Replicator as Image Mask?

When I export my movie, an image layer drops out of frames randomly.  I'm thinking it has to do with its "Linear Dodge" blend mode and animations going on below it.  Is there a more proper way of accomplishing this:
- Replicated shape with a gap between the tiles
- Image visible only where the replicated shapes are (not in the gap areas)
- Generator animation behind the replicator visible only between the replicator tiles (gap areas only)
What's the proper layer stacking and blend modes to achieve this?  Thanks!

Here is how to use the Particle Emitter particles as an Image Mask, from a tutorial I just wrote for
Blend Mode is not the way to do this.
You can replace "Replicaor" for "Particle Emitter" in this explination easily.
- Import or create background image.
- Import or create image to become the Particle Emitter particles.
- Create the Replicator.
- Right-click the background image and choose Add Image Mask.
- For that image mask in the Inspector, drop the Particle Emitter into its Mask Source well.

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    Thank you.
    Michel Boissonneault
    Message was edited by: Michel Boissonneault
    Message was edited by: Michel Boissonneault

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    Try to flatten the pdfs that should get rid of the masks (use Preflight tools).

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    JohnHutchinson wrote:
    … How can I remove the Image Mask label from the Effects tab in the Inspector window?
    just click onto the grey bar and…
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    Use PNG images instead use an application such as Graphics Converter, Fireworks to convert to .png from .jpg.
    Will have much better images that do not degrade each time they are opened and most often they end up being same size than jpeg's
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    Hello, Arturoherva,
    I followed what you are asking. I downloaded Plistedit pro, and found the steps to modify the Reflections blurring in iDVD 6 themes. The same process does not work for iDVD 7 (08), because the Revolution theme is not organized in the source file in the same way. I could not locate a similar folder with the Resource option.
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    I happened to be mucking about with the brushstroke clip the other day. If you're looking to have the image appear as the brush drags across, you can simply drop the clip on top of the image layer and set the blend mode to silouhette luma. Ya get something like this:
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    Hope this is helpful
    Richard Wagner
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    You need to click the show/hide masks button.

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    first.jpg ‏81 KB
    second.jpg ‏68 KB

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    placing an image wich is not entirely displayed in an image area cause an image mask.
    See attached screengrab, the second picture (with the brown area) will create an image mask, in InDesign as in any other software.

  • Image mask

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    I often work on those kind of products and i should fix the problem
    thank you for your help.

    I tried using the file you posted as an image mask on a 8150x1200 project and I got similar results as you did.
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    However, placing the same image on the timeline as a regular clip does not stretch it.
    This suggests a workaround, that in my limited testing seems to work. (emphasis on workaround, since I believe it should not be necessary).
    Connect your would-be-mask above the clip, and change its blend mode to stencil alpha.

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    Does the Effect>Matte>Image Mask not work properly? Is that why the only technique I see in the forums discussed is the Modify>Composite>Travel Matte technique?
    Thanks for any info.
    2.0 Ghz G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    If you are able to set the mask image as the movie file, then you should try setting the mask type to luma, rather than alpha - since the alpha movies are probably black and white images which actually do not contain an alpha channel.

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    Have you tried copy/pasting the elements from the other Motion projects (by opening them all at once) instead of importing?

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    Can I get the mask to stick to the clone layer ?

    Something you mentioned about Z plane was spot on.
    I adjusted the Z plane and it now works.
    I thought the Z plane would not matter since the image mask just references the image to create a mask, and it would not need to know where it is in space (?)
    Anyway, it works now -- thanks

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