Rented movies freezing on Windows 8

I just recently rented a movie through iTunes, and since I made the mistake to upgrade to Windows 8, the movie won't play now. iTunes will freeze, and it also freezes for trailers. I've tried turning off Direct3D Acceleration on QuickTime and did a couple of other things, but had no luck.
Is it just a compatability issue? Thanks.

Sorry mate, Im out of ideas Im wondering why the Win 8 installation failed two times.
Could it be a hardware problem? Well, this is not impossible but why does it work using Win 7? Strange
However, fact is that Synaptics driver works and should work for you too
There is a new BIOS update 6.50-WIN. This is for Win 8 system.
Maybe you should try it.
Note: install all available Win 8 drivers released on the Toshiba EU driver page

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    Same thing has happened to me, too.  Only way out that I've found is to go the iPad search screen, enter the name of a movie you know works, go to that movie, then go to rentals and delete the rental movie.  Don't try to restart it fro the point of freezing, or from the beginning.  Just delete it.  Money down the drain.  If Apple wanted to address this little money-sucking bug, it would, but there's nothing official out there.  Many have experienced this problem.
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    1. You can only download purchased movies again for free if you live in the U.S.
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    1. You can only download purchased movies again for free if you live in the U.S.
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    are you guys watching TV late at night. I've noticed that the shows stop working at around 11 to 11.30 pm pacific time. I suppose that iTunes updates their catalogue to include the latest shows that are new and cleared for sale after the night's TV schedule. I think it's poor iTunes judgement to do that. Most people watch TV at night. They should update their catalogue some time in the morning hours.
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    If you guys get stuck because you put the show on pause then the remedy is to turn the screen saver off. Switch it to never because then when you pause and iTunes server goes out you don't have to re-authorize the show to continue watching it. That's if you purchased and the show was sownloaded to your apple TV

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Have you looked in the video app.

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    This doesn't seem right.
    I paid for a rental and downloaded an HD movie, Avatar. I could start watching within about a minute, it played without skipping a beat.
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    The next day, she tried watching the rest, and selected the film and clicked on "resume watching".
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    If the problem is iTunes slowing down and not appearing to run correctly, you should check  this Apple article out-> Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    You may want to try resetting Winsock as a temporary fix.
    1. To do so, please do the following in an administrator user:
    Windows Vista and Windows 7: Right click All Programs and choose Accessories > Command Prompt. Choose to open as an administrator.
    Windows XP: Click Start > Run and type in cmd.
    2. Enter the following command: 
    netsh winsock reset
    3. Restart the computer and test the issue.
    Note:  If the issue returns, third-party software may be reinserting the LSP.

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    Try the "Error 3001," "-42110," or "5103" section in the Specific Conditions and Alert Messages: (Mac OS X / Windows) section of the following document:
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    A number of people have reported similar issues recently, many appear to have found a discrepancy of some kind in their account settings and making changes to these settings or simply resetting them has resolved the matter.
    Check your account details are correct, check that you are using the correct details for Location, Region and Time Zone. You may want to change these settings and then change them back to see if that helps.
    Also check your payment details, make sure your details are exactly how they appear on your credit card statement, you might also try changing some of those details, saving them and changing them back again.
    You might also try logging out of and then back into your iTunes account (Settings > iTunes Store > Apple ID’s > Sign Out) and restarting your router. (Some have reported that after doing this, they need to check for rentals even though it may report that there aren’t any, after which rentals once again appear in the ‘movies’ feature)
    Rentals should appear under their own heading in the ‘Movies’ feature, you might also check at Settings > iTunes Store > Check For Rentals.
    At this point in time, I’m wondering if this could be related to (but not restricted to) the new feature that allows others to come into your home and use your Apple TV to download and play their content on your Apple TV without logging into their account on your Apple TV. The Terms of Use for iTunes Store content have always been to require you to only purchase and play the content from the store in the location where you live and to use a credit card registered in that location. Previously Apple seem to have been somewhat lenient on enforcing such restrictions, perhaps now they are not. However I don’t really have any evidence to support this suggestion, except that changes made to accounts in these areas do appear to be helping many.
    If you are successful in resolving your problem, perhaps you would let us know exactly which action resolved the problem for you. If you are having this problem to begin with, can you also tell us your location.

  • Playing rental movies freezes / crashes iTunes. Someone working on a fix?

    .....or is this just a random error? Don't think so since there are a few more with the same problem.
    I’ve been waiting for a solution to this problem since iTunes rental was started, but obviously there’s not enough “complaining“ about this error! Well here’s one more try! I hope a few more people start complaining so that this gets fixed.
    When I try to play a rented movie I am asked the usual question about the 24 hour policy and as soon as I press OK, just when you think the movie will start playing, the screen turns black, or gray as described by others and our friendly beach ball appears. No sound, no picture, nothing! iTunes simply freezes forever until you force it to quit, or turn off the Mac.
    After that the rented movie appears as it was never played in iTunes, the 24 hour runtime didn’t start counting, but the 30 day clock starts ticking.
    There is of course one thing I observed, my MacBook gets extremely loud which would lead to increased processor activity, which I usually don’t experience except if I run many resourceful applications at once. As soon as I force iTunes to quit this is back to normal.
    *Everything else, bought movies, TV shows, music, etc. works perfectly without any error or problem.*
    Of course I got a refund from the iTunes store, but no indication why this problem occurred and most important how and when it will be solved.
    This happened on a MacBook 2 GHz Intel Core Duo with Mac OS X 10.4.11 with updated software including iTunes 7.6 and Quicktime 7.4. But as far as I can see from other posts this is not limited to certain Hardware, because many different systems including Windows users have the same problem.
    Things I have tried “inspired” by other forums:
    *1. Updated and checked for new updates several times.*
    *2. Completely removed Quicktime, downloaded and installed latest version from Apple.*
    *3. Bought music to check if iTunes account has problems.*
    *4. Different firewall settings, turned firewall off during play! Yes firewall is back on.*
    *5. Monitored activity and firewall during play without any obvious problem.*
    *6. Played movie with and without internet connection, cable and wifi.*
    *7. Played movie with Quicktime, didn’t work error “authorization required”.*

    I too downloaded the update to Quicktime, but it did not solve my problem. After much pulling out of the hair, I found a fix for myself. It may help someone else. This is what I had to do:
    1. Make sure that movies are set to play in a seperate window (found in Edit/Preferences/Playback.
    2. Open iTunes (DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PLAY THE MOVIE FROM iTUNES). Instead switch to the mini player mode (found under Advanced).
    3. Open your movie folder where the rental is. The movie folder is usually found in My Documents/My Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Movies. Right click on the rented movie and select "Play". It will open in a regular window, but you should be able to click on the control for full screen at the bottom of the play control. I hope this helps someone else... I have tested it three times and it's worked every time.

  • Fix for rental movies freezing or locking up iTunes

    Hi, I had this problem where rented movies would freeze or lock up my iTunes and I'd have to kill it with Task Manager. I rented 2 movies and had the problem with both. I had apple let me re-download the 2 movies after my rental period finished so that I could trouble shoot the problem more.
    Apple care pointed me to this url:
    So I created a new xp username and re-downloaded one of the movies in that iTunes. WOrks no problem!!
    SO in the original xp username that's broken I completey removed these 2 folders: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes and
    C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes and now the original login works too!!
    Hope this will be helpful to people out there.

    I found this in an older post, although I didn't hear anything from support.
    +I have heard from tech support from Apple. This is a defect in iTunes. There is nothing you (we) can do to fix it. We will have to wait for iTunes to release a fix. In the meantime, to get a refund, when you get your invoice from Apple for the rental, simply click on the "report a problem" link in the email and follow all instructions. Your money will be refunded. FYI this problem is occurring on Mac as well as Windows.+
    *If this is true I really hope this issue is fixed before the release of iTunes 7.7!*

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