Reminder in calendar Lumia 800

When adding a reminder in the calendar I get the option to choose from pre-defined times (like 5 mins, 15, 30, 1 hr, 2 hrs, 18 hrs, 1 day, a week etc). Is there ane way to set your own time (like 45 mins as an example)? If not, why?
Appreciate any comment on this.
Go to Solution.

I wanted to make an important request/complaint as I feel the calendar feature has been designed with a degree of inflexibility for reasons I cannot appreciate.
The calendar and reminder services is such an important feature for managing my life on the go, and I am upset that my expensive phone is not flexible enough to help me when I really need it. I'm not sure if I should be complaining to Nokia or Microsoft but please please can you arrange a software update to include greater flexibility. I had complete choice of the hours to set on my previous 6300 phone.
I used to own a simple Nokia 6300, and the calendar reminders were very flexible. If I recall I could choose to have a reminder of a diary event at anytime I wanted. Most importantly I could set reminders in the hours approaching my event. Now on my Lumia 800 it appears that I can only choose 15,30,45 minute; 1 hour; 18 hours; 1 day; 1 week etc. this is not realistic when really more flexibility is what busy people need. What about 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours etc. I have to remember when to set my reminders so they remind me at the right time for the actual event!
Please please can you update the feature to provide maximum flexibility. Whether I am syncing with other calendars or not I need this feature to allow me to choose when to remind myself in hours and minutes. On my old 6300 phone I just used to choose the most appropriate snooze time as a quick update.
I feel bad that I've upgraded my phone but lost the flexibility of one it's most useful features.

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    Yes, I have noticed this - the more responses that users find this unsatisfactory the better and, hopefully, Microsoft/Nokia will address the problem.
    There are many times when I need to refer to past items in my calendar, and a 15 day cut-off is unacceptable; I often go back 12 months! I also don't carry a laptop around with me, so logging in to my Windows Live or Google calendar is not an option - that was the reason for purchasing a smartphone.
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    I am one of the people that this really DOES BOTHER!!

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    Battery life:
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    So, all in all I'd say someone has done a great job testing the update. 

    Hello, and thanks for the reply. 
    I'm sure there are phones that are working perfectly, it would be doubtful that the update would have been released otherwise. But as you must know, there is a large number of settings combinations (and even apps) that may cause different devices to behave in different ways. 
    Allow me to clarify: all of the symptoms I described occurred after the update, and none of them existed before, apart from the occasional "phone running hot and battery running out" issue. That is probably due to some background task running amok, but it can always be fixed with a reboot and a recharge. 
    To answer your specific questions - I have not changed the live account password, or any of the other accounts. And obviously I have rebooted, since the battery ran completely empty. In fact another thing that I forgot to mention was that the phone has rebooted itself a couple of times as well after the update, which was a new issue. Neither have I installed any new apps since the update. I have three apps that are enabled to run in the background; Evernote, IMDb and WeatherDuck, but none of them are running at the moment. And none of them have caused any issues in the past, and it's extremely doubtful that they could affect the entire system so drastically, other than by consuming memory or cpu and causing resource shortages or battery drain. 
    Also if you take a look at some of the other posts on the forum you'll see that other people have reported similar problems - I found one discussion detailing the exact same thing happening with their email account. 

  • Wipe on Lumia 800 generate recurrent reset

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    Not surprising, I found another guy who has exalt the same problem. The only difference is that he has initiated the wipe on Windowsphone website, and me at OWA website.
    I took the device to the Nokia Care Point last Saturday, got it today, where they have updated firmware and OS version. But, again, when I started uploading data to it, it stopped working again, and I lost all my daily configuration.
    What should I do next?
    Thank you,

    Hi Mineirinh0,
    Thanks for your posts and welcome to the forum.
    I would like to advise you to return to the Nokia Care point and ask for them to flash your Lumia, not just update the software. This will however wipe it clean and remove all personal data so make sure your have a backup by syncing media files using Zune and your contacts and calendar(s) to their respective accounts.
    If you want to contact Nokia directly on this please contact Nokia Care through phone, mail or chat (where available). Contact information for both Nokia Care and a Nokia Care Point can be found using this link. These forums are mainly a user to user support forum, please see the forum guidelines if you have any questions on using the forum.
    Hope this helps, let us know how you get on.
    Press the 'Accept As Solution' icon if I have solved your problem, click on the Star Icon below if my advice has helped you!

  • Lumia 800 WiFi interface error

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    I discovered a week ago that my WiFI even switched successfully on that I can see in the WiFi menu, actually the data transmission still coming thorugh my 3G card, so phisically the wifi interface is not active.
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    How can I solve the issue? is it really needed to hard reset? Or something other way is available?

    Hello Prochini21,
    Thanks for your recommendation, please note the issue was hidden, as the phone indicated that WiFi is on and connected to it. However, I discovered it, when my app Counters warned me that I reached the 3G data limit I set earlier. Then I started to check, 1st with app System Information, it displayed my 3G card was active even I switched on my WiFI and the phone displayed I connected to the home secured WiFi!
    So, apparently everything worked fine....
    Then I started to check several option, as I got support from Nokia Care in Twitter (my twitter id @LKerekes2), so I can provide you with these info what I have tested and completed.
    - I always used Battery Saver option - but I tested without battery saver - same bad result
    - I checked the WiFi in Flight mmode as well - interface remained inactive
    - I connected with another devices to the same network at home - OK
    - I changed my home network to unsecure network and connected with my Lumia - displayed connected, but wifi interface was inactive
    - I connected with my Lumia to public WiFi - interface was inactive
    - I restart the phone several times with VolDown+Power - wifi remained the same
    So, finally I did hard reset to on the phone to delete everything then I reinstall my personal files and data. I think the interface was unable to be activated, the 3G card was always ON.
    What I won:
    - my WiFi interfrace is working fine, no issue
    - I deleted several non-required files, so the phone works a bit faster
    What I lost:
    - I cannot synchronise my google calendar and contacts to my Lumia 800.
    Although I knew about the issue with Google, but I thought even I hard reset my phone as I have existing google account I would not loose any existing services - it was not the case.
    Now, I am looking for a trick how to synchronise automatically my company Lotus Notes 8.5 calendar with my Lumia 800 (WP7.8).

  • How to save battery in using lumia 800

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    I am using Lumia 800,
    following apps are installed on phone 
    1800 Pocket PC
    Adobe Reader
    ADO View
    Air Wakener
    App Highlights
    BBC News Free
    BBC World News
    Bluetooth Share
    Calculator Toolbox Free
    Call Recorder
    Camera Extras
    Concert Online
    Contacts Share
    Contacts Transfer
    Cool Remote
    Destination Manager
    Diary Buddy
    Free GPS Speedometer
    Google Mail
    Google Mail 2
    Google Mail 3
    Handyscan (free)
    Internet Explorer
    Location Helper
    My Nokia
    Network Setup
    News 24
    Nokia City Lens
    Nokia Drive
    Nokia Maps
    Nokia Music
    PC File Download
    PC Remote
    Ringtone maker
    SMS Collection
    Study Assist
    The Times of India
    Video Search
    View Tube
    Voice Recorder
    WSJ Live
    Yahoo! Mail
    YouTube App
    What I notice is after 3 hours (approx) of disconnecting the phone from charging socket  battery is reduced  a bit I do not know how to measure the battery remaining etc , are these apps the reason for drain out of battery quickly if yes then how do I disable them for a few hours and re activate back again.
    Or I need some thing else to do to save battery?

    To cut the long story short.. Refer THIS  and THIS
    There are a lot of applications available at the MarketPlace which will give you the remaining battery time..but keep in mind that these values are calculated based on the immediate use and are just indicative. (e.g. immediately after playing a game which is draining the battery at a fast rate the battery may show 5 hrs. remaining..but after that you don't use the phone for a long time and the remaining battery may show as 12 hrs..)

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    I have already tried the forum suggestions of sending latest root certificate to my phone.  

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    - (wasn't able to check phone's certificates)
    - rebooting phone, computer, router
    - windows update
    - connecting via hardwire to router (instead of wireless
    - uninstalling Zune and doing a fresh download and re-install.
    Nothing worked.
    Eventually, I was inspired to go (in Zune) to Settings/Phone/Wireless Sync and that worked!
    Good luck,

  • Nokia Lumia 800 - broken screen, password protecte...

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    your contacts/calendar data is fine if you used Microsoft (Live) account on phone. You can check here
    unfortunatelly you can kiss goodbye multimedia content from phone.... you can try restart phone (soft reset: hold 10+ seconds power button) when connected to PC and Zune and try access to multimedia content but you need to be very lucky... 
    WP OS is very secure and people must learn to use backup and save private data and multimedia data almost daily... with WP8 is easier and faster.
    or find broken Lumia 800 with good touch screen and replace on your device... hope you learn from this bad experience to next time (no mater which phone OS use in future) use cloud services or PC to save things from phone.
    My phone: The queen and one and only: Lumia 920... ruler of the smartphones...

  • Can't find Nokia Music on Lumia 800

    I can't find Nokia Music in the installed applications. I have gone into Marketplace to try and find but can't see it anywhere. Searching for nokia corporation not helping.
    I'm form Denmark and my Lumia 800 is unlocked.

    Hi spaceman2k1,
    Welcome to the forums and thanks for posting!
    Unless it is not available for your region yet, you can check with your local Nokia Care, Nokia Music should indeed be available in the Nokia Collection on Marketplace.
    If the application is not available there I would suggest that you reset the Lumia through Settings>about>reset your phone.
    Before you reset make sure your contacts and calendar are synced with your LiveID. You can sync mediafiles with Zune.
    After the reset make sure you enter your LiveID and Nokia Account when asked and download the app Reinstaller from marketplace which will get all your previously downloaded apps back to the phone.
    You should be able to download Nokia Music now.
    Let me know how you get on,
    Press the 'Accept As Solution' icon if I have solved your problem, click on the Star Icon below if my advice has helped you!

  • Lumia 800 Internet Explorer

    Whenever I try to open internet explorer on my lumia 800 will say it's loading then return to the start screen it will let me in the odd time but mostly it won't. Everything else works fine I can go into pages via Bing and apps work fine. Does anyone else have this problem?

    Hi bonabona86,
    Thank you for your post and welcome to the forums!
    It may be that your Internet Explorer or one of it's components has been corrupted somehow. We would advise you to either reset or update your phone. To check if your phone has an update available, navigate to Settings > Phone update. If an update is available, you can update your phone on Zune. Updating will (unless it is just a firmware update) re-install the phone software, including the Internet Explorer and it's components. 
    To reset your phone, navigate to Settings > about > reset your phone. This will, however, wipe all data off the phone, so it is first advisable to fully synchronise your phone with Zune and make sure that all your contact and calendar entries have been saved on your Microsoft account (ex-Windows Live ID). Note that all SMS messages will be lost, as there is no way of backing them up.
    Let us know if this helps,
    If you find this post helpful, a click upon the white star at bottom would always be appreciated.
    If it also solves your problem, clicking ACCEPT AS SOLUTION below it will benefit other users!

  • Urgent - Lumia 800 cannot be turned on

    Hi Lumia Experts!
    Probably because my Lumia 800 was not charged overnight, the phone today cannot be turned on at all. Tried all sorts of Volume + Power + Camera things to reboot the phone but nothing helped.
    If recharged via USB, the dead phone first shows an empty battery with only one red bar at bottom, after that just a white NOKIA stays on screen. Then, nothing more, it responds nothing to my operation, just like a brick.
    Any suggestion? Please help!!
    * If this post helped you, please click the white Kudo star.
    * If this post has solved your issue, please click Accept as Solution.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Merengues1945,
    Welcome to the forum!
    If you cannot switch on the phone and charging the phone through your PC doesn't work, you may want to try the hardware key combination. Let me just remind you that this process will delete all of your data. First, press and hold the Volume down and Camera keys. Then press and hold the Power key. When the phone vibrates, release the power key but continue holding the volume down and camera keys. Keep pressing those keys until the phone reboots.
    I Hope this solves your issue. Otherwise, you may need to have it checked by our technician at the Nokia Care Point. 
    Moderator's Note: We have moved your post and changed the title. This is to keep the forum organized and let other forum users easily see and respond to this post.

  • Lumia 800- country code (e.g. +852, +86) cannot be...

    After upgraded to 7.8, i found that the phone call with country code cannot be recognized. 
    For example, a contact "John" with number : +852-999999 is saved in contact. 
    In before, no matter the incoming number is 999999 or +852-999999 or +86 999999, it can still be recognized. 
    (the phone can smartly determine which part is the country code)
    however, after upgraded to 7.8, it cannot be recognized anymore. 
    Vice versa, if I save 999999 for John in the contact, if i am overseas and receiving the call e.g. +86-999999
    it will show "unknown" because +86-999999 is not saved in contact. 
    I have tried the same sim card on another WP7 phone, iOS phone and android, it is normal (same as what i use before)
    This is very annoying. 
    This problem is never found before upgrade. 
    If anyone have idea, please feel free to advice. 
    Thank you 

    Hi all,
    Thanks for your feedback and patience. In order for Lumia 800s with product code 059M539 to be updated to the current firmware revision we would like to ask you to visit a Nokia Care Point to have your device updated.
    Please make sure you have your contacts and calendars synced with the services you use (Hotmail/Google/Exchange) and you have all your media files synchronized with your PC (through Zune) or Mac (through the connector). In case of a required hard reset these files and personal data will be deleted from the Lumia. After the update you can use the app Reinstaller to download all your free and paid for apps back to your Lumia.
    Again, thanks for your patience.
    Press the 'Accept As Solution' icon if I have solved your problem, click on the Star Icon below if my advice has helped you!

  • Sim free lumia 800 uk - still on 7740.11451

    Just got my new sum free lumia 800 and it says my software is up to date... But when I check my product code on the site, I should have the new tango refresh update available.
    Both the phone and Zune for mac say I'm up to date, but I,m sure I'm not.
    Any thoughts anyone??
    Thanks in advance

    Hi yarkiebrown2,
    Thanks for your post and welcome to the forum.
    The update is not yet available for 059L7C2, the latest available version is 12070.
    I would suggest you have your Lumia updated or flashed at a Nokia Care point to 12070. This will also allow you to receive the 12220 update when it becomes available. Alternatively you can wait for the update to be available for your Lumia and update/flash at that time.
    A flash will erase all contents of the phone and it is not certain that an update at the Nokia Care Point will be possible so make sure you have all your data synced and/or backed up before you go to the Nokia Care Point. You will find the contsact details through this link.
    After a flash your contacts and calendars will sync back from your (mail) account(s), you can use the Windows Phone Connector for Mac (or Zune on PC) to sync media files back and the app Reinstaller will allow you to easily get (paid) apps back to the phone.
    Hope this helps, let is know how you get on!
    Press the 'Accept As Solution' icon if I have solved your problem, click on the Star Icon below if my advice has helped you!

  • Nokia Lumia 800 and 1and1 Exchange Email

    Not sure where to post this ... sorry!
    I currently have an iphone 4 and i'm using a 1and1 exchange hosting email account and they use forced password security policy.
    I.e. when you put the exchange account onto the phone it forces you to password the phone.
    Can anyone tell me if they have a) used hosted exchange email accounts on the Nokia Lumia 800 and everything works as expected i.e. email, calendar and contacts all sync up ok and If there is any problems with forced password security policys?
    Your help will be amazing as I have really fallen for the looks and slick OS of this phone. P.s. for those that are interested ... I like Cyan
    Many Thanks in advance

    Today I have deleted and resetup both iphones and ipad and all were happy with a numeric password as long as there wasnt ascending or decending numbers or the same number more than twice, so happy days!! Just a little worried that I keep googling and finding problems with security certs although I did find this which sounds promising.
    As a bit of a bonus today I was passing a phones4u of which I never frequent but couldnt resist the urge to pop in to have a tinker with one and there was a nokia rep/expert in for that day only!! Result got a full tour and was shown a few answers to some of my questions about calenders etc
    Need to be brave now to pull the plug on my iphone and take the plunge

  • Multiple email accounts on Lumia 800

    Dear All
    I have a question about email accounts on the Lumia 800.
    I have two email accounts, one linked to our website (pop 3) and also my personal Live account.  The account linked to the website can only receive (it costs more and thus was deemed unnecessary). This system has worked well in the past, just reply or forward using my Live account.  This has worked on my pc, laptop, Iphone etc.
    Now the question, how do I choose which account sends on the Lumia?  As I can’t seem to select between the two, I currently have no means of replying to or forwarding mail received in the ‘website’ account.   I have tried messing around with settings in both accounts, but to no avail.
    Apologies in advance if I’m just being an idiot but any help would be appreciated.
    Go to Solution.

    Personally I have three email acounts on my Lumia, just pin them to the homescreen and send from the one that recieves the mail, if Iwant to share a picture for example I get a list of all my social media sites and all my email accounts to send it with ?
    If I have helped at all, a click on the White Star is always appreciated :
    you can also help others by marking 'accept as solution' 

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