumed that picking has not yet been initiated and the result is that picked quantity is ignored.
    In my opinion itu2019s very difficult to solve your problem using only the BAdI implementation.
    I suggest you to propose an alternative solution such as the automatic processing of Picking Output EK00; easy to activate and absolutely standard!!!!!!

  • Difference of inventory available on item description and picking list

    For one item, I have noted a difference beetween the amount "In stock" on item Master data and the amount "available to release" in the picking list. I have checked moves on reports "Stock Posting list" the result is the same as in the master data.
    Where does this difference come from?
    Thanks for your help.

    Hi Sébastien,
    Welcome you post on the forum.
    Actually "available to release" may never be the same as the quantity in item master. Only in a rare occasion that all items are available to release.

Maybe you are looking for