Restrict multiple Proforma invoices

How t Restrict multiple proforma inovices for a single delivery

KIndly  check the belwo
1.Routine will be created in  T code VOFM and take the help of abaper to write a code  ,sample code given belwo
    if lips-vbeln is not initial.
   select single * from vbfa into wa_vbfa
   where vbelv = lips-vbeln
   and posnv = lips-posnr
   and VBTYP_N = 'U'.
  if sy-subrc = 0.
      concatenate 'BTC for delivery' lips-vbeln 'and' lips-posnr 'already generated' into lv_text separated by space.
end if
2.Assign the copy requirement routine  in the copy control configuration T code VTFL  

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    Hello All,
    Our customer wants to restrict multiple proforma invoice from sales order.I have written a logic in copy requirement routine.Its working when there is already created invoice from order .But if i try to create invoice first time from order then system doesn't allow me to create invoice and giving message "No billing document were generated ".
    Could anybody help.

    Restrict multiple Proforma invoices
    Thanks & regards.

  • Regarding proforma invoice and delivery

    Hi everyone,
    I have read online for information on how to prevent multiple proforma invoices. Understand that this can be controlled by using routine 311 in VTFL.
    Problem now is that my company's process requires the proforma invoice to be created before PGI is posted. I tried copying the codes from routine 311 and commenting out the portion which checks against Goods movement status but the result was that during VF01 it hits error No relevant documents for billing.
    Thanks and Regards,

    As  per my knowledge it is not possible in standard SAP,
    Take the help of ABAPer and copy the 311 routine and modify the program
    IF VBUK-WBSTK <> 'C'.  
        PERFORM VBFS_HINZUFUEGEN USING '      '  '400' text-009 space space.
        SY-SUBRC = 4.
    Based on the above coding which is mentioned in 311 system is not accepting to create pro-forma Invoice and you will get message "Goods issue has not been posted for the delivery
    Try to modify the program  with the help of ABAPer and check the cycle
    I hope it will solve the issue


    Dear All,
    Please help me getting this issue resolved.
    I am creating a delivery and some pupose i need to create a proforma invoice against the same. But system is allowing me to create multiple proforma invoices against a delivery. Delivery type i am using is LF and proforma invoice is F8.
    please help me resolving this issue as i wish to create only one proforma invoice for single delivery. system shouldn't allow to create multiple proforma invoices against a delivery.
    Please help on urgent basis .
    Thanks and regards

    for example:
    You can coding in program which name is LV60A010 and assign item's Copying requirements with 010 in copy control from D/N to Billing.
    You can insert these codes below into top of program.
      data l_vbeln like lips-vbeln.
      select single vbeln
        into l_vbeln
        from vbfa
       where vbelv = lips-vbeln
         and posnv = lips-posnr
         and vbtyp_n = 'U'.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        message e000(zv) with 'You can't created another Proforma Invoice by such Delivery Note.'.

  • Restricting Changes in Delivery after proforma invoice is generated

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement where i would like to restrict certain changes in delivery document for which proforma invoice is created so that the final invoice remains in line with the proforma invoice.
    for. example. change in item quantity, adding another items etc.
    is there any configuration settings for the same?

    When do you create Proforma Invoice? After PGI or before PGI.
    If you are creating Proforma after PGi then there is no issue as Delivery Cannot be changed after PGI.
    If you are issuing Proforma Invoice before PGI then you will have to go for a Z-Development as there is nothing available in SAP Standard to fulfill your requirement.
    Hope this helps,
    Jignesh Mehta

  • Restrict proforma invoice without doing pgi in STO(same company code)

    Hi Gurus',
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    Now problem arises ---
    I am able to create Proforma Invoice without doing PGI.
    Now i want to restrict proforma invoice creation with out doing PGI.
    What config require for this.

    Check your copy controls fromT. Code: VTFL - Copy-Control Settings b/w Delivery-to-Pro forma  say, F8 -- LF
    Settings at Header for the combination equal copying requirements 003 Header/dlv.-related and at Item category copying requirements 004 Deliv-related item

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    Apart from the above option, you can also use T-code VF04 i.e. Billing due list

  • Restrict excise invoice from proforma invoice after reverse PGI

    Hello experts,
    Our sales flow is stock transfer order-> Fast Delivery-> PGI -> Billing (jex)--> excise invoice
    If we have to reverse the PGI first .System give error (cancel excise invoice first)after cancel excise invoice reverse pgi then cancel proforma invoice (complete).
    But once Again excise invoice  allows me create from cancel billing document.
    My requirement is I want to  restrict excise invoice from billing document which already cancel and reverse post good issue.

    HI G. Lakshmipathi,
    I have checked configuration it same as you suggested.
    I have compared  ABAP code in report MJ1IINI01 with other system ,
    there is code to check the cancellation of proforma invoice
    *Check if proforma is cancelled (Billing type is JEX & VBRK-VBTYP = 'U')
    *For proforma,VBRK-FKSTO is not set as X,but VBRK-RFBSK will be set as E
         MESSAGE e264(8i) WITH j1ii100-vbeln.
    But in my system its not shown .
    So how can i activate this message is there any setting in IMG to activate message .

  • How to Restrict Excise invoice of cancelled Proforma Invoice?

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    I have cancelled (Completed ) Proforma invoice and now I want to restrict creation of excise invoice

    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Restrict proforma invoice

    How can we restrict the user, not to create  proforma invoice for STO delivery before PGI
    (In the standard sap we can create proforma invoice before pgi as well as after pgi).

    Dear ramky,
    Why don't share how you had solved?
    Closing the thread without answer does not look good.

  • Proforma Invoice - Partial Amount. Is it possible ?

    Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:21 pm    Post subject: Proforma Invoice - Partial Amount. Is it possible ?    
    Here is our scenario.
    We create sales order for very large Roofing jobs. Sales order will have 1 or 2 Items. However, each item has Billing plan with multiple entries like Down payment Inv, Partial Inv and Final Inv. We want to create Pro-Forma Invoice so we can just send Invoice to customer, with no effect on our AR side. I created Sales order with 2 Items. When I created Pro-Forma Invoice using VF01, it created 2 Invoices for 2 Items. My question is, Is it possible to create Pro-Forma Invoice for just 1 Item AND within 1 Item, Partial Amount. If so, How ?
    Thanks in Advance,

    It looks you need to create a routine in tranx VOFM with the logic to select one item and partial value.
    Then assign this routine in the billing document copy control - item level.
    Hope this will help.

  • Delivery note cancellation in case of proforma invoice

    Hi SAP Gurus
    I am in a typical automotive industry project where stock transfer takes place from factory to Sales Depo. In thsi case we generate STO orders - delivery note-- PGI-  Proforma invoice--- Excise invoice .
    Now as no accounting documents are generated in the proforma invoice cancellation of proforma invoice is not possible.So it happens that user reverse the PGI and cancels the delivery note.
    In many cases he/she remebers to reverse/cancel  the corresponding excise invoice generated but there are frequent cases as well where delivery note is reversed and cancelled without reversing/cancelling the corresponding Excise Invoice. 
    So i require
    1. Either the corresponding excise invoice gets cancelled at the time of cancellation/reversal of  delivery   note.
    2. If i could create an error message and validation check that restricts and informs user that a corresponding Excise invoice exists or excise invoice still open .
    Please help me out.

    You can very well control this issue via BADI  LE_SHP_DELIVERY_PROC  where you can see various "Methods" in which you can also see "DELIVERY_DELETION".
    Tell this requirement to your ABAPer who can very well complete the task by using the above method.
    G. Lakshmipathi

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    Can it possible to create one excise invoice from multiple commercial invoice

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    If i can get where this number is assign my problem is solved

  • Single Commercial Invoice for multiple Excise Invoices

    Hi ,
    The business requirement is like this:
    Contract1- Sale Order1- Delivery1- Excise Invoice 1(17th Feb) - Price As per Contract
    Contract1- Sale Order1- Delivery2- Excise Invoice 2(17th Feb) -
    Contract1- Sale Order1- Delivery1- Excise Invoice 3(17th Feb)
    Contract1- Sale Order1- Delivery3- Excise Invoice 418th Feb)
    Contract1- Sale Order1- Delivery4- Excise Invoice5(18th Feb)
    Contract1- Sale Order1- Delivery5- Excise Invoice 6(18th Feb)
    Contract1- Sale Order1- Delivery6- Excise Invoice 7(19th Feb)
    Contract1- Sale Order1- Delivery7- Excise Invoice 8(19th Feb)
    For all the 8 Excise Invoices, single Commercial invoice with Price based on the Exchange rate.
    Is it possible to do in SAP , if so, what are the settings need to be done.
    Thanks& Regards

    Dear Lakshmipathi,
    In standard, we can create excise referencing billing document and I dont know how you could generate multiple excise invoices. Are you generating proforma against each delivery ??
    Delivery1- Proforma Invoice1- Excise Invoice1 (17th Feb) - Customer A- Shiping to X
    Delivery2- Proforma Invoice2- Excise Invoice 2(17th Feb)- Customer A- Shipping to Y
    on 17th Feb one ARE-1 for both the Excise Invoices of Customer A
    Delivery3- Proforma Invoice3- Excise Invoice3 (18th Feb) - Customer A- Shiping to X
    Delivery2- Proforma Invoice4 Excise Invoice 418th Feb)- Customer A- Shipping to Y
    on 18th Feb one ARE-1 for both the Excise Invoices of Customer A
    Finally, for all the 4 Excise Invoices on 28th Feb, Client wants to Send a Commercial Invoice for the total dispatch qty(@1000US$/Ton) and the Exchange rate(Ex:48.46)  is taken based on the Bank Negotiations.
    I would like to understand, Is its possible to create a commercial invoice  with Accounting entries for the above mentioned scenario for Excise Invoice 1 and Excise Invoice 3.(As in Proforma Invoice no accounting entries created). Based on this the client will recieve the payment from the Customer A.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: Sri on Feb 18, 2009 3:18 PM
    Edited by: Sri on Feb 18, 2009 3:23 PM

  • Multiple Excise Invoice No for same Return Material Document

    Dear All,
    While generating excise invoice throu J1IS for Return Material document (Mov Type 122 - Return of Quality rejected material to vendor), it is observed that multiple excise invoice nos are getting generated for the same Return mat doc no.
    System is not preventing in doing so.
    Pl. advise how to restrict such excise invoice generation.
    With Thanks & Regards

    Use: J1I7 , In selection range you can give Excise Group, Excise Transaction Type as GRPO , Vendor Number, Material Document , Material or Purchasing Document , select  Part 1 and part 2 Posted , Off.No is Excise Invoice No entered at the time of Excise Capturing.

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